EDD May 2014 (maybe)


I gained 2 kg as of last gynae visit. Baby weighs 369g.

Gynae told me to gain 2 kg by next visit. Not sure if i can gain that much by next visit as I'm not eating a lot. Just normal as what i do pre-pregnancy.

N yes, baby has been very active. Moving n kicking a lot inside! Haha...

Have booked pedi appt with MIL for cny as i have trouble bending over to cut my toe nails now.

As for massage, any recommendations?


winniemint, dun like tat leh.. sobz.. i oso gain a lot.. i gained 6kg to-date at my last gynae visit at 21 weeks, baby 360+g.. so JA13, u're not alone! haha.. i have problems with weight gain and water retention for my first pregnancy.. seems like history is repeating itself.. gynae din ask me to cut down on food cos my #1 was born really small (2.35kg).. so she wans me to keep on eating and hopefully this bb will be bigger than his jie jie.. my gynae said "mummy fat nvrm, most importantly is bb mus be healthy size".. haha.. and i gained like 22kg for my 1st pregnancy, good thing is i lost 19kg after delivery la, leaving 3 more kg to go and now piling up again.. But it's ok.. After bb #2, can close factory and concentrate on losing weight! =)

Charchia, actually what u said about not drinking too much water to reduce water retention is not true.. i didn't drink a lot of water for my first pregnancy but i ballooned like mad.. my feet swell like no tomorrow and i swear i could feel water swishing in between the gaps between my skin folds and the muscle tissues.. even my thighs and arms and face swell.. i can press down with my thumb and see a dent in my flesh and then see it slowly restore back to normal.. it is THAT bad.. i was hoping i wun encounter the same thing this pregnancy so i try to drink more water per my gynae's advice.. but i can still see the starting of water retention.. sighz.. i jus hope it will not be as bad as before..

Meltie, is the jamu massage realli good? how early in advance do we have to book her service? i didn't quite like the one i engage for my first pregnancy.. partly cos she's too busy and can only schedule a massage for me once every 2/3 weeks? i feel like no effect le lor.. plus after the massage, i felt so oily and yet im not supposed to bathe cos of the bind.. but i feel disgusted breastfeeding my girl with oil all over me and my boobs.. yucks.. so now oso dunno wan to go for jamu massage not.. hmm..
Sorry, not to offend anyone lah. My appetite quite small, therefore quite worried baby weight too.

although gynae said everything is okay, i still hope to gain more weight regardless my fat figure.... hehe as long as baby is healthy and chubby. :)


Longs, seriously not sure how true anyway... How much weight gain is not important... Most important is both mother and child is healthy... Till date I have not ask check what is my baby's weight... The gynae just say it is a medium size baby...

meltie care to share how much does she charge for the Jamu massage and how many session?


Hey charchia, i'm not sure abt prenatal massage charges, i think also depends on location.. :p I am trying to recall how much i paid per session for jamu massage after delivery.. i think about $60? I did consecutively for 7 days. She was very committed. Maybe u can call her to ask for a quote.

Lingz, for jamu massage i also don't like the oil.. u can actually request for no oil or use baby oil/lotion. It's much more pleasant. I was just uncomfortable breastfeeding with all my tummy wrapped up to under the breasts.. but only 7 days and after 6 hrs i remove to bathe.. hehe.. can discuss w ur jamu auntie about it..

Charchia, going to JB also a gd getaway.. still thibking if i shld go JB on sunday to cut hair.. hubby needs to vaccum the car interior.. but we have a 6.50am flight on monday! :p Bringing my no.1 along is also not ez as still gotta change diapers, carry her, feed her.. we are more vulnerable to attacks.. can be quite dangerous.. but this time our friends are going this sunday.. so tempted to go in together..

sigh mummies.. i seriously think i got pregnancy rhinitis.. my nose every night also swell and blocked.. stuffy and runny.. keep leaking mucus.. read that its more common and should try to avoid allergens.. but then staying w mil in this old house is super dusty with 2 cats somemore.. i think i'm getting more allergic to dust and cat fur.. :( my left nose is perpetually blocked.. sneeze whole day.. than i take antihistamine, 1-2 days i feel better but after that i'm down with it again.. i just woke up at 4am having blocked nose and sneezing.. :( just took another antihistamine.. trying to only take when really really needed.. :( Sighhh ..


