EDD Sep 2010


Active Member
Littleworm.... Dun worry too much.... Each individual birth process is different... Wat matters most is both mother n child if safe and healthy...

Enjoy these lat few moments of "peace" b4 u hear those glorious cries!!! :)

MummyK... All the best to both of u!!! Have a safe birth!


Hi LittleWorm, I had blood show this afternoon and my gynea ask me to admit tomorrow morning too! ;) which hospital are you delivering at? Let's jiayou together ok!!

Yep, thanks to all mummies for sharing your precious experience here.. They are really useful informations.. And probably a kick start to us, the last few Sept mummies.. :)
Hi MummyK, looks like we are on the same boat...Yes let's both jiayou!!! Will be delivering at Thomson Medical...you??? U already past your EDD? Will u be on drip or bullet? Mine will be drip...

Wish you have a smooth n successful delivery :)


Yes it will be good to sterilise before using. Alternatively can use boiling water to rinse them out - that was how our parents used to do it for our bottles when we were babies anyway. But I really don't think it's worth stressing out over this right now, just concentrate on your labour and enjoy the process! Your hubby or family members can always do the necessary for you if you really need the pumps over the next day or two - don't hesitate to ask for help! :) Also check with your hospital if they can provide breast pumps for your use - they clean/sterilise everything so no need to worry about that - anyway you'd probably appreciate having someone explain to you how to do it for the first time so the nurses can help you.

Mine is a Javanese lady in her fifties, also uses aromatherapy oil for massage and binding, no herbs. I'm paying $50 per session which lasts slightly over an hour - am having 7 sessions with her (2 more days to go). Now still wearing my bind - ahh getting a bit itchy!

Jia you LittleWorm and MummyK! Have a smooth and safe delivery!! :D
Already put on standby mode just in case u really need it! Thanks, will jiayou n think positive!

Wa looks like my massage lady is really expensive...mayb coz she's an australian Chinese and she's quite popular plus she's a doula as well. Anyway will try her out since I already booked her since June.


Littleworm.... dont worry too much.... Each individual birth process is different... what matters most is both mother n child if safe and healthy...

Enjoy these lat few moments of "peace" before you hear those glorious cries!!! :)

MummyK... All the best to both of you!!! Have a safe birth!

Thanks Mrs_Eg...both u and Nightingale are very good at comforting. Will update when my angel is out :Dancing_wub:
MummyK n Littleworm, good luck n have a safe n smooth delivery! Don't worry everything will be fine!! Enjoy every moment of birth!

By the way mummies, does 1 breast produce lesser milk than the other. I realized mine is like tt n the breast tt produce lesser tend to look smaller. So scary. I tried letting my girl stimulate the side tt produces little milk as much as possible but still no use. Any good advise?
13 Aug - Mecolemummy aka Mecole with Princess Maegan
18 Aug - Raine aka YuRu with Princess Wen Xin
11 Sept - mommymin with Princess Shanice
14 Sept - Nightingale aka June with Princess Cheyenne
15 Sept - Mrs_EG with Princess_LG
20 Sept - Christinawong with Princess Amber

10 Aug - Claralicious aka Clara with Tyrant Darien!
11 Sept - DELvy aka Junyi with Prince Zheng Yang
21 Sept - lovemk87 aka Siew Li with Prince Bryson
MummyK n Littleworm, good luck n have a safe n smooth delivery! dont't worry everything will be fine!! Enjoy every moment of birth!

By the way mummies, does 1 breast produce lesser milk than the other. I realized mine is like that n the breast that produce lesser tend to look smaller. So scary. I tried letting my girl stimulate the side that produces little milk as much as possible but still no use. Any good advise?
Yes, I also has the same problem . The more I wanted the baby to help u stimulate , the more I do not have haha. Dunknow if I have drained out on one side when I keep bf him during my hospital stay cos the other side was injured by him.
Yes, I also has the same problem . The more I wanted the baby to help you stimulate , the more I do not have haha. Dunknow if I have drained out on one side when I keep bf him during my hospital stay cos the other side was injured by him.
Yeah, same here during my hospital stay my daughter also made my left side so sore that I kept feeding her the right side, now my right side like producing the bulk of the milk while my left side so weak. Sigh. How to improve on the situation? I tried latching on left side more now but no use.


woo~ and i tot im the only one with different-sized breasts! haha. ive been starting her off on the smaller side too, but dont seem to have much effect. the body takes some time to adjust i guess. pls dont let this be a permanent situation.....


