EDD September 2013 Mummies


Just seen gynae.. Bb is 38 weeks at 2.8kg.
she says I m still going strong.. Hah n checked for dilation.
wore gloves N like stuck her whole hand inside.
bb is engaged, head down but not dilated.
she hopes to see me in hospital coz its better for me as bb is
still not so big.
The whole hand? Omg isn't it very painful?


Hi all! I finally gave birth at midnight of the 4th Sept. Natural without epidural as I've bad back.

Baby boy! He is only 2.5kg and 50cm long at 37 weeks and 2 days. It's still weird to see baby and realise I'm no longer pregnant. Up at 4am cos after delivery, had to stay in the delivery ward to monitor for bleeding etc and do skin to skin with baby. Now finally in my room.

Mummies: remind hubbies to pack change of clothes and toiletries too! My hubby totally forgot about himself. LOL.

I got into delivery ward at about 12pm and as I was lying down, contractions slowed for me and I managed to nap till 2plus 3pm. Then contractions started becoming stronger and was dilating at about 1cm per hour. Requested for no induction nor to break water bag. All in my own time. Honestly, the last partif pushing to get baby out is horrid. I thought I won't be able to sirvive. Tools me 45 min to get baby out.
Congrats! Finally u have Ur baby in Ur arms :)


Woah!!! No epi, how great was that. V inspiring!! Well done, have a good confinement.

I'm still nursing my cough, sigh. What a time to fall sick.


StellaC - I can't see what's she's doing exactly.. N my hubby was looking at me the whole time! Ha..
seeing my expression.. So he doesn't know if its whole hand but I could feel it. Even if not whole hand it's
at least all the fingers???


StellaC - I can't see what's she's doing exactly.. N my hubby was looking at me the whole time! Ha..
seeing my expression.. So he doesn't know if its whole hand but I could feel it. Even if not whole hand it's
at least all the fingers???
But if she could insert so all fingers it would mean very dilated isn't it? Well, I don't know either :p


I think is some fingers cos I just did it this morn..painful n now slightly bleeding but doc said this is due to her insertion.

Is now abt 1cm dilated so I'm waiting for d big show otherwise she's gg to induced me on sun night...


I think is some fingers cos I just did it this morn..painful n now slightly bleeding but doc said this is due to her insertion.

Is now abt 1cm dilated so I'm waiting for d big show otherwise she's gg to induced me on sun night...
yes, my gynae also told me there could be bleeding, but I didn't have it. Baby still enjoying herself inside.


Does anyone of you feel an aching pain somewhere near the vagina bones (or if that's the uterus) these days, especially after lying on the bed for a few hours like at night and in the morning when you wake up? I tend to experience these aching when I wakeup for nature calls and in the morning, and I've to walk with my feet slightly apart to avoid agitating the pain. My EDD is still 3 weeks away.
yes i get this ache too. especially when i get up at night to go pee. i can feel the ache when i am sitting on the toilet..hehehe. in the day time it is not too bad. i try not to waddle when i walk coz my colleague says i walk like a gangster! but i gotta walk slowly now...

A mummy

Hi all! I finally gave birth at midnight of the 4th Sept. Natural without epidural as I've bad back.

Baby boy! He is only 2.5kg and 50cm long at 37 weeks and 2 days. It's still weird to see baby and realise I'm no longer pregnant. Up at 4am cos after delivery, had to stay in the delivery ward to monitor for bleeding etc and do skin to skin with baby. Now finally in my room.

Mummies: remind hubbies to pack change of clothes and toiletries too! My hubby totally forgot about himself. LOL.

I got into delivery ward at about 12pm and as I was lying down, contractions slowed for me and I managed to nap till 2plus 3pm. Then contractions started becoming stronger and was dilating at about 1cm per hour. Requested for no induction nor to break water bag. All in my own time. Honestly, the last partif pushing to get baby out is horrid. I thought I won't be able to sirvive. Tools me 45 min to get baby out.
Congrats dear! I just cant imagine mummies going through longer contractions. up to 3cm mine was already painful=(... You still can nap....strong!

A mummy

Thanks everyone for yr well wishes. It's not easy now .So busy feeding my baby. But she woke up to feed at the same time when she's in my tummy.
I'll miss this forum with you mummies!

A mummy

StellaC, I'm same as you, period like cramp and tummy feel hard since Sunday evening. I lean on the back of the chair and go onto all four position as this position believe to help baby move down. Today's appointment doc do a check and I'm 3cm dilated. Doc ask whether I want to be induce or wait, I choose to wait till have stronger contraction or water break. Doc ask to monitor baby's movements too. 5hrs pass and I still no sign of contraction, just worried I would be in active labour without aware of it.
Once i wanna induce, but gynae prefers it naturally. That time my cervix already given up (pubic pain). Scared induce, baby not ready end up caesarian.
So, hang on. Unless it's very pain to handle.

A mummy

Thanks A mummy for your sharing! Motivated to go for no epi. :)
how's your baby doing?
Feeding non-stop every 4h,then now every 3h.Gain weight though.Be prepared to wake up twice in the morning.I suggest pump 2 bottles leave in freezer.So, you wont be tired breastfeeding. The thg is baby tends to drink fast from bottle and go to sleep.
But direct feeding my baby feeds on for an hour to 1.5h. Gosh. dont mention about the nipple. I tore my nipple.So sore.And have to pump for 2 days.=(

A mummy

I was put on the monitoring thing too today to measure contractions and the highest it went was 50+. Just felt tight no pain... Hopefully I can endure like you when my real labour contractions come!
Wow quite pain right?
So agonizing the early onset of labour.
And i read your comments, gosh been few days for you=(
Walk alot. I went JB every week to shop. Maybe thats why early labour. Mine was 38 weeks.
Gosh you dont feel pain? I confirm you dont nd epidural. I felt slight pain then.