EDD May 2014 (maybe)


Chinhuahua, same i feel the tuggingg when i sneeze.. sigh i still getting stuffy nose and runny nose/blocked nose every 2-3 days!! Seems to keep coming back! I hate sneezing.. leak pee when bladder full.. so i just wear a pad.. sighh don't want any embarassing leak and stain.. :p I have a feeling is my nose is more sensitive or my immune system weaker.. keep falling sick...

phuongdong236, congrats on ur princess! Not to worry abt baby's weight.. as long as gynae say ok can liao.. different baby grow at diffferent rate.. :) I find that eating durian helps in baby's weight gain.. :)
I think most impt is to eat healthily and as your body leads you.. :) are u on supplements like fish oil , calcium tabs and multivits? They shld be able to help..

Congrats tannie on having a princess!! :) Alot of sweet and pretty things out there to buy! Everytime i see i also must resist.. coz my no.1 has too many dresses!!

Kancheong mummy, i also tend to only eat 3 meals or even just lunch n dinner.. stil handling ok.. with some bloatedness.. i don't have the time to eat more meals and i always gobble my food down fast so i can handle my no.1.. haha sometimes bo time to eat breakfast.. just brunch n dinner... super tired no energy to eat supper and end up wake up middle of night super hungry.. haha i just keep my sugar crackers beside my bed for a quick supper.. :p But if u have the time, shld have better meals.. eat 70% of the meal and more often? I always tend to feel its wasting food but u may end up v full n bloated lol.. :p i guve my food to hubby.. dinner i don't eat too full or too late.. Hmm how abt u ask ur doc to prescribe the probiotics for you? Lacteol fort or LactoGG is good for regulating.. previously i took .. even when my baby had colic, it supposedly helped.. ;) I also had brands prune essence that my fren gave me after delivery.. it was super super effective in softening my stools! Coz after delivery, got some constipation and super uncomfortable to push when there are stitches below.. so the prune essence helped me to poop with ease! :) Will definitely get it for my post delivery.. :) Do try to eat hi-fibre foods? wholemeal bread, cereal, fruits with seeds? :)

jiayou mummies! sigh my whole day shopping and i was in n out of toilet sooo many times! Guess its the beginning liao!

ST Woo

Hi mummies, me too has been going to toilet very frequent ever since I'm pregnant especially at night. Even though I try not drink too much water before sleep. I will still wake up and go toilet. As for constipation, I try to eat more veg, drink fruit juice and Yakut. I try not to force it if I really cannot poop out cos. I'm afraid it will worsen my polyps at the cervix or I scare will also force the pile to come out. So let it be until when I got the feel to poop. Recently, I also can feel my tummy getting bigger and can feel the stretching too. Still got 2 more weeks for my Fa scan I feel abit worry for the result.
My tummy do feel bloated too. I try to eat small meal and eat slowly to digest. Sometimes, I will buy a can of lemon&Kalamasi to drink during lunch and it helps.

Congrats! Tannie you got a princess...happy for you = )

Jiayou all mummies.....↖(^ω^)↗


me too.. just wen I tot I have recovered from my flu, it comes back all over again.. I guess my immune system is getting v much weaker.. so scared I will pass e virus to my girl so I try not to carry her too often or wear a mask wen im near her.. if nt if she gets sick, not only is she suffering, I will suffer too!

I dun like dragonfruit and dun realli like fruits but I eat a lot of vege.. but the fibre in vege doesnt seem to help in my constipation.. yeah I try not to push too hard too, if not the piles will be pushed out.. super uncomfortable.. are those piles for here to stay? they like nvr go away after my first pregnancy.. they will disappear inside but every once in a while wen I have trouble with bowel movement, they will come back out.. hate them.. :(


New Member
Hi lingz12 and meltie, if u feel ur immune system getting weaker. Try takin a teaspoon of manuka honey everyday. It helps in boosting your immune system. I'm currently taking manuka honey with UMF 10+ every night. I feel it helps alot and also soothe my throat.


New Member
phuongdong236, congrats on your princess! Not to worry about baby's weight.. as long as gynae say ok can .. different baby grow at diffferent rate.. :) I find that eating durian helps in baby's weight gain.. :)
I think most impt is to eat healthily and as your body leads you.. :) are you on supplements like fish oil , calcium tabs and multivits? They shld be able to help..

Hi Meltie,
Thank you for your encouragement!
Now I try to eat more and drink milk, although the pregnant milk makes me diarrhea. Because I thought the pregnant milk provides a lot of vitamins for my baby. :001_302:
Talking about supplements, my doctor just give me fish oil with brand "Natal care Triplus" and multivits with brand "Prenavit of Sunward". I don't know if it is enough vitamins for me and my baby? My doctor didn't give me calcium tab. I must ask him next check-up.

