EDD Nov 2012 mummies here


Haha, EDD is less than 2 weeks away. Can't wait to get over the pain and such and want to see how my baby looks like lol.

Wobblymummy is the 2nd mummy to deliver in this thread.


Haha, in a good way, faster get done and over with confinement can enjoy Christmas. :)

B zhai:709159 said:
Wobblymummy, jia you!!! You are gonna be the first mummy in nov thread!!! :)

Teriwinkle, I wish I can deliver close to edd lo. But gynae say must deliver latest by 1st or 2nd Wk nov, though my edd is 30 nov. Because of my high blood pressure. :( I rather I can wait longer.


Haha, EDD is less than 2 weeks away. Can't wait to get over the pain and such and want to see how my baby looks like lol.

Wobblymummy is the 2nd mummy to deliver in this thread.
Agree x100 !! ...Can't wait to get over the pain and such and want to see how my baby looks like...hehe :p


I will be inducing on Wed night because gynae says my baby is not growing much based on her weight. Plus she is weighing down my piles is worsening. Omg I'm still quite alarmed by this news!
my friend just got me Oscar blandi dry shampoo - there is powder and spray form

Do u all intend to bathe n shampoo hair during confinement? Where did u get ur bathing essentials from? Read that some mummies put powder on hair to prevent oily. Wonder what kind of powder they use. Any idea? :)


Very very shocked. But I'm having my worst mensus cramps ever now. Cervix is 1cm dilated now, but still not thinned enough. Gynae gave me these 2 days grace period for stronger labour comtractions.

Katherine57:709371 said:
Omg!!! That's two more days!!!! How r u feeling??


Very very shocked. But I'm having my worst mensus cramps ever now. Cervix is 1cm dilated now, but still not thinned enough. Gynae gave me these 2 days grace period for stronger labour comtractions.
Wow! all the best! how heavy is your bb now? I'm going for my check up tomorrow.


Same here Nature :( Sometimes it's so sore I can't stand walking too much. And it bleeds too. Have to consistently apply cream at the rectum. Sobs.

nature59:708825 said:
My EDD is 4 days after yours!
Hehe and I am suffering from hemorrhoids now. =(
What cream did you get? I am tahaning till tomorrow when I see my Gynae.. Then get some med
Hi both, I am also facing discomfort from a pile popping out from my bottom too! :(
Seen gynea today and he has prescribed me with Proctosedyl cream.


Ibie:709413 said:
Same here Nature :( Sometimes it's so sore I can't stand walking too much. And it bleeds too. Have to consistently apply cream at the rectum. Sobs.

nature59:708825 said:
My EDD is 4 days after yours!
Hehe and I am suffering from hemorrhoids now. =(
What cream did you get? I am tahaning till tomorrow when I see my Gynae.. Then get some med
Hi both, I am also facing discomfort from a pile popping out from my bottom too! :(
Seen gynea today and he has prescribed me with Proctosedyl cream.
Same!! So suffering. I was lying at home for a whole week


Very very shocked. But I'm having my worst mensus cramps ever now. Cervix is 1cm dilated now, but still not thinned enough. Gynae gave me these 2 days grace period for stronger labour comtractions.
How many weeks of ur baby now?
Good luck & smooth delivery! We all here support you :)