EDD Sep 2010


Hi I have bought the swing. So far so good but I think is slow for me , maybe my milk output is not as much yet. As what has mentioned in the previous threads,suggested to change to larger shield to prevent leakage. you use already?
I had leakage problem with the original shields; went to the Medela service centre and purchased larger shields. What they do is they will measure your nipple and areola size to determine the proper size for you - turns out that I needed 2 different sizes! hahaha~!


Hi Delvy, I bought Medela Swing...have you heard any reviews from your LC about this model?
Hi LittleWorm. Sorry, but my LC didn't say anything about Swing, so I can't give much comment about it. But I guess if u feel comfortable using it and the milk flow is ok, then it should be fine.


Icic... Im trying to express as much as i can in btwn latching on cos these few days doing postnatal massage... 4 hours cannot bathe (this can mean 2feeding)... Body oily difficult to latch her on too...
But smtimes cannot pump much out....... dont know if it is bcos milk have not produce enuf within such a short period of time or what...

Anyway.. dont tink i can continue with Ebm when i go back to work... I dont have a desk bound job...
Sometimes when I pump in 2 hours, I don't get a lot of milk either. Well. I guess so long as we try our best to provide for our little ones, we would have done our part as parent. Most importantly, the babies get enough nutrients, then it should be fine.


Active Member
Sometimes when I pump in 2 hours, I dont't get a lot of milk either. Well. I guess so long as we try our best to provide for our little ones, we would have done our part as parent. Most importantly, the babies get enough nutrients, then it should be fine.
Yup... Hope she is getting enuf!!! And grow up heathily!!!


want to ask....

Anyone's baby with dry skin??? My baby's skin is still peeling... It's normal ???

And anyone tried bathing your baby yet???
When do you tink is the best time to bathe? My girl cries alot during her bath time
DD Jaine skin peel becos of the photo light. According to my doc, she said is ok, just need to apply cream after bath, skin will renew when she turn 1mth. My gal cried alot too during bath time. My confinement nanny turn her tummy toward the water instead holding her up facing. This holding calm her down. Hope it help.


Active Member
woo that would be really nice of you! thanks! :Dancing_wub:
Mommymin, ive asked the masseur... Her ans:"of cos massage earlier recover faster..."

U decide for urself lo.... Whether u are able to do some adjustments so that u are able to provide for ur baby n massage at the same time....

Im now so glad that i left 2 sessions.... Hahaha.. After this i can concentrate on jus latching my baby on... I find pumping quite troublesm...


Mommymin, ive asked the masseur... Her ans:"of cos massage earlier recover faster..."

you decide for yourself .... Whether you are able to do some adjustments so that you are able to provide for your baby n massage at the same time....

Im now so glad that i left 2 sessions.... Hahaha.. After this i can concentrate on just latching my baby on... I find pumping quite troublesm...
i see! thanks alot. =) by the way did you have to book the massage lady very much in advance? im thinking whether they are very hot in demand, cos if so then i will have to start calling them up now. my confinement is ending in 1.5 wks. :Dancing_wub:


Active Member
i see! thanks alot. =) by the way did you have to book the massage lady very much in advance? im thinking whether they are very hot in demand, cos if so then i will have to start calling them up now. my confinement is ending in 1.5 wks. :Dancing_wub:
I book the when im in my late 2nd tri... Then few days after i give birth i gave them a call to tell them which date im ready to start the massage session... Then they arrange a masseur for me


i see! thanks alot. =) by the way did you have to book the massage lady very much in advance? im thinking whether they are very hot in demand, cos if so then i will have to start calling them up now. my confinement is ending in 1.5 wks. :Dancing_wub:
mommymin, that time I booked my confinement lady 2 months in advance. She told me usually people book months in advance. So I think it's better to start calling now, especially those popular ones.


mommymin, that time I booked my confinement lady 2 months in advance. She told me usually people book months in advance. So I think it's better to start calling now, especially those popular ones.
oh dear, then i better start sourcing for one now!
I had leakage problem with the original shields; went to the Medela service centre and purchased larger shields. What they do is they will measure your nipple and areola size to determine the proper size for you - turns out that I needed 2 different sizes! hahaha~!
Oh where is the center think I need to customize mine as well keep leaking!

Regarding the massager, I started mine on the 7 th day and I'm seeing the results on the 3rd to 4th sessions so I think quite useful cos it helps to slim tummy and clear toxic from body if that is what really happening as told by my massage lady.
Mommymin, ive asked the masseur... Her ans:"of cos massage earlier recover faster..."

you decide for yourself .... Whether you are able to do some adjustments so that you are able to provide for your baby n massage at the same time....

