EDD September 2013 Mummies


The confinement lady is damn expensive. I will order confinement food to be delivered to my house.
Yah! Not cheap. Mine asked for $2500 and I bargained to $2300. But I will be going for c-sect so worry cannot handle alone. Movements will be limited for first week at least. Plus I don't have in laws / maid / parents to help.
everytime i see my gynae, i will ask her how is the weight gain. is it ok? everytime she will tell me its fine, dont worry. its within the normal range.. im very very very close to being obese according to BMI. sighhhhhhhhh....... but as long as my boy is ok, i am willing to make the sacrifice lor..
Don't focus too much on your weight. Instead focus more on your diet. I believe mummy is most conscious when pregnant. Just relax and enjoy the pregnancy.

HypnoBirthing on 25 June
Yah! Not cheap. Mine asked for $2500 and I bargained to $2300. But I will be going for c-sect so worry cannot handle alone. Movements will be limited for first week at least. Plus I don't have in laws / maid / parents to help.
hi raoow, just curious, is c-section a better option for your birth?


New Member
i am very clueless when it comes to buying all these paper stuff. im a FTM and its quite a nightmare thinking of the logistics to get for my boy. i think baby will just sleep with me on the bed for the first few weeks before we move him to the 'yaolan'. on the good note, mum and aunt will be helping me out so i guess i shld be able to cope. sigh. i realise i am so unprepared and it really kinda panics me! there's so much to know and learn that i dont have much energy left after knocking off to do my research and stuff.

anyway, sorry for the rants early in the morning ladies!


Yah . If we had a choice, we wouldn't too. But we bought our place last Nov and found out pregnant in Jan. Paperwork done and got keys right after CNY. But was too sick from morning sickness to do any renovation planning until April. Plus we are renting and rental ending in May. Oh well. At least the major things settled during the second trimester when no more morning sickness and stomach not too big. As I approach third trimester, can slowly unpack at new place and prepare for baby.
It's going to be exciting when preparing the baby room in your new place! My new place won't be ready till next year, my baby will be using my old room at my mum's place. I intend to buy those wall decal to decor the room, adding some colours to liven up the room.


Sounds like I am the k.i.a.s.u mum here!

I have more or less finished buying the necessary stuff for baby's arrival. Initially I felt it's still too early, but my husband prefer to buy bits and pieces since the day when I felt better from morning sickness. Before buying, we actually did a lot of window shopping to compare brands and prices, check the price variation during sales, did some homework. Because we could only do it on weekends, we started early. It's also less painful when we spend bit by bit, instead of a lump sum at one go.

The most expensive items are mainly babycot at my mum's place, playpen at my current place, stroller, breast pump. I actually bought these after a little bit of research. I was also contemplating about getting second ones. But since I may keep for my number 2 or even pass down to my brother, it's worth to get a brand new one and assure myself of the hygiene conditions in these items.

As for baby clothes, the cheapest ones I found were those at neighbourhood shops/markets. But most of the baby clothes are from Kiddy Palace. By the time I found the cheaper ones at neighbourhood, I have bought more or less enough. Buying is fast and easy, it's when I was thinking about the price, material and to get them from sales that was time-consuming. Even though nowadays both parents can afford to buy a baby top for $8-10, but think about it, baby will outgrown the clothes very fast, so it's good not to spend too much on the clothes. Buying the bigger sizes (6-12 months and beyond) can help to save abit. Save money for diapers and formula milk just incase breast milk is not enough. Of course it is still sweet to buy a set or two branded nice-looking clothes for the little one. :) Oh yah, I bought a few diapers during the recent Motherhood sale at Expo, that helps to save abit too.

If anyone you know is going Bangkok, get them to buy some baby stuff for you! Platinum mall has a lot of baby clothes, napkins, towels, baby carriers etc which are half price cheaper than sg. Some of the newborn sets, mittens and booties, caps which I saw at Kiddy Palace were exactly the same to what I've bought from Platinum Mall.

