EDD Sep 2010


Hi hi mummies, what sort of activities does the infantcare centre provides? I am always wondering what to play with my infant since he is already 4mths. My boy seems to like talking a lot but sometimes I really caught off what to play with him. Please share your advise or experience here. Thks.
Hi bubbleblue,

there are quite alot of activities going on every week in infantcare! They do 'Touch n feel' books with janelle so she can experience different textures on her hands so you can buy books like these to explore with ur baby. They also do flash cards...this week is on body parts...Janelle likes it alot, she will smile n coo n try to grab the cards :)

Recently my mom just bought a fan with blinking lights n music. This becomes her fav toy though haha...she learns on her own the trick to on n off the fan by kicking her feet n holding it there then release then hold haha. Later on, she's so fasinated with it that she twist n turn the fan blades until it tore off...goodness so violent ;)
Hi bubbleblue,

there are quite alot of activities going on every week in infantcare! They do 'Touch n feel' books with janelle so she can experience different textures on her hands so you can buy books like these to explore with your baby. They also do flash cards...this week is on body parts...Janelle likes it alot, she will smile n coo n try to grab the cards :)

Recently my mom just bought a fan with blinking lights n music. This becomes her fav toy though haha...she learns on her own the trick to on n off the fan by kicking her feet n holding it there then release then hold haha. Later on, she's so fasinated with it that she twist n turn the fan blades until it tore off...goodness so violent ;)
Thks for sharing, LittleWorm. I will buy some books and flashcards for my bb to play with. My only regret is that I am working most of the time and so I do not have much time to play with my bb. My maid usually just leave him alone to play with his hands and dont even bother to take the nursery rhymes musical book to entertain my bb. Sometimes really wish I have more time for him.


Active Member
Thks for sharing, LittleWorm. I will buy some books and flashcards for my bb to play with. My only regret is that I am working most of the time and so I do not have much time to play with my bb. My maid usually just leave him alone to play with his hands and dont even bother to take the nursery rhymes musical book to entertain my bb. Sometimes really wish I have more time for him.

Hiiiiiii People!!!!!

How are you????

Hehehe Alot quieter in here than before ya?? I guess most are busy with work, baby and the upcoming cny???
I suppose september'10 babies are all becoming very active and responsive?

My girl loves tummy time... she can now shift from one side of her cot to the other on her tummy... and can turn a good 180degrees on her tummy... and she loves to sit up and "stand" up.. and bounce on me... gosh!!! her energy is like infinity... most of the time im tired and she is still not!!!!!

Also, she doesnt nap much... so Im quite concern... anyone knows is there a guideline how much 4mths old shld slp??? yesterday she nap only 1/2hr in the day....!!!! and slp only 11 hrs at nite( wake up 3 times for milk)!

Bubbleblue... wat flash card u use? Im thinking of getting one...


New Member
haha, your boy is so smart, Erin07! So cute of him to know who to look for when the toy dont have music. I bought a nursery rhymes book for him but dont know if my maid let him play with it. I think I did buy some mini soccer balls. Thks for your advice. Haha. I seldom bring my baby out to shop cos I am afraid that he may be too young to go around in case he caught some virus. Now I am beginning to see if I should bring him out to explore and see things more....
Keke...ya i think its good to bring baby out for walk sometime so that they wun be afraid of people when they are are older :)

How are all working mummies coping so far? I recently feel that my baby is drifting apart from me..my mum is helping to take care of him and i always try to go back after work to see him but i dunno he doesnt respond to me whenever i call him. From wat i observe, he will respond to grandma, grandpa, daddy and uncle except me..i feel so depress over tis...the few weeks before i came back to work, i have realised this but nw its seems that its getting bad...

ytd when i tried calling his name when my dad carry him, he scream as tot saying "u go away, mummy"...when my dad call him, he will look into his eyes. why is this happening..have i done something that make my baby feel not gd??

Does any of the mummies encounter such problem??
Hiiiiiii People!!!!!

How are you????

Hehehe Alot quieter in here than before ya?? I guess most are busy with work, baby and the upcoming cny???
I suppose september'10 babies are all becoming very active and responsive?

My girl loves tummy time... she can now shift from one side of her cot to the other on her tummy... and can turn a good 180degrees on her tummy... and she loves to sit up and "stand" up.. and bounce on me... gosh!!! her energy is like infinity... most of the time im tired and she is still not!!!!!

Also, she doesnt nap much... so Im quite concern... anyone knows is there a guideline how much 4mths old shld sleep??? yesterday she nap only 1/2hr in the day....!!!! and sleep only 11 hours at nite( wake up 3 times for milk)!

