EDD Oct 2013


Active Member
Anyone has recommendation for experienced nanny / baby sitter around Amk / yck / Thomson / Bishan area?

This is one option I am considering (as well as infant care)...
no lttlej...

tvh.. ya.. best actually is $$$ gifts. haha some ppl will ask what they can get us, we can tell them specific things or vouchers.. but older gen v hard to say. if u got 5 aunties can bet 4 of them might give the same type of baby/mummy hamper. haha family quirks! (same as housewarming/wedding gifts.. just recycle the duplicates. lol)

okay maybe its a good idea to leave the breastpumps to the last like what u mummies say.. try first.. but its nice to be ready though... sigh....


For thermometer, i don't have any tips. But i am using an infrared themometer which can test the temperture via scan on forehead or ear.


wow thanks June83....great info! I very interested in the free magazine! hahaha....
think will be very crowded...

huiqin83, my friend said to get digital in-ear thermometer for baby, not the forehead nor under tongue kind...


Yes use the digital one for baby, i bought one at Qoo10 for like $15 working fine (for myself)
Most using braun, but the ear caps are not cheap, if you are not lazy and will clean it no need to buy the caps, cos most clinic buy for hygiene.
Mine stores like 3-5 past readings, but operation wise not so smooth as it is a china brand.....
It is battery operated like AA size, not so sure about the branded kind


oo thanks for sharing! actually at home, use cloth clean after each use can liao. outside clinic is used by public so got cap better. imagine ppl never dig their wax for duno how long, eeeee

family use i think no need hahaaa

will look out for ear in type =)


Hello mummies.. I am also expecting a girl.. Just did my detailed scan yesterday and confirmed to be a girl. So all the outbreaks myth are not accurate at all. My colleagues all guessed I am expected a boy, and only 1 to 3 pax guessed I am expecting a girl. Haha. Now is proven all myths are not accurate at all. Unless detailed scan will also be wrong lo.



joymommy:792875 said:
I used to feel abit of small 'kicks' here n there but past 2 days no movement at all.. very worried leh.. should i be??
Might be due to your position so don't worry. Bb will be fine. Have u go for your scan?
Hi joymummy,

Congrates on ur baby gal too! Did u get boy then girl then boy assumptions like i did? Hehe ill be gng for my scan next week, once a mth feels sooo long!


Hi joymummy,

Congrates on ur baby gal too! Did u get boy then girl then boy assumptions like i did? Hehe ill be gng for my scan next week, once a mth feels sooo long!
This is my first bb.. So I think is purely based on my severe outbreaks, my stomach can't be seen from my back. So ppl start to guess is it because of bb boy.. I also don't know how they came up with the guesses. I totally agree with what u meant. Only look forward to seeing bb every month now. So just cont monitor bb's kicks every now and then =)


Active Member
just did detail scan today and I am having a gal too!!! husband and me was wondering what is the 2 balls we saw during Oscar scan! ha!!! I am having out break just like when I am having my son, tummy also pointy, cannot see tummy from behind.


New Member
Hello Mummies,

Do any of u experience cramps on the butt area n thigh area? I have been having cramps (those type that we usually feel after jogging) since this morning.
Feeling abit worried and kiasu about it. *First time mommy*

Any advise? Is this normal?
sorry a little late in seeing this post.. i have the same ache /pain /cramp too.. doc said it could be sciatica which is actually a sports injury, but with pregnancy it could be due to baby pressing on the spinal nerve.. you can elevate the pain by stretching it. (a prenatal yoga teach taught me this):
sit almost like you are going to be cross legged on the floor, but without letting your legs cross.. i.e. if stretching left butt, cross your legs with your left leg below and right foot over your left knee. try to keep your left shin as parallel as possible. try to bend forward a little and take deep breaths.. you should feel the stretch on your left butt muscle. If tummy is getting big, then you can bend less. :) but just try to stretch forward and repeat with the right butt by swapping your legs (i.e. right leg below with left knee on right foot).

try and let me know if it works for you. :) hold for a few seconds and repeat.
Hi mummies & mummies-to-be, have you decide on which baby carrier to buy? Can't decide btw Ergo and Pognae, the latter is said to be similar to Ergo but it's cheaper and has a vent for better ventilation, also more suitable for petit woman. Both need an infant insert till baby is 5 or 6 months old... Plan to use a sarong sling for newborn and when baby is ready then switch to carrier.. is that better?


haha! mine gal too! nobody guess mine is gal cos of the myths too. LO!L

i get bb kicks at wee hours nowadays instead. feels like butterlies in tummy.
i heard as our tummy get bigger, the movements harder to feel. once u feel is strong type "like a punch".
so dont be to worried about no movements.