EDD Sep 2010


Hi Mummies,

can anybody recommend baby shampoo/body wash for nb?? i am still thinking of buying which brand. Have you all wash all the baby clothes and get prepare? :001_302:


Active Member
Hi Mummies,

can anybody recommend baby shampoo/body wash for nb?? i am still thinking of buying which brand. Have you all wash all the baby clothes and get prepare? :001_302:
You may want to consider Pureen (USA brand) head to toe wash with Pro-vitamin B5 & Vitamin E.

- Unique 'Tear-free' formula that is gentle to the eyes and skin
- Mild enough for everyday use.
- Ideal for adults too


Well a friend of mine used the warming shampoo n bath in place of the herbal one... And the website suggested that they use ingredients that work the same way as the traditional herbs... Thats why I am also deciding if i shld buy it or just buy both (tis n traditional herbs)... One to use when my mum is around and another to use when i manage to sneak a nice bath...

As for the no rinse one... Ive bought it too... Maybe to use in between any kind of herbal bath... Anyway it smells so nice... Hehehe
Hi Mummy
Just to share, if you are looking at buying confinement body wash to replace the traditional herb, you can try orgin jamu massage . Check out http://www.originsjamumassage.com/Origins-Product-Anniversary-Sale.html
they are having sale now till August!

Actually i already gotta the body wash and shapoo from little dreamer, the bottle is a bit small, so i kind of afraid that the portion cannot last me for the entire month..

I got the body wash and the ginger and lavender cream from Orgins liao ( as they are having sale..so purchase their bundle set) The body wash is 750ml, quite big bottle compared to little dreamer..4oz only...as the website say that the body wash can be used even after confinement, so i guess it's alright to buy extra loh..:Dancing_tongue:

so now i got two brand of body wash...small bottle..will bring to hospital..while the big one will be used at home loh...


Active Member
Hi Mummies,

can anybody recommend baby shampoo/body wash for nb?? i am still thinking of buying which brand. Have you all wash all the baby clothes and get prepare? :001_302:
Hi all!!

Regarding choosing shampoo and bath wash... Do note wat you are choosing!!! Doesnt mean a famous old brand will definitely be good!!!

Got a shock when a fren brought up some news...

Do read the following!!!

Campaign for Safe Cosmetics : Children's Bath Products Contaminated with Formaldehyde, 1,4-Dioxane

Campaign for Safe Cosmetics : Toxic Tub: Product Test Results

Found this site where we can look up on the products and see how harmful they are....!!!

Browse Products || Skin Deep: Cosmetic Safety Reviews

After reading all the news.. It really make me think twice abt using the 'JnJ' wash I bought...


hi all

hello ladies

finally on leave. got some questions to ask.

anyone of you having this -

the link http://www.baby-pregnancy-ultrasound-3d-4d.co.uk/Pregnancy-SPD.htm

i am in terrible pain while trying to turn in sleep or even get to walk after lying down.
Please share if you had this and what was done to ease up...
I am going on 37 weeks.
and i totally hate it..
Hi! me also on leave liao. now into 38 week and now is the waiting game..
i do experience some pain at the concern area..and now my finger joint also started getting painful and sometime do swell.. usually the pain come after i wake up and become better after that


New Member
dl28 - i have the same problem and it started when i was 28 weeks. i experience a lot of pain when i try to lift my legs, or try to change position in bed, or when getting out of bed. went to my doctor who diagnosed it as probably ligament strain, but after reading your article i believe i have the same problem. now i'm 35 weeks, and still i have not managed to find any solution. i guess we can only try to move slower...


Hey mummies,
I'm in Week 37 and am also just starting to take leave. Other than wanting to take things a bit easy, I also find it tiring to be sitting the entire day at work - the pelvic area aches badly and I find it helpful to lie down to stretch the spine and also to relieve some pressure from the pelvic and hip area. Not sure if it helps - try to rest lying down every few hours at least, have your legs raised, and also perhaps take a warm shower/bath - that seems to help me relax. Slower movements may also help~ :)

Hey~ the good news is that there is not too long more to go before this all goes away... press on! Do things to take your mind off the discomfort, and remind yourself that the pain will be over soon! :D


New Member
dl28 - i have the same problem and it started when i was 28 weeks. i experience a lot of pain when i try to lift my legs, or try to change position in bed, or when getting out of bed. went to my doctor who diagnosed it as probably ligament strain, but after reading your article i believe i have the same problem. now i'm 35 weeks, and still i have not managed to find any solution. i guess we can only try to move slower...

yup..probably most of us are ignorant and then goes for me too till i did a bit of reading up. Shall see what my gynae says.. oh well now got to move like a tortoise :)


So excited to hear mummies starting to go on leave. This is my last working week before starting my own ML :tlaugh:. Take care all mummies!


