EDD May 2014 (maybe)


Hi, Jeslow

I also sometimes feel the clicking sound when my bb moves to my right or left. This is my 1st pregnancy.
Everyday I will have at least once slower than heart beat pulse felt at my bottom tummy, sometimes is 3 ,4 times. I read from online it's bb hiccup, very normal during 3rd trimester
Hi mrsjlim,

haha yah same here, so at least i'm not the only one who experience the clicking sound..keke..can be quite loud sometimes hor?..ohh so that's the hiccups..thanks for the info! :D
Braxton hicks is it like baby stretching towards one side of the tummy kind of feeling?

I know what is braxton hicks and i felt it but I dont know what are you talking about with regards to the heartbeat rhythmic movements. I'm thinking would you be feeling your baby having hiccups... Cos hiccups are like what you described. LOL!


Hi Ladies,

Yesterday was the day which i have been dreading since the start of my 3rd trimester. After I had my lunch and was talking with my husband about the questions we are gona ask in our evening prenatal classes. And I felt like peeing. I went to bathroom while i was cleaning myself noticed a red spot in toilet seat. I was in shock and immediately told my husband. And In 15 mins, we were ready to go to hospital. We called for taxi but no luck. For 15-20 mins, we were at home calling taxi and we decided to go to our nearest taxi stand which in 10 mins walking distance but since I feel pain walking downhill so was walking slowly. Took around 15 mins reach there. waited for 10 mins for taxi, no success. Again walked to the next taxi stand(10 mins) i.e near outram park and finally we got the taxi. while we were on the way to hospital, we had a little chat with the taxi driver and told him that we tried to call in their customer care number but could not reach. And taxi driver was so nice that he offered his personal number. And said that anytime if we need a taxi and are not able to get one to call him. . he stays in pungol and we in Chinatown but he assured us that he would come whenever we need it. That was really so nice of him. This is the 2nd time in my pregnancy that i have been touched by peoples gesture. Last time was when I was returning from Kandang Kerbau Hospital. I got on the bus and was all full. there was this lady in reserved seat almost 70+, who smiled at me and offered her seat. There were so many people around but no one even bothered to offer seat. Anyways I always find embarrassing in MRT or bus to ask for seat just because I am pregnant, I just prefer to stand rather than asking. But this lady was really nice. I said her that I will be getting down in next station for MRT and said thank you. And when I was getting down she smiled and waved. oh so swweet of her.

so coming back to yesterday situation, reached hospital, checked baby heart beat, movement...all good. later doctor came and did some vaginal checking and all good. And not sure what he inserted inside, it was soo painful and I said to myself, If labor pain is anything this painful then I am gona take epidural :) At last was asked to leave urine for urine test and done :) And I took a deep breath of relief.

So ladies, how are you planning to go to hospital? Is their anyway to ensure fast taxi access during pregnancy? I always feared that, we wont be able to get taxi on time once contraction starts?Is it common to call ambulance to reach hospital?

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Anyone experiencing stiff lower back ache? I cant sit behind the desk to work for long these days. Lower back feels stiff and aching


guess it will be great if u can get someone with car to standby for im case...

As for me, I stay at my parent's place on weekdays with my daughter and my dad has a vehicle so anything I just need to call him coz his workplace is near home otherwise I have to contact my relatives for help... weekends I m with my in-laws and husband and my husband got car....

worse come to worse then call ambulance... I also need to standby my daughter's diaper bag in case I need to bring her along...


ya i do experience hiccups frm bb.. Its somewhat continuous and regular clicking.. Babies do have hiccups one! Mine this time super super active.. Today move until i cannot take it.. She is like scrapping my tummy frm the inside.. Experienced some tightening as she kicked downwards ..pelvic bone pain.. :p

Lingz12, ya same same.. Haiz my terrible 2 has come early for my girl.. She is super super naughty .. Totally changed.. :p i'm getting impatient n maybe also hardrr for me to get dwn to chase n play w her.. :p i'm just soo tired caring for her.. Sweating like mad at home.. Just saw heat rash under my boobs.. Must have sweated too much today .. :(