Meltie finally the tailbone pain is better. Phew~
Great!! I hope it stays! My gynae says its common and gd to hear that it comes and goes.. if it remains all the way, she'll be worried.. i'm hoping i can keep it this way throughout!! Going HK , sure alot of things to carry.. hope i can survive without triggering the pain! Actually i find that hubby also helped alot.. i was having v bad pain when he was having his exams and i had to do most of the stuff takibg care if bb and bringing bb out alone.. after he finished his exams, i got him to help out as much to carry bb n do stuff.. so maybe thats why lesser stress lesser pain.. only on some days ..

2nd time mummies, how's it carrying your no.1 so far? My no.1 is 8.3kg.. recently as usual she sticks to me and want me to carry.. sometimes i just let her fuss and out in car seat.. but sometimes really no choice gotta carry her.. I find that as my tummy is so much bigger now, she tends to sit on my bump or just in front of it.. wah makes me breathless easily.. arms also breaking liao, no strength to carry for long.. don't know how long can i carry my girl.. sometimes she kicks me or unknowingly the knee is pressing against my tummy.. actually somedays i don' know if she is kicking frm outside or bb is kicking from inside.. hahaha


New Member
The aching points seem like running everywhere. Now I have back ache. Lol~~

When you flying to hk? I'm still considering to go bkk end this mth.

Is ur nose better? Try getting some fresh air


Meltie, noted and thanks with regards to the jamu massage...

By the way have u tried using nasal spray instead of antihistamine? I too sometimes have block and stuffy nose and my doctor has prescribe me with nasal spray... I find that it is better as u use it only once or twice per day or when necessary...

My no.1 is currently reaching 8kg... I too dun have the strenght to carry her for long.. but still I enjoy bringing her out alot on my own... try to get her to stay in the stroller and keep her occupied with toys... but sometimes no choice got to carry... at home is easier, coz so long she can see me around her and she has ample space to crawl and play she will not make noise...

ST Woo

Hi mummies, recently I have not been actively writing the forum. Just feel like reading what all mummies are doing. I have engaged a post natal massage Auntie recommended from the forum. Hope she is good. My no.1 boy has not be having well. I only go home on Friday till Sunday and stay at my parents place during Mon to thur. Due to my parent's place more convenient to my work place if from my hse to work need to take mrt is so crowded and longer journey. Maybe because my boy miss me need my attention that why he behave very easily cranky if I don't give in to him at the end he will get canning from my hubby. I feel so heart ache when I cannot interfere when my hubby discipline him. During at night my boy also cannot sleep well he got bad dream cry in the middle of the night...sign...my mum said he can selse my 2nd baby that Why he want more attention now. I will be going my detail scan next Thur. Then can confirm my baby gender. I not sure how much weight I gain and my baby weight yet till I did my detail scan. I will update you all again.

Jiayou mummies!


JA13, you gain 7.2Kg?!! how bout your baby weight?

For me, I put on 2-3kg as of my details scan (last 2 weeks) and baby is 330+g.
Hi Winniemint & Lingz12, ya on week 16 I alrdy put on 5.5kg while baby is at 186g.. So now I not sure my baby weight have to wait till 15th Jan for my detailed scan to knw.. I guess my weight was due to water retention, quite bad on both my foot n feet n hands.. As my colleagues all shocked when I revealed my weight gain as they said cannot tell I have put on a lot. So is still a relieve? Haha.. Guess my situation same as Lingz12 number 1? My cousin whom is at 33 weeks now also shocked abt my water retention n weight gain, she asked me to control my diet in case later part I might suffer also.


Meltie, one of the mummies suggested manuka honey earlier, did u try? I did and it worked wonders.. My nose was blocked so bad tat I totally couldnt breathe thru my nose and had to make do with my mouth.. Felt like a goldfish.. And sleeping at night was bad cos my mouth was v dry and I keep waking up to drink water.. After taking manuka honey for 3 consecutive days, I miraculously recovered after weeks of torture.. Maybe u give manuka honey a try? Hope it gets better for u ya? Else being sick while on holiday is so sad!

As for carrying of #1.. My girl is almost 10kg now.. Nowadays I ask hubby to carry her wen we are out or I jus let her walk and wander.. On occasions wen she die die wan me to carry, I oso cant carry long.. Like today.. We were out shopping and we put her in e stroller but she struggled to get out.. So hubby carried and she refused to be carried and wanted to get down.. But once she's on her feet she screamed and wanted ME to carry.. Bo bian.. But after 15min, I started to get breathless and my bump starts to ache and I realise cos I have been resting her bum on my bump.. So had to negotiate with her and pass her back to hubby.. Dunno how to tahan e remaining 5mths man if she keep insisting I carry..

