EDD October


Active Member
OMG I can't believe I am still pregnant! Lol~

Went for my gynae check up 2 days ago, 39 weeks 3 days pregnant then...
Put on a total of 20.2kgs *faints*

Baby boy's estimated weight is 2.8kgs... Am still 3cm dilated.
Gynae has scheduled me to be induced on the 3 Oct at 7 am, 1 day after my EDD.
No need to insert any drug, will only rupture my waterbag artificially to start contraction.
Doc said will take about 5 hours so I guess most probably will pop by afternoon?

Now I hope bb wouldn't come out before Monday, intending to bring my elder daughter to explorerkid this Sunday to celebrate Children's Day with her childcare centre.
3 more days to go! :D


OMG I can't believe I am still pregnant! Lol~

Went for my gynae check up 2 days ago, 39 weeks 3 days pregnant then...
Put on a total of 20.2kgs *faints*

Baby boy's estimated weight is 2.8kgs... Am still 3cm dilated.
Gynae has scheduled me to be induced on the 3 Oct at 7 am, 1 day after my EDD.
No need to insert any drug, will only rupture my waterbag artificially to start contraction.
Doc said will take about 5 hours so I guess most probably will pop by afternoon?

Now I hope bb wouldn't come out before Monday, intending to bring my elder daughter to explorerkid this Sunday to celebrate Children's Day with her childcare centre.
3 more days to go! :D
Oh few days more u gg to deliver, ur baby don't want to come out? must be very comfortable inside ur tummy. hv a smooth delivery n congrats in advance.


Congrats theknees!! good that it was a smooth delivery and hope your boy can come home soon :) My girl's bilrubin level was still below the quota so she did not undergo any phototherapy nor "suntanning" in the morning sun. :)

I was screaming and crying like a mad woman before the epidural and especially when the gynae burst my waterbag at 3cm too!! Muffled my screams and cries with the gas mask. I think I overdosed on the gas cuz I felt like I was almost on general anaesthesia. :D
Hi Nattynat,

Check wif you, what do we have to pack for our bag? What about the baby things? Do the hospital dress the baby when discharge or we have to bring to our bb cothes for discharge?


Hi Nattynat,

Check wif you, what do we have to pack for our bag? What about the baby things? Do the hospital dress the baby when discharge or we have to bring to our bb cothes for discharge?
actually i "kapok" the clothes and swaddling cloth back from kkh. :p i brought bb's mittens, booties and romper and changed ger into those. she was wrapped with kkh's swaddling cloth first, then with our own, and kept her kkh clothes under her feet, so that it's not very obvious. hahaha.. cuz they wouldn't let you bring their clothes back if you verbally asked for permission. Bring along a set of clothes for you to change into when you discharge. Other things i secretly took back were the remaining diapers, pigeon wipes and the disposable bedding sheet thing. :p


thanks :)
delivered at kkh. the senior midwife and senior nurse were nice, friendly and helpful people. :)
haha.. wanted to be hero and deliver drug free but ... cannot take it!!
how ur baby now? do u know wat to pack for the bag and what abt e bb when discharge? do kkh dress up the bb when discharge or we have to bring our bb clotes to change when discharge? im still considering whether to change to natural birth cos i just went for my checkup today, my bb weigh 2.2 kg at 35.9 weeks. abit small and i worry that my c-section on 10 oct my bb will be underweight. I hope these few weeks, my bb will gain more weight. if i go for c-sect, i am schedule to go blood test on 7 Oct. any advice?


actually i "kapok" the clothes and swaddling cloth back from kkh. :p i brought bb's mittens, booties and romper and changed ger into those. she was wrapped with kkh's swaddling cloth first, then with our own, and kept her kkh clothes under her feet, so that it's not very obvious. hahaha.. cuz they wouldn't let you bring their clothes back if you verbally asked for permission. Bring along a set of clothes for you to change into when you discharge. Other things i secretly took back were the remaining diapers, pigeon wipes and the disposable bedding sheet thing. :p
oh ur baby very cute. thanks. anybody nurse saw u took anything? I tot they will provide the bb's clothes when discharge. They don't provide any goodies bag?


Ur baby girl is so cute!!! Sparkling eyes too!

Btw, is the gas smelly or odourless? And how long do u take for ur stitches to heal?
I am so afraid that once the epidural wear off, the pain will be killing and can't walk and sit and pee!!!

Congrats theknees!! good that it was a smooth delivery and hope your boy can come home soon :) My girl's bilrubin level was still below the quota so she did not undergo any phototherapy nor "suntanning" in the morning sun. :)

