Entertaining baby to eat


We have gotten into a habit of entertaining our 11 month old so that she will eat. We show her toys, sing her songs etc. just to get her to open her mouth. She can eat a lot this way. Otherwise she won't open her mouth or blow the food out.

Anyone going through the same thing? How can I get her to eat normally? :(


Well-Known Member
We have gotten into a habit of entertaining our 11 month old so that she will eat. We show her toys, sing her songs etc. just to get her to open her mouth. She can eat a lot this way. Otherwise she won't open her mouth or blow the food out.

Anyone going through the same thing? How can I get her to eat normally? :(
since ds start his 1st semi solid, we dun do such 'entertaining' job. cos i feel tt it will become a bad habit and very tiring for the parents.

ds meal time v standard, sit on high chair, off tv, everything clear from the high chair. he will get NTH on his hands, just focus on eating. but sometimes he will insist holding onto his water bottle which i will give in as long as he eats. cos he will drink water as and when he feel thristy.

if u wan to change ur girl's feeeding habit, nd some time and hav to stand firm. is ur girl eating while sitting in high chair? if so, den still not so bad, at least she is not running ard the hse to let u chase aft. haha!


haha that would be my nightmare - chasing after her with food. she's not walking yet but i really don't want this habit to get to that stage when she does start walking!
what do you do when ur boy doesn't want to open his mouth for food? or is he generally not fussy with his meals?
when we started on solids she was such an obedient eater. then sometime later she started getting fussy or maybe bored? and we had to resort to these tricks... if we stop all this now, how will we get her to eat enough?


Well-Known Member
haha that would be my nightmare - chasing after her with food. she's not walking yet but i really dont't want this habit to get to that stage when she does start walking!
what do you do when your boy doesn't want to open his mouth for food? or is he generally not fussy with his meals?
when we started on solids she was such an obedient eater. then sometime later she started getting fussy or maybe bored? and we had to resort to these tricks... if we stop all this now, how will we get her to eat enough?
ds is a fussy eater! when he 1st started semi solid till ard 8+ or 9mth old, he wasnt fussy at all.. aft tt he become quite fussy, dun lik to try new food etc..

now i realise he has some preference. he prefers macaroni, porridge, mee sua instead of rice. if we give him rice, he must goes with soup and steam egg/tufo/fish (must be steamed!) if only give rice with soup (with those fish, vege that cooked with soup), he eats v lil and slow... thus i try to steam the food for him since he prefers that.

and i also dun let him take rice daily.. alternate with porridge, macaroni etc...

for brekkie, last time his choice was v 'limited' but now i try to let him try more food. he is still taking those baby cereal cos he loves it but i no longer give him cereal saily, mayb 2-3x per week. the rest will be scramble eggs, bread, pancake etc...

u can try to let ur girl try more varieties. maybe she is just bored of the varieties she is having now? =)


Active Member
DS got cleft, babies with cleft alway got feeding issues. In order to make him finish his milk, we "entertain" him during milk feed. I need him to weight heavy enough from surgery.

As normal babies, I feel its not necessary.

Mummy to Baby V

Well-Known Member
From Day 1, we set eating habits:
- sit in highchair
- wear bib
- Can hold cutlery, food containers or anything related to meal-time. Anything else only after meal is finished.

My boy loves eating and we help him become interested in what he is eating. E.g. Colourful food, different texture, self-feeding.

At about 12 months, he suddenly didn't want to open his mouth. We realized he wanted finger-feeding by us and himself.

After that, he didn't want porridge, preferred rice / pasta.

Recently, he wants soup added.

Include something healthy she likes to eat at every meal.
Experiment with taste, texture, presentation and feeding styles.


Well-Known Member
i hv nvr ever "entertain" pin when it is her meal time. i find that she gets too distracted to even eat!
since NB, i will off the tv or music and just feed her. now that she is older, she eats with us and finishes her food b4 watching tv or playing toys.