EDD Sep 2010


Active Member
hey mrs eg, i decided to delay the postnatal massage till after confinement cos not being able to bathe and wash away the oil on the body after the massage sounds really uncomfortable. in fact the oil gave my sis-in-law rashes. any idea if the massage will be less effective if i delay till then? :embarrassed:
Hmmm... Actually you can leave the wrap on for min. 4 hours before removing n washing the herbs away... For me i took it as an excuse to "bathe".... I have no idea if delaying the massage will delay the recovery... But it was one of the reason i decided to start soon... just in case.... Tomorow i go ask the masseur your question n see what she say???


Active Member
Wana ask....

Anyone's baby with dry skin??? My baby's skin is still peeling... It's normal la hor???

And anyone tried bathing ur baby yet???
When do u tink is the best time to bathe? My girl cries alot during her bath time


Hmmm... Actually you can leave the wrap on for min. 4 hours before removing n washing the herbs away... For me i took it as an excuse to "bathe".... I have no idea if delaying the massage will delay the recovery... But it was one of the reason i decided to start soon... just in case.... Tomorow i go ask the masseur your question n see what she say???
woo that would be really nice of you! thanks! :Dancing_wub:


want to ask....

Anyone's baby with dry skin??? My baby's skin is still peeling... It's normal ???

And anyone tried bathing your baby yet???
When do you tink is the best time to bathe? My girl cries alot during her bath time
my baby's skin was peeling a little during the days we had to sun her due to jaundice. i would apply a very thin layer of johnson's baby lotion on the peeling areas. after a few applications the peeling would stop.

i hadnt tried bathing my baby personally, my mil had been doing it so far. she bathes her btwn 8-10am, depending on her feeding time. cos cant bathe too near after a feeding else she would spit-up.

my baby cried very pitifully in the 1st 2 weeks or so during bath time, but now she's alot quieter and seems to be enjoying herself in the water, and with a curious expression. haha. got to give them time to get used to being in the water and knowing that it's bath time.


Yes my baby is also peeling, especially on the legs and on the arms, and now a bit on the face as well. Confinement nanny says it's normal, baby is shedding her in-utero skin for new skin. :) Yeah, Johnson's baby lotion helps with the peeling process.

I'm doing my postnatal massage now as well - am on my 4th day - but she doesnt really use herbs, just lemongrass massage oil and moisturiser, and then bind with cloth. So normally I would shower before she begins, cos can't shower til I remove the binding strip the next day. I did ask her whether it makes a difference whether we begin the massage soon after birth or later (e.g. in the case of mummies who had C-section) - she said it just delays the effect, but i think effectiveness of the massage should not be compromised whether you do it later or sooner. I am able to express my milk after the sessions because she generally doesn't massage the breasts and immediate area around it. Do your masseurs massage your breasts?

Cheyenne gets her bath around 9plus in the morning, usually some time after her morning feed and poopoo. She cried angrily the first time, then subsequent times she's been quiet and appears calm - I think the confinement nanny is experienced lah. If it were me bathing her I don't know if her reaction would be the same! heh~
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want to ask....

Anyone's baby with dry skin??? My baby's skin is still peeling... It's normal ???

And anyone tried bathing your baby yet???
When do you tink is the best time to bathe? My girl cries alot during her bath time
My girl has dry skin when she was born, the skin peeled within the 1st wk. Now it looks normal, I applied bb lotion once to ease the dryness.

I bathed my girl ever since she got home. I bathe her around 10 plus in the morning. Not sure if there is specific time for bathing. I just follow what I did for my son last time. Usually bb love bathing, it could be the position you are holding her. When they feel unsafe when being held they will maje noise.


Littleworm, good luck to your delivery. Everything should be fine. It's a fantastic experience, cherish every moment.
I think it's advisable to bring along yr own pump. I did not bring mine n my breast was quite engorged. Which hospital will you be delivering at?
Thanks for your well wishes LittleLady! I feel so far behind all rest of sep mummies...everyone is now discussing about breastfeeding and other stuff, I'm probably almost the last mummy in this thread to yet to give birth.

Just had bloody show last nite and today...feel perhaps labour is near so I have decided not to go for induced labour tomorrow, hopefully she will come out naturally these 2 days.

I will be delivering at Thomson Medical. Thinking of bringing my own pump but seems quite troublesome...
Sigh...I didn't do much research before buying. I got the Pump In-Style Advance at Thomson Medical Center for $690+, inclusive of 10% off for FBI members. That's the problem , I am also worried it will become white elephant, but no choice .
If you breastfeed for long then worth it. I don't think I will breastfeed for long. If I've known I would have invested in a Medala when I had my first born then more worth. Haaa. Usually when I need something I buy then in the end don't use much. It's always the case for me. So I still considering, my hubby said when I finally decide I would have stopped breastfeeding haaa.