Sharing a few websites where some mummies maybe keen in getting second hand or brand new stuff other than visiting Mothercare and Kiddy Palace,

Singapore Baby Mall | A Member of TheSGMall.com (Manage to buy brand new though opened Medela breastpump set with extra accessories at a deal, warranty not registered till I use)

BabyKingdom.com.sg, showroom at Kaki Bukit (a little crampy place, not as spacious as BabyHyperStore, but prices and staff recommendations are good. I bought my playpen, babycot, mattresses, bedding set)

BabyHyperStore, showroom at Kaki Bukit (baby clothings, huge variety of strollers and carseats but seem ex for my liking, but good to take a look since it is just next door to BabyKingdom)

LittleThinkies (shared by my friend who bought milk storage)

Hiap Guan Metal Industries (Pte) Ltd @ 4 Tagore Lane Singapore 787469.
Good place to go for baby strollers, car seats, even sarong etc.
Items same as those sell at Kiddy Palace but cheaper. There's no showroom but can call up to check out prices.

So for mummies who can only shop during weekends, good to start early, because there won't be many weekends left from June to Sept. :) Not to forget we gota start washing the baby clothes 1 month before EDD and to pack our hospital bag.


Wow skt! Thanks for ur comprehensive message!
agree on the part that we Shld spend bit by bit so won't feel the pinch as compared to one lump sum.
May I ask how much did u spend on the brand new breast pump?
is it US set?

guess we need to start searching n buying bb stuff.
i also looking to buy more storage space!! :/
n later during third trimester still need to buy confinement "materials" n ingredients for cooking?
not too sure how that works but guess the CL will tell us? Ha..

take care mummies!
our second trimester will be ending soon! We are more than half way through right??


Thanks skt for such an informative post! My hubby will be in BKK in July. Will task him to buy things at Platinum Mall.

I was re-reading our old posts and realised we all should be feeling much much better now that ms has passed!

I really love second trimester. The baby moving is so nice! But I'm getting more breathless now and more uncomfortable when I sleep. Maybe cos getting bigger.

How is everyone doing?
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baby cot & Bedding set

Hi mummies! I would like to take this opportunity to sell away my wooden baby cot and bedding set @$160. Original price for cot @ $280 and bedding srt at $39.90. Please kindly pm me for further details k. Self collection at amk ave 10. Thank you



Sunbeams: I bought this set at S$230. The warranty card can be sent to the address in sg, so I think it's not the US set? But indeed US set is cheaper.

I decided on a simple pump because I doubt I will need to rush time to pump be it at home or office. But my experienced friends told me if it's not too ex, good to buy dual pump. While pumping one side, the other side may leak and you may not want to waste the breastmilk especially it is so previous during the first months for breastfeeding.

Oh yes, still gota prepare the food for confinement. Even though I am opting for breastfeeding, my mum already stock up a few bottles of Martell and Dome. I heard during confinement, we can't take plain water. Must take water boiled with dried longan and red dates. If you have a CL, she will be doing the marketing, and is also able to give you advices.

Yes yes we are halfway through! Like finally!

raoow: good for you! The shops are at the higher levels at Platinum Mall. Buy more and bargain. Forget about departmental stores, they are expensive. Get some long sleeves and suits for sleepwear ya.

How often does your baby moves? Mine is very active between 8 and 11pm. She punches and kicks so hard that I can literally see my tummy popping or moving like a wave. I heard as the baby grows bigger, we may even get to see the baby's feet pushing the tummy!
Yes, I m also feeling breatheless sometime , why is it so? Plus I cannot take the heat! Must be in Aircon for 24/7.utilities bill sure shoot up:(
Oh yeah, my gal also active at night esp when my Hb talking , think she love his voice, haha .. Btw, I thot cannot drink Dom if u intend to breast feed.. I will attend breast feed talk on my next gynae visit.


Hi mummies, I also have boughy bits n pieces n almost completed all necessary stuff. My most ex purchase is breast pump that I bought avent. Went to expo to test n prefer avent. :D

As for dom, u can take after u breast feed so that the alcohol will have digested.


I bought electric single. 229 bundle with stuff eg storage cups, bottles etc n becos I bought at expo, there is a $50 dollars diary farm vouchers given..so still worth it..


mrsvistamio: yes I feel breathless at times too! It should be normal since baby is like pressing on us. I also heard cannot drink alcohol during breastfeeding period, since mum has already bought a few bottles, I shall wait and see how.


I have random dizzy spells but haven't had one that lasted for so long. Were you doing something different? Like out doors more in the heat? Or standing longer? If no, you might want to give your doctor a call just to be safe.
Not really. Because I work from home. Seeing doctor this sat.


Baby is active at night and early morning! Everytime my hubby tries to touch my stomach, baby will stop moving. Hahahah! But he managed to feel the baby's kicks a few times.