I was screaming and crying like a mad woman before the epidural and especially when the gynae burst my waterbag at 3cm too!! Muffled my screams and cries with the gas mask. I think I overdosed on the gas cuz I felt like I was almost on general anaesthesia. :D


oh ur baby very cute. thanks. anybody nurse saw u took anything? I tot they will provide the bb's clothes when discharge. They don't provide any goodies bag?
:D thx... Nope, no nurses saw me took anything :) But the day before, a midwife saw my hb try to pack them into the bag then she just told him that it's to be left there. They provide goodies bag. It has lots of samples, magazines & brochures. But no clothes la.. haha

how your baby now? do you know what to pack for the bag and what about e baby when discharge? do Kandang Kerbau Hospital dress up the baby when discharge or we have to bring our baby clotes to change when discharge? im still considering whether to change to natural birth cos i just went for my checkup today, my baby weigh 2.2 kg at 35.9 weeks. abit small and i worry that my c-section on 10 oct my baby will be underweight. I hope these few weeks, my baby will gain more weight. if i go for c-sect, i am schedule to go blood test on 7 Oct. any advice?
my bb's doing good. :) just that she can't really latch on now unlike the first week. probably cuz i'm using the wrong technique? or maybe my areola is too firm and my nipples are flat. So i'm feeding her expressed breastmilk most of the time now.

i think your baby's small enough to go through normal delivery. if i were you i will still continue to do normal delivery cuz c-sect takes a longer time to heal. my bb was 2.5kg at 37 weeks but when delivered she was only 2.256kg. you can request for the midwife / nurse to not cut you and try to guide you to deliver without any tears, which is what i did :) had only about 3 small tears inside the vagina and no tear in the perineum. is your fluid level and all still ok?


Ur baby girl is so cute!!! Sparkling eyes too!

Btw, is the gas smelly or odourless? And how long do u take for ur stitches to heal?
I am so afraid that once the epidural wear off, the pain will be killing and can't walk and sit and pee!!!
:D yep!! she's a very cute & curious little girl... lots of actions & expressions :)

The gas is odourless. But it makes you feel very light-headed when you inhale too much of it. My stitches haven't heal yet. Probably next week or the week after. First week plus was bad. I couldn't get my shit out and my vagina and labia felt like exploding. Now it's very irritating, itchy and somewhat painful. The painful part for me is peeing actually, followed by sitting then shitting. Still can walk la.. haha


:D thx... Nope, no nurses saw me took anything :) But the day before, a midwife saw my hb try to pack them into the bag then she just told him that it's to be left there. They provide goodies bag. It has lots of samples, magazines & brochures. But no clothes la.. haha

my bb's doing good. :) just that she can't really latch on now unlike the first week. probably cuz i'm using the wrong technique? or maybe my areola is too firm and my nipples are flat. So i'm feeding her expressed breastmilk most of the time now.

i think your baby's small enough to go through normal delivery. if i were you i will still continue to do normal delivery cuz c-sect takes a longer time to heal. my bb was 2.5kg at 37 weeks but when delivered she was only 2.256kg. you can request for the midwife / nurse to not cut you and try to guide you to deliver without any tears, which is what i did :) had only about 3 small tears inside the vagina and no tear in the perineum. is your fluid level and all still ok?
is it? that time is ur contraction come? actually duno by 37 weeks, my bb will gain how much? if my bb weigh more than 2.5kg by next week wondering when deliver is how much weight? cos my gynae is not in spore, another gynae check for me. funny is he didn't say anything about the fluid level ok or anot? only ask abt e c-sect schedule. I ask him for his advice whether to go for natural birth but he just say i hv already ask my gynae to book for c-sect.
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:D yep!! she's a very cute & curious little girl... lots of actions & expressions :)

The gas is odourless. But it makes you feel very light-headed when you inhale too much of it. My stitches haven't heal yet. Probably next week or the week after. First week plus was bad. I couldn't get my shit out and my vagina and labia felt like exploding. Now it's very irritating, itchy and somewhat painful. The painful part for me is peeing actually, followed by sitting then shitting. Still can walk la.. haha
That is the worst part when i think of natural birth, e.g peeing that time will be very painful. maybe u eat more fish, will heal faster.


A qn to ask mummies who have delivered their babies... Do we need to shave our pubic hair? I din check with my gynae but my fren said the nurse will shave for us if we din shave n they sometimes will cut u if not careful! Sounds painful...


i have given birth to baby boy Jaden on 25th Sept (EDD supposed to be 15 Oct) by induced normal birth due to umbilical cord around the neck.
The nurse will help you to shave... they will only shave the part near the anus....actually they are quite careful and experienced...dun worry...



Btw, how do u knw that the umbilical cord is ard the neck ?

i have given birth to baby boy Jaden on 25th Sept (EDD supposed to be 15 Oct) by induced normal birth due to umbilical cord around the neck.
The nurse will help you to shave... they will only shave the part near the anus....actually they are quite careful and experienced...dun worry...


During my 37th week gynae checked with the scan and saw it... luckily i told her that i sensed the baby having less movements....


No wonder its so impt to monitor baby's movement!
Oh gosh, just now I saw that my vagina discharge is slightly greenish! I thot it means an infection! But there's no itchiness or pain or burning feeling but still, I'm really worried :(

During my 37th week gynae checked with the scan and saw it... luckily i told her that i sensed the baby having less movements....


I see, I didn't know that the scan can see the cord, coz my gynae never show me before :)
next time you can request gynae to see.... the cord will be in bright color

No wonder its so impt to monitor baby's movement!
Oh gosh, just now I saw that my vagina discharge is slightly greenish! I thot it means an infection! But there's no itchiness or pain or burning feeling but still, I'm really worried :(
yes we were really lucky to detect before the cord tightens..... i dun know about the greenish problem.... when is your next checkup? its good to check...