Every how many hours and how many ml of milk should a newborn drink?


germac:713453 said:
Hi germac,

May I know if the formula works for expressed breastmilk too? Thank you so much!
Actually that is a very gd question! (andie, we never really thought abt it hor? Haha..)
but like wat andie said, i think it shld generally be the same for expressed breast milk too, though ebm does digest faster.
i think its more about knowing ur baby's needs n pattern... =)
Erm.... I think should be the same eh.. But babies are all different. Some drink.alot some dont. Like my girl is 4.5 months but taking only 130mls every 3hrly in the day and she slp.thru the.night with juz 1 feed. So on average she take abt 22oz per day. I read from.somewhr that baby can feed a.range of 19-30oz per day depending. If ur bb.is hungry, sure u will know.bcoz she will cry.nonstop.no.matter.wat u.do unless u feed her. And my pd say usually.with consistent.good suck, babies should finish.his/her.milk.in 20mins. So if ur bb finish.in like 15 mins,.then add another 10mls to their nxt feed and.see if they can finish. Similarly, if they take a.long time to finish their.milk with good consistent suck then that amt.might be.too much and u can try to cut down 10mls for the.nxt.feed. So trial and.error is the key. There's no.perfect parents but.u can always do ur best to kbow ur bb's "pattern" and it will definitely make ur.life easier!!


My boy is 2 weeks and drinking 4oz(125ml) idk if its a lot but every 3 hours he's drinking since 1week old. Now I try to latch on one side around 15 minutes and after that feed him. He bottle drinks 4 oz. even aft latching on. Is it too much for a 2week old boy ?
Hey jojoai,
I think is should be ok , my boy is now 26days he's drinking 125ml since he is less than 20days in every 3 hours.


My girl is two mths old, when she was newborn, I gave her 60 ml every two hours, gradually increasing it, now she is drinking. 150ml every 3 hrs
how heavy is your girl?
are you feeding fm or bm?
i think should be fine... some babies will drink more :)
if bb doesnt regurgitate should be okay :)
My girl is 3.5 months old... drink 120-150ml
was drinking 80-100ml at 1 month gradually increase .... but gf's boy is drinking 180ml at 2 mths so diff babies require diff amt of milk :)


my girl is about 5kg now.
i am giving her both fm and breast milk. She will drink breast milk in betweem milk time.
I believe there is no fix formulae in how much a baby drinks, depends on the baby


Thanks germac for sharing the formula! My girl is 2 weeks plus and drinking 70 ml every 2.5 hours... Initially I thought it might be a bit too much for her, but after calculating using the formula, seems about right amount for her weight :)