Experience with SGH?


Hi everyone.

I made an appointment to see one of the high-risk gynae in SGH. I was informed that the doctors work in a "pool manner" in the sense that you may not see the same doctor at your next appointment but they have all your records on hands.

Has anyone gone thru SGH recently? I find this 'pool' system a bit peculiar as I always thought it's best to see a doctor who will be with you until delivery. By rotating doctors, wouldn't different doctors have different methods/ways of approaching different subjects?

In my case, I think it's even harder because I have a kidney condition and if I have to see a different doctor each time, i'm not sure how that would pan out? Altho i was told there are only 2-3 docs in the high-risk field.

also, after some googling i note that a lot of mothers to be go to TMC or KK for consultation and delivery. Is TMC, for example, really that good or has something that say SGH doesnt?

any comments/feedback is most appreciated.


Active Member
oh u mean ur asked to go SGH to see high-risk gynae which not a specific one?

did u try asking them whether u could stick to 1 only?


You can request to see the same dr everytime. I also agree it's best to stick to the same dr. Suggest you see A/Prof. Tan Hak Koon.