Active Member
MummyK n Littleworm, good luck n have a safe n smooth delivery! dont't worry everything will be fine!! Enjoy every moment of birth!

By the way mummies, does 1 breast produce lesser milk than the other. I realized mine is like that n the breast that produce lesser tend to look smaller. So scary. I tried letting my girl stimulate the side that produces little milk as much as possible but still no use. Any good advise?
Hi, how do u know the smaller one produce lesser if u latch on??? Or u pump it out and noticed the difference?

I also have different sized milk bars... I originally also thought the smaller one produce lesser cos evrytime i pump the smaller one does turn out to yield lesser milk... However one fine day the smaller one pumps out twice the amt of the larger one!!!

So i realised that smaller doesnt mean dun produce more.... Hahaha

Anyway if u are judging whether u have enuf milk in either breasts by the amt u pump... It is actually not accurate... Cos babies are more efficient at drawing milk out than any pumps in the world...


Active Member
Anyway i read that smaller sized breasts dun neccesarily produce lesser milk... It probably only means having a smaller storage capacity than larger one thats all...


So happy to hear your similar experiences - my breasts look similar in size but one side is definitely the 'lazier' one that consistently pumps less milk.

And speaking of size and supply, well I have ample breasts yet my supply has not increased very much over the last week - so definitely breast size and supply are not linked in that sense. In fact I'm kinda feeling quite discouraged about all the effort put into the 3 hourly pumping and getting only a total of about 40ml each time. Also disappointed that I havent managed to successfully latch baby on. :( Have entertained the thought of giving up breastfeeding altogether but all the literature about its benefits are keeping me going - at least for now. Really need some motivation! Sigh~


btw to answer your question...
I dont believe in letting the baby cry to sleep...
have read up some child psychology... they mentioned about "attachment" parenting...

I learn that, being not sensitive to your baby's need (eg. allowing the baby to be left alone to cry) will result in more dependent and difficult kids... Babies whose caregivers are sensitive to their needs grow up independant and confident... and they are more self-controlled....

bcos at such a young age... babies are totally dependant on their caregivers... if the caregivers are able to attend to their needs... be it whether they are feeling lonely, bored, hungry, uncomfortable etc... they learn to grow up to trust their primary caregivers... and thus... when they grow up it is easier to "parent" them....

the book says... yes... it is going to be tough at first... and tiring... but in a long run... it is for our benefit in parenting too!
Just adding on to mrs_eg's sharing: an article about whether we should worry about 'spoiling' our babies. Verdict: there's no such thing as spoiling them when they're still so young, so cuddle and kiss all you want! :D

Should I worry about spoiling my baby? | BabyCenter
So happy to hear your similar experiences - my breasts look similar in size but one side is definitely the 'lazier' one that consistently pumps less milk.

And speaking of size and supply, well I have ample breasts yet my supply has not increased very much over the last week - so definitely breast size and supply are not linked in that sense. In fact I'm kinda feeling quite discouraged about all the effort put into the 3 hourly pumping and getting only a total of about 40ml each time. Also disappointed that I havent managed to successfully latch baby on. :( Have entertained the thought of giving up breastfeeding altogether but all the literature about its benefits are keeping me going - at least for now. Really need some motivation! Sigh~
Hihi!do not give up as many people has told me. Just think it is good for baby health in the long term. Mine is also slow but if u rest ur breasts for 3 hours or so, u will get more milk . I also tried pumping for about 2 hours with less than 100 ml. Hope the milk is increasing soon over the next few days


Active Member
So happy to hear your similar experiences - my breasts look similar in size but one side is definitely the 'lazier' one that consistently pumps less milk.

