EDD March 2013


New Member
Praise God!! My baby boy is healthy and active inside my womb after the detailed scanning just now : ) No fetal abnormality detected.

Can't really have a good sleep last night due to worrying : ( Too much of stories I heard abt detailed scanning. Now finally I could have a sumptuous lunch with hubby later : )

TGIF!! Could have a relaxing yet happy weekend ahead! : )
That's great, congratulations on your healthy boy! :))

Apr gal

Hi Neymo, sorry tat I jus saw yr earlier msg. My girl was quite shy too yest. I think most bb tried covering their eyes wif hands as d light from d ultrasound scan too bright for them.

Seem tat our edd will keep changing til d later stage. R u able to feel bb movement inside d? My tummy becoming more n more obvious now. Btw did u attend any prenatal class?

Thanks Apr Gal. : ) mine one was pretty fast- about 15 mins scanning. My boy extremely shy today as his head was facing down and keep waving his hand - sort of signal like "dont want to let you to see me" haha... : )

Initially he closed his leg tightly and the sonographer using the ultrasound probe keep shaking my tummy to "force" him open the leg.. And a bit while, a distinguished "rocket" was shown between his leg. Haha.. : )

Think my Gynae is really good. He could confirm my baby gender even during 14weeks visit : )
Hi purple!
I've been swimming once a week for the past month and so far I'm healthy, not to mention fitter :) My gynae advised me to exercise more e.g swimming & brisk walking. He said it's an 'investment' in yourself for an easier birth. Although I think it's safer to swim in condo pools, less chlorine and contamination than public pools. (I stay in hdb, so I swim in my friend's condo hehe.)

Aps, your rashes and eczema could be an allergy reaction because I read our skin is much more sensitive now to detergents and other chemical substances. Be careful when using soap and cleaning agents when you do household chores. Better yet, let hubby do it!
good you have than previlege.. im gonna go swim at safra.. the one near my place is not very crowded.. but i think maybe i'll use vaginal wash after very swim?
anyone knows if vaginal wash are okay during pregnancy?


Hi hi, thanks for the tips. Will get hubby to do the dishes :D.

I believe swimming is ok, and using vagina wash is ok too as long as you don't douche. I have been swimming too but recently too busy to go.. will make sure that I do so next week!


Hi Phycyj: what type of swimming suit r u wearing? My normal swimming suit seems bit of tight : ( so wondering if wanna do investment of the suit? I have bikini but dun dare to wear it in SG some more public pool..

Apr Gal: what is ur bb weight during ur yesterday scanning? Yes, I'll be taking prenatal course that offered by TMC. There do have couple of venue as what they said. Also quite interested in prenatal yoga. Hehe.. Sound like pregnancy life is healthier than previous one : )

Got fluttering feeling but unsure either is bcos of bb or GI response. : ( Gynae asked me if I had already feel the movement but I told him haven't. He said first mum always got the feeling aft wk 21.... My expectation of bb moving is something like "real kick".. But perhaps ask to much for a 316g bb to do so.. Haha.. Lets see.. But today scanning really reassure me abt the health of my Ah Boy : )


New Member
Hi Phycyj: what type of swimming suit r u wearing? My normal swimming suit seems bit of tight : ( so wondering if wanna do investment of the suit? I have bikini but dun dare to wear it in SG some more public pool..
I wear a one-piece. My bump isn't that big so can still fit my pre-preggy suit.. A little bit tight is ok I think, in water it will fit comfortably.


New Member
My gyn say 90% boy for me

Just an update for GENDER SCORE BOARD:

NeyMO - Prince
Neuros - Prince
Phycyj - Princess

I am wondering shall we put # Child (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc), EDD, Hospital (KKH, TMC, SGH etc). Welcome any input ya!! :001_302:

If I not mistaken, some of the mummies would need to confirm the bb gender during their next visit, right? Please update me once you know ya :001_302:

Apr gal

Hi Neymo, my bb weighs 355g now. Do u no how much is d prenatal course at TMC? Found it to b too lengthy since 6 classes.

Hi Phycyj: what type of swimming suit r you wearing? My normal swimming suit seems bit of tight : ( so wondering if wanna do investment of the suit? I have bikini but dont dare to wear it in SG some more public pool..

Apr Gal: what is your baby weight during your yesterday scanning? Yes, I'll be taking prenatal course that offered by Thomson Medical Center. There do have couple of venue as what they said. Also quite interested in prenatal yoga. Hehe.. Sound like pregnancy life is healthier than previous one : )

Got fluttering feeling but unsure either is bcos of baby or GI response. : ( Gynae asked me if I had already feel the movement but I told him have not't. He said first mum always got the feeling after wk 21.... My expectation of baby moving is something like "real kick".. But perhaps ask to much for a 316g baby to do so.. Haha.. Lets see.. But today scanning really reassure me about the health of my Boy : )


Hi ladies, has anyone had periods where you finding it hard to breathe?

I noticed that when I am seated sometimes I can breathe in but still feels breathless... Makes me feel like I am not getting enough air... :(


Just an update for GENDER SCORE BOARD:

NeyMO - Prince Thomson Medical Center Mar 1
Neuros - Prince
Apr Gal - Princess Thomson Medical Center Feb 23
Phycyj - Princess Mount Elizabeth Mar 13


Apr gal, you may go to Thomson Medical Centre to check with the schedule, venue and price. Remember to take Mrs Wong Boh Boi as she is highly experience and she is the author of the guide books : )

Weekdays price is cheaper than weekend, and depends of venue as well. My hubby is working at AMK so will go for AMK hub at Weekdays to entitle with more affordable price : )

Apr gal

I gained bout 6 kg, close to 21w now. Not sure how many kg I will gain til delivery. Try not to gain >12kg in total but think a bit diff.