EDD September 2013 Mummies

A mummy

I agree!! I felt so miserable and alone when ms was at the peak. Plus haven't informed my parents so no one to look after me. Just waiting and crying alone everyday at home for hubby to end work. For those with bad ms, hang in there and take each day at a time.
Yea, be strong. Both my parents are working, so till evening, I'm alone. Have to try to be independent. So I slap on nutella or butter onto my bread or just drink soya bean milk,hot milo. That's my basic staples. If I'm well I'll cook. Only weekends mum does the cooking as she's always home at 9pm. So they'll buy food. But outside food makes me like want to throw up. Now thank god, I got through all that. Already good enough, hubby let me stay home. Working mummies more pitiful I suppose.
Stay strong mummies.


Yes,until now 13 weeks plus,I am not able to wear bra,i wear like camisole with some padding if I need to go out. It will increase my MS although mine is 80percent gone,I still can't. I want to get a bra which is super loose, and I cant find any. Went to shop few weeks back to see mother section,the nursing bra looks so tight to me with underwire. I just can't. Nu bra seems good. I'll try gel like, as its less pressure on to our chest. Sigh...
babe i bought this really soft bra from uniqlo. it doesn't have underwire, support is pretty good and it's soft to wear. maybe you can check it out, but unfortunately no trying. i just bought one to try and i really like it.


Ya have to alter hubby pants. Just like short 3 min job. No choice.
i was always into knitting stuff but once my parents know i'm pregnant they say no more knitting. never knew this was a superstition, always watch tv and see pregnant women knitting. i really would want to knit a bib or baby snow cap..


I even bought the Belvia bra ( the ones they advertise on TV ) initially when my boobs were so sore. But with ms, even that also very restrictive. Hate ms. Sigh.

Yah, so thankful don't need to work. Dunno how I can fit into work clothes and survive daily.

Ladies, do you know when we can start using stretch mark cream / oil? I just bought the Clarins oil which my friends swear by. LOL.


I even bought the Belvia bra ( the ones they advertise on TV ) initially when my boobs were so sore. But with ms, even that also very restrictive. Hate ms. Sigh.

Yah, so thankful dont't need to work. dont know how I can fit into work clothes and survive daily.

Ladies, do you know when we can start using stretch mark cream / oil? I just bought the Clarins oil which my friends swear by. LOL.
I already started using the palmers cocoa cream, during end of 12 weeks :)


Mine is sheer bloatedness. But recently abit smaller. And my weight goes down. Is it normal=(?yikes.
I am afraid about tomorrow's appointment. I just feel negative about this pregnancy since 2 days ago=(
Just don't feel good like baby's no longer has heartbeat yada. Cos I feel slight cramps but no bleeding. I'm afraid of missed miscarriage. My stomach like not so bloated and my weight back to prepregnancy at 13 weeks plus now=(...
Been having watery stools since yesterday. Husband very sad also.
Symptoms will come and go! Don't stress so much. I lost weight also and I'm constantly scared that when my symptoms go down something is wrong. But I realised no point worrying as there's nothing I can do to change it. So instead of flooding baby with stress, I choose to not think. Good luck for tomorrow's appointment! Mine is next Tues. Do update us and I'll be praying for you.


A mummy: Good luck and jia you!!

I am thinking of using Bio Oil to avoid stretch mark. I ever heard a blogger using it throughout her pregnancy and she mentioned she had very minimal stretch marks. Not sure how true because I believe she was sponsored. She told me she started using during her first trimester.

I personally tried it a few times on my scar, it's very moisturizing to my skin. A little too oily if over applied.

And yes, I have also started browsing around for maternity clothes and sleepwear because my bump is getting bigger. Other than ASOS, has anyone ordered those cheaper ones $20-$40 from those TW/Korean-style maternity wear blogshops? I am quite tempted by the cheap price and cute apparel which seems suitable to wear even after pregnancy.


A mummy: Good luck and jia you!!

I am thinking of using Bio Oil to avoid stretch mark. I ever heard a blogger using it throughout her pregnancy and she mentioned she had very minimal stretch marks. Not sure how true because I believe she was sponsored. She told me she started using during her first trimester.

I personally tried it a few times on my scar, it's very moisturizing to my skin. A little too oily if over applied.

And yes, I have also started browsing around for maternity clothes and sleepwear because my bump is getting bigger. Other than ASOS, has anyone ordered those cheaper ones $20-$40 from those TW/Korean-style maternity wear blogshops? I am quite tempted by the cheap price and cute apparel which seems suitable to wear even after pregnancy.
H&M has maternity clothes. i saw in HK, but dont know if SG store has or not.
I googled and found this: w w w . m a m i - i . c o m

(without the spaces of course..can't seem to post link so i added the space)


@ A mummy - don't worry.. I felt cramps too n was miserable n thought I had a miscarriage. As long as no bleeding, we Shld be fine. Must be positive. I also paranoid but we learn :) cheer up ok!

Will go uniglo when I feel more up to it n check out the soft bra.!

A mummy

babe i bought this really soft bra from uniqlo. it doesn't have underwire, support is pretty good and it's soft to wear. maybe you can check it out, but unfortunately no trying. i just bought one to try and i really like it.

I'll check it out soon...thanks for your recommendation.. Hope the misery of finding that perfect bra is over. My current ones from VS the biofit,it's great but too small now. I cant afford to shop at VS again now. Their bras pricey fr the comfortable fit kind.Hope to go Uniqlo soon.


Oh! I'll use when I'm 13 weeks then. Only 10 weeks 5 days now. I considered Palmers but dunno why cannot stand the smell. Haha!
Yea I read that quite a lot of ppl can't stand the smell especially during pregnancy. But thank god I actually love it and it always reminds me tenderly that I have a baby in me. I think this will be the smell that reminds me of pregnancy even in future! :)


Mummies, are ur tummies obvious? I m into week 11, but since last week got people asking if I m preg :p
Im 13 weeks now. It's obvious among my friends, cos they never seen me with a round tummy before. As for strangers, I don't think so since no one has yet to offer me a seat, hehe. But if I wear bodycon, I'm sure it's very obvious :)


Is it ok to not eat meat or eat very little meat during pregnancy? I tend to throw up if I Eat meat. They don't even digest after 4-5 hours :(


Is it ok to not eat meat or eat very little meat during pregnancy? I tend to throw up if I Eat meat. They don't even digest after 4-5 hours :(
It shouldn't be a problem! Have eggs or fish if you can stomach them. And drink more soup that's cooked with pork or chicken. Take dairy also.