EDD Sep 2010


New Member
Thanks mommymin, am trying hard to stay sane...

What's ur take on the medela mini electric plus then? Could u also share the price? Thanks!
Baby Gals
13 Aug - Mecolemummy aka Mecole with Princess Maegan
18 Aug - Raine aka YuRu with Princess Wen Xin
05 Sept- Littlelady with Princess Brenda
11 Sept - mommymin with Princess Shanice
14 Sept - Nightingale aka June with Princess Cheyenne
15 Sept - Mrs_EG with Princess_LG
20 Sept - Christinawong with Princess Amber
24 Sept - .bee with Princess Delia

Baby Boys
10 Aug - Claralicious aka Clara with Tyrant Darien!
11 Sept - DELvy aka Junyi with Prince Zheng Yang
19 Sept - Jaslyn with Princess Jsabelle Lee
21 Sept - lovemk87 aka Siew Li with Prince Bryson

Hello bee,

Congratulations on your arrival of your daughter Delia.

When I read your story. It reminds me of my experience with my elder son. My son was a huge eater, breast milk was never enough and he too was impatient, when milk dont meet his demand he cries non stop. We had no choice but to feed my son formula. I was also on my own when looking after him, so I understand what you are going through. If you really cannot give Delia breast milk do not stress yourself. I felt that I short changed my son at first (being a first time mother that time) but I came to accept that there are some things I cannot control and I have to let go. WHen you are able to compromise certain things to make yourself more sane then please do it. Your daughter will turn out fine.

Now, with my daughter, I am also experiencing sore nipples so I pump my milk every 3 hours with an Avent manual breast pump. My friend just lend me the motor for medela mini (I have to get the other parts on my own for hygiene purpose), I have not use it yet but will let you know which is better. Of course the manual ones are more afforable, depends on how long you intend to pump out your milk wether is it worth the money spent. When I pump out regularly, the milk supply are quite consistent. So do not worry, take things easy and do not force things that you cannot control. Smile....you are not suffering alone. Hugs.....
Shld be normal i guess... 6days to 6 mths old baby shld hav about 550-950 ml per day (you go divide by the number of feeds you give your baby per day) and shld hav minimum of 6+, 3-5+ loose uellow stools... (again, these guidelines frm the wong boh boi's book)

Thanks Mrs_eg! I will take that as normal. The amount my daughter feed on is not regular. Is your baby having regular sleep pattern? Like sleeping at specific time of the day. My daughter's timing is still uncertain, depending on how sleepy head she is.
Hello mummies,

My confinement is finally coming to an end. I have endured sore, bleeding nipples and always habour the thought of giving up breastfeeding because of the pain. Cant believe I survived 1 mth of breastfeeding, so mummies out there....press on and we can make it!!

All the best ok!!


Active Member
Thanks Mrs_eg! I will take that as normal. The amount my daughter feed on is not regular. Is your baby having regular sleep pattern? Like sleeping at specific time of the day. My daughter's timing is still uncertain, depending on how sleepy head she is.
How i wish there is a pattern!!!!!!! Sadly there isnt any yet!!!! I sure hope it comes soon!!! Nowadays she develop a bad habit... She needs my breast to fall alseep nw... Only my mum able to coax her to sleep... I coax her she look for my breast.. Dun giv her she start crying... Put her down after she fal asleep she wake up again n cry... Aiyo... Tis cant go on!!!!

Anyone got any suggestions??


No idea if i did manage to provide colostrum cos initially when i squeeze there is only pain n nothing else.... But i did let her suckle thinking it might stimulate it... Till one nipple bled....

If need to top up formula.. The LCs will suggest cup feeding by someone else... So tat ur baby will knw that other ppl carry... No breasts... U carry... Milk frm breasts... Even in the hospital they say they cup feed...

We tried both cup n bottle at hm.... My mum who's helping me hav problem cup feeding.... Plus my girl impatient she keep choking... So we resort to bottle...

