EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


eeneyminey:685530 said:
Felicity, your baby is gorgeous! :)

We should all add each other on Instagram or Facebook, maybe we can even organise outings next time or attend each other's baby First Month! That would be exciting. Hahaha!

Do add me up on Instagram - Sophieisabanana
Or on Fb too - sssstarscream89@live.com


i cant find u on instagram, maybe you can add mine: eeneyminey..
I dun hav instagram leh.. can we hav a FB grp instead? Hee.. :D


Hihi I also wan to join the Facebook group too! Hw hw! I'm due on 16 sept. but recently having some cramp Liao. Tis my third child!
Facebook group will be better actually, coz i actually hardly use my instagram too, and to logon here to reply takes longer time than fb..

jesskoo, is the cramp very intense? if it's very intense and have interval, maybe it's contraction? safer to check with ur gynae. i have lots of friends who deliver early or have perterm labour, so better just call your gynae just in case you need any medical attention asap.. ur due date actually not so long anymore anyway..


lizzy2101:685516 said:
Juan:685483 said:
Jia you Lizzy, I remember your due date is 26/27 Sept? I am 28 Sept.
yeah juan sept 27 :D but my mucus plug already burst, good thing water havent so can still have steroid for baby too boost his development. no wonder i cleaned the house up side down was my nesting time :D
Jiayoh jiayoh!! wishing u a safe and smooth delivery! Look forward to hearing ur story too!
Yeah prefer a facebook grp.... ... anyone creating it?

anybody can create now?? i cant go into facebook in office, and to use iphone to create is like killing my eyes plus my 3G connection in office is like killing me slowly... create those private group one i think better..


im in waiting game but need to cos baby still premature at 36 weeks :p need to wait for the booster to works so afyer 8am tomorrow i can hv force labour :) but they cannot discharge me anymore cos 5cm dilated :p will update u guys tom, add me in facebook liezelfernandez21@gmail.com
im in waiting game but need to cos baby still premature at 36 weeks :p need to wait for the booster to works so afyer 8am tomorrow i can hv force labour :) but they cannot discharge me anymore cos 5cm dilated :p will update u guys tom, add me in facebook liezelfernandez21@gmail.com
stay relax liz.. just enjoy this last moments of having ur lil ones in ur tummy, the next time u post here might be saying sth like felicity's previous post --> "sleep more now that the baby still inside ur tummy.." lolz.. just joking..

I feel so excited for you though, soon u can carry ur lil one in ur arms already.. keep us updated if you can.. Will add you in fb.. ^^


Alrighty.. I will create FB group.. tink I need to add u all first.. pls approve my fren request k? :D

Hmm.. Can't seem to add lizzy.. :(
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Hi mummies! my first time posting here. currently in my 37th going to 38th week. just wanna know any mummies experience sudden itching around stomach area? and also i havent felt any contractions pain before, is it normal? went to scan last wk at 36 weeks baby was healthy and doing well.


New Member
Alrighty.. I will create FB group.. tink I need to add u all first.. pls approve my fren request k? :D

Hmm.. Can't seem to add lizzy.. :(
Lingz, r u gonna create a Secret Group in FB? Can add me too pls? I'm also playing the "waiting game" now.
Alrighty.. I will create FB group.. tink I need to add u all first.. pls approve my fren request k? :D

Hmm.. Can't seem to add lizzy.. :(

here's my fb: resti.gunawan@gmail.com

I cant add lizzy too, maybe coz she set her account to be private. those private ones u cannot add them or find them if you dont have any common friends to them.. so for those who wanna join the group, need to set their account to be public..

mine's already set.. :)


eeneyminey:685685 said:
Alrighty.. I will create FB group.. tink I need to add u all first.. pls approve my fren request k? :D

Hmm.. Can't seem to add lizzy.. :(

here's my fb: resti.gunawan@gmail.com

I cant add lizzy too, maybe coz she set her account to be private. those private ones u cannot add them or find them if you dont have any common friends to them.. so for those who wanna join the group, need to set their account to be public..

mine's already set.. :)
yea i forgot im on private, using phone fb now so hard to browse, i added eeney, maybe u can add me in the group after :) ty


eeneyminey:685685 said:
Alrighty.. I will create FB group.. tink I need to add u all first.. pls approve my fren request k? :D

Hmm.. Can't seem to add lizzy.. :(

here's my fb: resti.gunawan@gmail.com

I cant add lizzy too, maybe coz she set her account to be private. those private ones u cannot add them or find them if you dont have any common friends to them.. so for those who wanna join the group, need to set their account to be public..

mine's already set.. :)
Found u! Need u to accept fren request before I add u in.. :p


Wow... Few days never login so many updates!! Piglim, congrats!!!!! Wow... You're a tough lady... And brave to push through the start... Now I'm also thinking if I should take epi... I guess like you, I will try to see what is my pain threshold like..

Lizzy, gambate to you too ya.... Keep us posted.....

And lingz, add me up in fb can? My email is nlipeng@gmail.com

WAH, anyway, I'm already starting my maternity leave today... My due date suppose to be on 09/01... Both felicity and Piglim has already given birth, I'm now waiting for mine!!! And yet I don't feel any contractions, and my MIL said my tummy is not as down as it should be.... Worry worry.. When my baby's coming out...