EDD March 2011


New Member
and most important things is more more latch on...let it stimulate your hormone...so that it can produce more milk...
if nipple sore, you can try to apply the lucas papaw oilment...or you can try to use nipple shield.

good luck to you!
Quite a few people have told me that after they drink the green papaya fish soup, the milk comes instantly! Maybe you can ask someone to make you that too.


Hi mummies, my girl finally came to this world on 15 Mar by normal delivery. I like to ask those mummies who had normal delivery regarding their wound/stitches. For me, 6 days hv passed but my wound is still very painful ESP when going to sit down or get up fr a seat. I hv no problem to pee or when I use the sprinker to clean up but dun understand why is still so painful while walking or when I use tissue to dry the wound. Can let me know how long does it take for ur wound to recover??
^pelvic floor muscles/perineum area also stretched(the area between vagina and rectum), that's the reason why you're still in pain. Same thing with me right now. It normally takes 1-2weeks to recover but still varies, each person is different :)


Hi mummies, my girl finally came to this world on 15 Mar by normal delivery. I like to ask those mummies who had normal delivery regarding their wound/stitches. For me, 6 days hv passed but my wound is still very painful ESP when going to sit down or get up fr a seat. I hv no problem to pee or when I use the sprinker to clean up but dun understand why is still so painful while walking or when I use tissue to dry the wound. Can let me know how long does it take for ur wound to recover??
same with me.....
mine is painful until i cant go poo poo. i scare to poooo


Hi mummies, my girl finally came to this world on 15 Mar by normal delivery. I like to ask those mummies who had normal delivery regarding their wound/stitches. For me, 6 days have passed but my wound is still very painful ESP when going to sit down or get up fr a seat. I have no problem to pee or when I use the sprinker to clean up but dont understand why is still so painful while walking or when I use tissue to dry the wound. Can let me know how long does it take for your wound to recover??
Congrats! Yup, yup, my stitches also hurt like crazy and uncomfy sitting down. it's exactly 2 wks now since i delivered and has stopped hurting only like abt 3 days ago. longer than i expected but oh well. i kept using the bottle of steriliser the hospital gave me, esp after pooping to disinfect the area. i also got some kind of thick cream from them, i applied on the area 3 times a day and it certainly helped coz there was less friction. went back to gyno 2 days ago and he says the stitches have come off and its healing nicely.


Quite a few people have told me that after they drink the green papaya fish soup, the milk comes instantly! Maybe you can ask someone to make you that too.
yes! the papaya fish soup works! my bb has more than enough and is satisfied after every feed. I got a lactation consultant to come visit me. She was very good and such a relief for me. She cleared a duct that was blocked and helped me with the various positions of latching, among other things so we dun develop bad nursing habits.


congrats milly! hows the cow cow doing?
the beginning few days not very successful..
but starting yesterday, my milk flow getting more and more...keep on dripping out..hehehe....

but my baby get jaundice 12.3 this morning...hope it can drop down fast...


the beginning few days not very successful..
but starting yesterday, my milk flow getting more and more...keep on dripping out..hehehe....

but my baby get jaundice 12.3 this morning...hope it can drop down fast...
oh thats good! no probs with supply!

my baby also got jaundice. so we left him in the hospital to tan for 24hrs. i was quite sad that i was discharged without him. :bsad:


oh thats good! no probs with supply!

my baby also got jaundice. so we left him in the hospital to tan for 24hrs. i was quite sad that i was discharged without him. :bsad:
will see how tomolo, if the reading still very high, then might admit hospital for the light.. just pray hard...


Noted the last post was since 24/3/11. I guess all mummies who have just given birth are busy with their new born babies, just like me. My girl is now 14 days old. We are now busy planning her full mth's celebration. Right now, I have my confinement nanny who is taking care of my girl and she cooks very well but very stress and worry if I am able to cope with my girl once my nanny leave??? I haven't learn to bath her yet cos 
my wound or rather my vagina still feel 
uncomfortable as at todate. Anyway, mind if I askthe mummies out there some questions:-

How many ml of milk is your baby drinking now?
Mine is abt 60ml;
Does your baby hipcup often? 
Mine does, esp after finished drinking her milk;
Does your baby sneeze often? Mine does but I 
suspect is due to the dirt/dust around。
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Noted the last post was since 24/3/11. I guess all mummies who have just given birth are busy with their new born babies, just like me. My girl is now 14 days old. We are now busy planning her full month's celebration. Right now, I have my confinement nanny who is taking care of my girl and she cooks very well but very stress and worry if I am able to cope with my girl once my nanny leave??? I have not't learn to bath her yet cos 
my wound or rather my vagina still feel 
uncomfortable as at todate. Anyway, mind if I askthe mummies out there some questions:-

How many ml of milk is your baby drinking now?
Mine is abt 60ml;
Does your baby hipcup often? 
Mine does, esp after finished drinking her milk;
Does your baby sneeze often? Mine does but I 
suspect is due to the dirt/dust around。
hi jespang, i have the same worries as you, whether i can cope when my nanny leaves. i only just started bathing him today (he is 21 days old), luckily he didn't cry. Hope it will be like that everyday. My nanny didnt let me bathe him till now coz she sed he's too young and water enter his ears, etc. but 3wks alrdy, so its ok.
I was also feeding him 60mls at 2wks. now he takes 90-100ml.
My boy hiccups everday, but only once a day. and he sneezes couple of times. I dunno if coz he is cold or dusty.


Noted the last post was since 24/3/11. I guess all mummies who have just given birth are busy with their new born babies, just like me. My girl is now 14 days old. We are now busy planning her full mth's celebration. Right now, I have my confinement nanny who is taking care of my girl and she cooks very well but very stress and worry if I am able to cope with my girl once my nanny leave??? I haven't learn to bath her yet cos 
my wound or rather my vagina still feel 
uncomfortable as at todate. Anyway, mind if I askthe mummies out there some questions:-

How many ml of milk is your baby drinking now?
Mine is abt 60ml;
Does your baby hipcup often? 
Mine does, esp after finished drinking her milk;
Does your baby sneeze often? Mine does but I 
suspect is due to the dirt/dust around。
my baby heinze drink 60ml now. and he is now fully breastfeed baby.
yes, he will hiccup, but not always...
my baby sneeze too. i think is the aircond too cold, but after i cover him with a blanket, he is fine then.
Hi mummy!
remember to take good care of your health! =)

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Any mummy 1 2 giveaways newborn (boys) clothes and baby stuff???

Any mummy 1 2 giveaways newborn (boys) clothes and baby stuff???

I need it for my baby upcoming in Aug.

Am not working since early of the year and am in financial difficulty.

Anyone can assist???



[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Hi mummies who are keen to save some money on formula milk eg Abbott, Enfa, Nan all stages..pm me for this great lobang!!!
Guarantee singapore source with long exp dates! and latest version!

Baby & Milk


Hi mummies, how r u coping so far?? My girl is 10 wks old now. Recently trying to let her fully latch on during daytime (previously I used to express out n feed her by bottle), I realised she like to fall asleep after few min of sucking or she will only suck for abt 5 min or so n she will playing with my nipple, she enjoying bitting, lucky she hasn't any teeth yet... N cos of this she will tend to cry for milk almost every one hr. Also, she has not been sleeping long during daytime. Everytime she will wake up every one hr or so as well. Mummies, can share ur experience? How much is ur baby drinking now? I m abit concern that my girl is not enough milk since she only latch on for such short time for every feeding.