Bubbleblue... what flash card you use? Im thinking of getting one...
Hihi Mrs_eg, my boy doesnt sleep much in the day also. At most 20mins nap around 2-3 times. Then he will wake up 2 or 3 times for milk in the night. I was told some babies dont like to sleep in the day. I have a set of free flashcards from Woodwards Gripe water when I bought 2 bottles the last time. So I am temporarily using them. Having a headache what to buy for him to play.

Can any mummies tell me where can I buy teething blanket? Mothercare is selling $25. Hope someone can direct me to find other alternatives.


Active Member
Hihi Mrs_eg, my boy doesnt sleep much in the day also. At most 20mins nap around 2-3 times. Then he will wake up 2 or 3 times for milk in the night. I was told some babies dont like to sleep in the day. I have a set of free flashcards from Woodwards Gripe water when I bought 2 bottles the last time. So I am temporarily using them. Having a headache what to buy for him to play.

Can any mummies tell me where can I buy teething blanket? Mothercare is selling $25. Hope someone can direct me to find other alternatives.
hmmm... i hav no idea wat is teething blanket sorry... but I did buy a teething "pacifier" sort of thing for my girl... it is frm tommee tippee... bought frm kiddy palace...

kinda feel better to hear that my girl is not the only one not napping! haiz... tot if she sleeps better it will be better for her growth... but I ask doctor he also say as long as baby got gain weight can le... thanx anyway!


Keke...ya i think its good to bring baby out for walk sometime so that they wun be afraid of people when they are are older :)

How are all working mummies coping so far? I recently feel that my baby is drifting apart from me..my mum is helping to take care of him and i always try to go back after work to see him but i dont know he doesnt respond to me whenever i call him. From what i observe, he will respond to grandma, grandpa, daddy and uncle except me..i feel so depress over tis...the few weeks before i came back to work, i have realised this but now its seems that its getting bad...

ytd when i tried calling his name when my dad carry him, he scream as thought saying "you go away, mummy"...when my dad call him, he will look into his eyes. why is this happening..have i done something that make my baby feel not good??

Does any of the mummies encounter such problem??
Hey hey dont't feel depressed okay!! Sometimes when I pick my gal up with my hubby from infantcare n I call her name or try to talk to her, she doesn't respond to me too but responded to her daddy. I wondered why but i dont't have an answer. She will however b responsive to me when reached home n I start playing with her.

So dont't worry about the unresponsiveness...maybe you can try spending more time playing with him...something that will make him giggle or smile often. Like for instance, i know Janelle likes it when I clap her feet together n move it up n down...I will sing lion dance 'dong chen dong chen' n move her legs with the drum beats n she love it immensely n will start smiling or laughing. I try to play with her every day after work...sometimes when no time to play with her, I do this drum beats when changing her diapers.

You can also try carrying him to the mirror n call his name...I find it at this stage, they love looking at their own reflection...try moving away then nearing to the mirror n keep repeating. Anyway these are just some suggestions that worked for me. Not sure if can help you but cheer up okay, our lil one dont't mean their actions as they are still too young ;)
Hey hey dont't feel depressed okay!! Sometimes when I pick my gal up with my hubby from infantcare n I call her name or try to talk to her, she doesn't respond to me too but responded to her daddy. I wondered why but i dont't have an answer. She will however b responsive to me when reached home n I start playing with her.

So dont't worry about the unresponsiveness...maybe you can try spending more time playing with him...something that will make him giggle or smile often. Like for instance, i know Janelle likes it when I clap her feet together n move it up n down...I will sing lion dance 'dong chen dong chen' n move her legs with the drum beats n she love it immensely n will start smiling or laughing. I try to play with her every day after work...sometimes when no time to play with her, I do this drum beats when changing her diapers.

You can also try carrying him to the mirror n call his name...I find it at this stage, they love looking at their own reflection...try moving away then nearing to the mirror n keep repeating. Anyway these are just some suggestions that worked for me. Not sure if can help you but cheer up okay, our lil one dont't mean their actions as they are still too young ;)
Hi hi, thks for your tips and encouragement. I will try these "games" and see if he will enjoy playing with me. Hehe. TGIF finally!


Try phone call. Got same situation for my no. 1. I was like making call n start 'chatting' for abt 30sec. So my gal response to my voice. Hope it help.


Hi Mummies,

Our thread is so quiet lately...everyone busy buying new year goodies?!! ;)

Hey our babies are now 4 mths old...any mummies already started giving some types of semi-solid food like apples, pears etc? Do you buy prepared type in jar containers from supermarkets or steam the fruit itself? Does your lil one enjoy it??