Im now so glad that i left 2 sessions.... Hahaha.. After this i can concentrate on just latching my baby on... I find pumping quite troublesm...
My massage lady also said the earlier massage the better. Mrs eg. Massage is shiok but troublesome coz of the oil n the bind makes breastfeeding mah fan. I also like u, as much as I enjoy the massage I also worried abt bb while massaging. Heee


Thanks Mrs_Eg & Nightingale!

I'm so confused and tired...most mummies who posted their birth experience had their babies within the same day or next day...not me...not sure why

Continued to have bloody show this morn and also contraction pains the whole night so early this morn decided to go hospital. But after bath and getting ready, suddenly the pain eased and subsided. Called clinic and nurse says it's not in actual labour pains yet, just early signs of labour so in the end decided need not rush to hospital.

Later on, talked to gynae and she suggested for me to go induce labour tomorrow morn saying I have 80% chance that I can dilate successfully since I already 2cm dilated n my cervix is very flexible. Sigh...had wanted natural but bo bian think I will go induce tomorrow. The waiting game is KILLInggG me!!! So excited now about tomorrow...mayb cannot sleep tonight again haha...

Nightingale, thanks for advice about bringing pump to hospital on standby...so have to sterilize first before bringing down rite but for sterilize they must b used within 24 hours? Sorry all these are so alien to me being first time mom :mwink:



Hi LittleWorm. Sorry, but my LC didn't say anything about Swing, so I can't give much comment about it. But I guess if you feel comfortable using it and the milk flow is ok, then it should be fine.
No problem thanks! I should b able to know if it's good soon 


My massage lady also said the earlier massage the better. Mrs eg. Massage is shiok but troublesome coz of the oil n the bind makes breastfeeding mah fan. I also like you, as much as I enjoy the massage I also worried about baby while massaging. Heee
I have booked a massage lady but I think she's really expensive... $75/hr for 10 days. How much are u paying? One thing good is she's not using Malay herbs but aromatherapy oil for binding which is what I prefer 
I have booked a massage lady but I think she's really expensive... $75/hr for 10 days. How much are you paying? One thing good is she's not using Malay herbs but aromatherapy oil for binding which is what I prefer 
Mine charges $400 for 7 sessions but she uses Malay herbs.


New Member
Hi LittleWorm, I had blood show this afternoon and my gynea ask me to admit tomorrow morning too! ;) which hospital are you delivering at? Let's jiayou together ok!!

Yep, thanks to all mummies for sharing your precious experience here.. They are really useful informations.. And probably a kick start to us, the last few Sept mummies.. :)
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Active Member
My massage lady also said the earlier massage the better. Mrs eg. Massage is shiok but troublesome coz of the oil n the bind makes breastfeeding mah fan. I also like you, as much as I enjoy the massage I also worried about baby while massaging. Heee
Ya i feel for u too...

Even with the wrap i need to stand up and pump... Cos with the wrap cant sit properly... Yet dun wish to remove the wrap too soon... Leave it there the longer the better mah... Otherwise the money paid for massage not worth wile already...

Anywy.... Im trying to look ahead... I left 2 more sessions....

Anyone massaging with baby bellies??


Nightingale, thanks for advice about bringing pump to hospital on standby...so have to sterilize first before bringing down rite but for sterilize they must b used within 24 hours? Sorry all these are so alien to me being first time mom
Yes it will be good to sterilise before using. Alternatively can use boiling water to rinse them out - that was how our parents used to do it for our bottles when we were babies anyway. But I really don't think it's worth stressing out over this right now, just concentrate on your labour and enjoy the process! Your hubby or family members can always do the necessary for you if you really need the pumps over the next day or two - don't hesitate to ask for help! :) Also check with your hospital if they can provide breast pumps for your use - they clean/sterilise everything so no need to worry about that - anyway you'd probably appreciate having someone explain to you how to do it for the first time so the nurses can help you.

I have booked a massage lady but I think she's really expensive... $75/hr for 10 days. How much are you paying? One thing good is she's not using Malay herbs but aromatherapy oil for binding which is what I prefer 
Mine is a Javanese lady in her fifties, also uses aromatherapy oil for massage and binding, no herbs. I'm paying $50 per session which lasts slightly over an hour - am having 7 sessions with her (2 more days to go). Now still wearing my bind - ahh getting a bit itchy!

Hi LittleWorm, I had blood show this afternoon and my gynea ask me to admit tomorrow morning too!
which hospital are you delivering at? Let's jiayou together ok!!

Yep, thanks to all mummies for sharing your precious experience here.. They are really useful informations.. And probably a kick start to us, the last few Sept mummies..
Jia you LittleWorm and MummyK! Have a smooth and safe delivery!! :D
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