EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


eh, 600ml?! hahaha!! that's almost like, what's the point? our babies stomach can at most hold 5oz of liquid at this age (and most likely less, about 4oz). 600ml is larger in volume than my nalgene bottle!

any of you mums using carriers? I just bought a second hand one over the weekend, and it's amazing.. I've been using it at home cos the baby just falls asleep almost immediately in it and I can walk around and still do things! like type with two hands.. ha.


Really can't stand my CL. Keep on talking on the phone....if not sms. She can have her handphone with her 24hours a day, even when she bath, she bring the phone in the bathroom! While carrying my bb she can also put in ear piece and talk! And all her story is repeated........Then she always wanted to settle what she wants to do first, when my hubby came back from market she will prioritize on settling the marketing stuff first and not baby nor my elder child. There is 1 saturday when i was breastfeeding my baby and ask her to look after my elder child....who knows my hubby came out from shower and see my elder child playing alone in the living room while she was organising things in the kitchen. And guess what, she gave my girl small parts to play herself! Always like to act smart also, 1 hand carry my baby, another hand carry my girl........hubby see alrdy can't stand straight away tell her off....what happen if my girl turn backwards, which one u want to drop? then she silent.
Then everynight 7pm or latest 7.30pm she wants to wipe my baby, but got to depends on situation ma. There is time i just feed baby finished at 7pm and when i carry baby to her alrdy tell her just feed want to wipe must wait till after 8pm. Next moment, i saw her go and take water and ready to wipe baby that was 7.30pm...i ask her tot i told u after 8pm? she keep saying not very nice to wipe so late, then i say also not good to wipe after fed right...then she just mumbling and keep repeating nobody wipe after 8pm and is not good.
And also, guess what.......she hand washed her clothes! Had told her can put her clothes in washing machine together with ours, but then she dare to tell u....she prefer to hand wash, of course la...utilities is mine.Somemore always like to cook in big portion and herself doesnt eat...there is 1 time she cook a 3dishes 1 soup for my dinner, alrdy told her upteen times we are not big eater. Moderate portion is enough, she always listen 1,2 days then repeat again.

I just need to vent it out somewhere, hope u all dont mind. Anw she is leaving coming sunday and i am couting down....


Active Member
600ml!! (o_O)!!!

reiann ur carrier is those sling type? I hv a seat type w infant carrier but now tempted to get boba wrap!! My hubby was like what's the point of getting another one, haven't even used the carrier lol...

Ermmm mummies jiayou!! I was v stubborn n die die latch her on demand despite the frequent latching n v sore nipples.. She can latch for like 30 min then break 5-10 min n continue like this for hrs. V tiring n gg nuts but now finally better... These two days she also beginning to slp more between latching, but at night slp late end up super cranky >< Bb gg 7 weeks old already omg time flies!! I pump like once in 2 days now >< cos most of the time I'm latching her, like right now I'm latching.


Active Member
yeoymp of course we dun mind.. This thread is now our venting and sharing channel, vent all u want!! My mil also will wipe right after bb feed :/ but I let her be as long as bb no fuss... But bb always wailing during bathing or wiping... But she wanna be in charge so I close one eye also... She will try to pacify bb while bathing/wiping.

I did tell my ils not to say ang gu gu to bb ytd in front of my hubby when mil starts to ang gu gu ang gi gi at her.. I told them doc says bb is actually listening n learning at this tender age.. Try talking to bb more n not only make meaningless sounds which bb learn already also meaningless.. Haha hubby around then I dare to tell them off. I told my parents off b4 much earlier too, when my dad ang gu gu to bb, my mum simply reminds him saying that ang gu gu outdated already, these days ppl dun ang gu gu to bb anymore :x


Sounds familiar.. I also offered to let her use the washer but realized she washes her clothes v often Cos she didn't bring too much Clothes...but it's a waste of water n electricity bill! Gosh.. also she cooks alot as well n says must bf so must eat a lot de.. but it's way too much..my confinement food is v ex..go market every wkend is few hundred bucks... Can't afford so much n waste food like tat..


Felicity, really salute on your non stop latching........

My boy today also like keep wants to latch on, afternoon 2.15pm CL feed 110ml ebm....after he only naps a while and 3plus he start to have mouth moving action....then i tot he just had ebm 1hour plus ago so delay untill 4plus then let him latch on....who knows after 20mins he looks drunk and sleep on my boobs, so i put him down...awhile later he open his eye again and split out some milk.....guess is over feeding. So let CL carry him and rock and pat him....


