Edd march 2012


Oh I see...my bb also now starting all these sounds too! He made those sounds when he is happy only...Hahahaha! :D
both my babies also start making funny sounds, 1 of them will talk to e mobile toys when he looking at musical mobile while e other baby will "hai hai hai" at us, sound like ordering us...ha

yeah, her last feed normally at 11pm, n she will sleep till probably 5:30 or 6am for her 1st feed of the new day :D
i am training my twin boys to sleep longer after evening feed too, but headache part is 1 bb can go back to sleep with pacifier but e other bb not taking pacifier...>.< but it's already better than when they were 1-2 mths old, they used to wake up 2-3 times for night feeding, but now reduce to 1-2 times le


Wow, won't it be painful and bleed if you do that? I do not dare to break the pus out. Usually they will burst on their own after sometime...
The one tat my bb had is the hard hard kind of usually I will take it out n the pore close on its own, no bleeding. ( hee hee tats how I remove my blackhead too :p)


Hey mummies,

So now ur bb can sleep throughout the night already? Recent these few days, my bb seems able to slept throughout till morning after the last feed at night le...thanks GOD! Finally!!!
Wahhh good for u!!! Mine still get up at night for feed... Wat time is yr last feed n wat time does he sleep?? My last feed range between 6-7pm ( can't seem to drag longer than tat) KO between 8-9pm. He will get up between 2-4am n the next round will be between 6-7am...


oh gosh ! try aloe vera gel ! works wonder for me n my family =)

wow ! grats to u , having a good night sleep =) for me , no problem as since birth mine was already sleeping thro the night , but i guess up to now , she's still sleeping like a newborn of 20-22hrs per day .. rarely play haha !

i'm so envy when i see my fren's baby all blabbing ,gagging and laughing away while mine sleeping whole day long ..
Hee hee but i really envy u leh.. Can have good night sleep... Thk I forgotten how my bed feel like anymore...
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Wahhh good for u!!! Mine still get up at night for feed... Wat time is yr last feed n wat time does he sleep?? My last feed range between 6-7pm ( can't seem to drag longer than tat) KO between 8-9pm. He will get up between 2-4am n the next round will be between 6-7am...
My last feed could range from 10 plus to 12 plus and he usually sleeps from 11.30pm onwards. Can last till morning starting from 7am onwards...:)


both my babies also start making funny sounds, 1 of them will talk to e mobile toys when he looking at musical mobile while e other baby will "hai hai hai" at us, sound like ordering us...ha

i am training my twin boys to sleep longer after evening feed too, but headache part is 1 bb can go back to sleep with pacifier but e other bb not taking pacifier...>.< but it's already better than when they were 1-2 mths old, they used to wake up 2-3 times for night feeding, but now reduce to 1-2 times le
Ya, last time mine also reduce to 1-2 times. Think urs will soon sleep throughout the nite liao...;)


My last feed could range from 10 plus to 12 plus and he usually sleeps from 11.30pm onwards. Can last till morning starting from 7am onwards...:)
How many naps does he take in the day n how long??? am thinking maybe my boy doesn't nap that much in the day that's why he also KO early ( lately he has been sleeping ard 7+!!!)


How many naps does he take in the day n how long??? am thinking maybe my boy doesn't nap that much in the day that's why he also KO early ( lately he has been sleeping ard 7+!!!)
Oh my boy naps an hour later after each feed. I will rock him to sleep in the sarong in the daytime and he will sleep. If he halfway wake up, I will continue to rock him to sleep again until the next feeding time...since you have the sarong, why don't you try to rock him to sleep so that he won't KO so early at night. 7 plus is too early to sleep, 9pm would be better. I am still training my boy to sleep early but seems not successful yet cos he takes a lot of naps in the daytime. Basically he needs to sleep an hour or so after each feed, else he will get fustrated and fuss...:)
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try dilute his formula milk a bit... maybe too heaty... plus the weather starts to warm up... give some water? i used the AVENE skin recovery cream whenever my baby breaks out in rashes on his cheeks... it heals nicely within 3 days... no, i did not purposely buy that for him... was originally for my own use... but i just tried a thin layer on his redness area... somehow it worked for my baby... got it from WATSONS cosmetic shelf (those side counters along the wall of the store)... usually there are salesgirls manning their own brands... but it is still best that you consult a good doctor... better not DIY like me
Hi, Kitmitsusei,

Thanks for your advice but however I have the prescription cream from my Pediatrician and he had advise me to clean his face with soap and water 3 times a day after the cream finishes. Will let him check again when I bring my bb for the 2nd injection due in August...:)


mine too... must sleep after each feed... he sleeps very late at night... and will only sleep through the night after he has his favourite hot night bath and a dose of milk... weird? :001_302:
Oh I see, ya mine aso need to have his last dose of milk at night before he will go into deep sleep...wat time does ur bb usually sleep? ;)


Oh my boy naps an hour later after each feed. I will rock him to sleep in the sarong in the daytime and he will sleep. If he halfway wake up, I will continue to rock him to sleep again until the next feeding time...since you have the sarong, why don't you try to rock him to sleep so that he won't KO so early at night. 7 plus is too early to sleep, 9pm would be better. I am still training my boy to sleep early but seems not successful yet cos he takes a lot of naps in the daytime. Basically he needs to sleep an hour or so after each feed, else he will get fustrated and fuss...:)
ya I know 7plus way too early... I did try the sarong but he doesn't quite like it inside...think too cramp ( cos he like to open up his arms to sleep) will only nap abt 1/2hr then wake up.. tried to rock him to sleep again but eyes only got bigger n bigger (@ @) tried to put him back in his cot to sleep, same.. max 1hr. We always pat him back to sleep or just wait and see if he doze back but 1hr is all he need to recharge!!! He would smile n start his ohhh and ahhh n wanna play...Total nap time in the day is not more than 4 hr... think tat's why he KO early at night...


ya I know 7plus way too early... I did try the sarong but he doesn't quite like it inside...think too cramp ( cos he like to open up his arms to sleep) will only nap abt 1/2hr then wake up.. tried to rock him to sleep again but eyes only got bigger n bigger (@ @) tried to put him back in his cot to sleep, same.. max 1hr. We always pat him back to sleep or just wait and see if he doze back but 1hr is all he need to recharge!!! He would smile n start his ohhh and ahhh n wanna play...Total nap time in the day is not more than 4 hr... think tat's why he KO early at night...
Wow, ur boy is really very energetic. My boy if you dun let him sleep an hour or so after each feed, he will fuss and cry for sleep...


Hey mummies,

Does anyone of you knows when can we stop the need to sterilise the milk bottles as have been using the steriliing tablets from birth till now already. Seems like the tablet will make the plastic bottles cloudy and teats cloudy too! @@


Hey mummies,

Does anyone of you knows when can we stop the need to sterilise the milk bottles as have been using the steriliing tablets from birth till now already. Seems like the tablet will make the plastic bottles cloudy and teats cloudy too! @@
Think you can stop when bb turn 1 year old ( was planning to pass down my avent sterilizer so was doing a bit of reading up ) not too sure abt using steriling tables as have not used them at all.


Think you can stop when bb turn 1 year old ( was planning to pass down my avent sterilizer so was doing a bit of reading up ) not too sure abt using steriling tables as have not used them at all.
Oh I see...okay, thanks for the information! ;)