I have not started giving Janelle yet but would like to start...hope you can share your experiences thanks

Wishing all mummies a Happy Lunar New Year!


Active Member
Hi Mummies,

Our thread is so quiet lately...everyone busy buying new year goodies?!! ;)

Hey our babies are now 4 mths old...any mummies already started giving some types of semi-solid food like apples, pears etc? Do you buy prepared type in jar containers from supermarkets or steam the fruit itself? Does your lil one enjoy it??

I have not started giving Janelle yet but would like to start...hope you can share your experiences thanks

Wishing all mummies a Happy Lunar New Year!
Hmmm though it is an exciting milestone... And me too am anxious to start solids... Id still wait till 5mths plus... Nearer to 6mths old... Hehehe
U may wana read this for tips


And ya it is soooooooo quiet.........


Hmmm though it is an exciting milestone... And me too am anxious to start solids... Id still wait till 5mths plus... Nearer to 6mths old... Hehehe
you may want to read this for tips


And ya it is soooooooo quiet

Hey thanks for sharing...wa lucky I check with you as I did not take time to do some reading...didn't know it's best to wait until 6 months old coz my confinement lady told me can
start feeding her apple when Janelle is four months old. I even bought an expensive $3.50 royal
apple for her coz I thought to let her enjoy her very first apple haha!!

So you are not working now? Still taking care of baby on your own? I'd really like to take care of Janelle on my own but it's quite difficult to do without a job as our expenses are so high now. It helps that Janelle is now more settled in infantcare and we are also now getting used to the schedule. I like that they do alot of activities with her and that she's really sociable (smiling to
every stranger who approaches her haha) Hey your lil one is very interesting ...can do so many 'stunts'...must be so exciting ;) It's so great to see them grow...recently just played peek-a-boo with Janelle n she loves it so much...chuckling so loudly...we so excited haha!!!


Active Member
Hey thanks for sharing...wa lucky I check with you as I did not take time to do some reading...didn't know it's best to wait until 6 months old coz my confinement lady told me can
start feeding her apple when Janelle is four months old. I even bought an expensive $3.50 royal
apple for her coz I thought to let her enjoy her very first apple haha!!

So you are not working now? Still taking care of baby on your own? I'd really like to take care of Janelle on my own but it's quite difficult to do without a job as our expenses are so high now. It helps that Janelle is now more settled in infantcare and we are also now getting used to the schedule. I like that they do alot of activities with her and that she's really sociable (smiling to
every stranger who approaches her haha) Hey your lil one is very interesting ...can do so many 'stunts'...must be so exciting ;) It's so great to see them grow...recently just played peek-a-boo with Janelle n she loves it so much...chuckling so loudly...we so excited haha!!!
Np!! I guess it is best you enjoy your royal apple on your own first hahaha...

Yup... Wow you remember im not working!!!! Yup I am currently a stay hm mum... Fortunate in certain ways... But not for very long... Will still be back to work force when baby is almost 1.... Stay home moms and working moms hav different set of responsibilities and challenges ...... More challenging for me at times cos Im really on my own... Hubby not in Sin, and my girl only take short naps or dont sleep in the afternoon at all, so my life revolves around doing chores and entertain her at the same time... Most of the time i have to start prepare my own dinner really early, cos cut veg, entertain, fry egg, baby cry entertain, fry the vege, entertain....... By the time eat dinner my gal also make noise for attention... "buay tahan!!!", the very worse is when i need to go to the loo but my gal refuse to be left alone...... Smtimes no choice hav to leave her crying... sigh.... Sorry i think i shld stop 'complaining' hahaha

And bcos of this she is very dependent on me... Go to relatives' place, if she dun see me she will cry the hse down... Until Im back to carry her... So it is Good tat Janelle is sociable!!!!
But im glad tat although she fuss alot, she is still generally a happy n cheerful baby who laughs alot...

Isnt it delightful to see them cuckle n giggle at the simplest things???


Hmmm though it is an exciting milestone... And me too am anxious to start solids... Id still wait till 5mths plus... Nearer to 6mths old... Hehehe
you may want to read this for tips


And ya it is soooooooo quiet.........
Np!! I guess it is best you enjoy your royal apple on your own first hahaha...

