EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Hi nessa u mean u breastfeed ur bb flat on bed or bottle feed? My baby still doesnt burp himself and getting less burp nowadays no matter how long I try to burp him.
Mummies just to check on a few things
1)how u put ur baby to nap or slp? Pacifier used to work for me, but now bb always uses his finger to temp e paci and such his thunder fist instead. No longer likes paci . I'm back to shh pat him to slp. Prob is its hard to transfer him to cot, I know always to put baby down when drowsy but he fuss a long time. So I have no choice but to pat him to deep slp but he wakes up and know I'm putting him down to cot headache ! How to survive in infant care.
2) how long ur baby slp in each nap? My bb always wakes up ard 45min mark. He is unable to transit himself to the next slp cycle and need assistance to slp another 45min.
3) what time u put ur bb down for bedtime ? mine is abt 7pm he will fall asleep. Start bedtime routine ard 630. And keep waking up at night 4,5 times. Also seems to be early riser wake up ard 6am. In laws n pple ard me keep saying I let bb slp too early, but from what I read bb shld start bedtime ard 6-8pm.

Sorry for so many qn... I'm really facing serious slp prob with my 3 mth old boy.


Oh mummies I have a fourth qn. How long can ur bb stay awake ? Mine seems only 1.5 Hr or lesser n he starts yawning, rub eyes sign of tired cues all coming out. Sometimes after he wakes up to feed he is tired again !


Ah wang my boy usually Zzz at 11+ onwards..as we're out or at hm.. I wipe him abt 7-8 depending if he is napping..also..he doesn't like pacifier anymore.. last time he used to take..Same like his fist..Sometimes two fists at a time..n rubbing his face..So nw rashes...putting him to slp.. is terror..he only likes to suckle.. nt Sure if gg my mum's place he will b v fussy...sigh..


Ahwang, my gal sleeping routine starts at 8pm and she will sleep by 9pm close to 10. Recently I wake her up for dreamfeed at 12am so that she can last till 6am.. My gal needs to be shhh and patt too till she is in deep sleep before I put her down on her cot.. Hb said I carry her too much and ask me to pat her sleep in her cot otherwise I will be tired when I go back to work.. I will try his suggestion slowly and hope my gal can sleep by her own..


Lin so ur baby will slp thru from 12-6am? That's gd. I once let him slp at 11pm he still wakes up several times at nit. I tried patting him in his cot he will cry cry. I even resort to cry it out method as I was simply exhausted. Gg in to check and assure him every 5 min n gradually increase the time. He cried for. Gd 40 min then fall asleep. By the time he slp He is full of sweat . Not sure is it cos He slp with such sweaty body that gives him fever. As such I drop that method of training him slp independently just aft one cry it out attempt.


ah wang i bottlefeed formula to my son..my son nwadays usually drink finish will sleep day n nite time...sometimes he will b awake for 1 -2hrs then will just go slp by himself...but sometimes need to patpat or use pacify for him to sleep


SLP BY HIMSELF ! Oh nessa I'm so jealous! Im carrying n patting him to slp now as I type . And he very particular some more need carry upright overshoulder to pat his butt. Challenge next is transferring him to cot. Sometimes to let him get his desired slp and aft many attempts of failed transferring to cot I let him slp on me arms breaking man.
Really worried when he goes infant care


Nessa ur baby slp what kind of magical bed haha. Got to buy that man... I'm desperate to resolve his slp prob.


to nap: I usually use the Manduca carrier in the day when I am with baby. she usually falls asleep quite quickly with it. problem is, today first day back from holiday and manduca is in the wash, and she's been quite difficult to put to sleep to nap. just put her in cot or in bed with me when she shows signs of tiredness (yawns). she might grumble. today she did cry a bit in the morning but that was cos of reflux and then gas.

to sleep: bedtime ritual of bathing, then feed (latch), then put to bed. she will sometimes fall asleep by herself very quickly, sometimes it takes multiple attempts with the pacifier (i.e. give, she takes, sucks, I immediately leave the room, then she might cry after 5 minutes or 10 minutes, I go in again, give paci, etc) (up to an hour or more). then she sleeps till I dream feed her at about 10-11pm, then sleeps through till 7am, sometimes earlier, sometimes later.

during my holiday it was quite disruptive, so she did wake up in middle of night on two nights, but only once. sometimes I dreamfeed her at 9pm, or more like, I bathe her at 9pm and put her to sleep at 9pm (cos we took her out for dinner during our hols), then I didn't dreamfeed her and wait till she waks in the morning, about 6am, sometimes 7+.

