feeling hungry and tired very easily


About 8w.. But I don't want them to know till I gotten the "cert of pregnancy" from gynae. Cos I'm working in small co then so far from no one enjoyed maternity benefits (cos no one preg while they were here), so I just wana be safe. Cos saw from MOM website that the employee are protected after gynae officially stated tt you are preg or something litda.


Crabby - i tot that as long as you work in your co for >3 months and if you get pregnant, they will have to give you your maternity benefits? and also if they dismiss you wrongfully while you pregnant they have to compensate you. dun worry too much yah.

talking about feeling hungry and tired easily. I think I really have it quite bad.
when I'm hungry, i'm really hungry. cos the funny think is, I have no craving at all. in fact I dun feel like eating at all, but I have to cause i'm hungry and if I dun eat, I'll vomit. seriously I bought a pack of bee hoon (been eating since 9 this morning when I reach and still eating). I'm eating so slowly cause I really dun feel like eating, but i'm hungry.... the taste don't appeal to me, but no choice cause it curb the hunger.

and recently i'm so tired to the extend that while waiting for my scan yesterday, I actually fell asleep!!


LH779.. cos last time the law only protect 6 months from your EDD, now is new rule that covers throughout your pregnancy, so just wana be safe. Esp with small co, more insecure. Another thing is I'm not that close to my colleagues also, so can't really be bothered about telling them, more of want to let my manager knows the next time I go for appt as I don't have much AL left.

At times I also hungry and duno what to eat, just eat cos hungry. And worse, these few days feeling nauseous. So trying to find things that I normally like to eat.

From MOM website:
From 1 May 2013, maternity protection for retrenchment and for dismissal without sufficient cause will cover the full pregnancy period, up from the current 3 months and 6 months before delivery respectively. This means that if a pregnant employee is retrenched or dismissed without sufficient cause during any point of her pregnancy, the employer will be required to pay her maternity benefits.
To qualify for enhanced maternity protection, the employee must have served her employer for at least 3 months and obtained a doctor’s certification of pregnancy prior to receiving the notice of dismissal or retrenchment. The 3 month period would provide an employer a reasonable period of time to assess a female employee’s suitability for employment before taking on responsibility for her maternity benefits.


New Member
hi all,
i'm 9 weeks and exhausted all the time. always dozing off at work at around 3+ 4+ every day...
appetite is ok during the day, but no appetite at all for dinner, no ms but queasy all day long, so i suck on all kinds of sweets - mints, honey, ricola, hi-chew...
plus...my hb is not giving into my cravings (hash brown, luncheon meat:spamxxx:, hokkien mee, etc) coz he says they are too unhealthy ~sigh
sadly, even cooking my own hokkien mee doesnt cut it. the craving is still there and it has been going on for weeks!


Bear with the tiredness... Will go away in 2nd trimester.. Me no more hunger pangs and feel tired everyday from week 16 onwards.. so jiayou!!
As for cravings, I cannot help u liao, cos my hubby dun really stop me unless I eat too much of those junks. I still eat instant noodles when i got the "urge" but not too often, and try to add more vege n stuff to make it appears healthy.. haha


hi all,
i'm 9 weeks and exhausted all the time. always dozing off at work at around 3+ 4+ every day...
appetite is ok during the day, but no appetite at all for dinner, no ms but queasy all day long, so i suck on all kinds of sweets - mints, honey, ricola, hi-chew...
plus...my hb is not giving into my cravings (hash brown, luncheon meat:spamxxx:, hokkien mee, etc) coz he says they are too unhealthy ~sigh
sadly, even cooking my own hokkien mee doesnt cut it. the craving is still there and it has been going on for weeks!
I was like you very very tired and not much appetite for dinner. but constantly hungry and having MS. you will pull through. for me, most of the horrible symptoms subside by week 20. Bear with it.

can't do much on your cravings since your hubby disallow. but i think no harm eating a little to satisfy. for instance i know luncheon meat no good, but once in a blue moon i'll still have 1 slice for breakfast. like 2-3 weeks once.