Now i'm lying in bed, keep feeling like want to pee.. Thirsty but don't dare to drink much.. Sigh i have been going toilet like every 1-2 hrs at night.. So tiring.. And thighs n bones all aching and cracking.. Haha don't really enjoy this pregnancy like 1st one.. Coz its more discomfort n limitations than anything else.. No special privileges too.. Hubby take it as i'm experienced.. Can carry bb, stroller, etc.. Nv even care if i can handle or not.. Coz 2nd preg liao... Last time he didn't even let me carry my handbag ... Haha :p I'm doing everything as if i'm not pregnant and even more tedious! :p

I need a coconut!! :p it's been super hot n humid! I need a break serioysly but i don't know how that's possible.. :p My gal needs me and no one else can help except my busy hubby... :/ i actually look forward to get pass giving birth and quickly into 1st n 2nd mth.. Cannot imagine not being able to bathe w cold water in this weather during confinement! :p

Oh ya i bought 1 pack of disposable cloth panties to try .. bought M to open up n try at home.. Abit tight.. So i went back to buy 5 packs of L size from guardian .. Should be just comfy enough.. I used guardian brand previously and it was comfy.. So i'm sticking to it..


Yes yes.. I experience bb hiccups too.. more regularly these days like at least once a day? Smetimes feel like giving bb water.. hahaha.. I oso had tat trembling from within kind of feeling.. nt v frequent.. twice so far.. forgot to ask gynae abt it..

I woke up at 1 plus cos hubby switch off e air con.. then went to pee and till now cant sleep.. argh! I wan to sleep! But I cant! Why?:(


The hiccups are quite cute! :) I'm thankful for the wet morning too! just went for my 32 week checkup and baby is 1.8kg. I also know where the baby's head and legs are positioned. I feel the baby punching more than the kicking. Kinda worried initially about baby's legs if they are one. Went to google it and some said that cos the hands smaller movements so got more space as compared to kicking where the legs are. Will check out with my gynae 2 weeks later but as all the mummies here mentioned - positive thoughts rule the day!


Yeah finally a cooling morning! woke up at 6plus to wake hubby up to check if we closed the windows! his study windows were still open! end up floor all wet! hmm just rained again after a short pause.. Wish i can sleep in but my little monkey is trying to climb off the bed ... She is itching to walk... :/

Have a great weekend mummies!! Not many weekends before we pop! Enjoy! :)


Wah meltie I can go crazy if I m having such a time like urs.. Seriously I think u need to consider some form of help-part time maid or full time maid or whatever. If u can't tk Gd care of urself how will u be able to give proper care n time to ur kids? I know financial side maybe a problem but if maid can do.. Is there anyway u can get help? (Other than mil?) cos that's the only person I will rule out begging with.

Tannie how's ur 1st child coping? My son has gone sch for 1 wk Le. 1st 3 days didn't cry.. Then 4th day started tearing.. 5th day cries on n off. Haiz.. N since he started sch I hasn't seen him smile n laugh like how he used to be. He almost nv cry at hm before then. And he will be such a cheerful boy... Now he clings onto me I can't even go n pee or shower. The whole night he will wake up few hrs interval n start crying / making noise.. Wah.. Seriously I think I will give birth earlier.. Can't slp well can't eat well. Didnt help that hubby was in camp for the past 2 wks so my son also didnt get to see him. He missed him so much-kept calling for him. But no regret sending him to sch la cos I think if I don't do it now.. Later would be worst n I will hv a tougher time. I m alrdy going crazy with his change but have to be super patient cos I know he is going through a totally different transition. He is so scared until he didnt want to go to his fav place-the playground! Can u imagine?

I really him he will be fine before I give birth otherwise I dunno how to handle if I need to bf and then my son also yearn for me to carry. Goosh....

