EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

Everyone's been reallyy quiieeet here today?? Are all of you having your babies today or busy taking care of your babies?? ;)

Yaa so quiet today.. i'm feeling bored in office and yet like no activities in this thread.. really tuesday blues.. lolz..

How are u so far now? I'm still on the waiting game lolz.. cant wait to start my ML next week, been dragging my ass to work everyday..


I'm sooo tired of waiting.. Its getting alot more uncomfortable for me, especially when sleeping and still no signs at all... On Saturday I had pains and cramps in my stomach and was so sure that it was a contraction, and the same thing came back after half an hour or so, and I was like yeayyy finally its gonna be baby time.. But it never ever came back after that lol.

My EDD was initially Sept 24th and now its been changed to Sept 22nd, I thought maybe it means baby will come earlier. But nothing! Sighz... Tomorrow morning is my next gynac appointment :) cant wait, hoping he tells me something that I would like to hear..

I can only imagine how much you are waiting to be on leave, the waiting will seem longer when your at home....
I'm sooo tired of waiting.. Its getting alot more uncomfortable for me, especially when sleeping and still no signs at all... On Saturday I had pains and cramps in my stomach and was so sure that it was a contraction, and the same thing came back after half an hour or so, and I was like yeayyy finally its gonna be baby time.. But it never ever came back after that lol.

My EDD was initially Sept 24th and now its been changed to Sept 22nd, I thought maybe it means baby will come earlier. But nothing! Sighz... Tomorrow morning is my next gynac appointment :) cant wait, hoping he tells me something that I would like to hear..

I can only imagine how much you are waiting to be on leave, the waiting will seem longer when your at home....

yaa.. actually if i'm on ML alrd i will be alone at home, coz hubby still working as per normal. but at least i dun have to sit still on a desk for 8 hours. i've alrd plan to do up some scrapbooking at home during my ML, arranging the dolls in the baby room, and maybe do some online shopping lolz..

If got khakis, maybe go high tea, just to have the exercise going to aid in dilation.. hahahhaha..

I dun even have stomach cramps or anything.. no more pelvic bone pain or whatever.. It's soo peaceful at night!! I still sleep thru the night, got up once only ard 3-4am to pee, then after that back to slumberland..

I gave up the thoughts of talking to the baby to come out this week, i finally told her to just take her time as long as she comes out healthy can alrd. just not until 29/9, if u dun come out by then, we might go in to take u out! lolz..


Haha... For myself bz with bb n #1. Very tired... Unable to pump every 3 hrs as some times bz taking care bb or spending time with #1.

1 week passed... Milk supply seemed abit stagnant...abt 40~50ml per pump (both sides).. :eek:
Haha... For myself bz with bb n #1. Very tired... Unable to pump every 3 hrs as some times bz taking care bb or spending time with #1.

1 week passed... Milk supply seemed abit stagnant...abt 40~50ml per pump (both sides).. :eek:

Wow.. u seems like have a handful of stuffs to do.. dont give up though and hopefully u dont get too stressed up..

Btw.. any mommies planning to do baby shower alrd? any recommendation on venues or catering etc?

I'm thinking whether to invite those colleagues who's pregnant now or whose wife is pregnant now to the baby shower or not. I actually got pantang, i didnt go to baby shower when i'm pregnant and so far i've missed out like 3-4 baby showers. The thing is, i think my colleagues not the pantang kind. I dont feel like inviting them because i do have this pantang but they gave me presents alrd and i feel bad if i dont invite them..

what to do? give cakes to them is it suffice? Fyi, i also gv them presents for their new baby too.. Will that actually suffice too?
Im starting my countdown... 10 days or less! If no action by 28 sept, will be induced labour... Meanwhile just nua-ing at home... Not much mood to do anything much... Wanna go out, but dunno go where or do what...
Im starting my countdown... 10 days or less! If no action by 28 sept, will be induced labour... Meanwhile just nua-ing at home... Not much mood to do anything much... Wanna go out, but dunno go where or do what...

we are near!! my edd is 29 sept.. if no news, either induce or c sect.. most prob i will c sect, coz i think by then the baby will be too big for me to try normal. i'm hoping she can come out this week mainly due to the size too..


Me toooo... but for me i m working from home instead of nua-ing... haiz... still got work...

Tummy too huge to be go out leh... went out with hubby on saturday but cannot seem to last too long... either back will ache or legs will tire out, or i will be yawning within just 2 hours.......... haiz.... no stamina to even go shopping!!!

Edd on 26th sept.. but i am really hoping baby can come out within this week instead... he is getting too huge for me and i m really scared of the delivery, doc says if natural cannot will have to go for emergency c-sect............................... >.<


Eeneyminey & mamadinosaur - Your EDD's are both so close... Im bored of doing baby shopping and arranging things for the baby lol.. Everything is ready and now the baby only has to make her big appearance. I think I'll ask my gynac to induce on Friday if the baby doesnt show up before that, cos all my walking seems to be doing nothing... Still not done any cervix checks too, dont wanna do it too, and not checked the baby's weight since week 35. Hoping the baby is of a decent size and healthy which is most important.
Me toooo... but for me i m working from home instead of nua-ing... haiz... still got work...

