EDD Oct 2013


I haven't asked my gynae...will only be seeing him in another 2 weeks time...going for my FA scan this Wed...I'll ask the doc there about this...

I do feel constant kicking nowadays too....baby suddenly become very active..or maybe becos it's bigger now so I feel it more obviously....sometimes I feel as if there's a ninja inside me...but it's very difficult to count the kicks cos it's very random...and I've gotten so used to the kicking that I just ignore....

I read "What to Expect.." and it says that at this stage, the kicks do not probably matter yet...we need to monitor the kicks from late 2nd trimester or early 3rd trimester onwards....


lol i doubt i wil ever monitor. as long she kicks me i happy le! ya! ninja kicks lor. randomly just piak piak piak! dun even know how many kicks that is. haha
spyvonne:794584 said:
if worried can buy doppler monitor bb heartbeat.

anyway a good-to-know for all mummies:
most gynaes say 2nd/3rd trimester onwards we need monitor bb kicks. at least 10 a day. (very hard for me.)
For kicks, not every baby the same. However, you would need to monitor like say 12 hrly period. .if the next day, there is a decrease of kicks in the 12hrly period, it would be good to call your gynae. .kiasu is better I think..hehe
spyvonne:794582 said:
oh..supplements are heaty..so must remember to drink more water..is there a reason why the gynae say that there is possibility of premature? Other than the supplements, are there anything that can be done to prevent eg, bed rest and etc?

hey natalie,

oh i had 2 times profuse bleeding during 1st trimester. cos bb too active also. from tiny clot kick til become an open wound in the sAc. something lidat. lol

so i had injections tt time to prevent miscarriage. then under duphaston.

now add one more ano-nifed (causes headaches). another medi is a pink one (causes heartburn/very fast hearttbeat, i tried but i prolly allergic so doc stopped).


premature can be due to womb, or bb too big. or wad we do daily.
hence doctor want me bedrest/ dont bend/ dont do heavy chores. walk 15mins rest 5mins kind.
besides giving me supplements, he say nth to do to prevent premature.
Oh I see....then u must rest like a queen until u give birth..


Active Member
Ooo. I have discharge too.... I didn't know discharge can be oxidized!

Tvh - I have decided to stop researching on every single symptom cuz I will be over-thinking and wondering is this it, am I facing this problem that problem, will this symptom mean this consequence, that consequence. My colleague who is preggers with her 2nd baby gave me this advice - stop researching and just enjoy the pregnancy cuz before i know it, it will be all over!! Instead of spending seconds researching, why not spend those second breathing and bonding with the child inside.

Oh gosh- I had severe constipation today. 40min in the loo... And even had blood in stools...Sorry if it is tmi... But argh... Gotta load up on even more fruits and veggie and water now.. And ask doc at next visit how (2 weeks later...).. Anyone else has suggestions? I'm also drinking prune juice once every 2 days too...

As for exercise - So far I hope my regime is ok. yoga is more stretching, pilates is using reformer but i use lightest resistance and swimming is just more blooping in water.
Doc hasn't told me to stop... But I guess common sense prevails. Like if feel any form of discomfort, to stop immediately. And I try to schedule on alternate days so I give my body a rest. My hubby did say I should cut down to 2 exercises per week...
littlej:794619 said:
Ooo. I have discharge too.... I didn't know discharge can be oxidized!

Tvh - I have decided to stop researching on every single symptom cuz I will be over-thinking and wondering is this it, am I facing this problem that problem, will this symptom mean this consequence, that consequence. My colleague who is preggers with her 2nd baby gave me this advice - stop researching and just enjoy the pregnancy cuz before i know it, it will be all over!! Instead of spending seconds researching, why not spend those second breathing and bonding with the child inside.

Oh gosh- I had severe constipation today. 40min in the loo... And even had blood in stools...Sorry if it is tmi... But argh... Gotta load up on even more fruits and veggie and water now.. And ask doc at next visit how (2 weeks later...).. Anyone else has suggestions? I'm also drinking prune juice once every 2 days too...