Anw mil came to visit today (she left after my son started sch! HORARRY!) and she cried. Don't know why she always for little things or nothing also cry. Ppl dunno prob thought I abuse her or what. She cried cos my son since sch became clingy to me. Didnt really want her to carry. (Well he did let her carry but only for awhile) so ya... Sian.. I see her like that really... Makes me roll my eyes literally.

Anw u guys seem to be packing bag rather fast but then again all of ur edd so early. Mine is 25 may.. So I still got 1.5 mths. But today I got the maid to help me wipe the cot wash the cot mattress etc. thank goodness u gals reminded me to buy disposable panties. Get XL. I used to be a S/M so XL worked for me the last round. Even when I go travelling or staycation during my preggy I also wear time (save time to wash)

my dayghter's been kicking or moving so hard that it's so obvious. People can see cos my tummy will really move left right up down.. Ya... Sometimes can be quite amusing.. She moves more than my son then... Maybe cos this time round we (2nd mummy) move more also bah. 1st pregnancy was like super careful can rest well this n that. Wah we r alrdy into 2/3 wk of April Le sooo fast... Getting cold feet Le man. Not worried bout the delivery this time (more or less still rem how pain n the procedure) I m only worried how to handle the 2 kids...


Wah meltie I can go crazy if I m having such a time like urs.. Seriously I think u need to consider some form of help-part time maid or full time maid or whatever. If u can't tk Gd care of urself how will u be able to give proper care n time to ur kids? I know financial side maybe a problem but if maid can do.. Is there anyway u can get help? (Other than mil?) cos that's the only person I will rule out begging with.

Tannie how's ur 1st child coping? My son has gone sch for 1 wk Le. 1st 3 days didn't cry.. Then 4th day started tearing.. 5th day cries on n off. Haiz.. N since he started sch I hasn't seen him smile n laugh like how he used to be. He almost nv cry at hm before then. And he will be such a cheerful boy... Now he clings onto me I can't even go n pee or shower. The whole night he will wake up few hrs interval n start crying / making noise.. Wah.. Seriously I think I will give birth earlier.. Can't slp well can't eat well. Didnt help that hubby was in camp for the past 2 wks so my son also didnt get to see him. He missed him so much-kept calling for him. But no regret sending him to sch la cos I think if I don't do it now.. Later would be worst n I will hv a tougher time. I m alrdy going crazy with his change but have to be super patient cos I know he is going through a totally different transition. He is so scared until he didnt want to go to his fav place-the playground! Can u imagine?

I really him he will be fine before I give birth otherwise I dunno how to handle if I need to bf and then my son also yearn for me to carry. Goosh....

Anw mil came to visit today (she left after my son started sch! HORARRY!) and she cried. Don't know why she always for little things or nothing also cry. Ppl dunno prob thought I abuse her or what. She cried cos my son since sch became clingy to me. Didnt really want her to carry. (Well he did let her carry but only for awhile) so ya... Sian.. I see her like that really... Makes me roll my eyes literally.

Anw u guys seem to be packing bag rather fast but then again all of ur edd so early. Mine is 25 may.. So I still got 1.5 mths. But today I got the maid to help me wipe the cot wash the cot mattress etc. thank goodness u gals reminded me to buy disposable panties. Get XL. I used to be a S/M so XL worked for me the last round. Even when I go travelling or staycation during my preggy I also wear time (save time to wash)

my dayghter's been kicking or moving so hard that it's so obvious. People can see cos my tummy will really move left right up down.. Ya... Sometimes can be quite amusing.. She moves more than my son then... Maybe cos this time round we (2nd mummy) move more also bah. 1st pregnancy was like super careful can rest well this n that. Wah we r alrdy into 2/3 wk of April Le sooo fast... Getting cold feet Le man. Not worried bout the delivery this time (more or less still rem how pain n the procedure) I m only worried how to handle the 2 kids...
Piglim, i think my girl is super clingy too.. She just cannot let me off.. Think she got super naughty to gain attention.. Keep defying.. She was an angel now a monster hahahaaa :p but she's still super sweet and cute.. Maybe i'm just getting too worked up over small things, want her to get independent... :p I'm hoping my mum can help abit as much as she can.. If not its my mil who will come over liao and i've shifted so far frm her.. Haha.. Well at least not staying together, lesser friction.. She got ask me if we are thinking of putting my no.1 w her for afew weeks .. But thinking of the environment back there.. W cats, fur, dirty.. I'm freaking out even more.. Prefer her to visit and just be ard in the day bah.. While i nurse the little one.. I hope i can get competent to take care of 2 kids on my own! Maybe will take 1-2 mths till my 2nd one gets into a proper routine but we all know there are growth spurts and all.... Coping w 2 kids alone at home is no joke.. I one toddler oso buay tahan liao...: p


