EDD May 2014 (maybe)


Lingz12:868673 said:
jeslow:868667 said:
Lingz12, just wondering is your gynae Joycelyn Wong from AJC? If so, she's my gynae too =)

Jiayou to all 2nd time mummies ya...hang in there! =)
Yeah same same! Wa.. she's realli popular.. haha..
Oh my appt with her on tues is 9:15am. If both of us r induced on the same day, wonder how she will be able to cope haha.

Mrsxu, heng on, u r half way thru. I can understand how u feel. .. confinement really sucks!


Haha today I got false alarm. .. was at public toilet n saq brown discharge on panty liner. Asked my sis to bring my girl back with her thinking my baby is coming soon... who knows after resting for a while still no show... make my hubby n sis panic.:p


Wow xiongmao.. 10min interval shld be oredi.. u should be next.. jia you!

Tannie, my appt on Tue is at 9am.. hahaha.. I hope I wun see u (cos it's better for both of us to go natural right?).. haha.. jia you jia you.. hope both our bb 争气and come out on their own before next Tue!


Wow xiongmao.. 10min interval shld be oredi.. u should be next.. jia you!

Tannie, my appt on Tue is at 9am.. hahaha.. I hope I wun see u (cos it's better for both of us to go natural right?).. haha.. jia you jia you.. hope both our bb 争气and come out on their own before next Tue!
Tmr gg for my 38weeks appt. hope my GBA result is negative. Hope my baby is of average size. ;) c what gynae says and if he still can wait etc. I back work on mon le.


Wow... 10 mins interval should be ba.

I been feeling sharp backaches. Dunno is it coz I went shopping with hubby today and walked quite a lot. Could feel more pressure down there too. Hopefully this will help open up my cervix. Heh.


Wah xiongmao, how is it? Did u call gynae? Keep us updated!

Jiayou tannie and lingz12! Hope u guys get to deliver naturally!

I also have light cramps here and there.. So scared coz i'm like a freaking time bomb.. Hubby mugging for exams next tues.. And i'm kept busy with my #1., she is a handful again.. Really dunno how to go give birth and not worry.. :p

i pooped like 4 times today? Wah seems so frequent.. And the bearing down feeling is getting stronger... Sometimes bb is kicking upwards so hard that i feel my cervix is so strained! i can pee like 5-6 times in an hr when she is super active... And my #1 is not v pleased abt me running in n out of toilet... Haha

Mrsxu, jiayou! 1 mth confinement is definitely not ez.. But tink abt it, after confinement u wun get the help liao and u paid for it.. Just gotta tahan and focus on eating well and resting.. And learning everything from the CL.. I had v bad experience with my CLs! Midway changed 1 and got a worse one! Everyday i worry and stress and did not do a gd confinement.. Now suffering frm the side effects.. :p Most imptly, try to be positive as it affects baby and milk supply too!

jiayou mummies! i wonder who is next!!!


I just saw my booklet that my GBS swab is positive! But my gynae didn't prescribe any antibiotic for me?
hmm i think depends on gynae practice.. My gynae told me my 2nd pregnancy shld be quite fast admit and deliver , so the antibiotic drip alone might not kick in by the time i push.. So she prescribed me with oral antibiotics to eat first.. Still will give me the drip during admission.. :p think she is just playing safe.. ?


hmm i think depends on gynae practice.. My gynae told me my 2nd pregnancy shld be quite fast admit and deliver , so the antibiotic drip alone might not kick in by the time i push.. So she prescribed me with oral antibiotics to eat first.. Still will give me the drip during admission.. :p think she is just playing safe.. ?
Sigh i'm feeling so worried now :(


Melancholy, if u're feeling worried maybe call ur gynae and ask? Maybe there is a reason y antibiotics are nt prescribed?


Meltie.. ur comment on being a freaking time bomb made me laugh! Haha.. same here.. bb is pressing down so hard I can barely move in bed.. I cant flip and turn without pain.. even getting up from bed is tough as I need to roll to the side to get up.. oh my.. even walking is painful.. I feel like a granny lor.. im super impatient for my boy to come out soon! I would probably regret saying this wen day becomes day and night becomes DAY oso wen didi comes out.. but realli cant std the aches and pains now..

I wonder how's xiongmao coping now.. maybe she has delivered?


Haha lingz12.. Ya man we might regret the 'peace' so far without a newborn screaming at us day n night.. But we're just getting too heavy! I have a feeling i may not go pass this weekend.. Can feel baby sometimes going v v low...push n push.. This morning i almost couldn't get out of bed... Super painful thighs.. My #1 woke up many times last night fussing and screaming.. Refused to go back on her bed like there's a monster there.. End up my hubby brought her up to our bed and slept w us.. Zzz i was in one position for afew hrs... Super aching now..

Hmm ya wonder hows xiongmao...

Melancholy, maybe u can check w ur gynae if u are worried? Maybe ur gynae is confident the drip is enough when u admit? Just a call to the clinic, they should be able to advise u right ? :)

wah my #1 is wreaking havoc now.. Gotta go see what she is up to.... Its another day..... :/ hanging on...


meltie:868842 said:
Haha lingz12.. Ya man we might regret the 'peace' so far without a newborn screaming at us day n night.. But we're just getting too heavy! I have a feeling i may not go pass this weekend.. Can feel baby sometimes going v v low...push n push.. This morning i almost couldn't get out of bed... Super painful thighs.. My #1 woke up many times last night fussing and screaming.. Refused to go back on her bed like there's a monster there.. End up my hubby brought her up to our bed and slept w us.. Zzz i was in one position for afew hrs... Super aching now..

Hmm ya wonder hows xiongmao...

Melancholy, maybe u can check w ur gynae if u are worried? Maybe ur gynae is confident the drip is enough when u admit? Just a call to the clinic, they should be able to advise u right ? :)

wah my #1 is wreaking havoc now.. Gotta go see what she is up to.... Its another day..... :/ hanging on...
Yes yes yes.. im feeling so heavy.. im tired of walking like a penguin and the feeling of having a bowling ball between my legs rubbing so painfully on the pelvic bone.. my girl is oso experiencing night terrors leh.. dunno wat happened.. she will drift off to sleep and then suddenly wake up screaming a couple of times in e night.. teething?

I admire ur patience with Charlotte.. hubby was on leave on Tue.. and yest was a public holiday.. so my girl was with us on both days.. realli tires me out man.. with her non-stop screaming and throwing of tantrums.. the beginning of the horrible terrible twos!