Edd nov 2011


New Member
Hi there, i've got a few stuffs to let go asap as i'm clearing space.

1. Tollyjoy Disposable Breast pads (63pcs, so its 1box and some leftovers) - Selling @ $10

2. Farlin Milk Storage Bag (20 + 2pcs) - Selling @ $10

3. Preloved Blue Anti Slip Mat - Selling @ $3

4. Similac Mum satchets ( 2x 36.5g Expiry: 091012) - Exchange for small pack of Pureen Wet wipes

5. Similac Mum satchets ( 2x 50g Expiry: 031012 & 021212) - Exchange for small pack of Pureen Wet wipes

6. Mamil MAMA ( 2x 48g Expiry: 060112 & 060612) - Exchange for small pack of Pureen Wet wipes

7. Abbott Discount Voucher (2x Similac Mum Expiry: 311211 2x Similac Expiry: 300612) - Exchange for small pack of Pureen Wet Wipes

8. Mamil MAMA Discount Voucher (1x Expiry: 311211) - Exchange for small pack of Pureen Wet Wipes

Interedted parties, pls PM.



Hi lingx

may i know why u bought the tonic oil instead of the cream? is it because you find it more moisturizing?

hi missyqiqi, update mine too! 28th nov, tmc. and thank you all mummies for telling me what to use to stop getting more stretchmarks. i got the oil from clarins actually, and it has lighten from deep red to light pink. just hope it will be invisible after delivery. so sad. :( have to go swimming in body suits liaozzzz :(


Hello mummies,

Just wanna share with you my recent check up on last Sat. Bb is 1.8kg at wk32. Dr says the size is ok :) Then we saw bb sucking her thumb, that moment was so precious and doctor has given us a print out of that.

Recently bb has been kicking / moving a lot, I hope active bb is good :)

I try to talk to bb everyday, read her story at night (sometimes Chinese, sometimes English). But we converse mainly in Chinese to her haha.. I try to tell her what I am doing now, e.g. mummy is bathing now, having breakfast now, driving now, going to where now... -> am I a bit crazy? maybe I just wanna let her know that I am thinking of her every moment kee kee :p


Thank you for the information on the free seminar. Unfortunately, I will nt b able to attend.

Wow... Yr gal is heavier den mine. I went for my chkup last wk wen I was 32wks. My bb boy weighs only 1.6kg. U r so lucky to witness Yr gal sucking her thumb. Can post the scan pic? I wonder how the pic looks like? My dr tried to advised me against elective c-section. She suggested induction instead. I'm in dilemma now co's I had decided to Ve c-section.


Hello mummies,

Just wanna share with you my recent check up on last Sat. Bb is 1.8kg at wk32. Dr says the size is ok :) Then we saw bb sucking her thumb, that moment was so precious and doctor has given us a print out of that.

Recently bb has been kicking / moving a lot, I hope active bb is good :)

I try to talk to bb everyday, read her story at night (sometimes Chinese, sometimes English). But we converse mainly in Chinese to her haha.. I try to tell her what I am doing now, e.g. mummy is bathing now, having breakfast now, driving now, going to where now... -> am I a bit crazy? maybe I just wanna let her know that I am thinking of her every moment kee kee :p
wow!! so sweet!! and your gynae managed to get a pic of it.

I also like that at times.. If I hear a unique sound e.g. aeroplane fly by or thunder, I will also tell baby what is it especially when I feel his kick upon hearing the sound. I also thank him everyday for bringing so much joy, love & warmth to the family.


durianfan: yap double joy!! Haha... my parents will be super busy playing with the babies..

starrie & lingx: ok will update once I got my computer parts back :D using hubby comp now...

escago: so nice of ur doctor and ur baby so cute haha.. mine every time check up with doctor will lie down there quietly and let him check.. nvr see her kick, moving or sucking before...

nope u r not crazy haha.. I also do that, like if my hubby is home late, I will tell her daddy is home late today because he need to earn money for u so u must be good girl or I'm bathing or going to sleep I also tell her.. :001_302:... so u r not alone!

sherwawa: y u want c-section?


btw, does any mommy know if we can bind our tummy after giving birth, if give birth naturally, instead of waiting for the massage lady to do it which normally they will come after u give birth 7 days.


btw, does any mommy know if we can bind our tummy after giving birth, if give birth naturally, instead of waiting for the massage lady to do it which normally they will come after u give birth 7 days.


With reference to the confinement books which I had read, one can bind the tummy immediately after normal delivery or c-section. The books recommended clothe binder as it promotes air circulation. Those elastic types can be used 1 wk after delivery. I got mine from amway and my mil DIY one for me so dat I can rotate for washing.