Active Member
That time earlier she keeps crying and aiming for breasts so I just keep latching, she also nv spit out any milk that time.. Maybe my flow was v slow or v little then.. Now my breasts feel the same but she suckle 10+ mins she slp le, perhaps she can latch better also n suckle more milk? Although if she didn't sleep deeply v soon will wake up n wants to latch again.. If slp can slp abt an hr.. Also not 3 hrs apart yet but to me is a vast improvement from wat I had experienced that nonstop latching.. At least in between I can nap or read up more on bb or come forum..


been very bad today. baby's been fussing and crying every 1.5 to 2 hours, most likely due to gas or wind, and she wants to be fed. I think the baby feeding on milk helps its gas/wind, so she demands to be latched on, though she's not really hungry. sigh. I'm so frustrated. hardly slept for last three days. got all emotional again just now and shouted at my baby, and then let her latch on and I cried. but I felt bad immediately.


at least I have no confinement nanny to worry about! those with horrid CL: make sure you give bad reviews for them! I think CL should be more regulated...


oh felicity:

I bought a pupsik sling weeks ago, tried it on baby, but she seems to spit out milk whenever I place her in it and I can't seem to get her chin untucked from her body (if it's too tucked in , not good for her breathing).

did research and found that the Manduca brand of carrier is one of the best. so got one second hand and tried it. it really is good. I will still use the sling when baby is older, but the Manduca brand carrier also allows baby to be carried up to 20kg!


Active Member
reiann icic.. thanks! i hv an ergo, gift from my cousin.. i know its not cheap n i should make good use of it..

hugs.. during my confinement i was so emo n agitated by bb's constant wailing n my mum's nagging when bb was wailing, i shouted at both my mum n bb n cried n felt so darn bad afterwards... i can't help much :/ only can tell u to hang in there... it'll be over... n later we will all be here feeling glad that it's over n facing new sets of parenting problems n venting new bouts of frustration.. haha.. once bb pops i guess it'll never ends...


Felicity and reiann, yeah, the sounds bb made are like grunts and sometimes like she is trying v hard to poo.. I can ignore that but hubby is a light sleeper and he keep waking up as a result.. He got to work the next day ma.. So got no choice except carry bb to make her quiet.. Her grunts are super loud lor.. Sighz..

I'm so tired todae and I tink bb too cos she keep sleeping.. Good oso cos with the lack of sleep I dun tink I can take it if she fuss.. But on the other hand worried tat if she sleep so much now and dun sleep at night then I'm dead meat..

Anyway, u all have any methods tat can make bb burp easily? Finding it v hard to burp bb now, she almost dun burp anymore.. So I keep carrying her hoping to keep the milk down.. But in the midst of her nap, she will suddenly spit out milk.. In fact I jus had sme milk drops on my face cos she jus spit out milk.. And earlier, milk even came out of her nose wen I put her down and she spit milk again.. Scare me to death! Am I overfeeding her? She is drinking 90ml onli.. :(


Oh ya.. Sometimes bb breathe v heavily and I look in her nose and saw sth blocking inside.. But it is too deep inside.. My mum told me to suck it out using mouth.. Just now wen milk came out thru her nose I realli did that cos scared the milk flow back in her nose.. But like nt much help leh.. Wat do u all do? Jus leave it inside? I dun dare use cotton stick cos scared I will push it in deeper.. Sighz..


There are those kind of small baby sucker that can suck dirt from baby's nose. You can try buying it from baby shops. I got it from kk pharmacy. It would help even has baby grow bigger and has mucus cause they won't know how to blow their nose till older


Oh ya.. Sometimes bb breathe v heavily and I look in her nose and saw sth blocking inside.. But it is too deep inside.. My mum told me to suck it out using mouth.. Just now wen milk came out thru her nose I realli did that cos scared the milk flow back in her nose.. But like nt much help leh.. Wat do u all do? Jus leave it inside? I dun dare use cotton stick cos scared I will push it in deeper.. Sighz..
Errr how do u suck using ur mouth?!?? Hmm ur situation sounds familiar. I think ur baby may hv reflux. ESP when bb spilt/vomit milk some milk will flow out from nose-hence causing the residue to harden inside e nostril. I took my son to see e pd n was given seawater spray. So every day I spray 3x-think it helps to dissolve e dirt. Then I will use e tissue paper twirl it, stick into his nose when he's slping n press the side of her nose. It'll come out. Mayb u can try tat. Also becos my bb has reflux pd have us reflex med for bb to drink. Seems better.

