EDD May 2014 (maybe)


Gniy, I boh some nursing bra from OG albert court. I think it's comfortable, better quality n noy ex... about $20 plus. The auntie there is also helpful n friendly, can try on some more.


Thanks Tannie for the recommendation. There's no queue to enter Hall 8 when I left at 1pm. Managed to get what I wanted and extra stuff so quite happy. Carpark wasn't too bad I think. But not sure about later.


Same expeience as witg othe rmummies! i went yesterday from 12plus to 5pm! queued like mad to enter carpark n find a lot.. Had to sit down for lunch n feed my #1.. Den walked frm hall 4 where i parked to hall 8.. Super super crowded coz every hall got fair! The queue into hall 8 was crazy, inside can't even walk properly.. Some super long queues go across the halls and around the booths.. Went medela, nothing left on shelves, and customers were circling the booth.. Same for avent, and for ntuc! Crazy, got barrier around ntuc booth and ppl circling it to q for payment.. Same chaotic situation as previous mummy's market.. I thought we all gave feedback? There were too many booths and walkways were too narrow.. Ppl anyhow push and squeeze.. Keep poling into my stomach.. Got my hubby to sling my girl.. If push stroller will be even worse, cannot move... I went around and hardly anything can buy la.. Not any cheaper.. So don't waste your time going down.. Its super hot and humid and super crowded.. Ppl pull trolley anyhow roll on ppl's toes one.. I have to keep holding my tummy.. :p

Overall, i paid $10+ parking and only bought afew pair of socks for my girl.. The rest nothing worrh q-ing for.. Its abt the same ......i wanted to find a highchair but not many on sale... Guess i go for departmental store sale better.. More organised and can try out..

I still prefer motherhood fairs and taka fair.. More properly spaced out..


Thanks Tannie for the recommendation. There's no queue to enter Hall 8 when I left at 1pm. Managed to get what I wanted and extra stuff so quite happy. Carpark wasn't too bad I think. But not sure about later.
Good that no q when u go baby fair at this time. Think later will be more crowd ba. Today good weather so washed alot of baby clothes and now out to sunny sun. Nice smell. :) ltr meeting fren to pass breast pump to me.


Gniy, I boh some nursing bra from OG albert court. I think it's comfortable, better quality n noy ex... about $20 plus. The auntie there is also helpful n friendly, can try on some more.
i bought mine from bugis BHg. Think ard less than $20 ba. At least can try. At baby fair Duno can try or not. Even can try , i also feel troublesome lei. Heee


Same expeience as witg othe rmummies! i went yesterday from 12plus to 5pm! queued like mad to enter carpark n find a lot.. Had to sit down for lunch n feed my #1.. Den walked frm hall 4 where i parked to hall 8.. Super super crowded coz every hall got fair! The queue into hall 8 was crazy, inside can't even walk properly.. Some super long queues go across the halls and around the booths.. Went medela, nothing left on shelves, and customers were circling the booth.. Same for avent, and for ntuc! Crazy, got barrier around ntuc booth and ppl circling it to q for payment.. Same chaotic situation as previous mummy's market.. I thought we all gave feedback? There were too many booths and walkways were too narrow.. Ppl anyhow push and squeeze.. Keep poling into my stomach.. Got my hubby to sling my girl.. If push stroller will be even worse, cannot move... I went around and hardly anything can buy la.. Not any cheaper.. So don't waste your time going down.. Its super hot and humid and super crowded.. Ppl pull trolley anyhow roll on ppl's toes one.. I have to keep holding my tummy.. :p

Overall, i paid $10+ parking and only bought afew pair of socks for my girl.. The rest nothing worrh q-ing for.. Its abt the same ......i wanted to find a highchair but not many on sale... Guess i go for departmental store sale better.. More organised and can try out..

I still prefer motherhood fairs and taka fair.. More properly spaced out..
ya lo. The stroller roll my feets and I say ouch v loud. They say sorry but already roll le. By saying sorry got use ma
and some keep push their strollers onto back of my slippers many times til I turn my back and stare at the ppl behind me, then they stop. And I have to stretch both hands out to protect my stomach wor. Think some ppl purposely one lo. Some Ppl bag so big and keep bump onto me wor. I feel I enjoy walking the food fair than the baby fair. Is my first time gg this massive fair and will re consider gg again for the next massive fair already. I din even bother to go the NTuc fair. I see many ppl bought alot of items, but not for me. 2 small items only. Lol


Hi mummies, I was at the fair today at abt 12pm..no queue and the crowd wasn't very bad..managed to get my pre-order stuff as well as other miscellaneous items, the long queues are mostly for the popular brands but dun think have to queue for more than an hr bah..I left ard 2pm and there is still no queue to enter yet


hey all. overall the fair today was a better experience. managed to get my unimom forte breastpump with a relatively short queue of about 15 minutes. got cloth diapers from rafrafbaby too and nursing bras which i managed to try and got it at a pretty cheap price. but i think hubby and i were quite battered by the whole experience. it really wasn't too bad but just quite tiring. but i think yesterday's feedback has made things much better today even the vendors made improvements on their own so it was overall quite a pleasant experience. was even tempted to get the tupperware starter kit. hahaha...