As for amt guideline frm wong boh boi's breastfeeding book is

2nd day: give 80ml per kg of his body weight for 8-10feeds per day

3rd day: 100ml per kg of his body weight per day

4th-7thday: daily total of 120-150ml per kg of his body weight

Giving formula shld be for the time being... Remember to latch on or pump to stimulate more milk.... I find drinking lots of fluid helps a great deal too...
I have discharged from hospital yesterday but until now no milk nor colostrum. Is this normal...it's already the fourth day!!!

I have tried latching on, breast massage, pumping but still nothing. Upon Mrs Wong's advice, bought medela supplemental nursing system yesterday so that baby will not reject my breast, tried out first time this morning but baby only drank half his milk, the rest cupfed. Guess need few tries to get it right but it's really demoralizing n worrying.

Can understand your pain when your nipple bled...mine's all sore n I already can't bear to touch it...but even if it bleeds, i still need to pump n latch on?? When did your colostrum come? Was it at hospital or home? Did u pump or latch on every 3 hrs at hospital n when u reach home?

If milk still doesn't come by Monday, think I will need to go back to parentcraft...sigh...
How i wish there is a pattern!!!!!!! Sadly there isnt any yet!!!! I sure hope it comes soon!!! Nowadays she develop a bad habit... She needs my breast to fall alseep now... Only my mum able to coax her to sleep... I coax her she look for my breast.. dont give her she start crying... Put her down after she fal asleep she wake up again n cry... Aiyo... Tis cant go on!!!!

Anyone got any suggestions??
Actually mrs_eg, same here. My daughter keep wanting my breast to soothe her to sleep. Sometimes after so much milk she still want my breast but will not fully empty them. Like you, when I carry she will cry for my breast, we gave her pacifier she also dont want...arrgh!
Haaaa..how ah?


Thanks mommymin, am trying hard to stay sane...

What's your take on the medela mini electric plus then? Could you also share the price? Thanks!
my mini electric plus so far so good. but i read somewhere that it is designed for occasional use, while im using mine every 3-4 hours daily for my girl's feeding. now counting down to the day that it will break down from being overworked. =( my SIL had been using hers for more than 6 mths before there was some slight issue with the pump.

the higher-end models are more designed for daily use. so the model to choose will depend on your frequency of use, how long you intend to BF, and of course your budget.

the original price was $305 but i got mine at about $250 cos metro had a 15% off promo when i bought the pump 3 weeks ago. not sure if the promo is still on now.



Active Member
I have discharged from hospital yesterday but until now no milk nor colostrum. Is this normal...it's already the fourth day!!!

I have tried latching on, breast massage, pumping but still nothing. Upon Mrs Wong's advice, bought medela supplemental nursing system yesterday so that baby will not reject my breast, tried out first time this morning but baby only drank half his milk, the rest cupfed. Guess need few tries to get it right but it's really demoralizing n worrying.

Can understand your pain when your nipple bled...mine's all sore n I already can't bear to touch it...but even if it bleeds, i still need to pump n latch on?? When did your colostrum come? Was it at hospital or home? Did you pump or latch on every 3 hours at hospital n when you reach home?

If milk still doesn't come by Monday, think I will need to go back to parentcraft...sigh...
No no.... Nipple bled must let it heal 1st... At least tats wat they told me.... But that was on the 1st day... Lucky only one nipple so i left it alone for one day n keep applying nipple cream...

As for colostrum... I duno if it is colostrum... Because by right milk shld come ard 3rd day onwards... On the third day then only i was taught proper massage... N after massage LC squeezed my breast then only did a few drops ooze out....

I think previous days baby suckle on nthing tats why forever not satisfied leading to nipple soreness

I started on the lactation pills given by gynae on day 2... I make sure i really drink lots of warm fluid... N i ate well till now 3 heavy meals n 3 light meals in btwn... I drink anmum lactation milk too... I believe all of the above shld hv contributed to my milk production...

U able to squeeze anything after massage???
For me milk (or maybe colostrum) only started appearing after that "painful" massage session with the LC.... But was little...

