EDD Mar 2014

hey layla the midwife at the prenatal course said that those baby bottle detergent is "milder" and less harsh. i'm assuming that it has a lower concentration of soap. technically you can dilute your dish detergent, but i don't know the dilution factor. we are planning on using the baby dish detergent until baby is about 6 months? then just dilute our normal detergent to wash baby stuff.

you can ask your doc for the letter. basically it should indicate your EDD. you need this letter to apply for maternity leave at work too i think


Hi ladies,

Anyone of you started to feel rather heavy at the base of your tummy? I started to feel this a few days ago and having more episodes of Braxton Hicks (I'm gg to be 34 weeks by end of this week). I also feel the discomfort at nite when I turn on my sides (I think also due to Braxton Hicks).. Even the kneecaps hurt.


Me too have not pack and baby's clothes also yet to wash.. . Should be packing and washing beginning of Mar. Btw are you mummies going to the Baby Care Festival this month?


hey mummies-to-be keen to purchase a brand new avent single electric breast pump? cause I think i'm suffering from buyer's remose. I hasn't even start using it, but now I feel like buying a dual pump may be better for me.

Initially i thought single will be good enough, but then after thinking through, my office is not like the best place to express, cause the room not really private (it's glass panel, where I just have to face the wall when I express to feel more private). so i tot getting a double will speed things up.

Any MTB keen to get Avents Single Electric? I think I got mine from Robinson, I can sell you at a slightly discounted rate if any of you want. if no takers I guess I'll probably just use that instead of buying another one (don't want to waste money).

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Jo, are you feeling heavy because your baby turned already? Mine is stubbornly refusing to move and still happily right side up. Went for my 33 week appt today and she is already 2.3kg T_T at 83rd percentile. Beginning to seriously worry about delivery! Maybe it's all the CNY goodies I've been eating...

I've been having bad rib pains though, right beneath my bra line on both sides. It sometimes feels like I bruised my ribs. Doc said it's probably baby pressing against them.

I'll be going to the baby expo probably... The mothercare bazaar apparently is super crowded today!


Jo, are you feeling heavy because your baby turned already? Mine is stubbornly refusing to move and still happily right side up. Went for my 33 week appt today and she is already 2.3kg T_T at 83rd percentile. Beginning to seriously worry about delivery! Maybe it's all the CNY goodies I've been eating...

I've been having bad rib pains though, right beneath my bra line on both sides. It sometimes feels like I bruised my ribs. Doc said it's probably baby pressing against them.

I'll be going to the baby expo probably... The mothercare bazaar apparently is super crowded today!
I also dunno leh... I suspect so that she has turned for good. Gynae said she is in position when I went for my scans in Dec 13 but I only feel the heaviness now. Having backaches since first day of CNY (think I exerted too much that day helping out at my in-laws' place). But weirdly, I'm still experiencing kicks mostly at the left side of the belly and not ard the navel button or ribs leh (if baby turned for good)...

Hmm.. think your baby's head is pressing near your ribs that's why? You still have time to adjust diet =p but also read that the weight might be a bit less than estimated when baby is born.

I dun feel like squeezing with the crowds now... feeling very clumsy and tired =p


Jo - if baby is in position 'kicks/movement' will be experience at different area? I seriously dun know about mine leh.. the last scan, doctor told me BB is head down and usually he will stay this way until birth. but then this few days I experience like everywhere, it's as though he's swimming in my belly. BTW I still dun quite understand what's Braxton Hicks, how will it feel like?



Jo - if baby is in position 'kicks/movement' will be experience at different area? I seriously dun know about mine leh.. the last scan, doctor told me BB is head down and usually he will stay this way until birth. but then this few days I experience like everywhere, it's as though he's swimming in my belly. BTW I still dun quite understand what's Braxton Hicks, how will it feel like?

i think I got to ask my Gynae tat if I rem :). And abt Braxton hicks, I also din know the feeling. Only recently I asked my fren. Cos I was feeling v hard n tight across the tummy at times n tot if baby has turned her back outwards but aft a while the feeling passed but I din sense baby turning. So my fren said it's Braxton hicks-tightening of the uterus like contractions. U'll feel discomfort but not really pain. Here's some info: http://www.babycenter.com.au/braxton-hicks-contractions
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Yea Jo those are likely Braxton hicks. I feel it a lot especially at night. Uterus will tighten and squeeze tightly around baby, and sometimes can clearly feel baby's shape. It's like a vacuum sealed plastic bag conforming around the shape of the stuff inside. It's sometimes uncomfortable cuz it feels very tight and very hard, but not painful. Sometimes I get it if I climb a lot of stairs too.

My husband likes to feel my tummy when it happens cuz can feel baby's shape. Heh.


Yea Jo those are likely Braxton hicks. I feel it a lot especially at night. Uterus will tighten and squeeze tightly around baby, and sometimes can clearly feel baby's shape. It's like a vacuum sealed plastic bag conforming around the shape of the stuff inside. It's sometimes uncomfortable cuz it feels very tight and very hard, but not painful. Sometimes I get it if I climb a lot of stairs too.

My husband likes to feel my tummy when it happens cuz can feel baby's shape. Heh.
Yeah at least now I know that's how Braxton Hicks feel like =) I was wondering why I nvr feel contractions and how does it feels like? But it's really happening very often. Yesterday I was feeling really bad.. dunno why my whole tummy felt like it's up against the stomach and so the discomfort was bad and to add on the backache was quite bad too. Almost want to tell my hubby to go home cos we went to buy the baby bath sling for the tub. Good that this morning aft a night's sleep I'm back to normal.


jo/jade thanks for sharing. I always tot the tightening of the tummy is because I eat too much so the food and BB both fighting for space:tlaugh:.
recently really bad, my energy level is seriously dropping. I'm always feeling tired.


ya energy going low low.. Feeling clumsy too:p Getting confinement herbs already? Hmm I'm not too sure what to buy...


New Member
I think I need to go and get confinement herbs either this or next weekend.. cos energy really running low, even though I am only 33+ weeks!
Will be going Bugis area to take a look.


It is the Long Ma medical hall u going. Recommended by other mummies. I might also drop by soon..
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jo/jade thanks for sharing. I always tot the tightening of the tummy is because I eat too much so the food and BB both fighting for space:tlaugh:.
recently really bad, my energy level is seriously dropping. I'm always feeling tired.
No problem =) That's why we are in the forum, to share info since many of us are first time mummies =) Ya lor... I feel more old than pregnant...@_@


for the herbal bath i intend to ask the medical hall near my place if they sell. Cause my friend say cannot keep too long so only will get it 1-2 weeks before EDD.

other then that I already bought some dried longan and red dates, so next I just need to find the mood the take the sees out of the red dates so that during confinement I can easily prepare the longan/red dates drink (my SIL say also have to put ginger slice in it, but i don't think i'll cause i'm ordering confinement food, scare too much ginger later too heaty and temper may also become bad...)

What else can we drink beside the longan drink? I quite scare later will drink untill sian.... cause I really like to drink water and I can drink like 2-3 litres of plain water everyday..... i'm actually thinking of getting the Highlander Brown Rice Tea, Cause it's in tea bag, so super convenient, just need to add hot water - but not much info on drink during pregnancy or confinement, they only mention when pregnant/nursing cannot take their rosemary tea.