EDD May 2014 (maybe)

ST Woo

Lingz12, you too take care. My hubby also down with fever after taking the panedol the fever gone down...he still has to play with my boy cause mummy tummy feeling bloated. I think is the cold season everyone easily fall sick...so we have to take and and jia you....
Hi all mummies,

now ow I think is year end period where it's getting cold and flu virus tend to spread ard...do take care and drink more water although I'm guilty of not drinking much water coz always feel bloated so drinking water will mk me uncomfortable oso.but I just try to take as much water as i can..

btw, just to ask also if any mummies out there experiencing contraction feeling? I've seen my gynae becoz of this and she gave me med to control the contraction but smhw sometimes I still experience it like when I'm sitting down smtimes it just come random, or even after going to toilet to empty the bladder, after tt I will feel my tummy becomes hard then after awhile it subsides...

i wonder why im experiencing it so early? Does it haf anything to do with twins or single pregnancy?


Piglim, I bet your friends n u are staying in one bedded ward, that's y receiving super treatment. I m staying at 2 bedded ward n got 2nd class treatment. However, those even staying in 4 bedded ward at mount a has good review. TMC is too money minded.


Thanks mummies! :p I had to take a pill for my runny nose coz have to take care of my no.1.. feeling better liao.. according to doc, shld be quite safe.. i no choice.. cannot be leaking mucous all the time.. lotsa stuff to do... :/

My baby insise my tummy has been moving alot alot!! all the kicks and somersaults! Aiyo.. cannot recall my no.1 so active so early...


meltie your baby really very active!

Don't know if i'm too paranoid or what. Cause I didn't feel anything from yesterday
Kan Cheong Mummy, could it be your uterus expanding that cause contraction. What did your gyne tell you?
She also din really have a definite reason for the contraction...she state a few possible reason but just dunno what exactly cause it

after tt she did a scan and the babies are fine...and said to give me med for 2 weeks to control the contraction...

she did mention abt Braxton hick but isn't it abit early at around 18 weeks?

abit worried coz scared the contraction will affect the cervix...pray hard it's just the uterus stretching tt cause the contraction and it will stop soon...still experiencing it on and off these 2 days..


She also din really have a definite reason for the contraction...she state a few possible reason but just dunno what exactly cause it

after tt she did a scan and the babies are fine...and said to give me med for 2 weeks to control the contraction...

she did mention abt Braxton hick but isn't it abit early at around 18 weeks?

abit worried coz scared the contraction will affect the cervix...pray hard it's just the uterus stretching tt cause the contraction and it will stop soon...still experiencing it on and off these 2 days..
Was thinking of braxton hick, but its too early.. :p Or did u eat something that induces contraction? :p Hope it goes away! :)

I'm just wondering, are you mummies still taking folic acid? I forgot when can stop.. i still have some.. still eating everyday together w my multivits, calcium and fish oil..

It's Dec already! so fast! We're gonna see our babies in May! Jiayou mummies!!


oh dear kan cheong mummy.. hope e doc's med works and it goes away soon! u are having twins? how exciting it mus be! jia you jia you!

Meltie, I stop my folic acid ever since I started on multivit cos multivit oso has folic acid.. tat's wat I did for first pregnancy so I jus continued e same way for this round..

and yes.. kinda find it hard to believe.. we are seeing our little bubs in approximately 5mths time! I'm nt ready! in fact, smetimes I forgot im preggie!


Any mummies back starting to ache?my back so pain since ytd. Hubby says most prob I carry my #1 too much le.Haiz.sit down also pain sia...dunno how to ease the pain... sigh


Any mummies back starting to ache?my back so pain since ytd. Hubby says most prob I carry my #1 too much le.Haiz.sit down also pain sia...dunno how to ease the pain... sigh
Yes my pain started 2 weeks back !!! :/ Lower back ache, tailbone-butt pain till cannot walk properly.. left and right leg move got neeve pain.. sighhh so early.. esp more painful when frm resting position... i try to remain active...but i also carry my no.1 alot.. :p coz she can't walk... hmm i tried to stretch but still pain.. adding on i got neck pain and also joint ache at my thumb! argh!
Hi all,

Yah I am still puking... puked twice yesterday... not so much that I am having the nausea that I had very badly in the first trimester, but more like... the food couldn't settle down properly in my tummy and / or my baby is rejecting it? LOL... but feel so wretched everytime :( really hate puking...

I have not been eating my calcium and multivitamins.. cos they're too huge and even after my hubby cuts them up for me, I end up gagging and puking everything up... sob... am waiting for my gynae to call me and let me know alternatives to take... cos I really really cannot take the huge pills.. so have been drinking lots of milk and more fruits, etc... :(


Excitedwifey hang in there! At least you're eating healthily for the baby :) don't give up! It's good to take more fruits too as its flu season too. Take care.

I've got backache on and off after doing household chores too. But been cramping in the abdominal area but no bleeding. Any cause for concerns?

anyway, weather is getting cool. Let's load up on Vit C and stay healthy!


Mummies I feel very 委屈 at work! Been scolded by my boss for nothing cos she sided one of the old bird in company when everyone knows I m pregnant now! I cant get over it. Haiz.. the cause is so strong that I dont wish to step into this office... Erghhh!

ST Woo

JA13, don't be sad. Be strong and jia you. The more you think what your boss said you will feel worse so just think of your baby and be stronger....

Yes, just another 5 more months...all mummies jia you jia you....

I can feel my back aching when I'm resting and lying flat. Recently, I got digestion problem...have take longer to digest my food...don't feel good...sigh

ST Woo

Me too still got some folic acid and same like Lingz12 have start taking multivitamin and multivit has folic acid also. You can stop taking the folic acid or you can check with your gyne.


My gynea said I can continue with the folic acid till finish. I m also taking multi vit with folic acid.

JA13, jus "ren" for another five month n go for maternity leave. Don't think too much. Concentrate more on ursn baby well being.

I m suffering fm backache since giving birth to no.1... Not sure is it because of epidural...

STWoo, maybe u can take small portion but more meal to help indigestion? Or eat more fruits.


Haiz yah ST Woo & Tannie, i can only recollect my feeling to ignore these people till next yr..

Oh i m taking folic acid n 3 other types of vitamins.. this friday gg to meet my little one hoping can see gender.. excited to meet my little one..
Can't wait to see my baby this Thursday. Since two weeks ago i can feel the kicks but someday i can't feel any... abit worry.

And i didn't gain any weight... more worry. now i'm down with flu sore throat and cough. seen normal GP already. lost appetite now...