EDD May 2014 (maybe)

Tannie, I've already drank twice so far. I think should be ok since we didnt drink coconut for the rest of the other 8 months! LOL! Weather these days are so crazy! Best to eat the pulp and drink the juice! SHIOKNESS guaranteed! Hehe!
Thanks for clarifying my doubts! :) still haven't fully pack my hospital bag yet...

Ya, Tannie, can start drinking coconut juice already.. Just don't drink in excessive will do. When nearing EDD, then can drink twice or three times every week! hehe.. For now, once a week is fine..


I'm going for my appointment tomorrow! Excited! I'm getting pain in my ribs which is annoying as I think my posture is bad as I "collapse" into my ribcage whenever I sit down.

Anyway! Coconut is the best! However, which is recommended: the young (small white) coconut or the old (big green) coconut? Or are they both the same just that one doesn't have the husk and the latter still has the husk?

Thank you for clarifying!


Hi Melancholy, thanks for ur info! I'm so going to get the coconuts!..hehe, which kind shld we buy ar? The small brown one or the big green one?


the young coconut is the best... I have already started drinking it once or twice a week... the weather is really a killer...


as for those giving birth in KKH under private... Basic toileteries, new born diapers, wet wipes, loop pad and disposable panties are provided... u need to bring ur own slippers (I just use what I wore to the hospital), a set of discharge clothes for yourself, a set of discharge clothes for newborn (romper, hat, mittens, booties, swaddle cloth)... If registering birth cert, then original marriage cert and parent's ic.... if u register birth cert then want to apply for CDA account, u need to bring the CDA registration form amd the required documents stated inside...


my no.1 name is also "calculated"... No.1 was born at night and the next day my husband go and calculate her name... lucky managed to get it before I discharge so we could do everything at the hospital instead of making any trip down... hopefully I will be able to do the same for no.2...


I have already start to pack my hospital bag. Left a few more items and i think i'm done.

Btw did any mummies experience lower tummy cramp?

i have been experiencing that since i came back from my appointment. It hurts more when i stood up from sitting position.


Wah this thread is moving fast! hospital bag? I haven't started! Been so busy handling my 18mth old.. She has been turning into a little brat for the past week! I guess its the onset of terrible 2s! Sighh fuss and fuss like mad.. refuse to listen.. Now i'm doing time out with her... Everyday driving me up the wall.. She's been having diarrhea and vomitting due to her itchy hands... sighh handling her alone in the day is really getting on my nerves.. I'm becoming a screaming mum... :/

Alot of things undone or not done yet.. Hubby is busy with projects and exams that are coming up.. Dresser n cot still not assembled.. Bb clothes not washed, my CL fwded me herbs to buy, shld be buying in May bah.. I wore simple slippers at home during confinement last time.. Wonder if i shld go get them again this time... Not sure if it mattered.. :p Hmm my biggest worry is how to settle my no.1 whenni go give birth.. Its alot of care and attention.. Cooking, feeding, coaxing to eat, putting to slp.... :p my mum doesn't seem reliable to come over.... My hubby is busy , and not sure if he can have the time... Sigh ... Oh ya we have not gotten a mattress for my girl to slp on the floor.. Everything seems presssing... My girl has been waking up in he middle of the night to fuss n cry, kick me like mad.. I'n aching all over.. Just this morning she was awake frm 4-6am.. And woke up at 7.30am to fuss again... I'm super drained.. Already waking up 1-2hrs to pee through the night.. Now with her kicking n throwing tantrums and keeping me up... I don't think i xan get the rest before giving birth... :/

My tummy seems like its stretching alot.. Previous pregnancy i did not have my belly button pop out! Now its super stretched... And this little bb is kicking non stop.. I have groin and thigh pain.. Its all burning down there... Guess i stand too long and nv sit enough.. But with this toddler, what to do? :/


Hi Melancholy, thanks for your info! I've also started to pack my hospital bag too since i was free at home yesterday..hehe, sometimes i do get those 'suan suan' kind of feeling at the lower tummy area..and these days, my tummy feels hard from time to time and gynae says its the braxton hicks..makes me so uncomfortable at times

Hi meltie, jia you! it's not easy having to manage your toddler with the big tummy..do take care ya! =)


I have not packed my hospital bag yet.. haha.. tink I better get my lazy bum up this weekend.. my mum is helping to wash bb clothes and my dad and hubby finally assembled the dresser last weekend.. I tink now e most headache part is wat to do with my girl wen I go deliver.. I dunno how! My mum says at most bring to hospital with us and she will come pick my girl up at the hospital if I need to deliver in e middle of the night.. but my mum needs to work in the morning and she stays in jurong, how is she gg to send my girl to the nanny at sengkang? Hmm..

My mil told me to start on coconut this week.. im 35 wks oredi.. she says 1 coconut a wk leh.. I oso took 1 coconut a wk for my previous pregnancy.. just drink la.. nvr eat e meat..

Meltie.. stay strong.. I totally understand how u feel cos my girl is e same.. drives me up e wall.. and now tat im less mobile, it's even more tough trying to chase and catch her before she touches e electric sockets, attempts to jump down from e sofa, play with the switches or step into the drains wen we are out.. sighz.. smetimes I feel if I would be a better mummy to her if I were nt preggie.. but then.. too late now.. didi is coming out.. hopefully then I have more energy to chase after her and didi too.. a bit wishful tinking but one can hope right? Haha..

These days I ache so much at the groin.. super pain.. dunno issit cos bb is slowly moving down and rubbing against my pelvic bone near e groin.. sighz.. smetimes standing hurts.. and smetimes wen im lying on my side, it hurts too.. to e extent tat I dun dare move.. and not to forget, e dreadful leg cramps.. sighz.. on e one hand I hope bb dun come out so soon.. on e other hand im realli getting tired of being preggie.. I cant believe I actualli told my bestie I miss being preggie (before I discovered I was preggie for a 2nd time).. I mus n mad then.. hahaha..


the young coconut is the best... I have already started drinking it once or twice a week... the weather is really a killer...
I heard that is better to drink those big green shell coconut rather than those small white shell bought from ntuc, cos they say is more natural and better.


wow, ur have already pack ur bag so early? I have not packed mine yet. EDD mid-may. think next week try to pack abit. cos everytime when reach hm after work, feels so tired and wanted to sleep around 10pm everyday. also where ur buy the disposable panties? Watson or guardian better? buy what size? L or XL? cos cannot open and see and size rite? I bought the washable panties fr kiddy palace cos got vouchers, then I think during confinement period, cant touch or wash the panties, so decide to buy the disposable panties as back up as well loh..bought most of the stuff already.. think if free, will go the 18-20 massive baby fair at expo.
Hi shanice99, I bought the cotton ones from watsons.. XL size.. but also don't know can wear or not!! I bought 8 packets some more.. skarli cannot wear then waste my $$ -_-'' I also don't know watsons or guardian better but usually when I go travel, I would buy watsons.. so just stick with it.. just worried I won't be able to fit in only haha..