But I think best way is to burp baby. I feel that burping baby over e shoulder works best. Sometimes I let baby sit on my lap n hold his chin, pat him 5-10mins also din burp. The moment I put over my shoulder he burps so loudly.
Hehe actually I quite like the way bb burps.. So innocent n cute. N the way he looks so super shiok after he burps. Wahaha. :))


reiann icic.. thanks! i have an ergo, gift from my cousin.. i know its not cheap n i should make good use of it..

hugs.. during my confinement i was so emo n agitated by baby's constant wailing n my mum's nagging when baby was wailing, i shouted at both my mum n baby n cried n felt so darn bad afterwards... i can't help much :/ only can tell you to hang in there... it'll be over... n later we will all be here feeling glad that it's over n facing new sets of parenting problems n venting new bouts of frustration.. haha.. once baby pops i guess it'll never ends...

ooh an ergo is very good too. ergo and manduca are up there :) baby bjorn isn't great though..


Lingz: yes I find that my babe has more of a spitting up problem now, more so than when she was younger. it's really an issue, such that I get very frustrated, cos she also cries due to her discomfort of gas. then she'd want to latch/feed, to help move her bowels also. so she feeds frequently in the day, and cries - all much more than when she was younger. sigh.

and yup she sometimes spits milk from the nose.. once she even projectiled vomit: that was scary! :(

I find that even burping her for one hour might not be enough! it's very tiring :(

I read that feeding less but more frequently might help, or just keep burping.

piglim: how do you burp your baby over the shoulder?? that I really don't know how to do that! I can only sit her on my lap and support her chest and jaw and burp her or just do some semi-tummy time.

hm as for the nose.. I haven't cleaned it. her nose is now quite dirty.. lots of gunk haha. how? hm.


hey i love to hear my bb burp too although not feminine at all .. super loud!

Actually i've tried many times liao.. just sit her straight up to let the milk go down and after awhile she can burp by herself! Although got times need to bend forward and back straight abit to try , and also to hit the back with cupped hands... but sometimes they really got no wind, so no burp... :p

wah my back is aching bad.. today latched bb dunno how many times for at least an hr up to 2 hrs... no rest at all..
bb super alert and cranky today.. i suspect if it has to do with the brands chicken essence the CL made me drink 1st thing this morn.. coz i oso could not slp at all, and was all drained.. only towards 7plus i start to feel slpy abit.. normally i dun drink chicken essence one.. maybe my body cannot take it.. and thru breastmilk pass to bb.... she just keep crying and wantig to be carried today.. zzz

Now pumping out after her feed.. coz breasts are still as hard as stone!! sighh...


Piglim, I just put my mouth over her nose and suck.. Haha.. But nothing came out.. Tink I monitor her situation first.. Hope it clears by itself.. Sighz..

Keatbear, actualli I bought this nasal suction pump thing.. but I dun dare to use.. cos during prenatal class the instructor say to be careful of suction power if not will hurt bb nose membrane or sth.. I dunno how strong is strong so nvr attempted to use it..

I tried the shoulder burp thing.. But bb dun like.. She kept fidgeting so afraid she will hurt her neck or wat.. Tat's y I always sit her on my lap and hold her chin to burp.. But this is not always effective esp recently.. And yeah, I love the sound of her burp, though v un-ladylike.. Haha..

Oh, so my bb is not the only one with milk coming out of her nose.. I realli got a shock jus now lor.. Sighz.. So I always carry her after every feed so that she wun lie flat and regurgitate.. After 30min I thought should b safe, but she still spits milk.. Sighz.. Actualli PD oso told me to feed her less but frequent wen we went for the visit on day 7.. But after feeding her little, she always search for nipple.. So I just keep up-ing her feed volume.. Hiah.. Dunno wat I shld do..


My baby also makes a lot of loud sounds in her sleep... Sometimes it sounds like she's struggling to breathe which is scary,.. So today we got the pigeon nose cleaner, but still not used it cos after I read the instructions I was a little nervous to use it.. But yes my mum also suggested that I should suck her nose with my mouth to help clear her nose.

How many times a day is a 19 day old baby supposed to poo? My baby has jus pooped two times yesterday and two times today... And she was on bm the entire day yesterday and today... Sometimes it feels like she's really straining but is not able to poo.. Is there anything we can do to help them poo?