EDD Sep 2010


Wow!!! Tats a fast update!!!! Congrats littleworm!!! Do rest well!!!!!!
Yay LittleWorm! So happy that you had a smooth and quick delivery and that you and baby are doing fine! Agree with mrs_eg - you're still so full of energy to update here! haha! I remember that the first 2 days after birth I was feeling so out-of-this-world and slightly dazed - and very, very tired! Then again I had an 11hr labour haha~~

Congrats congrats! Normal for colostrum to come only after first day or two. Keep trying with the latch on, do it frequently - and request for the lactation consultant's assistance asap. :) Some mummies try pumping to stimulate the initlal milk flow - you tried it yet?
Haha not really full of energy...it's just I couldn't get to sleep in the middle of the nite 

Been trying to latch on whole of today and also doing massage to stimulate breasts but still nothing comes out. If baby suckling correctly, should I feel some pressure pain during that suckle?

Will be discharged tomorrow...hopefully can get LC consultation before discharge


Congratulations LittleWorm!!! Your princess is finally out! I agree about the good medical staff at TMC! Maybe you can ask for Lillian Pong. She's a consultant at ParentCraft centre and is really good. She gives lesson and helps a great deal with breastfeeding. For the first few days, I fed my boy with colostrum and topup with a little formula. It should be able to last them for the 1st 3 days. Start pumping, latching and stimulating your breast now. All the best!
Thanks Delvy!! Actually I have arranged for Mrs Wong Boh Boi (she's my antenatal class teacher) to see me tomorrow...mayb u heard of her before...

Hope she can help me solve my woes


Active Member
Haha not really full of energy...it's just I couldn't get to sleep in the middle of the nite 

Been trying to latch on whole of today and also doing massage to stimulate breasts but still nothing comes out. If baby suckling correctly, should I feel some pressure pain during that suckle?

Will be discharged tomorrow...hopefully can get LC consultation before discharge
Ya.... Same here.... I was very tired but I jus cldnt sleep AT ALL!!!! maybe too overwhelmed after child birth....

I had same issue initially... Squeeze n squeeze also no colostrum.... Then try larch on to stimulate also painful... Until finally nipple bled... I was so dissappointed tat i cried... They see that i was quite emo so suggested i stay another night....

Anyway... LC lilian came to assist me... She taught me hw to massage.... Cos apparently i did it wrongly... Even massaging was painful at 1st.... She say becos it is all "blocked"... Force myself endure the pain... Nothing to do also hot toweled n massage my breasts... Slowly then there's smthing when i squeeze out....

In the meantime.. I was practising hw to latch on....

Nipple still feel sore... But it was mainly becos it was already sore.... But by the 2nd week... The sorenesss had past... And with frequent latch on.... My milk slowly came in.... :)

Anyway the idea is dun giv up... Find out wats ur issue n give urself time to overcome it... In the meantime... Even if u hav to top up ur babies feed with formula... Dun feel despair too... Things as such cant rush... Jia yoou!!!


Congrats LittleWorm! That was a fast delivery!

I am still waiting to see if anything happens this week. Will be seeing the doc next Tues to decide if need to induce anot. Maybe the baby wants to be Oct baby and not Sept baby :D

I have been having some short pain in my lower abdomen today but when I release gas, I feel fine. Not sure if this is any sign?
Don't worry so much! The time will come soon.

For me, some signs of labour few days before birth are contraction pains, diarrhoea, gastric pains, aching back, pressure n pain in the pelvis area.

Jia you and looking forward to your good news!


Ya.... Same here.... I was very tired but I jus cldnt sleep AT ALL!!!! maybe too overwhelmed after child birth....

I had same issue initially... Squeeze n squeeze also no colostrum.... Then try larch on to stimulate also painful... Until finally nipple bled... I was so dissappointed tat i cried... They see that i was quite emo so suggested i stay another night....

Anyway... LC lilian came to assist me... She taught me hw to massage.... Cos apparently i did it wrongly... Even massaging was painful at 1st.... She say becos it is all "blocked"... Force myself endure the pain... Nothing to do also hot toweled n massage my breasts... Slowly then there's smthing when i squeeze out....

