Edd march 2012


my girl always out of her place at night and ended up in tummy position LOL !

yup , i guess the sleeping make her grow instead ..

weight gain not much tho , her birth weight 2.2kg until now gonna 5mths on 28th , she's abt 6kg lol !

but well she's girl , i prefer her on the smaller side hahaha !
ya my boy getting out of position too, as long as he don't make noise i just let him be...

as long as our baby is growing well big or small not that important... I know of a 4yr old gal who is only 11kg, but super cute and super smart!!!


mommies who's baby is taking Enfalac, do you change the milk powder after 6mth? The one my baby is taking say 12mths n below but saw Enfalac stage 1 which is for 6mth and above... confuse :1err:


hi... is 6.3kg ok for a 4-mth boy ?

he weighed about 3.3kg at birth... he has roughly doubled his birth weight now

Your baby is bearer to the lower half of the percentile. Maybe try to give him more milk?


How long is the baby spa? Will there be someone to guard the babies? ;)
Why don't you buy a pool to put at home? It's cheaper in long run actually. One session at baby spa is $38, one pool cost around $70. Waste some water but can reuse water to flush toilet and rinse toilet so not that bad. I bought one preowned pool for $30, baby swim 3 days a week and she really poo better after she swim. She loves swimming!! =)

My hubby initially does not believe in it but her neck not so stable and her physical development seems slower than it should be so I convince him to buy. After using a few times her neck become stronger faster and she can do tummy time better too. It's really good exercise for them.


My bb weighed 6.74kg now at 4mth. His birth weight is 2.73kg.

my 2 boys weighed 6.7 & 6.49kg at 4 mths while their birth weights were 2.3 & 2.5 kg..
i checked e growth chart, if i am not wrong, my younger twin is abt average while 6.7kg is near higher percentile...so means he a little bit over weight? >.<


New Member
Hey mums, i found this really great and compact double jogger stroller for all you active moms out there and wanted to share it with you..comes in single too! its made by joovy from usa.. is anyone else familar with it?



Your baby is bearer to the lower half of the percentile. Maybe try to give him more milk?
I thought we should refer to the Health Booklet for the growth chart instead as it's tailored to suit Asian countries?


I thought we should refer to the Health Booklet for the growth chart instead as it's tailored to suit Asian countries?
The health booklet chart is so inaccurate especially for the first 6 months. The lines are all gel together.


quite absorbent but pricely

i like the PAMPERS high side gathers which prevent side leakage well... especially when baby has pooped !! :p

HUGGIES is also very good and soft and comfortable for my baby... HUGGIES has a softer feel
So you mean Pampers are not as soft as Huggies? If were given a choice, which brand would you select for long term usage? :)


So anyone started giving bb semi-solid food now? Anyone giving brown rice powder? Wonder if the instant or the cooked one is better as thinking of buying that for bb once he reaches 6mths old...:)


NESTLE has infant rice cereals for 6 mths and above... come in small tin... you can go browse at supermarkets

brown rice powder... you mean the "si sen fen" ? ... i gave that to my 1st child back in 2008... he just hated its funny taste... end up never finished... had to throw away after kept till expired... wasted buying it
Ya, si sen fen...I think that is quite nutritious...haha! Ya, I'm going to buy the NESTLE rice cereals once he reaches 6mths old...:)


My boy didn't put on weight since 4 months. He's coming 5 months soon. Should I bring him to the pd?
When is his next appt to see his PD? If he is growing well I guess could wait till his next visit. I rem there was a period ( forgot which month liao ) where he only lap on a few grams but doc say it's ok as their weight gain will slow down as they grow....


i see... my hubby family side are all big size type... my own family side are mostly petite... maybe this affects the body size of our kids too in some way ?

my hubby told me the doctor didnt say anything during the 4-mth-old injection... just a word "OK"... i wasnt around... i think he didnt ask further
same here! my family all very petite (mom, dad n brothers) while my hubby side are maily short n fat. So me rather baby be lean than fat >.< Was reading somewhere that say baby fat hard to get rid so me try not to overfeed bb

You wanna try to arrange the appt so that you can be there too? My bb see his doc once a month so me will check with him everything and anything just to have a peace of mind. My hubby is those kind who only know how to play with bb and happily assume all is well (- -")


So anyone started giving bb semi-solid food now? Anyone giving brown rice powder? Wonder if the instant or the cooked one is better as thinking of buying that for bb once he reaches 6mths old...:)
My PD advise me to start only when he is 6mth old, gather he has the rest of his life to work on solid so no hurry bah... Was told to start with a bit of rice cereals in the morning to get him use to the ideal of "eating"...



HUGGIES is better than PAMPERS

i think for night time can use MERRIES... then daytime can use HUGGIES... PAMPERS is also pretty okay but hubby says its overly priced

currently i use PETPET for daytime, as hubby bought a couple twin packs of M-size to try, due to NTUC offer quite some time ago... PETPET is cheap and good, but day use is more advised for this brand

my only complaint about PETPET is the side gathers that are designed way too short... so i always need to carefully fold up and extend the side gathers with my fingers, before wearing the diaper for my son :-X

i am very concerned about leakage... most mummies do :)
I see....okay, thanks for your feedback! You also using Merries for nite use? :D
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