First time mummy, EDD October 2013 :)


New Member
Yup i went for a scan on Tuesday! Saw the fetal pole and heartbeat for the first time.. Teared a little.. A heartwarming moment. I'm taking folic acid and duphaston daily. I'm also taking the similac mum's milk powder... Never hurts to start early as i need all the nutritions i can get. Considering to start taking fish oil for baby's development. Also thinking of buying anti stretch cream at such an early stage... I'm 6 weeks 6 days today.. =) my next appointment will be 6 weeks later.. T___T so long D:
- a gift worth giving to yourself and the precious life growing inside you...

Pregnancy is an amazing and miraculous journey! Our bodies dedicate themselves to this amazing task whilst the person we were before conception slowly starts to step aside to make way for what is about to happen...

Sometimes we don’t have the energy to look after ourselves properly and our partners are already beginning to feel a tiny slip down the ladder of importance and may not offer as many tender loving care as we would like. We want to sleep, eat, sleep some more, be nurtured and adored with nothing expected in return.

That’s why we planned the "MummyBliss Retreat" - To create a dedicated space in time where any pregnant woman can truly be nourished and pampered. To be really able to connect to the growing baby inside and deeply relax. Essential for what lies ahead.

The retreat is perfect for any stage of pregnancy, each stage has its celebrations and challenges! You will be fed fabulously and generously, sit back and learn about antenatal knowledge that are essential, stretched gently in the Yoga classes (optional) and laid down to rest. There will be plenty of chances to talk about the journey, laugh about it and share any fears with fellow mummies and our experienced nannies. Our aim is to bring out the pregnant bloom in you, sending you off beautiful and ready for motherhood. Retreat.jpg


Congrats :win: well if you need to go back longer means your bb is healthy, good should be happy.

I heard that in first trimester, bb is only taking nutrient from our blood, only in second tri we should take more good food. I'm taking only fresh soya milk or cows milk now.

Yes my friend bought a stretch cream early and she says it helps, Im applying now almost daily, it help to keep our skin supple to prevent over stretching.

Im sure you will have a healthy pregnancy.


New Member
But i foresee myself worrying daily as i am very paranoid... I will always wonder if the little one inside me is doing well...
I asked my gynae if it's alright to start taking milk for mums at such an early stage.. she said yes! I drink loads of vitasoy now... I prefe processed soya milk/milk to fresh ones cause i read that processed is better.. Right until now, me being pregnant hasn't quite sunk in yet.. It all feels so unreal... I can't imagine myself being someone's mum so soon neither can i believe that there's a little baby growing inside me.. low self esteem i guess... but the least i could do now is to take good care of my body now.. doing the best that i can..
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Don't be worry dear, i should be more worried cos i got an MC before. As long as there is no blood you are safe, even if there is blood and it goes away soon, bb is ok also.
You are still young and strong if you worried what about mums who are unable to get preggy and finally gets one at 40+?
At least we get preggy the natural way, while so many wonder every month when are they going to have a bb :we2arghh:
The truth is you are pregnant now so get used to it, you might be young but then you will realize you have grown up once giving birth, if your hubby ready ? If he is then ask him to give u more support.
Pregnant tends to be more emo, so try to think of happy things, dont be too stress, not good for bb.


New Member
My relationship with my Husband to be isn't good... We have very different views and resulting in me crying almost every other day.. He always stresses me out. He claims that he's ready but he doesnt seem to be ready at all. I've even reached a point on going to see a psychiatrist cause i'm so upset and i feel so useless in life... I have the baby's dad with me but i just wish that he would be more supportive instead of stressing me out over financial issues.. sigh... Truth is.. I'm not even sure if he is the one i want to end up marrying...


Dear you must know as a young couple, you are not ready so is he, you are confuse so is he.
Even now my hubby is also very stressed financially. If he is stress it means he wants to provide for you, and think of how to take better care of you.
Now you are lost because of all these happening and very insecure, I believe it is now that you need more support and believe me, being a single mother is not easy, so try to improve the relationship.
Is this a planned or unplanned pregnancy ? Once the bb is born trust me everything will melt away, my friend dislike kids, she hates them, but she changed when her first boy was born and she have two now.
Try to go somewhere that both and your husband to be likes, relax and talk things not, dont make it that everyday its about your fears, your worries and why he dont understand. The fact is men cannot understand what women wants because they think differently, ever notice when you complain to a guy he keeps giving you solution while all you want is some words of comfort ? If he does not understand make him, even married couple of 20years are still unable to read each others minds

Jia you :wong25::wong25::wong25::wong25:


New Member
Unplanned. He told me i can leave after i give birth, give the child to him and go pursue my own happiness. It's really hurting to hear words like that. I keep trying to make him understand but he never does.. I want a guy to make me happy when i'm sad not make me sadder when im sad... He hardly ever gives in now... I really dont know what to do about him anymore... sigh.


I always believe a outsider see it best, i hardly know you but I'm only hearing your point of view.
A lot of things can be said during an argument. Maybe he says he is ready and you keep saying you do not believe, or ask him what can he give u, it hurts him too.
Try to ask your friends, if they think he will be a good hubby. Its a huge commitment to have a kid at a young age.


Hi clarbie,

I do not really know what happened to you and your hubby but I think anything can be solved when u both can sit down and talk about it... Problems will always be there, but u both have to sit down to talk. If u both do not communicate, it will come to drain.. u are preg and it cannot be changed even if is unplanned. So what is unplanned? There are still many things u will wish to look forward to during this pregnancy, I.e. every visit to the gynae to see the scan and ensure the Lil one is doing well.. and u will also want to buy somethings for the Lil one as parents.

It is not easy to be a single mom, talk to your hubby. If really can't help, find a counselor. Speak to a 3rd party will definitely be better than u are dealing it yourself.

Cheer up. U are not alone. Every mommies will be here for you... Everything will be fine when there's communication... :eek:


New Member
Hey all,
I had a miscarriage on 14 March and i guess i would be closing this thread down as it is too painful for me. I thank you all for the replies, encouragement and advises Thank you and god bless ya :/


Clarbie:770756 said:
Hey all,
I had a miscarriage on 14 March and i guess i would be closing this thread down as it is too painful for me. I thank you all for the replies, encouragement and advises Thank you and god bless ya :/
Cheer up....


Hey all,
I had a miscarriage on 14 March and i guess i would be closing this thread down as it is too painful for me. I thank you all for the replies, encouragement and advises Thank you and god bless ya :/
Jia you girl, you are still young can have lots of babies in future, dont give up hope and take care of yourself


Anyone looking for cf lady? I have a good one to intro: Aunty Mary
Very experience lady that knows all sorts of confinement food, methods to reduce jaundice in baby within short period, food to take if baby is having jaudice, etc.
She also does post natal massage and is really a full time cf lady that does not need the mummy to take care of bb during the feeds including night time.

Different food menu for everyday ...

She is really a one-stop station for everyone ...

Contact her at 82619739 or +60167421551



I am letting go 6 bottles of my fermented red rice wine cos was not a wine eater afterall
This is suitable for confinement usage to cook
Interested please contact me at 97688844


View attachment 102712


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New Member
Hi Mummies-to-be!

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estimated due date
