EDD May 2011


Active Member
Lol perhaps can target polling day. Got freebies for giving birth on polling day? Or maybe mother's day. :)
My sis say mummy usually have a sixth sense when BB will be out. Even my gynae ask me any idea when bb will arrive. I couldn't sense anything le. But I'm talking to her telling her to choose her own bday month. April or may. If may I prefer 1st may ;p
Haha! My friend also said the mummy will have instinct, nestling instinct. The week before she delivered, she kept cleaning her house, wash the baby's clothe etc, like preparing the baby's arrival. It's like a sudden burst of energy.


Active Member
Congratulations Taboo~! 6 hours is a short delivery time , rest well, still have long way to go. :)
Really excited to hear the news of baby popping out one by one, wondering who is next :)

This week is my last week of work, hope that my baby can come out on 38 weeks on wards...
Envious! I think I still have 3 weeks of work. But I am starting to think if I should start taking leave earlier, since I noticed many people deliver at 38 weeks. :nah:
I cannot concentrate at work , and my boss already asked me to pass down the duty to another colleague , so i can leave early ;)
I keep telling my baby wait till 38 weeks then she decide when to come out..
i hope she come out in the morning , at least i can have bf then bath before give birth.. eheh
all these days i keep thinking how to deliver the baby in the labour room, all steps, keep reminding myself keep cool, and breath when contraction is here..
but i wonder whether i can remember when the real things come


Active Member
I cannot concentrate at work , and my boss already asked me to pass down the duty to another colleague , so i can leave early ;)
I keep telling my baby wait till 38 weeks then she decide when to come out..
i hope she come out in the morning , at least i can have bf then bath before give birth.. eheh
all these days i keep thinking how to deliver the baby in the labour room, all steps, keep reminding myself keep cool, and breath when contraction is here..
but i wonder whether i can remember when the real things come
If the labour is long one how? Dun think ur bf can last u until deliver le lol. I pack 1 energy bar in my hospital bag. Hopefully I got time to prepare the coconut water too. Was imagining if I hungry while in labour these 2 items can gimme energy.
I'm also trying to practice the correct breathing during my bh now, like u said dunno if we can keep ourself cool n concentrate when actual pain comes.


Active Member
I cannot concentrate at work , and my boss already asked me to pass down the duty to another colleague , so i can leave early ;)
I keep telling my baby wait till 38 weeks then she decide when to come out..
i hope she come out in the morning , at least i can have bf then bath before give birth.. eheh
all these days i keep thinking how to deliver the baby in the labour room, all steps, keep reminding myself keep cool, and breath when contraction is here..
but i wonder whether i can remember when the real things come
Recently I kept dreaming of delivery or me in the hospital etc. That's almost about the only other things on my mind now.

I doubt I can remember much or maybe i might panic during the labour process, so I told my hubby to memorize what should I do at which point of time and he be the commander. Lol. I will just follow what he say. Can't help it since memory is quite bad recently.


Active Member
If the labour is long one how? Dun think ur bf can last u until deliver le lol. I pack 1 energy bar in my hospital bag. Hopefully I got time to prepare the coconut water too. Was imagining if I hungry while in labour these 2 items can gimme energy.
I'm also trying to practice the correct breathing during my bh now, like u said dunno if we can keep ourself cool n concentrate when actual pain comes.
Coconut water helps? Hehe maybe I should pack too.


Active Member
Hi all
Just went for checkup. My baby head down also but not engaged. Now 36 weeks, baby about 2.5 -2.6. Doc said baby can gain more.
Wow so envious, me gonna work till much later, but workload much less now :)
Also practice the breathing techniques, but think I wiuldnt rem anything when in labour pain haha
Your EDD is the same day as mine but your baby is so heavy le.. Hmm.. I think I should stop controlling and start eating more for my baby.. Maybe some cheeseburger or so..
Just came back from check up and doc ask me to admit to hospital tml morning for induce labour. The fluid is getting low so have to induce. I am so nervous now!!
i gained 17 kg already, still didnt control my diet coz my gynae said i still no need to on diet.
i still eat junk food, curry, spicy food.. , cravings started only this period, may be i am afraid that after giving birth , i have to for go many nice stuff , hahah
of course not in large amount.. i eat a lot of fruits too..
scared i will have constipation.. but so far still ok for me.
i got dreamt of my delivery too.. but its quite drama in the dream hhhaa

Ya i think i should pack some food in my bag too.. in case low energy still got something to bite :)


Active Member
Just came back from check up and doc ask me to admit to hospital tml morning for induce labour. The fluid is getting low so have to induce. I am so nervous now!!
Yahyen, u can do it.We'll be here to give moral support.. U need to relax n rest more. Have a good dinner tonight, shower clean clean before u admit. Will u be admitting midnight or day time? After 12am consider next day d ma. Just like hotel check in n check out time.


Active Member
congratulations taboo!

i am now playing the waiting game... due on 4th may....

yesterday at the gynae'e check up, my son is weighing only at 2.4~2.5kg...very small baby..... my gynae said she hopes i go into labour anytime this week...... hehe...if i don't delivery by next wkend, she will consider to induce me.... alamak!

dunno why baby not eating.... he doesn't like what i eat is it?? hohoho!!!
Hi penguinna, so will u consider induce if BB havent want to come out by next week?
I'm wondering if ur gynae should let u wait if medically permits because EDD is plus minus 1 week.
Usually induced will be considered if placenta aging, low fluid, BB not growing anymore inside, or past 41 wk.


Hi taboo , so the night before the symptom of bloody show do u experience any other signs of labour? Stronger bh?

My BH now still not very regular. Sometimes 2-3 times in an hour sometimes not at all in few hrs. Usually I wouldn't on the light when go toilet at night. Lol I was telling my hubby if I got bloody show also I might continue to sleep ;p
nothing quite unusual for the day b4... once u experience bloody show, u can feel the contraction become stronger. it will spread fr yr back to front.. kinda like bad mense cramp.. it will come and go off..