EDD Mar 2014


oo! maybe my baby turned after the gynae appt! I'm feeling a lot of kicks right at the top now... and this morning I think baby wedged her foot in my ribs (though I assumed it's her head) and I actually couldn't even bend over a little bit just to pick up my bag from the car floor. have been trying the cat posture more.

it's been harder and harder to find a comfortable sleeping position these days...

Maviss, this might help. Slide show: Pregnancy stretches - Mayo Clinic

most of my stretches I learnt at the Mt Alvernia antenatal class.


Hmm..but usually the kicks i felt were at the top or side leh...could it be my bb keeps turning and so happen that during checkup he is always head up ? Lol


New Member
Hi, anyone can suggest a pediatrician? Im delivering at Mount E and am supposed to get my own pediatrician to check on baby after delivery.


Layla, found the XL size at watsons at junction 8! But it's the miine brand and not the in-house watsons brand.

Jo, where are you delivering again? At Mt A they recommend we rent their breast pump at $20 for the whole stay cuz they will wash the pump for you and store bm for you. If we bring our own pump they will not provide these services. So really no point for us to bring our own.

Zhumei scared me, now I've gone and bought my disposable undies, pads and baby detergent to wash the clothes. Suddenly worried that I might deliver early too. Haha! Zhumei are you first time mummy? Breastfeeding going ok for you?
Hi Jadite,

I'm due to deliver in KKH. Oh, based on Zhumei's message, KKH would provide use of breast pump FOC. Ok, one thing less to bring =) Heard to pump during the stay is to encourage the flow.

I just went for my gynae checkup yesterday at 34 weeks and 4 days. Finally my baby is more than 2 kg! She's said to be 2.1kg yesterday =) Dr said she's at the 40th percentile but still fine. He said smaller baby would be easy to deliver via vaginal birth. She's still heads down since the last 2 scans so hopefully she'll stay in this position till birth. Dr can tell she's fairly active too cos during the scan she was shifting around.

Dr actually wanted to see me 1 mth later at 38 weeks but think too long a gap for us as we have heard that in Private hospital, gynaes are seeing their patients on a weekly basis by this time. So we asked to see him again in 2 weeks. He'll help to check if baby is engaged in the next appt. We have done the Admissions Financial counseling and paperwork too yesterday.

Btw, I have asked him too on the average no. of hours used for first birth and he said about 10 hours or more.. Gosh... I hope I won't take very very long... sure no energy left.


Ya, Jo, I am seeing my doc biweekly and have been doing so since 32nd week I think. One month seems a little long when you're so close to delivery!


Ya, Jo, I am seeing my doc biweekly and have been doing so since 32nd week I think. One month seems a little long when you're so close to delivery!
Yup, I got to see him with a 6 week gap between last and ytd's appt cos of my injection. He said cos he does not think there is much issue with my pregnancy hence said see me in 4 weeks. Guess we are still not comfortable, esp it's our first baby =)


OMG, I'm so sleepy..... feel like going home to bed :(
it's just hard to find a comfortable position to fall asleep in at night, so probably that's why it adds on to the sleepiness in the morning.

Jo, my cousin advice to me was before going hospital take 2 bottles of chicken essence and 2 eggs. So that it gives you energy.

Nowadays I can really feel i'm having braxton hicks more often and my already active baby moving more. a bit scary he seems to be telling me he a bit bu nai fan, wan to come out of the small enclose area then I keep telling him daddy and mummy still not ready for him yet.


OMG, I'm so sleepy..... feel like going home to bed :(
it's just hard to find a comfortable position to fall asleep in at night, so probably that's why it adds on to the sleepiness in the morning.

Jo, my cousin advice to me was before going hospital take 2 bottles of chicken essence and 2 eggs. So that it gives you energy.

Nowadays I can really feel i'm having braxton hicks more often and my already active baby moving more. a bit scary he seems to be telling me he a bit bu nai fan, wan to come out of the small enclose area then I keep telling him daddy and mummy still not ready for him yet.
How many weeks are you already? Actually for me the Braxton Hicks was quite freq last week but this week is still ok so far. But definitely the kicks are getting more freq. My gynae said if the baby is engaged, you'll feel as if something is going to drop out from beneath.

