EDD Sep 2010

Jiayou littleworm! dont't worry too much, you are not the last. Mine edd is today and I have no sign at all. Cervix also not open and I dont't feel anything...

Doc told me to start counting baby move if got 10 times, now I keep trying to wake baby up periodically to make sure he moves. Not sure if I m doing it correctly anot. Else I dont't think he moves so much in a day!

If by next tue no come out, I have to induce too...sigh...dont't really want to do it....how come so difficult? :(
Donot be too worry! As long as baby moves at least 10 times a day is fine. I also do not has any show 2 days bfore edd. And my baby movements not as much so doc ask ne to induce which I do not Wang initially. On the other hand , if u go in and induce at least u and ur baby are taken care of. Of cos, hope u can have show soon and need not induce. Jiayou!


Jiayou littleworm! dont't worry too much, you are not the last. Mine edd is today and I have no sign at all. Cervix also not open and I dont't feel anything...

Doc told me to start counting baby move if got 10 times, now I keep trying to wake baby up periodically to make sure he moves. Not sure if I m doing it correctly anot. Else I dont't think he moves so much in a day!

If by next tue no come out, I have to induce too...sigh...dont't really want to do it....how come so difficult? :(
my gynae also told me to count if baby has 10 movements in a day, but i didnt really take his words. cos my girl can get pretty active during some parts of the day, and can have 10 movements in 15 mins. but to me that dont mean she is safe. what if she has no movement for the next 23 hrs 45 mins though she has achieved that 10 movements?

so when i notice that she hardly moved for a couple of hours, and she still doesnt move after i poke my tummy here and there, i resort to shaking my tummy up and down entirely. :shyxxx: not too vigorously la, just enough to get her moving a little. it's just my way of reassuring myself that she's fine in there. :001_302:

i was supposed to be induced too, but the contractions simply came without any prior signs 2 days before the induce date. i was pretty upset too when i knew i might have to be induced, but you got to tell yourself that what is best for your baby will be the best choice.

take care and hope you have a smooth delivery! :Dancing_wub:


by the way, i'd like to check with the breastfeeding mommies who are supplementing with fenugreek, where did you get it and any special things to note? like maybe cannot consume it directly before breastfeeding.



I bought my fenugreek from GNC - think most of their outlets will have. The lady said not to take it together with other prescribed medication, have at least an hour apart or something.


i see. how about the time gap btwn taking the fenugreek and breastfeeding?
The sales person didn't mention anything about that~ since it's herb-based I think it should not matter? Not too sure though, maybe some other mummies who are buying it can ask?

Oh does fenugreek really helps to increase milk flow? Interesting!!
It is 'said' to help but not sure how true. We're all trying so many things at the same time (papaya soup, doc's medication, lots of red date tea, hot compresses) that even if milk supply increases we can't really tell which one is the one that works! :p
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So happy to hear your similar experiences - my breasts look similar in size but one side is definitely the 'lazier' one that consistently pumps less milk.

And speaking of size and supply, well I have ample breasts yet my supply has not increased very much over the last week - so definitely breast size and supply are not linked in that sense. In fact I'm kinda feeling quite discouraged about all the effort put into the 3 hourly pumping and getting only a total of about 40ml each time. Also disappointed that I havent managed to successfully latch baby on. :( Have entertained the thought of giving up breastfeeding altogether but all the literature about its benefits are keeping me going - at least for now. Really need some motivation! Sigh~
Don't be dishearten. Both my nipples r sore from breastfeeding. I pump only, whenever I try to let my daughter suckle the soreness comes. Many a times I feel like giving up but I pressed on n endured. So, you just keep trying no matter how little milk u have. Remember you said that as long as our kids have our milk it's good enough. So you did give yr daughter yr milk n it's good enough. Don't give up.
The sales person didn't mention anything about that~ since it's herb-based I think it should not matter? Not too sure though, maybe some other mummies who are buying it can ask?

It is 'said' to help but not sure how true. We're all trying so many things at the same time (papaya soup, doc's medication, lots of red date tea, hot compresses) that even if milk supply increases we can't really tell which one is the one that works! :p
Yah, you are right. No one ever mention to us that breastfeeding is such a challenge. How is your little girl doing?


I'm so touched by your encouraging replies - thanks Little Lady, mrs_eg, happyqueen. Am all the more determined to continue - even if my supply stays this way, at least with every 3 pumps my girl gets one full feed! Really appreciate your kind words.

