EDD June 2010


New Member
Hello every MTB, I am back! been heavily sick for past few weeks...everything just came in once - flu, cough, vomit... very terrible.. and i lost 2kgs at within 2 weeks and now still trying to gain weight..

Gynae confirmed EDD 23 June... while my hubby bday is 18 June...so close...if the baby decided to come out earlier, they can celebrate bday together le.. ha ha.. btw, we also ROM on 18 June...18 June will seem like a 'family big day' then.


New Member
I'm a newbie and a first mum. have went to gynae 3 times. first time they say my bb not so stable, then given me 2 jabs. ouch so painful. after that, asked me to take 10 days MC. luckily boss was v understanding. supposed EDD is around June first week or 2nd week.

2nd time, they say cannot see the bb, make me cannot slp for 1 whole week. last wkend, go down to gynae to check the 3rd time again, can hear the bb heartbeat, i'm so excited!!! But the doc advised to go for OSCAR. how do u all think, is it very very impt to go for that? btw, i am now 8 weeks preggy.


I'm a newbie and a first mum. have went to gynae 3 times. first time they say my baby not so stable, then given me 2 jabs. ouch so painful. after that, asked me to take 10 days MC. luckily boss was very understanding. supposed EDD is around June first week or 2nd week.

2nd time, they say cannot see the baby, make me cannot sleep for 1 whole week. last wkend, go down to gynae to check the 3rd time again, can hear the baby heartbeat, i'm so excited!!! But the doc advised to go for OSCAR. how do you all think, is it very very impt to go for that? btw, i am now 8 weeks preggy.

Do what the doc advise, they know the best as things go case by case basis... else you can seek a 2nd view from another doc.... for me, if the doc thinks its necessary, I will do it, as long as baby safe then all worthwhile


New Member
Hello every MTB, I am back! been heavily sick for past few weeks...everything just came in once - flu, cough, vomit... very terrible.. and i lost 2kgs at within 2 weeks and now still trying to gain weight..

Gynae confirmed EDD 23 June... while my hubby bday is 18 June...so close...if the baby decided to come out earlier, they can celebrate bday together .. ha ha.. btw, we also ROM on 18 June...18 June will seem like a 'family big day' then.
We gt e same EDD. So which hospital u choosing to gif birth?


New Member
Yeah! Im 10 wks now. everything is gd for baby. but im not gd at all. no appetite, nauseous and very stress at work.

my gynae is Dr Tanny Chan from gleneagles. Anyone see doc at gleneagles?

my edd is 15 june


I also first time mama... now 7th weeks but still cannot see heartbeat, something very wrong right? vomit getting worse and worse, sometimes wake up in the midnight just to vomit, but only vomit water.

I already 5 days MC in 3 weeks, very scared if boss will take this chance to fire me. Coz i just past probation but havent receive confirmation letter from boss.

But can't help, I want to vomit all the times, especially in mrt (1 hour and 15 mins from my home to office). Once I scared the lady sitting beside me coz I keep showing I am going to vomit, alight at second station at the end.

I wonder how do you all feel during first trimester? I keep taking MC and my mum says i m 'bad' coz last time she also go to work as normal during her first trimester. They way she says macam I purposely take MC, walao...totally disappointed with what she says... but luckily mother in law and hubby very understanding. They keep checking on my progress and give constructive advices. you know sometimes ppl just give crap advices to make you confused? or worse, to make you feel bad. I am glad my mother in law didn't do that. What a relief!
Hi Fuiling6, I m in my 7th week MC and I know how u feel when u mentioned abt work. I m also worried abt my work, esp I already going to take 2 months of MC. My boss had been calling me every week to check if I can go back to work as there is no one to back up my work. She has problem coping. However, my hubby kept telling me that even if I m physically at work but not productive, it will not help my work, instead, make myself more miserable. Better to rest at home and take care of myself and the baby. Work can wait. I don't know how important the job is to you but for me, I had been praying for a baby for a while and now, GOD blessed us with a baby and the priority is the baby. I can find another job if needed but to have a baby, its not that easy. And now that I have one, I would not give it up for anything, esp work and also because I had been through tough 1st tri and I need to go on. I hope this helps - Nothing is more precious than ur baby and hubby.