I think she can now last longer than the usual 11pm DF and the 7am wake up time. I will try to DF her at 9ish, and when I start work I will be waking her up at 6am.

naps - depends. sometimes less than 45 mins, sometimes longer. on the flight back she slept for long periods of time. I had to wake her up for her feeding. sometimes she's up in 15 minutes! grr.

it's really up to you. I think in future when I start work, I'll put her to bed about 6+pm, then DF at 9pm. but if we do go out with her for dinner, I'll just skip DF, and bathe and put to sleep at 9pm.

I really hope things gets resolved soon. trust me, I'm also worried about infant care (I'm staring her on 15th, returning to work on Monday after that), as she can be very fussy and there were days during our holidays that she got colicky - once, she cried for four hours non stop, and VERY LOUDLY too. sigh. nothing worked. she probably had ver ybad reflux that hurt her so much. I was almost in tears that evening. ah well. at least I have a wonderful, supportive husband...


i use a pillow to put under his head to lift it up...sometimes in his cot if he is awake at 1-2am i just feed him while he is in cot n he will fall aslp after drinking...


I rarely dreamfeed now .. coz more then often she will prefer to slp.... so now i will time ard last feed abt 8.... she ever gone without milk for more then 12hrs.... slept thru e night... even when i pump at 4-5am she cont to sleep


Active Member
Felicity did you bring her to c pediatrician ? request pediatrician to help clear the congestion might feel better.. or.use seaspray? Hard mucus or soft?
Y cannot ask father in law to go to the living rm to play? at least you can c? If not awhile later say baby Zzz time..then carry her over?
soft mucus... have been using the nasal spray and haven't see pd... seems to be better now, still spraying and when she sneezes will hv a lot of mucus come out.

sigh... since i know him until now he's been always lying in his bed... he doesn't hang out in the living room at all... so who am i to tell him to get his butt outta his bed?! >< anyway it's already a routine since i moved back from confinement, that every morning i'll hv to bring bb to mil who'll promptly bring her inside to play with fil while she prepare bath water and bathe bb, cos since day 1 she volunteers to bathe for bb, say she wan to help... so i didn't reject. i bathe bb when she's not at home. they like to play w bb in the morning cos she's v responsive... but they dun like me to be around :( like this morning i carried bb to mil, she's bz say bring to fil... so like the most obedient dil, i put bb on their bed beside fil... and fil kept asking bb to turn over look at him, but bb kept looking at me while i stood there... then mil came in tell fil no use one cos i standing there bb wanna look at me, then she said to bb "u look at ur mummy for what?! turn and look at yeye!" :(

lingz i saw ur fb post too... i guess all mummies will hv separation anxiety. although i'm lucky that i'm not returning to work so soon, i'm already feeling uncomfy just leaving bb with my in-laws in their room and leaving them alone. i can't imagine when i go back to work later, and my in-laws take care of her... i dun wan her to end up like the nephew that my in-laws took care the other time... spoilt brat and he only stays in in-laws' room to play whenever he comes. cos when he stayed here over weekdays last time when in-laws took care of him, he is 99% of the time inside their room (where fil lie in bed to watch him while mil does the chores) and 1% time at the dining table for meals. i dun wan my gal turn out like that :(

purpur... sigh i guess if we hv to let mil to take care cos no one else... then bobian hv to close two eyes? :( i also want to set rules for her but v hard to enforce :( like eg. i say no snacks, then they always go "baby, ur mama say no snacks, cannot eat"... wat i need is ppl who is on the same frequency and also think that snacks is not healthy so don't let baby eat... not ppl who always say "mama says mama says" then end up bb not happy with mama cos mama always don't allow bb do things while grandparents allow. urgh. dun like mil take care but wat to do? at least urs is for notice period only right? how long will u be taking care of bb b4 u go back to work? maybe next time can jio u out for lunch b4 i go back to work in june... haha.

meltie how's the massage? hope ur lumps are cleared and no more pain! my bb doesn't really cry a lot in the day but she wants a lot of attention, chat with her, sing to her, read to her, play with her... so i hv to keep giving her attention and cannot leave her alone... as busy as carrying her... can't do much other things ><

reiann welcome back! :D

oh my bb doesn't sleep by herself... needs coaxing and often latches to sleep... in the day sleeps v little, at night usually can slp through the night.