My friend suggested me another brand of fish oil that she ate it during her pregnancy and her baby is quite clever. Do you think I should ask my doctor about another brand of fish oil? I am scared that my doctor will be not happy :embarrassed:

Ah I want to ask about the sleeping position? When I sleep side way (right or left), my baby kicks me very hard. And I sleep facing up, my baby just kicks me very light or maybe no. ==> I thought that my baby doesn't like me to sleep side way. But I heard that pregnant women try not to sleep facing up right? Can you give me your advice?
Lunar new year is coming soon, do you need to prepare a lot of things? I stay together with my parents in law, so I don't need to worry about it :shyxxx:

Thank you so much and happy weekend!


me too.. just wen I tot I have recovered from my flu, it comes back all over again.. I guess my immune system is getting v much weaker.. so scared I will pass e virus to my girl so I try not to carry her too often or wear a mask wen im near her.. if nt if she gets sick, not only is she suffering, I will suffer too!

I dun like dragonfruit and dun realli like fruits but I eat a lot of vege.. but the fibre in vege doesnt seem to help in my constipation.. yeah I try not to push too hard too, if not the piles will be pushed out.. super uncomfortable.. are those piles for here to stay? they like nvr go away after my first pregnancy.. they will disappear inside but every once in a while wen I have trouble with bowel movement, they will come back out.. hate them.. :(
Lingz12, ya i hate the piles .. they come and go.. when i diarrhea or got bowel problems, push too hard or too long .. they come out.. and takes awhile to go back in.. i heard that we can do a simple surgical procedure to staple it or cut it.. but still sounds painful.. after 2nd one then think how bah.. i don't look forward to the piles during delivery again.. arghhhh.. had some really bad haemorrhoids.. pain for weeks! grr.. some say doing kegel exercise helps? but i think mine like beyond repair hahaha

Take care and jiayou ya! I' m sniffing and sneezing abit again.. sighhhhhj.. hate the sneeze effect!


Hi lingz12 and meltie, if u feel ur immune system getting weaker. Try takin a teaspoon of manuka honey everyday. It helps in boosting your immune system. I'm currently taking manuka honey with UMF 10+ every night. I feel it helps alot and also soothe my throat.
Thanks! I got a small tub frm aust.. my friend gave me .. maybe i shall try .. ;)


phuongdong236, congrats on your princess! Not to worry about baby's weight.. as long as gynae say ok can .. different baby grow at diffferent rate.. :) I find that eating durian helps in baby's weight gain.. :)
I think most impt is to eat healthily and as your body leads you.. :) are you on supplements like fish oil , calcium tabs and multivits? They shld be able to help..

Hi Meltie,
Thank you for your encouragement!
Now I try to eat more and drink milk, although the pregnant milk makes me diarrhea. Because I thought the pregnant milk provides a lot of vitamins for my baby. :001_302:
Talking about supplements, my doctor just give me fish oil with brand "Natal care Triplus" and multivits with brand "Prenavit of Sunward". I don't know if it is enough vitamins for me and my baby? My doctor didn't give me calcium tab. I must ask him next check-up.

My friend suggested me another brand of fish oil that she ate it during her pregnancy and her baby is quite clever. Do you think I should ask my doctor about another brand of fish oil? I am scared that my doctor will be not happy :embarrassed:

Ah I want to ask about the sleeping position? When I sleep side way (right or left), my baby kicks me very hard. And I sleep facing up, my baby just kicks me very light or maybe no. ==> I thought that my baby doesn't like me to sleep side way. But I heard that pregnant women try not to sleep facing up right? Can you give me your advice?
Lunar new year is coming soon, do you need to prepare a lot of things? I stay together with my parents in law, so I don't need to worry about it :shyxxx:

Thank you so much and happy weekend!
Hmm i think just go with your body, try to take a balanced diet.. :) Multivits n stuff are just supplements in case we nv eat well.. :) Pregnancy milk helps too but as i'm lactose intolerant, i can't take any.. not even normal milk, hence gynae gave me calcium tabs.. ;) Its a good boost too as we lose alot of calcium during childbirth and baby needs alot of calcium for bone development.. ;) Maybe u can check w ur gynae.. for me i feel as long as recommended by gynae shld be ok.. safe for pregnancy can liao.. most fish oils are similar.. depending on size of capsule or if u are sensitive to the fishy smell, there are those that got no smell or vanilla flavor i think.. :) Fish oil with dha helps in brain development.. haha but not sure how direct can it cause cleverness .. ;) Anything just check w gynae.. he earning your money, why will he get angry? Make sure u get the most of your consult! haha

