EDD Oct 2013


most impt is tat its tailored to u n bb. u save d trouble of going to find a confinement lady n ask hubby to buy d food 2.3k + 2k. plus they open for biz sure dont want to spoil d reputation.
d price is high but if its done professionally, instead of creating unhappiness wif mil or c. lady. eg i want to breastfeed but mil or c.lady dont support, choice of food, environment, bb is taken care of constantly, no kitchen mess...
7k divide by 28 days. its like hotel stay. the part im looking fwd is i can focus on bf my bb n no other relatives come to disturb me. :cool:

Alisa:795968 said:
hello Alisa, i took d package at 8k (got cheaper ones).
not sure wats d rates now. i suggest tat if any of u r interested to give a call to mk appt n visit d place.
my reasons for chosing are
i nd a place to recover fully due to previous op on cyst removal i didnt recover well.
my mil place too noisy n crowded + dementia grandma who kp opening the door.
confinement lady no place to stay.
if rent a place + $ of confinement food n nanny > cost at aixin.
room n personal toilet at centre (terrace) larger than hdb + whole day aircon.
less hassle for family members n quiet environment..

hubby used up his bonus tis yr to pay for this... haa ;)
Wa!!! that time i ask them, they qoute me around 7k and i am already eyes wan to pop out!!!
ur welcome june!

littlej, u can prepare a list of tings to buy n go online to buy for free delivery.
now ur feeling fine u shd get started!

littlej:795942 said:
Wow. Blackroselian - u are super prepared. I erm haven't bought a single thing. Haha.

Tvh - no change no change. Second kid will consider dr Chang.
wow you girls are all prepared! My sister in law just moved out, we have not had a chance to pack her room and turn it to a nursery :D

Still searching high and low for the perfect cot..
yes dear, time to start from somewhere. any of u ladies intend to put infant care after maternity leave? u got to start to call n pre register ur name on d waiting list at a few infant care centres now. i read tat frm hellomrstan blog.


Active Member
Ah yes on infant care - I am prepared. I've already short listed the one I want. Pre-registration in July / Aug =)

I never knew there was a confinement centre! Will your hubby be able to stay over? Will you get to meet other mummies too? I never heard of anyone checking themselves into a centre - u are the first =)

i am doing my confinement at home. hee hee - prepare my neighbors for baby wails =p I got my confinement nanny from pem but requested for a specific lady. I originally thought of doing confinement at my mum's place but scarcely mum and confinement nanny dun get along...
So decided to do at home.

My hubby doesn't wanna get anything yet. He is still in the 'things can still happen, let's not buy anything and get hopes high' stage. Right now, he is asking me like 6 times a day if i feel the lil' muffin moving... I suspect we're going to be one of those who will just walk in and say want this and that all at one go. The sales person will prob be beaming after we leave *duh*


Hi mummies!

Just did my detailed scan today!
My naughty one give everyone a feel that is a girl (all the round tummy and good complexion), but today, it decide to show it kkj and tadah, i am expecting a baby boy! ^^

Everything is good but the head slightly big.. >< must be becus my hubby keep on laugh at my sister for her big head T^T


I just had my FA scan done yesterday too! My baby already weighs 418 grams at 21 weeks...is that very big? I can't help but feel that I have a fat baby. I've put on about 5kg. My placenta is no longer low! But the professor said I have slightly increased amniotic fluid which puts me at risk for diabetes..
My boy was very active throughout the scan though, he just refused to keep still and was in a downward facing position, hiding his face from us...can see him kicking his legs as the sonographer scanned my tummy...

moomookow is very expensive! I went to the motherhood fair and saw like one pack costs $133? I gasped...
TVH, your baby is big! 418gms, but u only put on 5kg. What is your diet usually?
i went to detail scan today (20wks) mine weighing 332gms, so far i put on 3-4kgs.
dun worry abt the amniotic fluid, everything shd goes well.
very interesting scan, as my baby was sleeping comfy in cradle position, i had to talk to him several times to ask him turn his body and let us see measure his spinal core


Hi mummies!

Just did my detailed scan today!
My naughty one give everyone a feel that is a girl (all the round tummy and good complexion), but today, it decide to show it kkj and tadah, i am expecting a baby boy! ^^

Everything is good but the head slightly big.. >< must be becus my hubby keep on laugh at my sister for her big head T^T
looks are deceiving, another oct boy!


hmm seems like moderation is key. next time i'll ask my doc about the high sugar fruits..i only know durian. hehe.

exercise is great for constipation actually.. improves circulation and get things moving. if u have been active before pregnancy usually doc will say just continue but listen to ur body n dun go over the limits.

i shall also try the shake shake method. hahaha.
Oh yes, my gynae ask me not to take durian...other fruits all ok..


TVH, your baby is big! 418gms, but u only put on 5kg. What is your diet usually?
i went to detail scan today (20wks) mine weighing 332gms, so far i put on 3-4kgs.
dun worry abt the amniotic fluid, everything shd goes well.
very interesting scan, as my baby was sleeping comfy in cradle position, i had to talk to him several times to ask him turn his body and let us see measure his spinal core
hmm...ya looks like i have a fat baby...err..i have fast food quite often though i'm trying to cut down...i need potatos though so fries are always a temptation haha...

Breakfast I usually have cereal with milo or a glass of soya bean milk (though not very often cos soya bean produces estrogen, since I'm having a boy, I shdn't drink too much) or bread with peanut butter or tuna sandwich.