Tummy too huge to be go out leh... went out with hubby on saturday but cannot seem to last too long... either back will ache or legs will tire out, or i will be yawning within just 2 hours.......... haiz.... no stamina to even go shopping!!!

Edd on 26th sept.. but i am really hoping baby can come out within this week instead... he is getting too huge for me and i m really scared of the delivery, doc says if natural cannot will have to go for emergency c-sect............................... >.<

how big was ur baby during ur last check? mine was 2.775kg on last friday, kind of nearing my limit alrd.. my gynae said ard 2.8kg got good chance to try normal, but if more than that or even nearing 3kg, must be prepared for emergency c sect too..

sighz.. i wanna see her so bad but i wont lie that i'm sooooooo scared of being in the delivery room!!
Eeneyminey & mamadinosaur - Your EDD's are both so close... Im bored of doing baby shopping and arranging things for the baby lol.. Everything is ready and now the baby only has to make her big appearance. I think I'll ask my gynac to induce on Friday if the baby doesnt show up before that, cos all my walking seems to be doing nothing... Still not done any cervix checks too, dont wanna do it too, and not checked the baby's weight since week 35. Hoping the baby is of a decent size and healthy which is most important.

my walking like pointless too.. i was told my other mummy that her doc said must walk like 3-4 hrs a day. i was like, "no wonder i didnt even dilate!!! my long distance walk is only from cityhall - kallang which cost me like 1.5hrs and i only did it on alternate days. sighz"

my cervix i think really saddening, after VE check didnt even have spotting!! ALL other mummies that i've asked all got spotting one, and mine none!! i think my cervix is still completely shut! sighzzz


Wow.. u seems like have a handful of stuffs to do.. dont give up though and hopefully u dont get too stressed up..

Btw.. any mommies planning to do baby shower alrd? any recommendation on venues or catering etc?

I'm thinking whether to invite those colleagues who's pregnant now or whose wife is pregnant now to the baby shower or not. I actually got pantang, i didnt go to baby shower when i'm pregnant and so far i've missed out like 3-4 baby showers. The thing is, i think my colleagues not the pantang kind. I dont feel like inviting them because i do have this pantang but they gave me presents alrd and i feel bad if i dont invite them..

what to do? give cakes to them is it suffice? Fyi, i also gv them presents for their new baby too.. Will that actually suffice too?
Hi eeneyminey, perhaps out of formality, you shd invite.. but let them decide whether to attend or not lor.... cos if they not pantang but u din invite it will seem odd that you shd be inviting other colleagues but leaving them out...
how big was ur baby during ur last check? mine was 2.775kg on last friday, kind of nearing my limit alrd.. my gynae said ard 2.8kg got good chance to try normal, but if more than that or even nearing 3kg, must be prepared for emergency c sect too..

sighz.. i wanna see her so bad but i wont lie that i'm sooooooo scared of being in the delivery room!!
hahaha same!!! i wanna see my baby bad... and let my life move on from there... and yet i'm scared of labour! >.<


Its so nice to know that I'm not the only one getting impatient with waiting for the baby... I try to walk for like an hour everyday, but on days when I go out shopping, I dont walk cos I feel I did enough of walking in the mall itself. But 3 hours like not at all :( then this little walking is definitely no use. Might as well not walk at all :p Hope atleast the baby can come out fast, if they induce... Though I secretly wanna feel all the drama of the water breaking, or bloody mucus plug or contractions at home itself and then the whole rushing to the hospital :D Cant believe i'm waiting to feel all the pain..
Me toooo... but for me i m working from home instead of nua-ing... haiz... still got work...

Tummy too huge to be go out leh... went out with hubby on saturday but cannot seem to last too long... either back will ache or legs will tire out, or i will be yawning within just 2 hours.......... haiz.... no stamina to even go shopping!!!

Edd on 26th sept.. but i am really hoping baby can come out within this week instead... he is getting too huge for me and i m really scared of the delivery, doc says if natural cannot will have to go for emergency c-sect............................... >.<
yea, i'll get breathless and super tired after 1hr of walking... and always wanna sit down and get a cold drink... =\ then my silly hubby will say "gynae said 3-4 hrs leh..." i told him to carry a 3kg watermelon and walk around with me loh...

makes me wonder how i'm gonna cope with labour... every night trying to find a place to walk around with hubby... yesterday was serangoon gardens... tonight will be NEX...
yea, i'll get breathless and super tired after 1hr of walking... and always wanna sit down and get a cold drink... =\ then my silly hubby will say "gynae said 3-4 hrs leh..." i told him to carry a 3kg watermelon and walk around with me loh...

makes me wonder how i'm gonna cope with labour... every night trying to find a place to walk around with hubby... yesterday was serangoon gardens... tonight will be NEX...

at least ur hubby still can accompany you go walk around even on weekdays.. Mine is like diablo time everyday until the baby due.. sighz.. I walk alone all the time..