EDD May 2014 (maybe)


For my case is opposite. My hubby keep asking me to continue to breastfeed. He went to antenatal class n he know the benefits. He keep making me feel bad when I wana stop breastfeeding.

I breast feed my gal for 4months cause she has cows milk allergy after taking FM. Thn she rejected bottle when I am going back to work... so end up I still breastfeed her after going back to work... till she accept bottle at abt 5 months old.

My conflict with my mum is she keep asking me to feed baby water. But we were taught n told by pd tht we shld not feed thm water till they start solid....


Ya loh ya loh! Same as Lingz12!

Even my hubby oso sometimes see me so tiring feeding, pumping, pain, sore and bleeding.. he always say just stop and give FM... i just persevered.. and also weaning was not easy.. took me 2 months?! Supply was steady and once i slow down abit in pumping and drag for 8-12hrs, i kenna blocked ducts.. painful engorgement.. sighhh so i slowly loh.. :p My bb also had sensitive stomach, couldn't take step 2 Hypoallergenic formula well.. vomitted and has diarrhea for a month.. till PD recommended to switch to soy milk.. now on Isomil .. alot better.. smells gd too.. lol

Oh well, i guess everybody has their opinions from their experience.. as the mother of your own child, you get to decide for this vulnerable life you've brought to this world.. so its either you heed their advice or read up and learn yourself, take some advice and try it out urself.. :) Breastfeeding is the best for any child. Whether colic or sick or what.. so i persevered. Even baby kept having reflux and vomit n puke out my breast milk..can be half the feed.. i still continue pumping for her.. heart pain.. but i known even when she regurgitate , breastmilk will not cause ear infections and is still safe..

Every stage of your baby is a whole new ball game.. lol now i'm having feeding and teething woes for my 16mth gal... :p she's been crying and wailing for past few nights.. 2 hrs before she fall aslp.. and woke up at 3am to cry coz teeth pain ... sighh zombified.. :p


For my case is opposite. My hubby keep asking me to continue to breastfeed. He went to antenatal class n he know the benefits. He keep making me feel bad when I wana stop breastfeeding.

I breast feed my gal for 4months cause she has cows milk allergy after taking FM. Thn she rejected bottle when I am going back to work... so end up I still breastfeed her after going back to work... till she accept bottle at abt 5 months old.

My conflict with my mum is she keep asking me to feed baby water. But we were taught n told by pd tht we shld not feed thm water till they start solid....

Yaya! The older generation keep forcing us to feed water!! I was doing my jamu massage in the room and my hubby was forced by his mum to feed my 3 week old bb water! She drank 20ml!! gosh.. doc already said as long as bb is breastfed, don't need water.. grrrr.... i was so angry.

Tannie, my bb also rejected bottle at 3-4 mths! Was a battle!! Had to get hubby to force feed her in a way.. she went on strike afew times and skipped one feed here and there.. :p Well breastfeeding is best when both mother and bb enjoys it. If mother not happy, oso wun be ideal.. should try to enjoy the journey.. I stubborn forced myself despite all the challenges.. haha was not v pleasant but i was glad each time i see my girl drink up her milk.. :p trying to provide the best anti-bodies for her and immunity for a lifetime.. she has alot of allergies, previously colic and still has sensitive skin and eczema, thats why i persevered.. :p guess its the sacrifice of a mum.. You did well in providing you best liao! There's no comparing ya? :)


yayaya! hate the feeding water oso.. esp during the first few months wen hiccups were oh so common then.. they keep saying feed water and say wen we hiccup we oso drink water wat.. arghh.. i tink it's all these well-meaning advices tat sort of made me so possessive of my girl.. i refused to let her out of my sight as long as i can manage it.. to avoid my parents/ in-laws/ aunties/ uncles etc feeding her with anything other than wat i agree to..

yeah like meltie said.. breastfeeding should be an enjoyable experience.. no point stressing ourselves out and making ourselves so unhappy jus cos we are expected to breastfeed.. a happy mummy and baby is more important.. as long as we do the best we could and 对得起自己, it's good enuff.. =)
My husband is also the same! Whenever I told him, it's so painful with my engorgement and blocked ducts, he will ask me to just give FM. I think our husbands couldnt bear to see us with all the grumbling and complains about the sorrowfulness of breastfeeding, so that's why they rather we give our babies FM. Actually, the more he ask me to give FM the more I dont want and the more I will insist on breastfeeding. So that is sort of like an "encouragement" for me! Hahahahaha!