As for exercise - So far I hope my regime is ok. yoga is more stretching, pilates is using reformer but i use lightest resistance and swimming is just more blooping in water.
Doc hasn't told me to stop... But I guess common sense prevails. Like if feel any form of discomfort, to stop immediately. And I try to schedule on alternate days so I give my body a rest. My hubby did say I should cut down to 2 exercises per week...
I do agree with your colleague on that..but then, sometimes it is easier said than done especially it is your first kid..I realise that I am not so kan cheong for my dau...but the second one, dunno is it as age progresses, more and more kiasi..always worry here and there..but I do realise that thw more I look into symptoms, i make myself more kan cheong. So i am trying to be more laid back..
Constipation? Possible to get stool softerners from the gynae?
Dont overexercise also. .need to do in moderation. .I actually dont do any exercise except walking 10 to 15 mins walk to the mrt stn..hehe
oh im the queen of constipation.. haha.. i drink prune juice everyday. (and still only go toilet every few days!)
doc did give softeners and some laxatives but its not good coz teaches the bowel to rely on the medication. best is drink more water, and fruit juice like prunes which naturally let the bowels move. no need to overdose on fibre coz the stool will bulk up and harder to come out.

and dun force! if 15 min cannot go, wait awhile until got strong feeling. or u can eat trigger foods- food that will make u feel like shitting. lol. for me its ice milo with full cream milk early in the morning. haha. sure got LS feeling. (but not always la).

i got phobia of shitting for awhile.. coz back when my placenta was lower, keep spotting whenever i pass motion. then it made my constipation worse :(

well constipation is one of the many pregnancy 'quirks' ! take care, stay very well hydrated!
im also guilty of Googling everything..makes me imagine the worst and its hard to control.. but am trying to limit my 'research' to just checking in here with u guys! ;)


ooo! ur right! i also take yakult daily to make myself poo. so far i poo 1-2times daily . but i can poo til 45mins tt long. got once poo 2 hours 2-4am. cos very hard i poo super slow until time pass i also duno. tts how paranoid i am. lOL!

cos i had a fren fren poo til bb out but she duno. after poo out then start pain (mc pain).

oh ya. eat fruits in moderation esp for those need control diets de. cos fruits very high sugar.
can try drink some liang cha/ (condense milk for those tt works).

*for me, i poo awhile i stand up shake shake. LOL! tmi but ya. tts how i shake it out la. haha*


Ooo. I have discharge too.... I didn't know discharge can be oxidized!

Tvh - I have decided to stop researching on every single symptom cuz I will be over-thinking and wondering is this it, am I facing this problem that problem, will this symptom mean this consequence, that consequence. My colleague who is preggers with her 2nd baby gave me this advice - stop researching and just enjoy the pregnancy cuz before i know it, it will be all over!! Instead of spending seconds researching, why not spend those second breathing and bonding with the child inside.

Oh gosh- I had severe constipation today. 40min in the loo... And even had blood in stools...Sorry if it is tmi... But argh... Gotta load up on even more fruits and veggie and water now.. And ask doc at next visit how (2 weeks later...).. Anyone else has suggestions? I'm also drinking prune juice once every 2 days too...

As for exercise - So far I hope my regime is ok. yoga is more stretching, pilates is using reformer but i use lightest resistance and swimming is just more blooping in water.
Doc hasn't told me to stop... But I guess common sense prevails. Like if feel any form of discomfort, to stop immediately. And I try to schedule on alternate days so I give my body a rest. My hubby did say I should cut down to 2 exercises per week...

Oooo! u do so much exercises? actually the excercises i tot is for easy normal delivery? most frens do in 3rd trimester. and only 1-2times a week. some once a fortnight sia. and they cmi le. for me, worse, i do chores at home already cmi.
+im really lazy to go out and swim/ yoga.

*yoga must find very gd instructor also esp for preggy women, read up to know more. cos my gynae say yoga can be dangerous de if instructor didnt guide correctly or notice ur doing wrongly.

jia you!