My 1st tri wasn't good though I m currently on my 12th week. As mentioned in my previous thread, I vomitted at least 15 times a day and had to take medicine to curb the vomitting. I nearly went A&E a few times. Nauseous the whole day, can't eat or drink, if I eat, I will vomit out 40percent. To avoid the vomitting, sometime I dont feel like eating but I have to force myself because I need strength to continue. I tried all things, sour plum, ginger tea, crackers etc but none worked. I spent most of my time on bed cos the medicine made me drowsy. I had bad headache, cried almost everyday because it was hard for me to go through all those vomitting and nauseous. Never thought pregnancy could be this tough. On top of it, I had depression not too long ago. So, my mood swings were really bad. Everyday, I counted every seconds that passed by and prayed to God that I will get better soon. Thank God I have a supporting hubby who is always there by my side. I m better now, though still cant really eat and nauseous. At least I dont vomit now.

I understand how u must have felt when ur mum said those things. However, just like u said, u have a supporting hubby and MIL. So, just listen to wat they said and think positive. Some pple just dont understand how we feel because they didnt go through wat we are going through right now. It happens to everything, even pregnancy. Different woman go / went through different pregnancy. What they went through might not actually happening to us. So, try not to think about wat ur mum said, though I know its not easy. I went through the hard way - depression and all because I took it too hard of what family comment abt me. So, I told myself wat matter is myself, the baby and my hubby. I dont need to take it to heart watever other pple's comment, esp when they are bad. They are not the ones living my life. If I need rest because I need to, I will take it - for the baby and myself. They might think that they were strong because they can still work while pregnant, good for them. I m just not like them and I accepted it. I m not weak but I just need more rest than other people. Simple as that. I guessed this is the reason that my hubby would not want me to tell my family just yet, esp so about the 7 weeks MC. He knew they will not understand and might make my condition worsen by their bad comments. So, I only intend to tell them after I feel better. So, I m kinda alone now but I do have my hubby and my baby to keep me going. So, dont take it to heart. Just follow ur hubby.

Btw, thanks to Jol90 and elaine82 for your msg. I didnt check the forum as I was completely knocked out. Only able to try to surf net today. Thanks for your encouragement. I m holding on. Going to see my gyn the 4th time tmrw. I prayed everything will be fine.


Hi all, i am new here. i am 8 weeks pregnant now. Since week 6, i started to have very bad morning sickness(throughout the day) and literally vomit out eveything i ate and i can't stand the smell of even shampoo, any kind of food smell and the sight of food will makes me nausea too. I usually vomit until i have nothing to vomit but yellow stomach acid. I was hospitalised for 2 days for drip as my gynae says it may ease my nausea and vomiting..but to my horror, it didnt, cos i started vomiting the 2nd day i was discharged. i am also very depressed and all these have taken a toil on my physical and mental health ... so many times i broke down and cry...so miserable..i can totally understand how you feel....i also dont't know when it will end.........I am praying that after 1st trimmester things will look better....but i also heard ppl saying that some ppl vomit till they gave birth.....sigh...............................
Hi Heibee, see my thread above. Even on my 12th week now, I still cant stand the smell / sight of food. I cried every time I eat because it is so hard to swallow the food. If I can, I would not want to eat and I did tried it once but I had gastric and it was worse. So, you have to force yourself to eat.