Good to hear that there're some improvements.. Hmm i was so tired from yesterday.. Today still aching .. :p

Hmm i didn't buy expensive nursing bras for 1st pregnancy.. Anyway mostly at home, nobody see, comfy n can support can liao.. This time round i went back to the same blogshop to buy. (Littleangelsmaternity) Hmm i bought 4 non-wired ones and 2 wired ones for going out.. :p won't be going out as often and underwired ones are quite uncomfy when it comes to latching on.. Actually at home i ended up just taking off everything to latch bb.. Haha coz don't wanna dirty clothes when she burped or regurgitate.. Also they say its better skin-to-skin bonding.. Weather v hot too.. I wear when CL or other ppl are around.. Usually feed behind closed doors .. So save the trouble of lifting up, rolling and stuff lol.. Only at night maybe cold so just lift up..

My tummy is getting so tight.. Back is starting to ache more and resting on left or right side makes my butt/thigh numbed.. :p all the symptoms of 3rd trimester.... Zzz one part of me wish i can get over and done with delivery.. Another part of me is hoping i can get the rest can grab now before i need to handle 2 bbs! I'm so worried for the inevitable.. :/ how to cope with 2 on my own.... :p AND the delivery part.. Though i went through once.. Seems like i made it and was ok.. But thinking back.. Wah it was a huge event for me.. Rather scary! This time i know hwat to expect and i just hope its pain free and fast! Recovery also takes awhile.. I hope i can recuperate fast to step up the game! Hubby told me he cannot avoid detachments to overseas.. V soon he has to go away for 1 mth or 2 mths... I'll be stranded on my own! Imagine bathing 2 kids , feeding and coping.. Either super tired or super hungry and dirty.. :p Aiyo! Can't imagine.. I hope i got strength to go through it!


my tummy also getting super tight... and when baby moves it is starting to get more and more painful... numbness of butt and cramps seems to be getting more frequent too...


Jiayou all mummies... haha... I try to walk super slow as dont want tightness which means contractions.. so now walk even slower than old woman.. haha:D
Ya lo. I also try to walk as slow, safer.Some times slower than old lady lei. At least we still can go out walk abit. Cos one of my fren, her pelvis bone v painful and she can't walk. Have to rest more at Hm, can't go work. Her tummy v big. So far most of the things are done except I need to ask and see how much the spare parts of my breast pump. Coming wed will be 37 weeks and fri gg for the GbA test Liao lo. Hmmmm


Is it Ok to walk fast? I hate slow walking. yesterday, walked upto tanjong Pagar fair Price, bought some baby products. Coming thursday, I will be 38 weeks and also have an appointment with doctor same day. Still have lotsa things to buy. Any idea ladies where to buy mosquito net for baby cot?

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Hi jessybebee,

where is baby warehouse store? Kaki bukit is too far for me, i stay in chinatown. Any good reasonable baby stuff store around except for kiddy place and obvious expensive ones. Thank you
Hi Guess, the baby warehouse store is also at kaki bukit.. just beside baby kingdom.. it's also very far for me! i stay at jurong west! haha.. but that day went expo so crowded, so might as well drive to kaki bukit..


Wow so fast just saw on our EDD May fb page that Perkyperk just gave birth this morning! So far simbaobao and perkyperky has done it! who's next?! Awaiting your good news and birth stories!

i'm still washing bb clothes and trying to set up the new dresser!!! No hosp bag yet!


Congratulations to both the mummies. Now this makes me anxious. I have so many things to do. Baby give me one more week, I will complete all the pending work by this week. :)

Meltie, Pls share the link of EDD May facebook page. If possible, I would also like to join.



I m counting down the final month... jist went to the babyfair again... today is soo much better... no crowd and got all the things I wanted infact much more... lol... now my husband is complaining I m burning a hole in his pocket....


Congratulations to both the mummies. Now this makes me anxious. I have so many things to do. Baby give me one more week, I will complete all the pending work by this week. :)

Meltie, Pls share the link of EDD May facebook page. If possible, I would also like to join.

the group is by invite only... do post ur email address and one of the admins will invite u to the group...


Thanks Charchia.

My email id is amo3210@gmail.com. Pls ladies add me too :)

Nice that you were able to buy all the things you wanted to. Hubby is working today and after experiencing friday chaos, he did not allow me to go alone. I missed so many things. Anyways, will be visiting kaki Bukit this week and get all the remaining baby stuff.
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