Oh I see....then u must rest like a queen until u give birth..

i rest on bed using bedpan during 1st trimester. now 2nd trimester ok le. even go out shopping for bb stuffs n searching for food. haha! now can even do chores like mopping and clean toilet. but tts the only "excercise" i can do la. my gynae actually is prefer i dun even walk too much. walk 10mins rest 10mins best he say. (in my mind is.. might as well dont go out)


Active Member
Uh oh. Seems like I am doing too much exercises... Hmm. Maybe I will cut to two.

Oh eating Too much fruits is no good? Maybe that explains for my weight gain!!! I have been munching on at least a packet of guava, one stick of kiwi and one rock melon daily. And also grapes as snack at tea time. I heard kiwi and guava can help in constipation so I take them.

My previous doc did prescribe me with stool softener and i could easily poo but usually wet and twice a day. I didn't think it was good and especially I didn't want to do this for the whole 9 months and eventually my body may get dependent on the meds. So I stopped...

Maybe I will give Yakut a try... Just scared that I am overloading my body with too much sugar cuz I take prune juice too...

Oh gosh - 2 hours! Seriously?!? I will be panicking cuz I did panicked with 40min stint. I was wondering if i need to check myself into a&e! Hmm - stand up shake shake sounds good!!

My yoga teacher said squatting with knees facing out, palms together and with elbows pressed at knees - is a good pose to help alleviate constipation. And one can also do kegel exercise with this pose to strengthen pelvic muscle. Maybe I might do this nightly and see If it helps. For those with low lying placenta - put a bolster below your butt so you ain't squatting since there is support.


Active Member
Btw have u ladies confirmed post natal massage? Do you know what is the market rate?

My friends gave me 2 contacts. One costs $90 / session, min 5 sessions. One costs $920 for 12 sessions, min 12 sessions. Is it normally so ex?

Also, don't mean to be racist here. But would a Chinese masseur be ok? Or given the treatment traditionally originated from Malays - would getting a Malay lady be better?


Active Member
for my 1st born, i will read up weekly update on what how the baby is and what size he is but my 2nd wan now, i only ready up as and when... im not so ganchong after my spotting stops. i still do vomit on off and her kicks are more frequent so i also not so worry. only kept telling her to pop out on 10 Oct cuz my 1st son bday is 10 Oct. hee...
hmm seems like moderation is key. next time i'll ask my doc about the high sugar fruits..i only know durian. hehe.

exercise is great for constipation actually.. improves circulation and get things moving. if u have been active before pregnancy usually doc will say just continue but listen to ur body n dun go over the limits.

i shall also try the shake shake method. hahaha.
Hi Mummies!

Me went for my 21week scan at KKH on last Fri...

The result was real bad..

they detect either me or baby might have mild heart prob. but its jus a suspicion. n they cannot confirm till 7th mth.but like tat. the baby is too big.. cannot do anyg.. n they cannot gimme a definite answer for any of my qns.. me n my husb got so upset n fed up with them..the doc say.. mayb bcoz the scanning center was too crowded.. so the lady did it in a rush.. not to worry.. 7th mth scan they will do throughly.. still can tell me.. dun worry so much.. firstly its juz a suspicion.. 2ndly there are many ppl who has tis prob n still living fine.. 3rdly.. dunno if its u or the baby.. so ntg to worry so much. .juz wait till 7th mth.. n then if its again detected.. ask the lady who did the scan to explain.. they say.. all perfect... all formed.. kidneys, brain, heart n all.. the skull all ok.. baby is well and fine.. all the 3 cord vessels are normal.. all ok.. baby developement n growth all ok.. baby breathing all good.. but got mild heart prob detected.. oni a suspicion.. n dunno if its for me or the baby coz the report not indicated.. they say mus wait till 7th mth cannot scan earlier..coz by then baby fully developed n can see everything clearly.. which is exactly my point.. once baby is fully developed.. then i cannot do anyg.. i gotta juz live with it.. good or bad wat?

Hence, family decided to get 2nd opinion.. Any good gynae to recommend?

Help mummy in distress... Been crying over the whole weekend.. First baby and got result like this. I jus find that their answers were unprofessional and they are irresponsible.. Its like they faster faster want to chase me out of the doctors room. Haizzz...