omg... listening to all having problem with no.1 and thinking of how to cope with no.2... Suddenly makes me think how I am also going to cope with 2 especially when their age gap is going to be so close (11 months difference)... My no.1 is very clingy to me now also... Always wants me to carry her and play with her... Worst every time she wants to sleep she will look for me... Now she is still in the crawling stage, everywhere i go at home she will be crawling behind me... wonder how she will be like when no.2 is out... Hopefully she will be better once no.2 is out...

Btw, just went JB with my hubby and no.1 to do some shopping and buy coconut... can't wait for it to chill in the fridge now and drink later or tomorrow...


Charchia, wah might be harder in the coming stage when ur no.1 starts to learn to walk! She'll be fumbling all over and exploring everywhere! more attention.. My gal started walking on her own ard 15mths.. Took awhile to get stable and it was tiring to hold her.. Now getting crazy to try to grab her hand! She wants freedom .. Everyday also ask for walk-walk.. V had to put into playpen and play yard.. Will scream ! Sigh that's wads making me soo tired.. With her growing curiousity and naughtiness, i'm driven up the way these days.. I miss those days where she just guai guai sit there lol... Now everything also wanna challenge! i hope i can cope w her when no.2 comes out... Might just close eyes on alot of things.. Or else i might go crazy.. :p

wah maybe i shld ask hubby buy coconut... Hmm went jb 2 weeks ago to buy milk powder! :p craving for durians now but so heaty.. And also bb is already so big.. Eat liao even bigger! :p

Just now my twitching nerve in my left thigh finally developed into full cramp when i bathe.. Guess i carried my girl too much today n sit on floor w her , get up n down too much.. Wah i almost fell to the floor! The cramps came so sudden.. Now lying in bed trying to soothe it.. But it is on the verge of cramping.. Depending on whether this bb inside kicks on it... :p tried to stretch but can't get rid of that want-to-cramp feeling.. Sighh..


Hi dr3amlici0us,

Initially, I gave it a thought but after browsing thru internet and reading about it, I ended up on giving it a miss. However, now that you have reminded me, I would also like to donate it. Will talk to my doctor in next visit. Please share if you have any info on donating the cord blood.



Luckily my hubby is driving, jus need to think how to handle my no.1 when emergency.

My gal is still crying in the cc. She is pretty attached to a new teacher n will cry if the teacher leave her to do something else. She is still not ready for full day cc, really duno how my mum can cope when my baby arrived. Guess I will not be able to have proper confinement again.

Had real bad headache and bad pain at lower hip bone, went to see gynea yesterday. Gynea said lower hip bone is common as baby is lower n is engaged. However, headaches is not relevant to pregnancy. She said will have to refer me to specialist if I m not getting better tomolo. .. haiz... she advise to rest well over the weekend but how to when no.1 keep disturbing me. I cannot blame her cause she jus want my attention. .. also quite pity to see her been so bored... I alrdy keep bothering my mum n sis to look after her since Thurs when I m not feeling well so dun dare to bother them on weekend. ..

I also dun enjoy this pregnancy, really alot of prob... haiz...


Hi mummies, me and my husband are having diarrhoea,dunno if it's the food we took, been running to the toilet for 4-5 times since last night. And tummy hurts too. Do u have any natural remedies for diarrhea as I dun want to eat the charcoal pills and probiotics given by doc. TIA