Edd june 2014


Woah! U confirm boy Liao arh.. So gd! I also waiting for know.. But last scan can't see yet.. Detail scan will be in jan next yet.. Have to wait for so long..
If its a boy, at 14-15 weeks can confirmed already. For my #1, my gynae told me she is 100% sure its a boy at 15 weeks (that was my first visit to her then). I guess maybe 13 weeks, will know already. If its a gal, it takes a while longer coz gals tend to close legs as there is nothing between the legs to spread their legs apart


Eeyoremum:843233 said:
Woah! U confirm boy Liao arh.. So gd! I also waiting for know.. But last scan can't see yet.. Detail scan will be in jan next yet.. Have to wait for so long..
I saw my gynae on Tue (@ 13 wks) and he say 95% is a boy. Ytd I got my DNA report n confirmed 100% boy liao :) my report says my baby is normal. Thank God.


Eeyoremum:843288 said:
Wow.. Congrats all! I hope This bb would be boy coz my 1st was a girl. Then I can close factory Liao.. Haha..
Hope that you will get a boy :) do keep up updated

This is my first one. I want to close shop :p


Wow.. Congrats all! I hope This bb would be boy coz my 1st was a girl. Then I can close factory Liao.. Haha..
My #1 is a boy, hope this is a gal but I think chances not high lor.. I kaypoh, saw many EDD May 2014 are gal, so likely June 2014 are boys. Boy or girl, I will close factory. I am more career minded than kids loving :(


Dear All mummy to be

My bb now is 2motnhs old and I would like to let go some items as below. Please email to galgalqin@gmail.com if you are interested. I can send you photos for viewing.

1. Dumex Mamil Mam Pregnant & Lactating Mothers (48gx 18 sachets) - 3 BOXES
2. Newborn diaper - Huggy brand. ( Open the packaging but never use)
3. Baby Rocker

Thank you.
Congrats to Yvonnensn!!! I also abit scare to have another after all the MS. I testing my MIL and say I think 1 enough. She straight away: cannot lah!!! 1 very lonely! Lol. Hubby say he want 6. Dunno he serious or not. Lol.


Congrats to Yvonnensn!!! I also abit scare to have another after all the MS. I testing my MIL and say I think 1 enough. She straight away: cannot lah!!! 1 very lonely! Lol. Hubby say he want 6. Dunno he serious or not. Lol.
thanks :eek:

woah!!! 6??? a basketball team!! :D
yvonnensn:843333 said:
Congrats to Yvonnensn!!! I also abit scare to have another after all the MS. I testing my MIL and say I think 1 enough. She straight away: cannot lah!!! 1 very lonely! Lol. Hubby say he want 6. Dunno he serious or not. Lol.
thanks :eek:

woah!!! 6??? a basketball team!! :D
I hope he is not serious though. Lol. Imagining to go through the same for another 5 times. OMG.


Yea.. Starting is the worst.. But it's over soon! Finally I can eat almost like normal now. Though still got some burping.. Ytd had a curry fish head for lunch then night go steamboat. :D

I find that 1 is lonely too.. So faster go for another 1. But cannot afford to 3 Liao.. Haha.. 6 is cool lei!! Haha. If can afford, go for it! The more the merrier. Lol..


New Member
Hi all.. This morning just got my OSCAR done... went at 8.30am and waited till 11.30am for my turn.. Baby did not face the right direction initially but did later... the sonographer said the neck thickness should be in normal range if it is below 2.5 mm... which my baby is 2.1mm.. but will still have to wait for blood test to confirm the risk results.... hope all is well...
manngooogle:843408 said:
Hi all.. This morning just got my OSCAR done... went at 8.30am and waited till 11.30am for my turn.. Baby did not face the right direction initially but did later... the sonographer said the neck thickness should be in normal range if it is below 2.5 mm... which my baby is 2.1mm.. but will still have to wait for blood test to confirm the risk results.... hope all is well...
Be positive. It will turn out ok!
Eeyoremum:843394 said:
Yea.. Starting is the worst.. But it's over soon! Finally I can eat almost like normal now. Though still got some burping.. Ytd had a curry fish head for lunch then night go steamboat. :D

I find that 1 is lonely too.. So faster go for another 1. But cannot afford to 3 Liao.. Haha.. 6 is cool lei!! Haha. If can afford, go for it! The more the merrier. Lol..
Best is the next one 1 shot 5 babies. Lol. Then I can close shop!


Eeyoremum:843394 said:
Yea.. Starting is the worst.. But it's over soon! Finally I can eat almost like normal now. Though still got some burping.. Ytd had a curry fish head for lunch then night go steamboat. :D

I find that 1 is lonely too.. So faster go for another 1. But cannot afford to 3 Liao.. Haha.. 6 is cool lei!! Haha. If can afford, go for it! The more the merrier. Lol..
Best is the next one 1 shot 5 babies. Lol. Then I can close shop!
Aiseh.. But u will be more Xin ku.. Coz ur tummy will be very big to carry 5 bb!


manngooogle:843408 said:
Hi all.. This morning just got my OSCAR done... went at 8.30am and waited till 11.30am for my turn.. Baby did not face the right direction initially but did later... the sonographer said the neck thickness should be in normal range if it is below 2.5 mm... which my baby is 2.1mm.. but will still have to wait for blood test to confirm the risk results.... hope all is well...
Dun worry it will be good :)