And speaking of size and supply, well I have ample breasts yet my supply has not increased very much over the last week - so definitely breast size and supply are not linked in that sense. In fact I'm kinda feeling quite discouraged about all the effort put into the 3 hourly pumping and getting only a total of about 40ml each time. Also disappointed that I havent managed to successfully let baby latch on. :( Have entertained the thought of giving up breastfeeding altogether but all the literature about its benefits are keeping me going - at least for now. Really need some motivation! Sigh~
Some pointers that ive learnt when reading abt breastfeeding
- drink a big mug of warm liquid b4 and after pumping or breastfeeding
- put hot towel on breast b4 pumping n breastfeeding to 'open' the milk ducts...
- think of ur baby... And relax while pumping... Even visualizing the flow of milk might help...
- drink lots of fluid and eat well
- if im not wrong lactating mothers need 500 more calories intake
- can try taking lactating herbs lik fenugreek
- can try those chinese soup that helps lactation like green papaya fish soup
- proper massage ur breasts b4 n after pumping or breastfeeding...
- check if the funnel fits ur breasts properly fot efficient pumping...
- having ample rest can help in lactation
- consult professional help if need to

Dun giv up nightingale... I knw of mothers who gone thru lots jus to achieve breastfeeding... Maybe u can tackle 1 issue at a time... Give urself time and give ur body time to adapt..
Maybe u try to solve the latching on issue first? Cos in my case i feel that my baby is alot more satisfied drinking directly than having my EBM.. think im not able to pump as much as my baby can suck out of me...

Maybe try to consult an LC??

In anycase...
Jia you!!!!!!
woo~ and i thought im the only one with different-sized breasts! haha. ive been starting her off on the smaller side too, but dont seem to have much effect. the body takes some time to adjust i guess. pls dont let this be a permanent situation.....
Same I always start on the smaller side. Oh boy I hope the situation improves. Haa.

Those using nipple shield isit effective in protecting sore nipples?


Thanks Mrs_Eg & Nightingale!

I'm so confused and tired...most mummies who posted their birth experience had their babies within the same day or next day...not me...not sure why

Continued to have bloody show this morn and also contraction pains the whole night so early this morn decided to go hospital. But after bath and getting ready, suddenly the pain eased and subsided. Called clinic and nurse says it's not in actual labour pains yet, just early signs of labour so in the end decided need not rush to hospital.

Later on, talked to gynae and she suggested for me to go induce labour tomorrow morn saying I have 80% chance that I can dilate successfully since I already 2cm dilated n my cervix is very flexible. Sigh...had wanted natural but bo bian think I will go induce tomorrow. The waiting game is KILLInggG me!!! So excited now about tomorrow...mayb cannot sleep tonight again haha...

Nightingale, thanks for advice about bringing pump to hospital on standby...so have to sterilize first before bringing down rite but for sterilize they must b used within 24 hours? Sorry all these are so alien to me being first time mom :mwink:

Littleworm...jia you! That time I also had bloody show in the morning and 3 times throughout the day. I called the hospital that evening and they asked me to go down and admitted me immediately. Then my waterbag leaked, but I was only 1cm dilated. My gynae put me on drip, and I managed to give birth the next morning. Total labour timing took around 7 hours.

For the pump, I bought a container and sterilising tablets from the hospital, which I used throughout the stay there. Though it may not sound as good as boiling or electric steriliser, at least it's convenient during that few days.


Hi LittleWorm, I had blood show this afternoon and my gynea ask me to admit tomorrow morning too! ;) which hospital are you delivering at? Let's jiayou together ok!!

Yep, thanks to all mummies for sharing your precious experience here.. They are really useful informations.. And probably a kick start to us, the last few Sept mummies.. :)
MummyK..jia you jia you jia jia you!


MummyK..jia you jia you jia jia you!
Jiayou littleworm! Don't worry too much, you are not the last. Mine edd is today and I have no sign at all. Cervix also not open and I don't feel anything...

Doc told me to start counting baby move if got 10 times, now I keep trying to wake baby up periodically to make sure he moves. Not sure if I m doing it correctly anot. Else I don't think he moves so much in a day!

If by next tue no come out, I have to induce too...sigh...don't really want to do it....how come so difficult? :(