EDD Oct 2013


Wow...my appt is on 11th too!! So we will be having our scans at the same day! I'm not with kkh though...I'm with Gleneagles...
Wow...my appt is on 11th too!! So we will be having our scans at the same day! I'm not with kkh though...I'm with Gleneagles...

How are the rates in Gleneagles? I am still contemplating on which hosp to use for the full check up n delivery aft 20weeks.. Any suggestions?


Hmm depending on your gynae...normal consultation range from 60 to 80. Scan is abt $100 I think...u can check put the Gleneagles maternity package and compare. I think they have it on their website...


My Dr is from Gleneagle and only deliver there.
Her pkg will start from 12 wks, $900 (excl GST) and her delivery charge for normal delivery is 2100, assisted delivery is 2500 if i remember correctly.
Gleneagle hospital charge can be found at their website. My hubby yesterday night take a look and said 2100 also.


Ive been paying 200+ for every check-up..my sis delivered at KKH too, private suite, she had to pay about 2k+ cash and e rest medisave but I think ey returned an amt to her also after that..

Oh anyway, I do have lower back cramps too but it's usually on my left. I read online it is normal esp when we are tired and also going to our 3rd trimester..

And even though my ms is gradually going off, I had a bad time tt day in e bus coz I smelt a super bad armpit smell!hahahahaha!


Mine is on 9/Mar at Mt E.

Alisa, my first bb was done by mil n maid too coz i was too late to book the real good ones. So mil offers to help. She cookd based on a confinement receipe book. But every morning i shower for bb n takes care of him day n night coz in laws have no experience. Although m first time mommy at that time, i tried my best to takes care all myself. Life is so tough at that time coz my in laws interfere alot even they know nuts bout taking care of bb this is most annoying. Experience learnt, having my 2nd child i will engaged CL coz mommy needs lotsa rest after labour. N having CL, in laws will listen to them coz they are more experience n so they wun anyhow.


Lovely26: But aren't U glad tt U took care of babies all by urself?*winks* I think that is e best for a child's devpt..:)

Newae, e CL will help U to cook only or she does other tasks as well?Have heard of them before but urm,didn't really pay much notice till now..hehehe..
I do have lower back ache too if I sleep on my back.

Btw, isn't it too early to look for a confinement lady now? Do you have to confirm or place a deposit?


My friend also advised me to book confinement lady now. She said they are very difficult to book esp those very popular ones..but i want to wait for my scan before I start to plan anything....


Oh no...I'm staring to feel queasy....each time I finished my meal, it's like the food couldn't settle in me ...any advise how to minimise this? Morning sickness pls stay away from me.. :(


New Member
Hi all,

I am new to mummysg forum and my EDD is in early October. This is my first pregnancy, feeling excited and 'sick' too because i havent been eating and sleeping well. Is this very normal for all mummies to be?
Hi all, I'm at 8 wks plus now. can I ask if anyone has an increased in cervical discharge? Sometimes, it felt wet to the extent you will get worried and goes to check. Just clear watery to some creamy light yellowish.

Sorry if I sounded gross.
hi Hopingforamiracle,
yes im 6th week now, got yellowish, cream discharge occassionally. pretty normal i guess. ur vagina self cleaning.
i've been having morning sickness since 6th wk day one and im jus about to pass the 6th week 7th day only. it's very sianz one.
from morning vomit every few hours @ work, still got to try to lower the volume n pretend ok ok, till going back home to the 4room flat. when vomiting all the members of the family can hear it even behind close doors!
Wow. That happens to my colleague too. When she vomits in the toilet everybody heard and looked at her when she exits :p

For me, I only felt nausea and gag... But nothing came out. It felt worst after drinking a glass of plain water...


hopingformiracle...i'm the same as you....i only feel queasiness...at most gag...but never did the actual vomitting...it's quite annoying...
hey, i realise i can't drink plain water too cos I'll start to feel queasy....

my stomach now feels like there's a bubble stuck in between my rib cage...when food goes in, the bubble prevents the food from going down...it's like hungry but cannot eat too much...hope this will pass soon...


Ya, it's the reflux feelings. I had that during my first preg. Doct advise me to eat small meals each time. But sometimes reali hard to control......


Had a bad night, my boss text me that i have to do something to my punctuality. Haiz......she is not married and nvr got preg before I can understand. But totally dislike her imbalanced characters. Gotta endure for another one month and i will b free.