Any mummies preparing extra bottles to store breast milk? I used to obtain from Hospital for my No. 1 in 2005. Not sure whether the hospital still giving away empty glass bottles?


Any mummies preparing extra bottles to store breast milk? I used to obtain from Hospital for my No. 1 in 2005. Not sure whether the hospital still giving away empty glass bottles?
I gotta the breastmilk storage bag during the last robinson sale. Intent to use storage bag instead of bottle to store EBM:001_302:


Ya, I got storage bag too. But can reuse bottle and is easier for warming up too.
I guess bottles are great if you have lots have freezer space; for me I bought the Lansinoh storage bags - mainly because I have no idea where to obtain bottles that are suitable, haha! Plastic or glass bottles? Do we need to find those that can fit the breast pumps we are using, or are they all standard-sized?


I guess bottles are great if you have lots have freezer space; for me I bought the Lansinoh storage bags - mainly because I have no idea where to obtain bottles that are suitable, haha! Plastic or glass bottles? Do we need to find those that can fit the breast pumps we are using, or are they all standard-sized?
I used to obtain bottle from hospital and caps from retail shop. Bottles is great becos of storage and cost effective.


Active Member
I guess bottles are great if you have lots have freezer space; for me I bought the Lansinoh storage bags - mainly because I have no idea where to obtain bottles that are suitable, haha! Plastic or glass bottles? Do we need to find those that can fit the breast pumps we are using, or are they all standard-sized?
Those bottles that hospital provide is glass dont fit the breast pumps. I ever saw those bottles, they are all standard size. If i am not wrong, some retail shop do sell these bottles and caps. If you are interested try check out at

Cheong Choon Store
Blk 34, #03-132 Upper Cross Street
Tel: 6532 3855
Sunday: Close
Mon - Sat: 1pm to 8pm (if not wrong)
** they dont take calls in the evening (6pm)


Thanks lekdao and Fiona~ :) Will check out these bottles when I have the chance - also see what the LC at hospital recommends. I'm now more concerned about whether I can breastfeed with success - if yes I'd be more than happy already!

I've been feeling very hot lately - often wake up in the middle of the night in my air con room perspiring, so I would sometimes need to turn on the fan as well! Are you feeling the same?

Heard that the perspiration gets even worse after childbirth as our bodies lose all the excess water retained - is it true? But we're supposed to protect ourselves from catching a chill during confinement month - how? No air con or fan? :S Sounds terribly uncomfortable!
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Active Member
Thanks lekdao and Fiona~ :) Will check out these bottles when I have the chance - also see what the LC at hospital recommends. I'm now more concerned about whether I can breastfeed with success - if yes I'd be more than happy already!

I've been feeling very hot lately - often wake up in the middle of the night in my air con room perspiring, so I would sometimes need to turn on the fan as well! Are you feeling the same?

Heard that the perspiration gets even worse after childbirth as our bodies lose all the excess water retained - is it true? But we're supposed to protect ourselves from catching a chill during confinement month - how? No air con or fan? :S Sounds terribly uncomfortable!
ya.... me too... on air-con still can perspire!!!

as for after childbirth... my MIL say she felt cold and constantly shivers after she delivers... :)

anyway the thought of not bathing already puts me off...


Active Member
Hi all mummies,

I've just given birth to baby girl on the 18th aug.
was having regular contractions and was already 2.5cm dilated.
baby girl's out at 36 weeks old. a little pre mature. and now doctors says there's a hole in her heart. doctor also says that its normal in many pre mature babies and the hole will heal by itself. is it true the hole will heal by itself? i'm so worried now. baby girl is now at home already. :tsad::tsad::tsad:
hi raine...

there's no reason the doctor will lie to you right?
if the doctor is not worried... then you dun need to worry...

you have to think positively... stay by your little one... cheer her on... encourage her to grow strong! she needs you now! you too have to stay strong! take good care of urself too so that you can take good care of your baby!
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