JA13, if the weight gain is mainly water retention then dun need to worry.. It will shed v fast after delivery per my experience.. Wen ppl hear me losing 19kg after delivery, they were all v amazed.. But really, 80% of it is realli only water which I lose rather easily cos I sweat like mad during confinement and kept peeing.. Haha.. So dun worry too much abt weight gain if it's water retention (anyway it cant be controlled).. The concern will be more if e weight gain is due to diet.. :001_302:


Hi mummies, jus back from my trip to batam. Nice n enjoyable! Thanks to my sis n auntie who help me with my no. 1. She is 11 kg now and still want me to carry everyday. I tried not but most of the time give in to her. If I carry her I'll try to sit down or stand still, I hv no energy to carry n walk.

Wow meltie u sound like wonder woman! I think I had stressed my body while packing for my trip n had spotting the next morning... Totally tired to shop in batam. Luckily I had good rest at the resort the nxt day. Better take care n not to over tired urself.


winniemint, dun like tat leh.. sobz.. i oso gain a lot.. i gained 6kg to-date at my last gynae visit at 21 weeks, baby 360+g.. so JA13, u're not alone! haha.. i have problems with weight gain and water retention for my first pregnancy.. seems like history is repeating itself.. gynae din ask me to cut down on food cos my #1 was born really small (2.35kg).. so she wans me to keep on eating and hopefully this bb will be bigger than his jie jie.. my gynae said "mummy fat nvrm, most importantly is bb mus be healthy size".. haha.. and i gained like 22kg for my 1st pregnancy, good thing is i lost 19kg after delivery la, leaving 3 more kg to go and now piling up again.. But it's ok.. After bb #2, can close factory and concentrate on losing weight! =)

Charchia, actually what u said about not drinking too much water to reduce water retention is not true.. i didn't drink a lot of water for my first pregnancy but i ballooned like mad.. my feet swell like no tomorrow and i swear i could feel water swishing in between the gaps between my skin folds and the muscle tissues.. even my thighs and arms and face swell.. i can press down with my thumb and see a dent in my flesh and then see it slowly restore back to normal.. it is THAT bad.. i was hoping i wun encounter the same thing this pregnancy so i try to drink more water per my gynae's advice.. but i can still see the starting of water retention.. sighz.. i jus hope it will not be as bad as before..

Meltie, is the jamu massage realli good? how early in advance do we have to book her service? i didn't quite like the one i engage for my first pregnancy.. partly cos she's too busy and can only schedule a massage for me once every 2/3 weeks? i feel like no effect le lor.. plus after the massage, i felt so oily and yet im not supposed to bathe cos of the bind.. but i feel disgusted breastfeeding my girl with oil all over me and my boobs.. yucks.. so now oso dunno wan to go for jamu massage not.. hmm..

I didn't engage jamu massage though. I went for a post natal slimming treatment.. So far I am seeing results! :) More info if you are interested: My Post Natal Slimming Treatment | NGJUANN.COM


New Member
Hi lingz12, I'm glad manuka honey worked wonders for u.. I religiously took 1 teaspoonful every night and it helps to keep sore throat at bay. I'm very prone to getting sore throat before I'm preggy. Now that we are pregnant,I can feel my body getting heaty easily. Yesterday I just nosebleed. Not sure if it's a sign of heaty-ness.


yeah.. but now tat im well I have stopped taking manuka honey oredi.. maybe should start taking it again.. hee.. I tink nosebleed is not unusual during pregnancy but not all will encounter la
. For my first pregnancy I had it once, scare e lights out of me.. I was on a ferry from macau back to hk and saw blood clots wen I blew my nose.. My hubby turned green and kept asking me if I was ok.. Thankfully it stopped after a while and nvr came back..
Hi mummies! This group is so happening! Hahahaha!

My EDD is 24th April, but I hope you all won't mind me joining here to share tips and what-not...


New Member
Hi lingz12, it's good to take it regularly as it helps to build up the immune system. My nosebleed have since stopped. Hope it wun reoccur again.
Hi perkyperky, welcome!