Thinking of starting all over again makes me feel abit scare... so this time I decide to pamper myself a little. .. will get a nice chair for breastfeeding and also a dual pump.


Haha ! Ya perkyperky! The more they discourage, the more i persevere!

Tannie! Go ahead and pamper yourself!

I'm also thinking if i should pamper myself , ask hubby to get a nice chair for me to breastfeed.. last time did it on the bed.. zzz backached like mad.. this time i already gotten myself a breastfeeding pillow! Now just left with the pump haven't decide... :p

ya.. the thought of starting all over again is scary.. but i try to make it better.. or just think that its gonna be just a 'short' while? :p hahaa it got better as we progressed from breastfeeding to FM to solids... but its another challenge with solids.. lol :p

Gonna feed my bb some grapes now!


Thanks mummies for sharing your birth experiences! at least I got a better idea of what it is like.. but still don't really dare to watch too much video/pictures on delivery.. ownself scare ownself only hehe.. what we must go through will eventually comes anyway..

I did eat sashimi every now and then from 1st trimester till now cos really cannot resist! well, my gynae did say it is ok to eat everything in moderation, including sashimi, raw oysters, pineapple etc etc.. I have been eating lots of half boiled eggs and sunny side ups too cos they are my favourite! I can eat them everyday lo! i guess it's ok ya?

The only thing the gynae asks me to stop is alcohol which is so sad bcos I love drinking! but well, since the gynae explicitly said no, I did not touch any.. hmmm, rum n raisin ice cream and tiramisu not counted right? haha.. bcos I still eat those..

As for bird's nest, is it really required to drink? what is the benefit? I did not drink any as I don't think they are of any benefit but actually I also don't know what's the good of bird's nest la.. anyone also never drink bird's nest at all?

I didn't drink any bird nest at all for my #1. So i'm thinking if i should drink for my #2 now.


Aww Tannie, maybe it shrunk? or maybe our build was stretched after first delivery? :p I think i'm mostly M size liao sighh..

Today is THE DAY! I'm shifting out!! My new house reno is mostly done! But i'm shifting in without dining chairs n curtains.. think can only get them after CNY... ;)

How's everybody doing? My gynae appt supposed to be today but i rescheduled it to next mon.. :p Can't wait to see bb! Oh ya i hope i can find all ny receipts for claiming of medisave! Sigh coz this time nv sign package and won't have a big bill.. have to keep the receipts for claiming.. anyone remembers how much can we claim ar? :p I hope i can find it somewhere in the boxes!

Sigh my no.1 teething i supposed.. wakes up super early to cry.. yesterday night 3am cried non stop.. like murder.. :( i'm so tired.. hope she'll slp better in our new hse tonight.. :p


Aww Tannie.. yeah maybe it shrunk? I oso started pulling out my old maternity dresses to wear oredi.. Meltie at least u are mostly M.. im mostly L oredi.. sobz..

Congrats on ur move Meltie! Away from mil! And yaya.. my girl oso recently wake up in e middle of the night to whine.. Water oso dun wan.. Milk oso dun wan.. Pacifier oso dun wan.. Tink teething too.. Molars are coming out i think.. Sighz.. Anyway medisave can claim up to $450 if i rem correctly..


Haiz... I am XL alrdy lor... CNY coming some more.

Congrats Meltie for ur new nest finally!

What abt apply teething gel to ur gal? It works for my gal.


wow... the thread move so fast... really salute all the mummies who preserve with breastfeeding... I couldn't bear seeing my daughter with reflux plus she doesn't like latching on... but I am still glad I switch to ar fm... coz her reflux issue lasted all the way till she was about 6 months old... hopefully no. 2 will be better and allow me to bf till as long as possible...

meltie congrats on ur new love nest... what medisave u want to claim?

my no.1 started teething when she was about 5 months old... now her top 2 teeth are appearing... but luckily.so far she doesn't give me problem except for the 2 weeks of high fever before her first tooth appear...


Jus wondering. .. mummies giving birth to 2nd or 3rd child, have u thot of sterilisation or planning any way for birth control?