In the meantime.. I was practising hw to latch on....

Nipple still feel sore... But it was mainly becos it was already sore.... But by the 2nd week... The sorenesss had past... And with frequent latch on.... My milk slowly came in.... :)

Anyway the idea is dun giv up... Find out wats ur issue n give urself time to overcome it... In the meantime... Even if u hav to top up ur babies feed with formula... Dun feel despair too... Things as such cant rush... Jia yoou!!!
Ohh...Mrs_Eg, your words really encourage me, thanks very much!!

I will definitely talk to the LC today to see where I'm gg wrong...mayb my massage technic is wrong!!

So you managed to feed your princess with colostrum whilst you still in hospital? If really have to use formula when I reach home, do I feed from small cup or from bottle? How many ml should I prepare?


Need some advice.

I notice some lightish brown water in the morning coming out but the amt is very little...is it a sign of labour? Anyone experience it?


Active Member
Ohh...Mrs_Eg, your words really encourage me, thanks very much!!

I will definitely talk to the LC today to see where I'm gg wrong...mayb my massage technic is wrong!!

So you managed to feed your princess with colostrum whilst you still in hospital? If really have to use formula when I reach home, do I feed from small cup or from bottle? How many ml should I prepare?
No idea if i did manage to provide colostrum cos initially when i squeeze there is only pain n nothing else.... But i did let her suckle thinking it might stimulate it... Till one nipple bled....

If need to top up formula.. The LCs will suggest cup feeding by someone else... So tat ur baby will knw that other ppl carry... No breasts... U carry... Milk frm breasts... Even in the hospital they say they cup feed...

We tried both cup n bottle at hm.... My mum who's helping me hav problem cup feeding.... Plus my girl impatient she keep choking... So we resort to bottle...

As for amt guideline frm wong boh boi's breastfeeding book is

2nd day: give 80ml per kg of his body weight for 8-10feeds per day

3rd day: 100ml per kg of his body weight per day

4th-7thday: daily total of 120-150ml per kg of his body weight

Giving formula shld be for the time being... Remember to latch on or pump to stimulate more milk.... I find drinking lots of fluid helps a great deal too...
Need some advice.

I notice some lightish brown water in the morning coming out but the amt is very little...is it a sign of labour? Anyone experience it?
Sorry did not experience that. My onset of labour started with mucus and blood (show). Maybe you would like to call yr gynae to check?
No idea if i did manage to provide colostrum cos initially when i squeeze there is only pain n nothing else.... But i did let her suckle thinking it might stimulate it... Till one nipple bled....

If need to top up formula.. The LCs will suggest cup feeding by someone else... So that your baby will knw that other ppl carry... No breasts... you carry... Milk frm breasts... Even in the hospital they say they cup feed...

We tried both cup n bottle at hm.... My mum who's helping me hav problem cup feeding.... Plus my girl impatient she keep choking... So we resort to bottle...

As for amt guideline frm wong boh boi's breastfeeding book is

2nd day: give 80ml per kg of his body weight for 8-10feeds per day

3rd day: 100ml per kg of his body weight per day

4th-7thday: daily total of 120-150ml per kg of his body weight

Giving formula shld be for the time being... Remember to latch on or pump to stimulate more milk.... I find drinking lots of fluid helps a great deal too...
Mrs_eg, so how much should our babies be drinking now?
My daughter coming to a month, she is like drinking 120ml or more per feed. Isit normal? I am afraid that she is over-drinking....
Haha not really full of energy...it's just I couldn't get to sleep in the middle of the nite 

Been trying to latch on whole of today and also doing massage to stimulate breasts but still nothing comes out. If baby suckling correctly, should I feel some pressure pain during that suckle?

Will be discharged tomorrow...hopefully can get LC consultation before discharge
Hello Littleworm,
I guess it's normal that you cant sleep in the middle of the night. The night after my delivery, I was so so tired but I just cant get to sleep too. I guess we were so overwhelmed that we cant get to sleep. I hope subsequent nights you have enough rest. You need the energy to battle the routine of breastfeeding. Take care ok.
I'm so touched by your encouraging replies - thanks Little Lady, mrs_eg, happyqueen. Am all the more determined to continue - even if my supply stays this way, at least with every 3 pumps my girl gets one full feed! Really appreciate your kind words.