As regards to Yr question on why I prefer c-section is because my husband is currently working in Bangkok. Therefore, I feel dat c-section is easier for us to plan his work schedule. Induction is also possible but I feel dat if the labour does not progress well, I might ended up in emergency c-section which is worse. The hospital may nt allow my husband to witness c-section in e event of c-section. I also got to pay more for hospitalization for labour ward and operating theatre. Not to mention, the unnecessary sufferings... My gf who had to go thru emerg c-section also said dat she wld prefer to elect for c-section in the first place. She said the long labour process was a suffering.


i think it is very difficult for us to do the bind ourselves, because really got to wrap very tightly and also in the correct way, the uterus/ womb got to be push up then bind, failing to do so will result in ur womb drop out. for myself , i will wait for the massage lady to do for me. another reason is i think we be so tired and stress up with breast feeding for the first few days, its better to relax our body first.

btw, does any mommy know if we can bind our tummy after giving birth, if give birth naturally, instead of waiting for the massage lady to do it which normally they will come after u give birth 7 days.


New Member
Hello mummies,

Sorry to disturb.
I have 2 packs of Brand New Drypers S Size to let go. $10/pack. My baby has outgrown them.

Pls PM me if interested. Thanks.



New Member
I heard during my antenatal class if u do csec, u gotta wait for 4mths for the surface wound and the inside to heal fully be4 massaging.. otherwise will get internal bleeding de..

i oso opting for csec, cos my bb is too big for vaginal delivery liao. she's 1.8+kg at 30wks!! when doc says she's too big, she covered her ears, hehe, so cute~~

Hi mummies,

Can check with all of you, if undergo c-section, can still do the malay massage ?


sherwawa: is the amway binder good? Ya i think c-section better, rather then in case of emergency becomes more complications.

hotmilktea: my hubby volunteer to help me wrap hehe :p but beauty must hardworking lor, coz my friend bind hers straight after she give birth, I didn't really ask her in details, because I ever heard about if bind incorrectly will have problems. Maybe got to check with my gynae.

Thanks gals, for all the information!

hu1j13: ahyo all of u the baby got so many movement when doing the ultrasound.. mine really keep still and let the doctor examine..

ahyo i so scared my baby too big, coz I'm not putting much weight still wearing my own clothes but my weight is increasing T.T, every visit i keep on asking my gynae can give birth natural hor.. my sister also scared me lah.. coz my appetite is really good.


Hi lingx

may i know why u bought the tonic oil instead of the cream? is it because you find it more moisturizing?
hello hotmilktea, the girl recommended the oil actually. and she gave me the cream sample. i wanted to get both oil and cream, as i find both works well tgt. but my budget tight.. my tummy looks like a fair skinned watermelon now. :(
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i see, because my gf also switched to oil during her final trimester. i finished my last tube of cream already, so now i also using the oil.
the thing is the oil got this scent which i dont really like..but i just used coz dont want to buy cream anymore since i am already week 34.


hello hotmilktea, the girl recommended the oil actually. and she gave me the cream sample. i wanted to get both oil and cream, as i find both works well tgt. but my budget tight.. cos tbh, im a single mum. my tummy looks like a fair skinned watermelon now. :(


Although I'm using different brand as u gals I'm using the palmers
but I bought both in oil n cream. Actually I prefer the oil alot more because
it can really relieve the itchness an discomfort got smoothing effect compare
to the cream.


Hello mummies

I got a shock wen I looked at myself in the mirror. I saw stretch marks starting to form on my lower abdomen! Despite the fact that I Ve been religiously applying
oil n palmers cream at least 6times a day!!! My mum Ve stretch mark all over her abdomen. I Tot I can escape my fate:( nevertheless, I will cont to apply the stretch mark cream. I keep telling myself it cld it worse if I dun do anything. Probably, I will buy clarins.
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Hi mummies,

For those using clarins oil, may i know how to use ? I am still using the cream (still have half a tube left).

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I'm n sure if amway binder(belly belt) is Gd. I bought from amway cos it's the only clothe binder I knw is available in e market.

Jus wanna share wif u an article which I had read on tying a belly belt.

1) lie flat on Yr back, bend Yr knees to lift up Yr buttocks. May put a pillow underneath as a support.
2) put both palms on Yr lower abdomen and push upwardly-towards the direction of Yr chest.
3) start tying up the belly belt from lower abdomen, preferably tighter at e initial stage, subsequently looser.
After 1st 3 circles, twist the belt n subsequently after every 1 & 1/2 circle until it covers the whole abdomen. Lastly, secure wif a safety pin or insert the loose end into e belt.

Useful tips:
-tie the belt in e am.
-if loosen, redo it tightly.
-remove the belt b4 slp n roll e belt for Nex usage.

----------hope u find it useful--------


oh, just like how we apply the cream.
pour on to palm and then rub on tummy. i also just start yesterday as cream finish already.

Hi mummies,

For those using clarins oil, may i know how to use ? I am still using the cream (still have half a tube left).