I think our situations are very similar. I can totally understand how u feel cos I m going through right now. One good note for you is that I dont vomit now - 12th week. Doc told me that very, very rarely pple vomit till give birth. So, dont worry. I dont think we are so lucky.:Dancing_wub:


Well-Known Member
Btw, thanks to Jol90 and elaine82 for your msg. I didnt check the forum as I was completely knocked out. Only able to try to surf net today. Thanks for your encouragement. I m holding on. Going to see my gyn the 4th time tmrw. I prayed everything will be fine.
Hi lostinsg, Your r welcome.... your MS is really so serious and scary... I pray for u and all of us that those who is having bad MS everything will be over soon and tk good care ok.... Im choosing Mt A.... :001_302:
Hi Fuiling6, I m in my 7th week MC and I know how you feel when you mentioned about work. I m also worried about my work, esp I already going to take 2 months of MC. My boss had been calling me every week to check if I can go back to work as there is no one to back up my work. She has problem coping. However, my hubby kept telling me that even if I m physically at work but not productive, it will not help my work, instead, make myself more miserable. Better to rest at home and take care of myself and the baby. Work can wait. I dont't know how important the job is to you but for me, I had been praying for a baby for a while and now, GOD blessed us with a baby and the priority is the baby. I can find another job if needed but to have a baby, its not that easy. And now that I have one, I would not give it up for anything, esp work and also because I had been through tough 1st tri and I need to go on. I hope this helps - Nothing is more precious than your baby and hubby.

My 1st tri wasn't good though I m currently on my 12th week. As mentioned in my previous thread, I vomitted at least 15 times a day and had to take medicine to curb the vomitting. I nearly went A&E a few times. Nauseous the whole day, can't eat or drink, if I eat, I will vomit out 40percent. To avoid the vomitting, sometime I dont feel like eating but I have to force myself because I need strength to continue. I tried all things, sour plum, ginger tea, crackers etc but none worked. I spent most of my time on bed cos the medicine made me drowsy. I had bad headache, cried almost everyday because it was hard for me to go through all those vomitting and nauseous. Never thought pregnancy could be this tough. On top of it, I had depression not too long ago. So, my mood swings were really bad. Everyday, I counted every seconds that passed by and prayed to God that I will get better soon. Thank God I have a supporting hubby who is always there by my side. I m better now, though still cant really eat and nauseous. At least I dont vomit now.

I understand how you must have felt when your mum said those things. However, just like you said, you have a supporting hubby and mother in law. So, just listen to what they said and think positive. Some pple just dont understand how we feel because they didnt go through what we are going through right now. It happens to everything, even pregnancy. Different woman go / went through different pregnancy. What they went through might not actually happening to us. So, try not to think about what your mum said, though I know its not easy. I went through the hard way - depression and all because I took it too hard of what family comment about me. So, I told myself what matter is myself, the baby and my hubby. I dont need to take it to heart watever other pple's comment, esp when they are bad. They are not the ones living my life. If I need rest because I need to, I will take it - for the baby and myself. They might think that they were strong because they can still work while pregnant, good for them. I m just not like them and I accepted it. I m not weak but I just need more rest than other people. Simple as that. I guessed this is the reason that my hubby would not want me to tell my family just yet, esp so about the 7 weeks MC. He knew they will not understand and might make my condition worsen by their bad comments. So, I only intend to tell them after I feel better. So, I m kinda alone now but I do have my hubby and my baby to keep me going. So, dont take it to heart. Just follow your hubby.

Btw, thanks to Jol90 and elaine82 for your msg. I didnt check the forum as I was completely knocked out. Only able to try to surf net today. Thanks for your encouragement. I m holding on. Going to see my gyn the 4th time tmrw. I prayed everything will be fine.
Hi Hi... Hope you feeling better already..
My edd is 24 May 210.
I had severe vomiting like you too..
Been to kk 2x for drip...
Everything smell bad and was bedridden..

Did your gynae ask you to test your blood for thyroid hormones in-balance?
My gynae said that sometimes, severe vomiting can be caused by thyroid hormones in-balance.
And my gynae was right about it..
My blood test result shows that my thyroid hormones was slightly above normal..

Thank God, the severe vomiting stopped when I'm about 14 weeks..
However, my gynae still test my blood again to make sure the thyroid hormones are back to normal...

I was also depress but feeling better already..

Pray that God will grant you strength for each new day..