sigh... just now only my mil came and found out that bb nappy wet so brought bb away to change nappy n bring bb into their room again. urgh!! :(


Managed to tahan till 6plus before gg nanny hse to pick up my girl.. When she saw me, she smiled.. Nanny commented that bb start to recognise ppl oredi so was a bit uncooperative during bathing time.. Hopefully will get better over time too.. When she came home, only managed to play with her for a while before she started getting cranky.. Stuff her pacifier and she dozed off and napped for half hr.. Woke up for milk, fed her and she knocked out again.. Sighz.. Tink it will be like this wen I go back to work next Mon.. Not much time to play with her on weekdays.. :(

Oh my bb dun sleep on her own too.. Patting her to sleep with her in the cot doesn't work too.. She has to be carried and rocked and me to walk around the house while patting her buttocks before she can sleep.. And if I put her down before she goes into deep sleep she will scream her head off.. Sighz.. Sometimes the pacifier works, sometimes it doesn't..

Wow reiann and rodorsany, so envious! Ur babies sleep thru the night for such long hrs! Mine still wake up at 5am, sometimes 4am (gosh!).. And she's drinking lesser and lesser now.. Refused to be force-fed too.. Dunno wat's with this self-imposed diet.. And the worst is she has not pooped for 3 days.. :(


Ahwang- my hair is dropping like crazy too, almost like in clumps!! But it's normal. I read up abt it and it seems that it's common especially after about 3 months. Something to do with estrogen. It will go back to pre pregnancy hair.

Ling- yeah I'm thankful that my baby can sleep on her own. It's just the occasional reflux or gas that can. Ale her really difficult. ..


Ling: my gal too didn't poo for few days Liao :( and I think she got alot of stomach gas and past few days always wake up cry at 4-5am. I tried rodorsany method of telling her to poo on 31dec otherwise won't bring her out to kai Kai on 1jan, and it worked.. Hehe..

Last nite i latched my gal from 8pm till 9pm but My gal last nite suddenly cry out of her lung for 30min, cry stopped to grasp some air and cry again till whole body sweaty and face red. Rocker her, pat her all didn't work and after 30min mil rock her and she stopped crying. After that I bottle feed her and she slept from 10pm till now, waking up soon..Is this called colic???

I felt so helpless, why I couldn't stopped her crying..
Not sure is it becoz she was too hungry as I just finish pump prior to latch her hence no milk came out :( Make me felt demoralized and should I gave up on latching her?? Sigh :(((

Worst thing, mil complained to my hb behind me, saying I rocked the yaolan too hard, baby brain will damage etc.. And hb told me and asked me not to rock her.. I am so mad and where got a mom who purposely wanna cause damage of own kids brain...I scold hubby and didn't talk to him for awhile, they didn't understand how much sacrifice I have given to my gal, breast pain, waking up to pump and sleep only 5hr per day instead of my normal 9hr :(


Lin - I'm so sorry to hear abt how your husband actually listened to his mom!! It's like they think that their moms know best and that what, all we are doing is just fumbling around. Good grief of course we know what's best for the baby! We give so much to the baby it's just a wtf moment when they think what we do is to harm the baby. Arggh!!

Might be a colic moment but colicky baby cries like that for a longer period. It most likely is reflux... I find that reflux. Abuses my. Any to cry the most heart wrenching at. It's diff from crying cos of gas or boredom or hunger.


sighz my son gng for his jabs next wed but i wont b him as i started wrk n already tokk 2 days of unpaid leave on 14 jan n 14 feb coz his chk up at kkh...so told hubby he gt to go wif his mum...hopefully it will b ok...


Active Member
Lina oh dear :( did you clarify with him? Sigh what's wrong with men! Hope your baby gets better!

My bb starts to wake up in the middle of the night since she's unwell w stuffy nose... Now finally getting better. Hope she goes back to slping thru the night!

I feel like telling my hubby to tell his parents to stop bringing bb into their room n let bb slp there. If bring in play a while ok, but we hv our bed n her cot in our room, why need to sleep on their bed?! :( but dunno what will he say. So far I've tried v hard to keep relationship amicable in the household. Although I do hv unhappiness w ils and end up whining here.

Nessa don't worry :) Ryan will be fine!

Sigh my hair is also dropping like crazy...