Edd nov 2011


many of my friends already guess...coz i keep rejecting them asking me out. coz i not working, no reason to reject all the time.

btw, i finished my assignment last night! haha ...

So far i only told my parents and ILs and a few close friends... i'm still waiting to reach 2nd trimester before telling more friends


many of my friends already guess...coz i keep rejecting them asking me out. coz i not working, no reason to reject all the time.

btw, i finished my assignment last night! haha ...
hahaha congrats!!! so you are totally free from stress now?


hmm, mostly done. got a few slides to do and final presentation on 16 apr, then i am all good to study for final exam!

but very silly of me...coz i tot i am not working, might as well go learn driving... then now i not even take my basic theory i m pregnant liao.
haha..so maybe i can study for basic theory which is on 21st apr also...haha

hahaha congrats!!! so you are totally free from stress now?


haha can take theory test now. but after passing the 2 theory tests, how you go for driving lesson with the big tummy?


tats why...i doubt anyone will take me in at all :p
i wun be working for a while after baby is born, i will make use of that time to learn.

hw abt u? ever tot of going back to work ?

haha can take theory test now. but after passing the 2 theory tests, how you go for driving lesson with the big tummy?


tats why...i doubt anyone will take me in at all :p
i wun be working for a while after baby is born, i will make use of that time to learn.

hw abt u? ever tot of going back to work ?
yes i have discussed with my hubby.. i will start to look for a job when baby is about 6 months old..


yah, me too...if not we take masters for wat? stay home look after bb ?
also i will go siao if i face the baby and hubby 24/7 .

u be here or back to germany ?

yes i have discussed with my hubby.. i will start to look for a job when baby is about 6 months old..


yah, me too...if not we take masters for wat? stay home look after bb ?
also i will go siao if i face the baby and hubby 24/7 .

u be here or back to germany ?
yah i think i will go crazy. i already stopped working for 2 years, sometimes, especially school holidays i am super bored! cannot imagine looking after baby 24/7

i will be back in sgp.. i miss my working life in sgp!! its stressful, but thats what makes life fulfilling! life in europe is very relaxed and nua... but too much of it is very boring!


i missed the politics and drama watching in office! ha ha ha
i also missed my earning and spending power !

yah i think i will go crazy. i already stopped working for 2 years, sometimes, especially school holidays i am super bored! cannot imagine looking after baby 24/7

i will be back in sgp.. i miss my working life in sgp!! its stressful, but thats what makes life fulfilling! life in europe is very relaxed and nua... but too much of it is very boring!


i missed the politics and drama watching in office! ha ha ha
i also missed my earning and spending power !
YEAH!! the EARNING power is something i missed alot!!! now i using money that my hubby gives me.. sometimes i feel guilty going shopping with it..


Hello Ladies.. I'm new in this forum.. think my EDD should be end of Nov 2011. Went to a gynae on the 2nd of April and was told that blastocyst is still in my fallopian tube and not reached womb thus estimated no of weeks is only 2/3 weeks.. but I will be 8 weeks preggy on the week of 25th April?!? confused.

how experiencing terrible symptoms such as sore throat, fever, morning sickness (except it is not only morning its throughout the whole day)....etc

Anyway, going for another scan on 23rd April hoping to see the embryo latched to my uterus and hear baby's heartbeat. *crosses fingers*

Wish me luck!!


Oh Big QUESTION!!! how do u ladies break the news that you are preggy to your bosses?? i'm only in this current job for < 1 month.. i dread the time that i have to tell them :(


wow, u really detect ur pregnancy so early! congrats ! just hv plenty of bedrest and walk less at this period will do fine :)

i think a few of us here are not working, so cant help u with ur question. but i think normally people will say only when the pregnancy has stable.
so i think now still too early to tell. but then for me, i will tell my boss definetely before the confirmation which is 3 mths right? be fair to the boss . if he or she is a good boss, he/she will be fair to you also.


wow, u really detect ur pregnancy so early! congrats ! just hv plenty of bedrest and walk less at this period will do fine :)

i think a few of us here are not working, so cant help u with ur question. but i think normally people will say only when the pregnancy has stable.
so i think now still too early to tell. but then for me, i will tell my boss definetely before the confirmation which is 3 mths right? be fair to the boss . if he or she is a good boss, he/she will be fair to you also.

Yeah.. wasn't experiencing any symptoms when i first tested.. only itchy backside cos i had nothing to do during lunch hour and my husband make a statement on how come my period is not here yet.

Totally regret saying that i won't have the symptoms cos i'm SUFFERINGGGGg now.... mmmm pregnancy stable means after 1st trimester right? hahahha thats at the same time as the end of my probation.. sigh.. i'm really worried abt my job as i'm required to travel very extensively and i have no intention to quit even after i give birth.. dunno whether my boss will be unfair anot though..

OH well.. we'll see if my baby survive and have a heartbeat first.. cos i just took a 6 hour flight to china yesterday for work!!!


if your work requires you to fly very frequently, its better to break the news to your boss soon because it is really not advisable to fly during ur first trimester. after u break ur news to him, maybe he will be more understanding and not ask u to fly during ur first trimester..


if your work requires you to fly very frequently, its better to break the news to your boss soon because it is really not advisable to fly during ur first trimester. after u break ur news to him, maybe he will be more understanding and not ask u to fly during ur first trimester..
sigh if only it works this way... i'm in china now, going back to sg in 2 weeks, then flying to germany on the 1st of may for a week, then immediately going to chengdu...

i don't think there's anybody else who will be able to take over my position in such short notice. by the time chengdu ends, my first trimester is about to end too .. oh well just got to tough it out!!!!


New Member
same here..my job requires me to travel on a monthly basis. But I haven't inform my boss about my pregnancy. Plan to inform him after my 1st trimester, it will be beginning of May..soon~~

Just remember drink more water and stand / walk more in the flight. Rest well!!! Gambattee!!!


same here..my job requires me to travel on a monthly basis. But I haven't inform my boss about my pregnancy. Plan to inform him after my 1st trimester, it will be beginning of May..soon~~

Just remember drink more water and stand / walk more in the flight. Rest well!!! Gambattee!!!

Yes Starrie, GAMBATTEeeeee!!! let me guess.. an internal auditor as well?


well i guess its just a choice between ur baby and ur work. ur baby is ur life, ur work is not. but i understand everyone has their own difficulties, so gambatte to all mothers!


hi didy ! how is ur assignment going? i really wish time can fly faster so i can get over and done with my exam !

i will be week 11 tomorrow! cant wait for 2nd trimester !

well i guess its just a choice between ur baby and ur work. ur baby is ur life, ur work is not. but i understand everyone has their own difficulties, so gambatte to all mothers!