EDD May 2014 (maybe)


I also gave up using stretch marks cream since I already had the battle scars... so no.2 battle scars makes no difference to me anymore... lol...

mrsmaybellinesee, hope all is well for you... I had the same problem as u when I was pregnant with no.1... I was once admitted for preterm labour coz I walk too much... I had nothing to do at home so keep telling my hubby go out, end up walk and walk.... till doctor ask me to cut down on walking... now for no.2 I also walk alot, infact worst coz I bring no.1 along with me sometimes carrying her diaper bag, stroller and no.1 but dun have this problem...

I am so bored at home that almost everyday I m lookong for someone to bring no.1 to explore...


Oh I also tot can on air con n no fan? I break this rule for last confinement as I do not want the pub bill to increase drastically but really cannot take the heat so I on the fan n blow in a distance. .. but seems like I m getting aches all over... so decided to on more air con this time...


Haha.. I tink im e most heck care one.. I jus switch on the fan and sit in front of it during confinement.. hahaha.. it is realli tooooooo hot.. and tat was like sep/oct? This time round it's gonna be may/june.. tink I need 2 fans! Hahaha.. And im so gonna bathe everyday.. The thing is bathe in warm herbal water, come out still hot and sticky leh.. sianz.. but at least got temporary relief..

This wkend im gonna ask hubby to dismantle e cot and move it to the guest rm for confinement nanny to take care of bb at night.. I hope he dun grumble man.. then after tat gotta clean e cot and wash cotsheets etc..


Haha.. cot all not bought yet.... :) oops.. jiayou w your no1 :) u r doing great already :) I tried many brands.. now I find the best is glyderm... the one shown on advertisement... one tube 125ml 23.40 plus watsons now sale... member additional 10% plus posb go mastercard 6% rebate.. v gd buy :) u can try.. I used a few days can see improvement already.. try also use baby bath shampoo.. for me is kodomo rice milk :) it helps for our sensitive tumny :) hee.. jiayou n gd luck for appt later :)
huh? all not bought yet? I used the pamler strectch mark cream. duno effective or not as I stil will feel itchy. try not to scratch too hard lo. v hard to ctrl at times wor. tmr baby fair starts, can go there c c..for me, I try not to apply shower foam on my tummy as as the water wash off, it will flow to the tummy and I juz clean like tat lo. dun wan use too much chemical also lo.


i've been using weleda oil from iherb - i know oil sounds icky especially with the humid weather but the skin absorbs the oil pretty well with a good massage so quite shiok.

i've been craving for spicy food - the old wives' tales mentioned that i should avoid spicy food as it may caused red spots on the baby when we deliver hence the coconut juice? but i love my spicy food! i guess i gotta cut down.

i'll be collecting my cot and will be washing the baby's clothes soon hehe same boat as you mrsmaybellinesee ;)


I also gave up using stretch marks cream since I already had the battle scars... so no.2 battle scars makes no difference to me anymore... lol...

mrsmaybellinesee, hope all is well for you... I had the same problem as u when I was pregnant with no.1... I was once admitted for preterm labour coz I walk too much... I had nothing to do at home so keep telling my hubby go out, end up walk and walk.... till doctor ask me to cut down on walking... now for no.2 I also walk alot, infact worst coz I bring no.1 along with me sometimes carrying her diaper bag, stroller and no.1 but dun have this problem...

I am so bored at home that almost everyday I m lookong for someone to bring no.1 to explore...
how much is walk too much? I also keep walking to work last time etc and take mrt etc and shopping alone, bt in btw got take a break to rest lo. ya at hm v bored one. v hard to past time.


Oh I also tot can on air con n no fan? I break this rule for last confinement as I do not want the pub bill to increase drastically but really cannot take the heat so I on the fan n blow in a distance. .. but seems like I m getting aches all over... so decided to on more air con this time...
for me during my 2nd trimester, I can dun on air con, bt now 3rd trimester, have to on air con everyday le. plus I am sleeping alone in my room also. my hub sleep outside for weeks le as he will snore and disturb my sleep lo. ha..i dun care if bills wil increase or not wor. lolz..esp now is the hot season, so is better to on it for comfort, if not will feel v "pek chek" one.


Haha.. I tink im e most heck care one.. I jus switch on the fan and sit in front of it during confinement.. hahaha.. it is realli tooooooo hot.. and tat was like sep/oct? This time round it's gonna be may/june.. tink I need 2 fans! Hahaha.. And im so gonna bathe everyday.. The thing is bathe in warm herbal water, come out still hot and sticky leh.. sianz.. but at least got temporary relief..