LittleLady, my girl seems to be doing fine on a mixed diet of breastmilk and formula. My confinement nanny will feed her breastmilk about twice a day - sometimes total, sometimes top up with a little formula if not enough. I'm still struggling to meet her demand, so keeping fingers crossed that the flow will come in faster some time soon! Meanwhile will just have to make do with what I have, and try out everything on mrs_eg's very helpful list of tips! :)

Tomorrow I'm going to try latching her on again - I've not tried it after my initial failed attempts... but I think I wanna give it a shot. Maybe it would send the right signals to my brain and stimulate my milk supply. Seems to be the only thing that I havent tried so far!
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Active Member
The sales person didn't mention anything about that~ since it's herb-based I think it should not matter? Not too sure though, maybe some other mummies who are buying it can ask?

It is 'said' to help but not sure how true. We're all trying so many things at the same time (papaya soup, doc's medication, lots of red date tea, hot compresses) that even if milk supply increases we can't really tell which one is the one that works! :p

hot milo, hot holick, oats cereal, can helps to boost breast milk. If you want can try Scared tea, it helped some ppl to incarease breast milk. And u shd try one thing at a time so that you can which one works on you. those dun work on you can stop taking.

BTW, its normal that one side breast (right) produce more milk then the other.
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Active Member
I'm so touched by your encouraging replies - thanks Little Lady, mrs_eg, happyqueen. Am all the more determined to continue - even if my supply stays this way, at least with every 3 pumps my girl gets one full feed! Really appreciate your kind words.

LittleLady, my girl seems to be doing fine on a mixed diet of breastmilk and formula. My confinement nanny will feed her breastmilk about twice a day - sometimes total, sometimes top up with a little formula if not enough. I'm still struggling to meet her demand, so keeping fingers crossed that the flow will come in faster some time soon! Meanwhile will just have to make do with what I have, and try out everything on mrs_eg's very helpful list of tips! :)

Tomorrow I'm going to try latching her on again - I've not tried it after my initial failed attempts... but I think I wanna give it a shot. Maybe it would send the right signals to my brain and stimulate my milk supply. Seems to be the only thing that I havent tried so far!
Hey... I forgot to add... If nipple feel sore... Applying nipple cream so that ur nipple heals faster... Apply by dapping on ur nipple... Note not to 'apply pressure n spread' the cream... It may further harm the delicate skin... Good to buy those 'no need to remove b4 breastfeeding type'... After applyin air dry for a while...
Another way to condition ur nipple is to squeeze a bit of breastmilk out and dap on ur nipple... :)


Littleworm...jia you! That time I also had bloody show in the morning and 3 times throughout the day. I called the hospital that evening and they asked me to go down and admitted me immediately. Then my waterbag leaked, but I was only 1cm dilated. My gynae put me on drip, and I managed to give birth the next morning. Total labour timing took around 7 hours.

For the pump, I bought a container and sterilising tablets from the hospital, which I used throughout the stay there. Though it may not sound as good as boiling or electric steriliser, at least it's convenient during that few days.
Dear mummies,

I have finally 'popped' at 1711 on 29 Sep and would like to share with all of you. Woo~ my princess is quite big at 3.44kg and height 50cm. She was induced via drip and was surprised that I had a short labour process of only 6hrs as first time mom.

I was lucky that I went ahead with the induced birth with your advice as my baby was distressed in my womb and had already poo poo in my waters...doc says luckily I have lots of water so it was still diluted. Wa...I really think I was very lucky that I didn't wait longer and insist on letting baby come out on her own without inducing labour.

Was already 2.5cm dilated upon admission n doc push it to 3cm before putting me on drip. Decided to go for epidural and was also lucky that I decided before 1pm as I quickly dilated to 8cm before 2pm...omg it would have been too late if I still did not made up my mind.

Pushed out baby within 35 mins...really very appreciated that Thomson Medical Center had such good nurses n midwife as the tactic to push n their encouragement is really impt at this stage...haha nurse even turned off my epidural without informing me so I can better 'feel' my baby n concentrate my pushing!!

Am glad it's finally over...now is just the beginning of another stage. Poor Baby has to go hungry today coz I can neither latch her on successfully nor pump out any milk. Do you all have the same experience on the first day? What can I do to stimulate the colostrum to come??