On 4th day i went back w/o baby... Cos she have to stay for phototherapy... So i tried pumping... Really very little despite trying to use pump to stimulate ... But i guess it is normal... But above eating well n constant stimulation helped increase milk flow gradually

Maybe urs jus probably a little slower?? Might wana giv urself more time??? Try to remind urself to relax....

If not jus go back parent craft, im sure they have ways to help u solve ur issues like wat they did for me...

Remember to book appointment if u are going back... That time i didnt know... Walk inmore expensive.............
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Active Member
Actually mrs_eg, same here. My daughter keep wanting my breast to soothe her to sleep. Sometimes after so much milk she still want my breast but will not fully empty them. Like you, when I carry she will cry for my breast, we gave her pacifier she also dont want...arrgh!
Haaaa..how ?
Jialat man!!!
I also duno how...
For the whole morning she's been on my arm most of the time.... Put her in the cot... Not even 5 mins she cry again.... No need to do other things already!!!

Lucky now got iphone........ At least small enuf to hold baby in one hand n phone in another... And can go online....
my mini electric plus so far so good. but i read somewhere that it is designed for occasional use, while im using mine every 3-4 hours daily for my girl's feeding. now counting down to the day that it will break down from being overworked. =( my sister In law had been using hers for more than 6 mths before there was some slight issue with the pump.

the higher-end models are more designed for daily use. so the model to choose will depend on your frequency of use, how long you intend to BF, and of course your budget.

the original price was $305 but i got mine at about $250 cos metro had a 15% off promo when i bought the pump 3 weeks ago. not sure if the promo is still on now.

Oh mommymin,
thank you for the infor. my friend just passed me her moto for mini. She has been using for like 1 yr plus, so i assume it will be slightly faulty. Sigh. Maybe I should invest in a better one. But, it is so exp...and I know I wont use it for long. Sigh. Thank you anyway.
Jialat man!!!
I also dont know how...
For the whole morning she's been on my arm most of the time.... Put her in the cot... Not even 5 mins she cry again.... No need to do other things already!!!

Lucky now got iphone........ At least small enuf to hold baby in one hand n phone in another... And can go online....
hahaha. yah i also. cant do much right? i also hold my iphone on one hand while breast feed and rocking her to sleep. how ah? we need help man...we cant go on like that. I hope this is only a passing phase coz my son also like that, rock rock rock then we thought sleep liao then put down cry...Zzzzzz....


hahaha. yah i also. cant do much right? i also hold my iphone on one hand while breast feed and rocking her to sleep. how ? we need help man...we cant go on like that. I hope this is only a passing phase coz my son also like that, rock rock rock then we thought sleep then put down cry...Zzzzzz....
SAME SAME SAME. DD sleep so soundly in my arm with my nipple in her mouth. I tried to use sleep method to feed her, end up one of breast duct got block. Cos my nipple still in her mouth after 1 hr. Haizzzz.....recently notice there is a drop in milk supply.


Sigh. At least you mummies can latch your babies on~ I've been unable to do so, bring baby to breast, at most she will lick it hahaha! So still pumping exclusively; occasionally I get a nice full bottle but most of the time it's not a lot - around 30-40ml combined. Very disappointing but still pushing on - just trying to get as much breastmilk to my girl as possible!

LittleLady: I'm using the Medela Freestyle - so far so good - I like the fact that I can pump both sides at the same time, but part of the money we pay goes to its 'hands-free' straps which I hardly use because it's hard to get the cups in position using the straps, I prefer to hold on to the shields during pumping. So if you wanna get a double pump, maybe can try the cheaper Medela Pump-In-Style Advanced - heard it is quite good also, just that the pump is slightly bigger and heavier than the Freestyle.

Baby now in her 3rd week is starting to fuss a lot in between her naps, quite difficult to settle her - she seems to dislike being hot and will need to dress her lightly and put her on surfaces that are not too warm. She also doesn't like to be covered up in a swaddle or blanket, except at night in aircon. Do your babies sleep in air-conditioned rooms in the day?
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Seems like all our babies' patterns are slowly forming. My boy is feeding around 70-90ml every 2 hours, sometimes can go up to 100 over ml. I am very touched and motivated to see all the mummies here enduring on and never get discouraged with all the different difficulties faced. Jia you all mummies!

