Edd Nov 2010



Having my 2nd baby and EDD date is on 05/11/10. Had my down syndrome test last month and the result is at border line. Ask to come back and check baby heart beat and abdomen and had increase my ratio to 1:5000.

Does any1 gyna ask yr hubby to go for blood test? Never heard that hubby had to take blood test. :wong19:
hm... before i got my blood test results, both polyclinic and KK hospital want me to get my hubby to go for the test, but since my results are okie, they say no need already.

1:5000 should be alright already right? :err:


Well-Known Member
hm... before i got my blood test results, both polyclinic and KK hospital want me to get my hubby to go for the test, but since my results are okie, they say no need already.

1:5000 should be alright already right? :err:
the cut off ratio is 1:300


New Member
Hi! I'm new here... Expecting my 2nd one who will be here 25 Nov, though I'm expecting bb to arrive in early Nov since I didn't carry till 40 weeks for #1. Am 13weeks + now and feeling very restless... Bad MS. :(



Anyone is from Thomson Medical Centre? There's a Childbirth Education Course conducted by them. I read on other forum threads that an instructor by the name of Mdm Wong was very experienced. She's also the lactation expert. So whoever who's keen on breastfeeding should ask about her when registering.

According to the website (Thomson Medical Centre), the registration period should be around 20 weeks. I'll register when I go for my 20th week checkup. I'm right now in my 14th week. Whoever who's interested in going together PM me!


Hi again!

Anyone heard about Hypnobirthing? It's going through natural birth without any medication (epidural, laughing gas, etc). "As much as it sounds cliché, Hyp no Birthing is indeed a ‘mind-​body’ tech nique that will enable you to have an easy, short, relaxed and com fort able birth."

I happen to chance upon it and thought that it's an amazing method for giving birth and gives you the mother-child connection during childbirth.

Do check it out here (Hyp­no­Birthing). If anyone is interested do PM me too! I'm going to register soon just in case the seats are popular. Classes are small with 8 couples only. So gonna act fast before my preferred dates runs out.


New Member
hi,my hubby did the blood test at Thomson Medical Center :D

Thanks Mum2bee, at least I know that my hubby is not the only 1 to take. Gyna say it's not related to down syndrome and started this practice to take hubby blood test only 3 years back. My 1st child is now 7 yr old and that time no need to take.



New Member
the cut off ratio is 1:300


My 1st scanning is ratio 1:1000 but my blood test had pull the ratio down to 1:302, that y doctor ask me to rescan baby heart beat and abdomen and had increase to 1:5000. Wonder what wrong with my blood?????? :wong31:


Well-Known Member

My 1st scanning is ratio 1:1000 but my blood test had pull the ratio down to 1:302, that y doctor ask me to rescan baby heart beat and abdomen and had increase to 1:5000. Wonder what wrong with my blood?????? :wong31:
this you got ask the doctor. i'm not sure how they work out the ratio :001_302:


Well-Known Member
Ya those buying stretch mark cream can go to people park
It is much cheaper than pharmacy :)
may i ask what brand are you refering to ?
my gynea recommend Floxia (forget the spelling) and i surf net seem like outside sell more exp hmm....


ANy MTB got fibroid during pregancy?
Went for check up and my gynae told me mine has grown to 5cm
She told me it is not the size , but blocking the baby to go down, and thats the reason my tummy is bigger
Anyway she told me nothing we can do, but to monitor whether can do normal delivery or not .....


Well-Known Member
ANy MTB got fibroid during pregancy?
Went for check up and my gynae told me mine has grown to 5cm
She told me it is not the size , but blocking the baby to go down, and thats the reason my tummy is bigger
Anyway she told me nothing we can do, but to monitor whether can do normal delivery or not .....
woah...any idea what causes fibroid ?


Not yet start shopping....but start looking around for lobang from friends to get second stuffs :)
Can save quite a lot of money...just manage to get a baby cot from friend friend :)
If u know the gender, can strat looking for clothes