Sleeping position wise, best is on our left.. but its ok to shift different positions .. as long as its comfy.. i tried to make an effort to slp on my left in my 1st pregnancy, but back ache still will find myself on my back in the morning.. the nurses say its ok one.. ;) if sleep upright too much, might have too much pressure on your back n spine.. u can get a support pillow if really u comfy.. i saw the dreamgenii pillow and almost bought but found it too big n ex.. $140 i think.. so i got a bolster and a pillow for my back and to out between my legs to sleep.. also tried putting a small pillow around tummy area to support.. coz i was really in alot of discomfort and pain .. hope it helps!

Ya CNY coming .. i hope my house reno is done before that and i'll be busy shifting in! Might not be ready for cny, just do visitation.. lol :) Hmm i staying with my mother in law now.. sucks.. she is super bitter .. and always assume the worse of me.. loads of misunderstandings and assumptions.. esp after i have bb.. her attitude and expectations of me changed drastically.. sigh


lingz12 if u dun like fruits u can try to eat more egg plant, ladies fingers or pumpkin which will help bowel movement.

Agreed with meltie, best is to get minerals n. itamins thru food rather thn supplement, more natural.

I hate piles too but GP said now cannot remove will have to wait till after birth. I shall remove it this time after confinement, cannot tahan Liao.

So far I have not take note of sleeping position, I dun think it is very critical, so long as u r comfortable.

I am also busy doing homework for new hse, so much things to consider... My fengshui master said I cannot be there for all ceremony till house is completed, Sian to max... Worry my hubby cannot cope...


Tannie u also busy with new home? So ur fengshui master got say untill everything completed n he pick an auspicious date then u can move in too right? Cos my fengshui master said so but a few friends said CANNOT cos 冲到!.. cos my new home abt to complete forsee can move in next month..

just to ask, are your urine yellowish mostly after pregnant or clear? I can't really drink much water due to my bloatedness so abit concerned abt my amt of water intake.


Thanks Chinhuahua and Tannie.. My fren jus gave me a tub of manuka honey, shall try it tonight, hopefully my flu will go away for good.. And ladyfinger realli works? ok, I shall eat more of it then.. ;)


Yap, will be getting my keys in jan. my fengshui master said can only move in when everything is ready on an auspicious date else will have to wait till after confinement. So depends on how soon the hse is ready. But before it's ready, I cannot go to the hse.



just to ask, are your urine yellowish mostly after pregnant or clear? I can't really drink much water due to my bloatedness so abit concerned abt my amt of water intake.
Yap my urine is always yellowish, I think because our body is heaty. Try to drink more water... If u feel bloated, can try to add lemon to water or drink lemon honey.


Tannie ok.. hee..

Simbaobao dont worry is either u drink too much or too less.. so work on the opposite? Cos since last week both my foot n feet alrdy bloated like water retention.. then my gynae said it is fine if it happens on both legs.. he will be concerned if it only happen on 1 leg.. i m only at 18+ weeks.. my whole body is like balloon by 1 inch.. before i told my friends hw many weeks i m in they all guessed i m in my 5th month.. haha..



just to ask, are your urine yellowish mostly after pregnant or clear? I can't really drink much water due to my bloatedness so abit concerned abt my amt of water intake.
Yes! Mostly yellowish.. when i see tat, i try to drink more water.. :p usually goes away.. i still continue to drink barley and stuff... :p hmm so far no swelling yet.. just frequent urination.....

Hey tannie, congrats on ur new hse! I'm shifting in before cny! Haven't confirmes what date yet! :p I don't really believe in fengshui and stuff.. will go up my house and take a look at reno progress every few days.. mostly when they are having break or just laying tiles.. not knocking or drilling.. trying to avoid .. :p just got to be careful when walking ard..

Wah my friend just commented that my tummy is showing and is v big suddenly! Now officially 5 mths.. wah time flies.. tomorrow is my detailed scan! Excited!

But sigh again.. i'm up with blocked nose again.. alot of thick mucus and i'm sniffing and sneezing again.. sneeze and leak pee .. arghhhh... i just can't get well completely.. just keep having it every 2-3 days..... :(
Meltie, isn't barley consider cooling? Can drink ah? I used to like drinking barley and water chestnut...but after pregnant I stop coz these are supposed to be cooling...


New Member

Can drink barely but not too much . cos it will cause building of phelgm(sorry unsure of spelling) . when boil the barely just dun add the winter melon , it will be fine . of cos dun add too much sugar too .