Lunch is typical hawker fare...prawn mee, horfun etc etc....

Dinner time, i usually have yong tau foo or fish soup....

I didn't eat much rice though cos I've never liked to eat rice...I think the thing that keeps my weight constant is that I poo everyday without fail...haha...

My baby was head facing down all the while...very naughty...it keeps moving about like trying to play hide and seek..the sonographer had quite a hard time capturing still shots...


I've heard ppl say to only take durian in your last trimester if your baby isn't big enough.....2nd trimester better avoid cos very high sugar level
I've heard ppl say to only take durian in your last trimester if your baby isn't big enough.....2nd trimester better avoid cos very high sugar level
sigh. i was just telling my hubs i want to indulge in one or two seeds of durian this weekend... season started liao i see it everywhere.. drooolz...

anyway.. talking about diet, i do suddenly feel like i had a growth spurt.. have been quite slack in my food intake (ate desserts and sugary drinks, which i never did so far). 2nd trimester really quite shiok.. must control.. scared to weigh myself!



Just to share with you... i have signed up for my baby's cord blood banking with Cordlife.

If anyone want to sign up with Cordlife during month of June 2013, I can refer you as a friend.
We each can get $150 worth of shopping vouchers.
Do email me at dizzyd3280@gmail.com or PM me if you are interested.


New Member

Just to share with you... i have signed up for my baby's cord blood banking with Cordlife.

If anyone want to sign up with Cordlife during month of June 2013, I can refer you as a friend.
We each can get $150 worth of shopping vouchers.
Do email me at dizzyd3280@gmail.com or PM me if you are interested.
Hi Hui Lee
I'm interested in signing up with cordlife for my BB too.
Anyone else keen, please PM me then I can refer you as friend.


Just had my detailed scan yday, baby weights 292gms and doc says its generic, does not matter on how much I eat, but he says at 20weeks its a normal weight. I gained weight starting from 2nd trimester, like 4-5kg now.

Im also having a girl :) she was quite good and super active (keeps moving), the scan was done in 20mins. Went to novena medical and had to wait only like 30mins with appt.
Cost me $140 or less quite cheap.

Ooh and she has a big head too!! But circumfrance measured ok, so her head looks like an egg !!!
She keeps poking me now almost every morning and im only 20weeks, I really hopes she dont know kungfu, if not i will get really beaten up in the later stage.
Doc says my placenta is behind and shes in front, so I will feel her movment more, but it is really assuring

yes, i was told my hubby can stay overnite once in a while / relative visiting but subject to the arrangement with the centre.
haha.. he's got to work. there's no point he stay on and do nothing but stare at the baby... or couldnt slp well for working the next day.
the 4 weeks is like a me and my baby bonding time (can u imagine i'm staying in the new type 4 room hdb with 5 other family members excl me n hubby?) sure there r mummies staying over the other rooms so its up to individual whether want to go to living room or stay in the room.
u sound like u've made some preparation already. :Dancing_tongue: esp ur neighbors n give a tot for ur mom.
ur last min to buy stuff, to save abit of $ i think u can use the Standchart manhattan card which has 200 cashback when u spent ovr 3k in one shot. also if u spent ovr certain amount the shop may able to free deliver to ur place ;)

yes on infant care - I am prepared. I've already short listed the one I want. Pre-registration in July / Aug =)

I never knew there was a confinement centre! Will your hubby be able to stay over? Will you get to meet other mummies too? I never heard of anyone checking themselves into a centre - you are the first =)

i am doing my confinement at home. hee hee - prepare my neighbors for baby wails =p I got my confinement nanny from pem but requested for a specific lady. I originally thought of doing confinement at my mum's place but scarcely mum and confinement nanny dont get along...
So decided to do at home.

My hubby doesn't wanna get anything yet. He is still in the 'things can still happen, let's not buy anything and get hopes high' stage. Right now, he is asking me like 6 times a day if i feel the lil' muffin moving... I suspect we're going to be one of those who will just walk in and say want this and that all at one go. The sales person will prob be beaming after we leave *duh*


Just had my detailed scan yday, baby weights 292gms and doc says its generic, does not matter on how much I eat, but he says at 20weeks its a normal weight. I gained weight starting from 2nd trimester, like 4-5kg now.

Im also having a girl :) she was quite good and super active (keeps moving), the scan was done in 20mins. Went to novena medical and had to wait only like 30mins with appt.
Cost me $140 or less quite cheap.

Ooh and she has a big head too!! But circumfrance measured ok, so her head looks like an egg !!!
She keeps poking me now almost every morning and im only 20weeks, I really hopes she dont know kungfu, if not i will get really beaten up in the later stage.
Doc says my placenta is behind and shes in front, so I will feel her movment more, but it is really assuring
i also jz done the detailed scan.. done at mount e medical center cost $200!my bb gal already 352gms..
Anyone mummy here choose to caesarean ? n how much is the estimated cost for overall ?


I'm also considering a few cordbanks, my friend recommended me Stemcord, she was telling me Stemcord stores the cordblood in 2 banks, so if something happens to 1, there's another one and you also get rebates if referred by friends. So i'm still thinking which one to take...


New Member
Does anyone know how many cord banks are there in Singapore? I only know of Stemcord and Cordlife.

Weeeii, do you know how much is the package for Stemcord. I saw at Motherhood fair last week Cordlife is at $5800 if paying at one go.