LittleWorm, ya I have attended Mrs Wong Boh Boi's talk before and she's the head of parentcraft centre right? Very difficult to book her appointment, I hope you have gained good tips from her :tlaugh:


Very soon, all our babies will pass their 1 month mark soon. I heard that babies who are difficult during their 1st month will be better after their 1st month. Hope so, hope so...


Dear all mommies, been a long time since I logged in! Been too busy since the arrival of Delia coz I do not have any help :( major cock up on my mother in law side so I have to look after baby myself.

I had quite a long labour, contractions started on 22 sep at 9+pm, not much pain though the tightenings were quite intense and no other signs and I admitted on 23 sep at 9am. Cervix checked, barely opened at all so waited in labour ward. Was checked again at 1pm, cervix only opened 1cm! Was put on drip to induce but by late noon only opened 2cm! Was so worried I would have to go thru emergency c, but thankfully by midnight it went up to 8cm, and I popped at 2.20am, healthy baby girl at 3.355kg :) everything else was quite smooth, was on epidural so did not feel much pain and pushing came quite naturally.

Now feeling very stressed though. No luck with breastfeeding, cracked and sore nipples and my girl is too impatient to latch on properly and suckle. She wants her milk like now now now! So I have sort of given up and turned to formula milk. Having to look after baby myself, difficult baby, lack of sleep, breastfeeding failure all are causing me too much stress, i actually broke down at my gynae's when i went for follow up yesterday :( But after reading all your stories, I am quite encouraged to try again. Anyone knows if I can pump solely and not let baby latch on at all? Will there be any stimulation without latch on? If yes, any pumps to recommend? Hopefully more in the affordable range...

Thanks to all mommies, and good luck to those who have yet to deliver!

Jiayou all!
Congratulations .bee! You are a super mummy! Looking after your baby on your own. You can do it. I don't latch my baby on either, cos he can't suckle from my breast. He will just scream, so I do pump my milk exclusively. Rightfully, some of the pump models in the market try to simulate baby's suckle as much as possible.

Do eat well, drink well and rest as much as possible, especially after your whopping long labour.


SAME SAME SAME. dear daughter sleep so soundly in my arm with my nipple in her mouth. I tried to use sleep method to feed her, end up one of breast duct got block. Cos my nipple still in her mouth after 1 hr. Haizzzz.....recently notice there is a drop in milk supply.
My friend told me that we will experience a drop in milk supply sometime along the way, but it will slowly pick up again. Don't give up, continue pumping and latching...


Active Member
Sigh. At least you mummies can latch your babies on~ I've been unable to do so, bring baby to breast, at most she will lick it hahaha! So still pumping exclusively; occasionally I get a nice full bottle but most of the time it's not a lot - around 30-40ml combined. Very disappointing but still pushing on - just trying to get as much breastmilk to my girl as possible!

Baby now in her 3rd week is starting to fuss a lot in between her naps, quite difficult to settle her - she seems to dislike being hot and will need to dress her lightly and put her on surfaces that are not too warm. She also doesn't like to be covered up in a swaddle or blanket, except at night in aircon. Do your babies sleep in air-conditioned rooms in the day?
Hey glad to hear tat u r pressing on...
My aunt made use of the breastfeeding mothers support grp to help her when she has issues... Eventually she breastfed for 2 yrsss!!!

Found its website... Think can call them or email them if we have any questions
Breastfeeding Mothers' Support Group (Singapore) - Helpline

Btw... Ya i smtimes let her slp with aircon during the day depends how hot it is... :)


Active Member
hahaha. yah i also. cant do much right? i also hold my iphone on one hand while breast feed and rocking her to sleep. how ? we need help man...we cant go on like that. I hope this is only a passing phase coz my son also like that, rock rock rock then we thought sleep then put down cry...Zzzzzz....
Haha... Think we hav to limit our use too... Coz of radiation... Hehehe