EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Active Member
same as lizzy i'll feed her solids when she turn 6mo... or at least 24 weeks old... is nestle cerelac good? i hope to get something i can easily find off the shelf so not too much hassle... will learn to make porridge too :) i'm so excited abt it! keep thinking abt making avocado puree and sweet potato puree and carrot puree and apple puree and banana puree and stuff... hahaha...

wow kary, exciting day for both you and baby! ytd got onto lingz's car bb started fussing so much i was so worried she'd cry all the way home and scared she disturb sleeping little xuanxuan... but luckily managed to pacify her and make her slp through the rest of the way... phew!

nessa! i realized i kept seeing u in our babies' strollers corner XD but i nv really got to talk to u~ hope we all get to gather again! :D


Hey mummies, it's really nice meeting all up!! Seeing our babies lying together is so exciting.

Thanks camcam for the socks!!

My gal slept too much during the whole gathering. Didn't really sleep when at home, and kept talking alot as if she has communicated a lot with other babies. She suddenly found her thumb, instead of squeezing the whole fist in. Must be seeing how other babies did it.

Oh, my breast was so swollen and pain, went to see doc. Early stage of mastitis, now on antibiotics. Milk doesn't flow out, baby Alisha can't have breast milk.


Active Member
nessa yea! :D

oh dear erlina hope the mastitis goes away soon, ur flow comes back and no more pain for u!! *hugs* u hv ebm for Alisha?

thanks to ur hubby for all the lovely pics! :D


Oh no Erlina! So now have to take the antibiotics? Alisha latch oso wun b able to get milk out? Did the doc say how long before milk will start flowing?

Actualli I'm a bit worried too.. Cos I find the pump less and less effective in bringing milk out.. I have to keep squeezing as I pump before the milk comes out.. Previously I dun hav to do that, I can leave my hands free to do other things while the pump does the work.. Now I have to squeeze and after tat spend time manually expressing the remaining.. So tiring! :(

Oh yeah.. Thanks camcam and Erlina for the pics!


Erlina take cr!
felicity thks for bringing the insert..but Lucas was fussing n cld nt try it on..So I think I will buy the insert..! Also brought sling there to learn but didn't have the chance to take out too!


Oh, my girl doesn't want to latch on anymore, so, aggravating the situation. The pump can't effectively pump out the milk, I also hand squeeze after that. Somemore, it happens on the side where it supplies most of the milk. The other side usually very little. I also not sure when can the milk flow can come back. Justamom, what is cr? Can it help? At least now I'm no more fever, so, feel better.. Have to massage hard on the breast..


Me too, I need to squeeze hard when pumping to get milk out. Till breast is red.. I tried to let my gal latch and it helps to soften the breast..

Erlina which doc are u seeing? Is it ur gynae or lactation consultant?


I went to see a normal gp, female doc that teach me how to massage my breast and nipple.. Can see a bit of improvement today.. Have to monitor..

Anyway, mummies, huggies having discount at ntuc. $25.95 for 2 packets (m 64, L 54).


Erlina thank for the huggies promo info! Great now I gotta go buy L size for my boy alrdy-can chk with u gals if the thighs got red marks means the diapers too small? Currently my son wearing M size.. And he is only turning 4 mths next wk! How time flies now we r alrdy discussing on solid food! Hahah

Anw u gals sound like u had fun for e gathering.. :(( so sad I can't attend cos I need to work! Actually I would also like to know more about the carrier cos my boy hate to b cradled yet his neck still not strong enough so everytime my hands hv to support his neck... And my hands r soooo tired. Maybe next gathering organize on a sat? Hehe Upload the group pics here!!!


wow, I saw e photo on fb. so cute when all e babies line up.......wish I was there also.

erlina, do take care. it is important u see doc in early stage. sigh, I was too stubborn that time thought it can be resolve through massage and regular pumping. who know it get worse till need to admit for antibiotics by iv drips.


can someone add me in fb...zhang_vanessa@hotmail.com can send the photo tat mummies carrying our babies to nessa81@gmail.com


Must be real fun to see the babies interacting with each other. How I wish I am there too..

My baby just had her 3rd month vaccination. .
Super heart pain as she have 2 jabs on both her legs. . Screaming her lungs out.. cannot imagine she have to still do it 2 more times :(


Yeoymp, coz I read that u r hispitalised due to mastitis.. I was so scared when my breast super painful and red, whole body start to have muscle ache and temperature gg higher. I rushed to the doc immediately and doc said was still early stage, so, hoping the massaging and Antibiotics will help to cure. But, when u were in the hospital, were u given only iv drips or any procedures being done? So scary. Sacrifice for BM..


It's so cute to see all the babies together! Some of your babies look huge! The goodness of mummy's breast milk :)

Wish I was there..