This wkend im gonna ask hubby to dismantle e cot and move it to the guest rm for confinement nanny to take care of bb at night.. I hope he dun grumble man.. then after tat gotta clean e cot and wash cotsheets etc..
better ask ur hub to do, cos this is the least tat he can do wor. for me, if can, I will ask him to do everything, of cos I will help him abit loh. dun care..


shanice99 I also dunno how theu define walk alot... lol...
I think can walk ba, as long as got take rest/break in btw can le lo. dun walk continuously for hrs without takin a break lo. I now 36weeks plus and will walk back to hm if my hub cannot fetch me hm wor..


I tink no clearcut formula how much is walk too much ba.. everybody threshold is different de.. like if u used to walking, then ur threshold will be higher than others.. if u nvr been walking much, suddenly ask u walk as much as someone who is used to walking, I tink that's considered walking too much.. so best is listen to ur body.. if u feel u are overexerting urself, tat's walking too much oredi..


I tink no clearcut formula how much is walk too much ba.. everybody threshold is different de.. like if u used to walking, then ur threshold will be higher than others.. if u nvr been walking much, suddenly ask u walk as much as someone who is used to walking, I tink that's considered walking too much.. so best is listen to ur body.. if u feel u are overexerting urself, tat's walking too much oredi..
ya lo..on n off must rest lo. dun over exert will do le lo. know the limits and moderation le lo..
Haha... I have been walking alot alot..since beginning... and fast.. but nowadays doc say must walk slow... sigh... until I feel like tortoise.. haha.. =) thanks everyone thou :)


Haha... I have been walking alot alot..since beginning... and fast.. but nowadays doc say must walk slow... sigh... until I feel like tortoise.. haha.. =) thanks everyone thou :)
last time I used to walk fast too. but now I think is better to walk slow pace cos now getting more crumsier and heavier. have to look out for people walking past u and objects loh..


good luck to everyone who is going to the baby fair this weekend... lots of walking and standing to be done...

I will be heading down tomorrow... hopefully can endure coz this few days tummy feels super heavy... Getting more and more difficult to keep walking without feeling tired... also finding it difficult to lie down or sit up coz keep feeling got something stuck...


Ya i think if u are used to waking alot and ur legs and muscles are conditioned, should be ok.. I got friends who still go for briskwalking and light jogs!

This pregnancy i walk around alot and sit lesser.. Thigh joints are twitching and aching.. Sighh perhaps carry #1 alot and nv sit down much..

Hmm i feel aircon works alot better than fan! I think i'll just use aircon heck about the bills esp during 1st 2 mths where bb is gonna latch all day... :p i just off it and on fan after room cool down.. Let aircon take a break on off... :p june sure super hot one.. Last time i did confinement in oct, raining but still super humid.. Still resort to aircon.. Fan no use.. Only in living room during meals .. When latching, i'll be back in room (privacy) and on aircon.. I cannot imagine those confinement where ppl wear long sleeves, pants and socks! Haha

Gonna feed my #1 lunch soon and go for my gynae appt later! Hope she has not grown too big!!


wah, this thread is moving so fast..didnt check for half a day already a new page liao..hehe

To all the 2nd-time mummies, hang in there and take care ya..and for us 1st time mummies, we shld start getting prepared to receive our little bundle of joy ya...so excited and nervous!!..hehe >_<
Haha.. I tink im e most heck care one.. I jus switch on the fan and sit in front of it during confinement.. hahaha.. it is realli tooooooo hot.. and tat was like sep/oct? This time round it's gonna be may/june.. tink I need 2 fans! Hahaha.. And im so gonna bathe everyday.. The thing is bathe in warm herbal water, come out still hot and sticky leh.. sianz.. but at least got temporary relief..

This wkend im gonna ask hubby to dismantle e cot and move it to the guest rm for confinement nanny to take care of bb at night.. I hope he dun grumble man.. then after tat gotta clean e cot and wash cotsheets etc..
actually I have been wondering if bb and confinement lady sleep together in another room, then what happens with the bb need milk in the middle of the night and we are breastfeeding the bb? does the CL bring bb over to our room, knock the door then after we feed then pass back to CL?

Cos I really don't know how does it works leh.. still thinking should I just put the bb beside me so it's easier for breastfeeding..
i've been using weleda oil from iherb - i know oil sounds icky especially with the humid weather but the skin absorbs the oil pretty well with a good massage so quite shiok.

i've been craving for spicy food - the old wives' tales mentioned that i should avoid spicy food as it may caused red spots on the baby when we deliver hence the coconut juice? but i love my spicy food! i guess i gotta cut down.

i'll be collecting my cot and will be washing the baby's clothes soon hehe same boat as you mrsmaybellinesee ;)
Oh, I didn't know eating spicy food may caused red spots on bb leh! Even before pregnancy I have already been eating lots of spicy food. so now still eating.. Hopefully bb won't have those red spots..