Hi Mummies!

Me went for my 21week scan at KKH on last Fri...

The result was real bad..

they detect either me or baby might have mild heart prob. but its jus a suspicion. n they cannot confirm till 7th mth.but like tat. the baby is too big.. cannot do anyg.. n they cannot gimme a definite answer for any of my qns.. me n my husb got so upset n fed up with them..the doc say.. mayb bcoz the scanning center was too crowded.. so the lady did it in a rush.. not to worry.. 7th mth scan they will do throughly.. still can tell me.. dun worry so much.. firstly its juz a suspicion.. 2ndly there are many ppl who has tis prob n still living fine.. 3rdly.. dunno if its u or the baby.. so ntg to worry so much. .juz wait till 7th mth.. n then if its again detected.. ask the lady who did the scan to explain.. they say.. all perfect... all formed.. kidneys, brain, heart n all.. the skull all ok.. baby is well and fine.. all the 3 cord vessels are normal.. all ok.. baby developement n growth all ok.. baby breathing all good.. but got mild heart prob detected.. oni a suspicion.. n dunno if its for me or the baby coz the report not indicated.. they say mus wait till 7th mth cannot scan earlier..coz by then baby fully developed n can see everything clearly.. which is exactly my point.. once baby is fully developed.. then i cannot do anyg.. i gotta juz live with it.. good or bad wat?

Hence, family decided to get 2nd opinion.. Any good gynae to recommend?

Help mummy in distress... Been crying over the whole weekend.. First baby and got result like this. I jus find that their answers were unprofessional and they are irresponsible.. Its like they faster faster want to chase me out of the doctors room. Haizzz...

Sorry to hear that you have such a bad experience...I have read from other forum that there is this place where they will do the scan for mothers-to-be who has to do ammio but wanted alternative option which is non-invasive. You may wish to check their website Welcome to SSR or contact them at 6333 8621.

I am not sure whether they could assist you but you may check with them directly. "Disclaimer: I am not working at that company* :)


New Member
Hi Mummies!

Me went for my 21week scan at KKH on last Fri...

The result was real bad..

they detect either me or baby might have mild heart prob. but its jus a suspicion. n they cannot confirm till 7th mth.but like tat. the baby is too big.. cannot do anyg.. n they cannot gimme a definite answer for any of my qns.. me n my husb got so upset n fed up with them..the doc say.. mayb bcoz the scanning center was too crowded.. so the lady did it in a rush.. not to worry.. 7th mth scan they will do throughly.. still can tell me.. dun worry so much.. firstly its juz a suspicion.. 2ndly there are many ppl who has tis prob n still living fine.. 3rdly.. dunno if its u or the baby.. so ntg to worry so much. .juz wait till 7th mth.. n then if its again detected.. ask the lady who did the scan to explain.. they say.. all perfect... all formed.. kidneys, brain, heart n all.. the skull all ok.. baby is well and fine.. all the 3 cord vessels are normal.. all ok.. baby developement n growth all ok.. baby breathing all good.. but got mild heart prob detected.. oni a suspicion.. n dunno if its for me or the baby coz the report not indicated.. they say mus wait till 7th mth cannot scan earlier..coz by then baby fully developed n can see everything clearly.. which is exactly my point.. once baby is fully developed.. then i cannot do anyg.. i gotta juz live with it.. good or bad wat?

Hence, family decided to get 2nd opinion.. Any good gynae to recommend?

Help mummy in distress... Been crying over the whole weekend.. First baby and got result like this. I jus find that their answers were unprofessional and they are irresponsible.. Its like they faster faster want to chase me out of the doctors room. Haizzz...

sorry to hear that babe... dont feel disheartened or annoyed now. just seek a second opinion first. hugs. i did my detailed scan at TMC, perhaps you can try there? the thing is, its quite crowded and usually have to book quite early in advanced. i did the booking through my gynae clinic. im with Eunice Chua at TLC. her clinic is in TMC itself. perhaps u can give the clinic a call and explain the situation to them?