I bought Medela mini electric before I gave birth. Then the lactation consultant advised me to get the Medela In-Style Advance cos the suction power is better. So I bought the latter when I was still in the hospital. So far, so good. I started using the pump on the 1st day I gave birth to get early stimulation.
Hi Delvy, I bought Medela Swing...have you heard any reviews from your LC about this model?
Thanks for your well wishes LittleLady! I feel so far behind all rest of sep mummies...everyone is now discussing about breastfeeding and other stuff, I'm probably almost the last mummy in this thread to yet to give birth.

Just had bloody show last nite and today...feel perhaps labour is near so I have decided not to go for induced labour tomorrow, hopefully she will come out naturally these 2 days.

I will be delivering at Thomson Medical. Thinking of bringing my own pump but seems quite troublesome...
Hey being the last to give birth has it's advantage, you get to learn from our mistakes n be more confident. Showing, then must keep watch if you intend to let yr darling come out naturally. Good luck!! So exciting!!


Hey being the last to give birth has it's advantage, you get to learn from our mistakes n be more confident. Showing, then must keep watch if you intend to let yr darling come out naturally. Good luck!! So exciting!!
Hee hee you are right! I'm trying to absorb all the knowledge now 
Mrs_eg, thanks for your infor. I guess we have to be patient n see how best we can help our little one go to sleep soundly.

hmmm... does knowing the baby will wake up at 2-3hrs plus interval considered a pattern??? hahahaha...

btw to answer your question...
I dont believe in letting the baby cry to sleep...
have read up some child psychology... they mentioned about "attachment" parenting...

I learn that, being not sensitive to your baby's need (eg. allowing the baby to be left alone to cry) will result in more dependent and difficult kids... Babies whose caregivers are sensitive to their needs grow up independant and confident... and they are more self-controlled....

bcos at such a young age... babies are totally dependant on their caregivers... if the caregivers are able to attend to their needs... be it whether they are feeling lonely, bored, hungry, uncomfortable etc... they learn to grow up to trust their primary caregivers... and thus... when they grow up it is easier to "parent" them....

the book says... yes... it is going to be tough at first... and tiring... but in a long run... it is for our benefit in parenting too!


I do introduce pacifier, no choice she is addicted to my nipples!! At times, she will reject the pacifier n look rather piss. Sigh.
Yr confinement lady is right, keep carrying then baby will get use to it. So, I looking for alternatives to put bb to sleep.

Oh isit? I did not know that manual suction is more efficient. I usually gauge by seeing the flow n feel my breast, if they are soft means emptied.


Active Member
Thanx mommymin, nightingale n littlelady!

So having dry skin is normal... Was still thinking why apply lotion still peeling... So they are shedding in-utero skin...

I have not try to bathe my gal yet, but have been watching mum do it... So scary.. My gal will scream n struggle n kick... So dangerous... Then again this will pass right... Then i'll shall wait...


Active Member
Thanks for your well wishes LittleLady! I feel so far behind all rest of sep mummies...everyone is now discussing about breastfeeding and other stuff, I'm probably almost the last mummy in this thread to yet to give birth.

Just had bloody show last nite and today...feel perhaps labour is near so I have decided not to go for induced labour tomorrow, hopefully she will come out naturally these 2 days.

I will be delivering at Thomson Medical. Thinking of bringing my own pump but seems quite troublesome...
When i had my 'show' i tot it will probably be the next day or the day after... Who knws i gave birth on the same day!!! Hahaha but urs will defintely be soon!!!!

All the best girl!!!!
And u shld go grab as much rest as possible b4 the baby arrived!!!


Hey being the last to give birth has it's advantage, you get to learn from our mistakes n be more confident. Showing, then must keep watch if you intend to let yr darling come out naturally. Good luck!! So exciting!!
Yes yes well said! I wished I had more info when we first started - it does help to know what to expect so that you can prepare yourself (also mentally) for it. Baby shd be here anytime soon! Can understand your anxiety and impatience - think we all went through that everytime someone popped! :) take care and have a smooth delivery, LittleWorm!
By the way, no harm bringing your breast pumps to the hospital, at most just leave it in the car. Never know when it may come in useful. My friend had engorgement on her 3rd day and she regretted not bringing her pump - cos baby may take a while learning how to latch on. So just bring and standby la :)
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Thanx mommymin, nightingale n littlelady!

So having dry skin is normal... Was still thinking why apply lotion still peeling... So they are shedding in-utero skin...

I have not try to bathe my gal yet, but have been watching mum do it... So scary.. My gal will scream n struggle n kick... So dangerous... Then again this will pass right... Then i'll shall wait...
Dry skin is normal. So do not worry.
As for bathing, it also could be that yr darling was bathed before meal time so she was crying because she is hungry.
Hi I have bought the swing. So far so good but I think is slow for me , maybe my milk output is not as much yet. As what has mentioned in the previous threads,suggested to change to larger shield to prevent leakage. U use already?