LittleLady, my girl seems to be doing fine on a mixed diet of breastmilk and formula. My confinement nanny will feed her breastmilk about twice a day - sometimes total, sometimes top up with a little formula if not enough. I'm still struggling to meet her demand, so keeping fingers crossed that the flow will come in faster some time soon! Meanwhile will just have to make do with what I have, and try out everything on mrs_eg's very helpful list of tips! :)

Tomorrow I'm going to try latching her on again - I've not tried it after my initial failed attempts... but I think I wanna give it a shot. Maybe it would send the right signals to my brain and stimulate my milk supply. Seems to be the only thing that I havent tried so far!
I hope you are successful in your latching on. Just keep pumping every 3 hours. I am doing that because my nipples are so sore everytime i try latching on my daughter. I even wake up in the middle of the night to pump. Keep perservering. Your milk flow will come. Hugss....


wow its been a few days since i came into mummysg! >.<
congrats again to all mummies who have given birth!
so exciting and happy to hear that all are well! ^^

i just went to kk cardiac centre to have my baby's heart checked and doc says its quite a big hole and therefore its unlikely to close by itself and might have to do surgery to close the hole. my heartbroke upon hearing that my baby need to operate on her heart to close the hole. she still so young. though doc says in kk there's no failure so far in baby & kids operation. Doc is observing baby for a month first and see how it goes. baby is now on medication to decrease the swellness of the heart.
i'm praying so hard to have a miracle to let the hole close by itself. :tsad:
Can feel your worry, do hang on, be tough, be brave and be positive. JIA YOU.


Active Member
Mrs_eg, so how much should our babies be drinking now?
My daughter coming to a month, she is like drinking 120ml or more per feed. Isit normal? I am afraid that she is over-drinking....
Shld be normal i guess... 6days to 6 mths old baby shld hav abt 550-950 ml per day (u go divide by the number of feeds u give ur baby per day) and shld hav minimum of 6+, 3-5+ loose uellow stools... (again, these guidelines frm the wong boh boi's book)



New Member
Baby Gals
13 Aug - Mecolemummy aka Mecole with Princess Maegan
18 Aug - Raine aka YuRu with Princess Wen Xin
11 Sept - mommymin with Princess Shanice
14 Sept - Nightingale aka June with Princess Cheyenne
15 Sept - Mrs_EG with Princess_LG
20 Sept - Christinawong with Princess Amber
24 Sept - ah.bee with Princess Delia

Baby Boys
10 Aug - Claralicious aka Clara with Tyrant Darien!
11 Sept - DELvy aka Junyi with Prince Zheng Yang
19 Sept - Jaslyn with Princess Jsabelle Lee
21 Sept - lovemk87 aka Siew Li with Prince Bryson

Dear all mommies, been a long time since I logged in! Been too busy since the arrival of Delia coz I do not have any help :( major cock up on my MIL side so I have to look after baby myself.

I had quite a long labour, contractions started on 22 sep at 9+pm, not much pain though the tightenings were quite intense and no other signs and I admitted on 23 sep at 9am. Cervix checked, barely opened at all so waited in labour ward. Was checked again at 1pm, cervix only opened 1cm! Was put on drip to induce but by late noon only opened 2cm! Was so worried I would have to go thru emergency c, but thankfully by midnight it went up to 8cm, and I popped at 2.20am, healthy baby girl at 3.355kg :) everything else was quite smooth, was on epidural so did not feel much pain and pushing came quite naturally.

Now feeling very stressed though. No luck with breastfeeding, cracked and sore nipples and my girl is too impatient to latch on properly and suckle. She wants her milk like now now now! So I have sort of given up and turned to formula milk. Having to look after baby myself, difficult baby, lack of sleep, breastfeeding failure all are causing me too much stress, i actually broke down at my gynae's when i went for follow up yesterday :( But after reading all ur stories, I am quite encouraged to try again. Anyone knows if I can pump solely and not let baby latch on at all? Will there be any stimulation without latch on? If yes, any pumps to recommend? Hopefully more in the affordable range...