Jiayou too gnaf21!! Don't worry and just go for induction if that's really what your doc advised you. Don't be like me...did not take doc's advice to induce one day before EDD ...wait and wait and in the end baby poo poo in my amniotic water. 

Taking epidural will quicken dilation as it helps to relax your muscles so u don't tense up so badly during contractions.

Take care and wish you a smooth delivery!! Jia you...


Jiayou littleworm! Don't worry too much, you are not the last. Mine edd is today and I have no sign at all. Cervix also not open and I don't feel anything...

Doc told me to start counting baby move if got 10 times, now I keep trying to wake baby up periodically to make sure he moves. Not sure if I m doing it correctly anot. Else I don't think he moves so much in a day!

If by next tue no come out, I have to induce too...sigh...don't really want to do it....how come so difficult? :(
Jiayou too gnaf21!! Don't worry and just go for induction if that's really what your doc advised you. Don't be like me...did not take doc's advice to induce one day before EDD ...wait and wait and in the end baby poo poo in my amniotic water. 

Taking epidural will quicken dilation as it helps to relax your muscles so u don't tense up so badly during contractions.

Take care and wish you a smooth delivery!! Jia you...


Yay LittleWorm! So happy that you had a smooth and quick delivery and that you and baby are doing fine! Agree with mrs_eg - you're still so full of energy to update here! haha! I remember that the first 2 days after birth I was feeling so out-of-this-world and slightly dazed - and very, very tired! Then again I had an 11hr labour haha~~

Congrats congrats! Normal for colostrum to come only after first day or two. Keep trying with the latch on, do it frequently - and request for the lactation consultant's assistance asap. :) Some mummies try pumping to stimulate the initlal milk flow - you tried it yet?


Dear mummies,

I have finally 'popped' at 1711 on 29 Sep and would like to share with all of you. Woo~ my princess is quite big at 3.44kg and height 50cm. She was induced via drip and was surprised that I had a short labour process of only 6hrs as first time mom.

I was lucky that I went ahead with the induced birth with your advice as my baby was distressed in my womb and had already poo poo in my waters...doc says luckily I have lots of water so it was still diluted. Wa...I really think I was very lucky that I didn't wait longer and insist on letting baby come out on her own without inducing labour.

Was already 2.5cm dilated upon admission n doc push it to 3cm before putting me on drip. Decided to go for epidural and was also lucky that I decided before 1pm as I quickly dilated to 8cm before 2pm...omg it would have been too late if I still did not made up my mind.

Pushed out baby within 35 mins...really very appreciated that Thomson Medical Center had such good nurses n midwife as the tactic to push n their encouragement is really impt at this stage...haha nurse even turned off my epidural without informing me so I can better 'feel' my baby n concentrate my pushing!!

Am glad it's finally over...now is just the beginning of another stage. Poor Baby has to go hungry today coz I can neither latch her on successfully nor pump out any milk. Do you all have the same experience on the first day? What can I do to stimulate the colostrum to come??
congrats littleworm!! :Dancing_wub:

i managed to latch her on for every feeding during the hospital stay. i was still feeling amazed my colostrum came in so quickly and that i was able to provide for her. it was only 1.5 days later that she didnt pass any urine at all that my PD told me most probably my girl did not intake any breastmilk in the past 2 days, she was just suckling for the sake of it.

so she was simply surviving on her own body reserves for the first couple of days, before my milk supply came in on the 3rd day morning when i was preparing for discharge and realised that my top was wet.:shyxxx:

do seek the help of the LC when you're still in the hospital! esp about not being able to latch on successfully. they will be more than happy to provide assistance.

good luck and take good care of yourself!


Jiayou too gnaf21!! dont't worry and just go for induction if that's really what your doc advised you. dont't be like me...did not take doc's advice to induce one day before EDD ...wait and wait and in the end baby poo poo in my amniotic water. 

Taking epidural will quicken dilation as it helps to relax your muscles so you dont't tense up so badly during contractions.

Take care and wish you a smooth delivery!! Jia you...
Congrats LittleWorm! That was a fast delivery!

I am still waiting to see if anything happens this week. Will be seeing the doc next Tues to decide if need to induce anot. Maybe the baby wants to be Oct baby and not Sept baby :D

I have been having some short pain in my lower abdomen today but when I release gas, I feel fine. Not sure if this is any sign?