Eh, got time to drink chicken essence and eat eggs before gg hospital? I mean if water bag burst =p


How many weeks are you already? Actually for me the Braxton Hicks was quite freq last week but this week is still ok so far. But definitely the kicks are getting more freq. My gynae said if the baby is engaged, you'll feel as if something is going to drop out from beneath.

Eh, got time to drink chicken essence and eat eggs before gg hospital? I mean if water bag burst =p

I don feel anything when bb engage leh

we gt tons of time to drink chicken essence and eat eggs, go salon wash hair b4 going to hospital
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New Member
How many weeks are you already? Actually for me the Braxton Hicks was quite freq last week but this week is still ok so far. But definitely the kicks are getting more freq. My gynae said if the baby is engaged, you'll feel as if something is going to drop out from beneath.

Eh, got time to drink chicken essence and eat eggs before gg hospital? I mean if water bag burst =p

my gynae said the moment baby is engaged, we will feel less breathless and our appetite will be better as he/she has moved down freeing up the upper part of the stomach :)


oh i thought before giving birth cannot eat any food? as i have booked my csec, i was told that i have to fast 6 hrs before the csec.
what if the mummy had some food and going to have natural delivery but for some reason become csec?


Jo - I guess should have time to eat. I definitely will eat loh, otherwise I think my hubby will probably feel the heat. Cause a hungry woman is an angry woman. Hahahahaha. I'm currently 35 weeks le.

Rachie - Oh I also heard before some really went to salon to wash hair.
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Jo - I guess should have time to eat. I definitely will eat loh, otherwise I think my hubby will probably feel the heat. Cause a hungry woman is an angry woman. Hahahahaha. I'm currently 35 weeks le.

Rachie - Oh I also heard before some really went to salon to wash hair.
Yeah, I hope I'll get contractions first then more time to use. I would want to bath and wash hair before gg hospital! My colleague whose waterbag started leaking said she couldn't do much but to go hospital.

When your waters break - BabyCentre


is anyone else here going the rebellious route and not following the traditional confinement rules? I've never really been the traditional sort and anyway I'm convinced that the no bathing rule is really out of date (made sense in China when there's winter, and when the water is not clean, but not here in tropical Singapore!) and my mom is equally rebellious and didn't follow them herself when she had us. So she definitely won't be making me do it, and even though my MIL believes in them, she won't force me also cuz hubby supports me. I will probably stay home most of the time (I believe this is important because of mother's need to recover and baby's weakened immune system) and confinement food is super yummy. It's just the not-bathing I really cannot take! some more the weather is so terribly hot these days... in fact, my Indian friends say that their confinement rules encourage them to bathe twice a day. Probably because in India it is much hotter (like Singapore) so the rules come from that basis.

Don't know how many of you have seen this article, thought it's good to share. Even Eu Yan Sang says you should bathe at least once a day!
Eu Yan Sang - Beware These 6 Confinement Myths

anyway I finally started doing my baby laundry and realized I might have gone a bit overboard with the cute stuff, realized baby has 7 different crib sheets hahaha. all very cute though :p

the Mt A nurse said that actually only 10% of mothers will experience water bag bursting before labour? my mom's waterbag burst for two of my siblings whereas for me, she was at her regular checkup and the gynae said "do you know you're having contractions?" and my blur mom said "really?? I didn't even realize!" and was sent straight to hospital :p I definitely would like to bathe and prepare myself to go hospital.. I don't really want to sit in hospital if I can rest at home first. Remember not to check in at night if you can tahan until after midnight! Mt A charges a full day's stay even if you check in at 11.30pm!!


Hi jadeite, i wont be following the no bath rules as i tried to delay my usual morning bathing now since working from home till 2pm. I really cannot take it! My whole bra was wet from all the sweat. I will not be bathing during my stay with Mt A but when i reach home i will. Even the logan red dates water i will not drink them always but also will drink plain water or brown rice water.
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New Member
Hi Everyone,

Me on 35 weeks now, had a bad cold last Sunday and took 4 x panadol flu within 24 hours, by Tuesday, baby stopped all movement, me panic.. 24 hours later(wed) my hubby brought me to KKH Emergency and was referred to the delivery suite, doctor let me ly on bed and stick many sensors on my tummy, after an hour plus, doctor read the statistics and told me baby is fine, maybe due to the medicine that I had took that made my baby sleepy and less active, was given a chart to fill up and discharge right away.