Thanks to all mommies, and good luck to those who have yet to deliver!

Jiayou all!


Active Member
Need some advice.

I notice some lightish brown water in the morning coming out but the amt is very little...is it a sign of labour? Anyone experience it?

During my 1st delivery, i started with fresh red mensu. After that it turned lightish brown mucus also very little. Mine is a sign of labour and it happened on sunday morning. Called gynae to check, is still early stage and wait till contraction comes every 5 mins then go hospital. So i waited and waited till the next morning 5:30am, the pain is more intense so decided to go hospital. Reached hospital and pushed to delivery suite at 6:30am. Baby poped out at 12:30pm.


Shld be normal i guess... 6days to 6 mths old baby shld hav about 550-950 ml per day (you go divide by the number of feeds you give your baby per day) and shld hav minimum of 6+, 3-5+ loose uellow stools... (again, these guidelines frm the wong boh boi's book)

my boy drink only 35-45ml per feed!!!!! :err: the baby doctor mention to me that he should drink at least 90ml of milk per feed. He always puke all the milk out~ i am so worry he not enough drinking but he seems like ok lei after drink 35-45ml of milk he will falls asleep.
Last edited:


Baby Gals
13 Aug - Mecolemummy aka Mecole with Princess Maegan
18 Aug - Raine aka YuRu with Princess Wen Xin
11 Sept - mommymin with Princess Shanice
14 Sept - Nightingale aka June with Princess Cheyenne
15 Sept - Mrs_EG with Princess_LG
20 Sept - Christinawong with Princess Amber
24 Sept - .bee with Princess Delia

Baby Boys
10 Aug - Claralicious aka Clara with Tyrant Darien!
11 Sept - DELvy aka Junyi with Prince Zheng Yang
19 Sept - Jaslyn with Princess Jsabelle Lee
21 Sept - lovemk87 aka Siew Li with Prince Bryson

Dear all mommies, been a long time since I logged in! Been too busy since the arrival of Delia coz I do not have any help :( major cock up on my mother in law side so I have to look after baby myself.

I had quite a long labour, contractions started on 22 sep at 9+pm, not much pain though the tightenings were quite intense and no other signs and I admitted on 23 sep at 9am. Cervix checked, barely opened at all so waited in labour ward. Was checked again at 1pm, cervix only opened 1cm! Was put on drip to induce but by late noon only opened 2cm! Was so worried I would have to go thru emergency c, but thankfully by midnight it went up to 8cm, and I popped at 2.20am, healthy baby girl at 3.355kg :) everything else was quite smooth, was on epidural so did not feel much pain and pushing came quite naturally.

Now feeling very stressed though. No luck with breastfeeding, cracked and sore nipples and my girl is too impatient to latch on properly and suckle. She wants her milk like now now now! So I have sort of given up and turned to formula milk. Having to look after baby myself, difficult baby, lack of sleep, breastfeeding failure all are causing me too much stress, i actually broke down at my gynae's when i went for follow up yesterday :( But after reading all your stories, I am quite encouraged to try again. Anyone knows if I can pump solely and not let baby latch on at all? Will there be any stimulation without latch on? If yes, any pumps to recommend? Hopefully more in the affordable range...

Thanks to all mommies, and good luck to those who have yet to deliver!

Jiayou all!
congrats on the arrival of your baby girl! :Dancing_wub:

even with all the help of my family, i already feel like breaking down. so i know how much more harder it is for you to be taking care of the baby by yourself. hang in there! *hugs.

since your girl is too impatient to latch on, i guess pumping is the next best choice. at least she still can get some breastmilk if it is not totally enough to fill her and had to top up with formula milk. pumping should be able to get your milk supply coming in, though it may not be as stimulating as a baby's suckle.

regarding pumps to recommend im not too sure cos i didnt research much on it. im currently using medela mini electric plus. the higher-end models are supposedly better, but they are beyond my budget.

lastly, do take good care of yourself and hang in there!