EDD June 2012 Mummies


Hi all mummies, I just confirmed my pregnancy with my gynae today, currently at 5 weeks+. Nothing except a sac. Will go back 2 weeks later. Currently I have no symptoms at all except late menses.

Current gynae is Dr Adrain Woodsworth at CCK, he's with Thomson Medical.

Any other mummies expecting their baby in June next year too? Share your joy!


seems like there's not much june mummies next year! or maybe its too early. haha!

i cant sleep at night.. esp on weekdays when i know i have to work tml. even if i fall asleep, i wake up earlier prior to my alarm clock. but on weekends im fine. lol. weird body.

wonder if anybody knows about oat? can we eat raw oats? mum bought me and i'd like to drink with milk.


New Member
Hi mummies, ive tested positive on the kit last week. Am going to see dr Arthur tseng this Saturday at kk satellite clinic in amk. My back was so painful when I was walking to work just now, but I just goon till I reach my desk. Keep on frequenting the loo and my tummy feel funny. This is my 2nd one though .


New Member
Hi Mrs Wang currently i was 5 weeks + same as you. Will going for my 1st ultrasound on this saturday.
This is my 1st pregnancy so worried + excited + happy alot of mixed feeling going on.


hi, its nice to see more and more of june mummies.

i've started to experience morning sickness and ate the medicine prescibed by my gynae. also, i have very bad mood swing. i can just sit down, feel moody and tears will start rolling down for no reason.

hehe. excited is of coz, micemice, but most imptly is to know if the baby grows well. im quite worried at the same time too.


New Member
Hi all mtbs,

I have tested twice positive, should be 5 weeks pregnant now, so excited and nervious about it! Tomorrow I'am thinking to go and see Dr Adrian Woodworth, but i have read from another thread that he dont't really advise much for first visit.:err:

Any recommendations for gynae around sengkang area? I just want a confirmation and reassurance on my pregnancy, to ensure my little one is progressing well. :001_302:


New Member
Hello mummies,
today is not a good day for me. im currently potty training my 2 yr old daughter. Yest, when i was about to carry her to the toilet, i felt a sharp pain in my tummy. It was gone and this morn when i was going to the loo to pass urine, i saw brown coloured blood( it looked like two 50 cent coins joint together). I panicked and didnt know what to do. Cried and cried. Went to the kk o&g 24 hrs today and the dr told me that it looks like menses. I told her, it couldnt be coz i tested positive on the kit. She took urine sample and yes, i was indeed positive. She insert some plastic thingy in my vagina and i saw blood and some tissues stuck on it. I was very sad:(. She said, i might have lose the baby. Take some blood test and will update me the result. She said if the blood test showed that im really pregnant, i will have to come back and do some ultrasound to see whats happening to the bb and where does it bleed from. Im very very sad. I still cant get over the fact that i bleed. Now the bleeding still continue and its not much like menses, in fact its bit by bit( 50 cent size) but its fresh blood. Im so sad..I hope that all of you take good care of yourselves and dont do strenuous stuffs. I continue posting if i have good news but if not, i will try again:(.


New Member
Hello mummies,
today is not a good day for me. im currently potty training my 2 yr old daughter. Yest, when i was about to carry her to the toilet, i felt a sharp pain in my tummy. It was gone and this morn when i was going to the loo to pass urine, i saw brown coloured blood( it looked like two 50 cent coins joint together). I panicked and didnt know what to do. Cried and cried. Went to the kk o&g 24 hrs today and the dr told me that it looks like menses. I told her, it couldnt be coz i tested positive on the kit. She took urine sample and yes, i was indeed positive. She insert some plastic thingy in my vagina and i saw blood and some tissues stuck on it. I was very sad:(. She said, i might have lose the baby. Take some blood test and will update me the result. She said if the blood test showed that im really pregnant, i will have to come back and do some ultrasound to see whats happening to the bb and where does it bleed from. Im very very sad. I still cant get over the fact that i bleed. Now the bleeding still continue and its not much like menses, in fact its bit by bit( 50 cent size) but its fresh blood. Im so sad..I hope that all of you take good care of yourselves and dont do strenuous stuffs. I continue posting if i have good news but if not, i will try again:(.
Oh dear.. sorry to hear that.. Do take great care of yourself right now.


New Member
Hi Mrs Wang so fast you have morning sickness? I feel nothing except i am very sleeply at night + every night i will wake up 2 to 3 times to go to washroom. Never had good sleep for a week.

I am praying hard hope my US show my bb is growing well.


New Member
Hi hi,

I dun have any morning illness too.. so kinda worried about it.. Hope my little one is doing fine.. I just feel very tired everyday, everytime when it is 4 or 5 pm i will get very sleepy and keep yawning.. =)


New Member
Hi All,
The KKh lab called to say that im pregnant but its too late coz the blood flow start coming out like menses and this morning, i saw something like a white meat coming out from me. My husband said that god had given us so many good things in life and when he tests us, we must be strong. I guess i wont be posting anymore here. I wish all the mummies here all the best and may god bless you all with cute little juniors. Take care:)


New Member
Hi All,
The KKh lab called to say that im pregnant but its too late coz the blood flow start coming out like menses and this morning, i saw something like a white meat coming out from me. My husband said that god had given us so many good things in life and when he tests us, we must be strong. I guess i wont be posting anymore here. I wish all the mummies here all the best and may god bless you all with cute little juniors. Take care:)
My heart goes out for you.. Remember to rest well now & you will sure be able to TTC soon. Hugzz!!


New Member
Hihi MTBs..
Just double confirmed today at KK as the HcG count was really low 2 days ago & we went back again today to get another blood test.. And when counts didn't double, the doc really suspected ectopic.. Went for another scan & finally see the 0.3mm sac so ya.. I'm probably EDD June 2012 too at almost 5 weeks now. Good luck to all!! :001_302:

This is our first and we're totally excited!!


New Member
Hi All,
The Kandang Kerbau Hospital lab called to say that im pregnant but its too late coz the blood flow start coming out like menses and this morning, i saw something like a white meat coming out from me. My husband said that god had given us so many good things in life and when he tests us, we must be strong. I guess i wont be posting anymore here. I wish all the mummies here all the best and may god bless you all with cute little juniors. Take care:)
O dear.. that's really heartbreaking to read.. I hope you & your family goes through this strongly and good luck on your next one! Take care! :wewink:


pregnancies.. its sad to hear of miscarriages and i often worry if mine will be the same...

nevertheless, i believe in the right timing of everything. maybe the lil one is not meant to be with you yet.. she/he will come back again. try conceieving soon!

im in my 6 weeks now, MS just starting this week. eating my med to control. next appointment is in 10 nov. still long!

week 6 baby measuring at 1.3mm! EDD approx is 12 June..


New Member
Hi oinkbay, I experienced bad cramping too but it gradually reduced. Should be ok as long as its not accompanied by bleeding. Just rest and try to focus your mind on other things. Hope you get better soon!


New Member
Today isn't good for me.. whole body feeling very itchy, got to keep on stratching.. last night can't sleep at all.. duno what happen.. sigh..


New Member
Hello everyone! I think I'll join the June club as I just got the positive test last Saturday. I think now I'm in week 5. I also want to see Dr Adrian Woodworth at CCK but may be in week 8th. Now is still too soon, I think. This is my first child so got many things to take care but I don't know where to start.