Yup... Wow you remember im not working!!!! Yup I am currently a stay hm mum... Fortunate in certain ways... But not for very long... Will still be back to work force when baby is almost 1.... Stay home moms and working moms hav different set of responsibilities and challenges ...... More challenging for me at times cos Im really on my own... Hubby not in Sin, and my girl only take short naps or dont sleep in the afternoon at all, so
my life revolves around doing chores and entertain her at the same time... Most of the time i have to start prepare my own dinner really early, cos cut veg, entertain, fry egg, baby cry entertain, fry the vege, entertain....... By the time eat dinner my gal also make noise for attention... "buay
tahan!!!", the very worse is when i need to go to the loo but my gal refuse to be left alone...... Smtimes no choice hav to leave her crying... sigh....
Sorry i think i shld stop 'complaining' hahaha

And bcos of this she is very dependent on me... Go to relatives' place, if she dont see me she will cry the house down... Until Im back to carry her... So
it is Good that Janelle is sociable!!!!

But im glad that although she fuss alot, she is still generally a happy n cheerful baby who laughs alot...

Isnt it delightful to see them cuckle n giggle at the simplest things???

Wow...you are Wonder Woman!!! your parents or inlaws can't help you? Looks like your gal really sticky to you...wa think I will faintz if she sticks to me all day...sometimes I can't wait for her to go to sleep so I could have some time of my own. Actually fortunate that Janelle is ok with strangers, the other day my brother's wedding...very busy n can't look after her all day long...so passed her around my relatives... She so happy she doesn't want to sleep n was busy talking, playing n smiling even though she was really sleepy n didn't sleep much the whole day. Wa she was like bride of the day haha!! She only slept when we were in the car going home goodness!

Actually you should try to bring her out more often n let her get used to strangers while she's now still young. It will b more relaxing for you then. Do take care wonder mom ;)


Active Member
Wow...you are Wonder Woman!!! your parents or inlaws can't help you? Looks like your gal really sticky to you...wa think I will faintz if she sticks to me all day...sometimes I can't wait for her to go to sleep so I could have some time of my own. Actually fortunate that Janelle is ok with strangers, the other day my brother's wedding...very busy n can't look after her all day long...so passed her around my relatives... She so happy she doesn't want to sleep n was busy talking, playing n smiling even though she was really sleepy n didn't sleep much the whole day. Wa she was like bride of the day haha!! She only slept when we were in the car going home goodness!

Actually you should try to bring her out more often n let her get used to strangers while she's now still young. It will b more relaxing for you then. Do take care wonder mom ;)
Im no "wonder woman" la... Those who work, and has no domestic helper, after work stil got to play w baby n do chores... i think that's "super"!

My parents n inlaws all working... And we dun live together...abt going out often, The thing is, frm very young I always bring my baby out... Eat out, shop, run errands, parents n in laws place... Etc.... But duno y still like that leh... Cannot imagine if im the kind that hide baby at home dun go out one... My baby sure bcome superglue!!!


Wow mrs eg can understand yr plight. I got a preschooler and 4mo at home. My day start from 6am till 11pm. Everyday is like battle fighting. Prepare snack box for gal to school, send her to school, prepare lunch, do house chores, fetch her, then prepare dinner, and not forgetting caring for my 4mo. I also can't tahan. Working also not so siong.

I was told by my PD to hold back food till at least 6mths since my gal is exclusive breastfeeding. Bt she is really showing interest on my plate, so I just let her be gourmet taster. Haha


New Member
Wow mrs eg can understand yr plight. I got a preschooler and 4mo at home. My day start from 6am till 11pm. Everyday is like battle fighting. Prepare snack box for gal to school, send her to school, prepare lunch, do house chores, fetch her, then prepare dinner, and not forgetting caring for my 4mo. I also can't tahan. Working also not so siong.

I was told by my pediatrician to hold back food till at least 6mths since my gal is exclusive breastfeeding. Bt she is really showing interest on my plate, so I just let her be gourmet taster. Haha

Its very TIRING!. I had the same experience too. I have 3yr old boy and a new born back then. I had no helper/maid that time and no mother or in-laws to help since we are foreigner here. I salute every women for the great experience we had. It was a big sacrifice and at times I wanted to cry but when I see my babies it is worthy.


Active Member
Thanx ladies for understanding my plight!!! Really need tat boost of encouragement at times!!!

You ladies are even more power!!! Two kids at a go!!!! More at war then I am!!!

Some say it is going to get even busier when our babies start on solids... Cos hav the prepare the food, take time to feed them, n not forgetting feeding milk, and it will b the time they start to learn to b more mobile and wanna b everywhere!!! Haha .... Cant wait to see them learn to sit up, roll , crawl n start utter their first words!!!

Btw, anyone trying baby signing??? Care to share ur experience?