Glucose tolerance test


Hi Moms ,

Anyone has gone through this test before?
Glucose tolerance test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Doctor at KK told me that since I am an Indian , I maybe prone to Diabetes and need to do a glucose tolerance test on me.

I MUST eat first thing in the morning. And if I dun eat, I will vomit. The glucose tolerance test requires me to fast overnight and the nurses will take blood at 8a.m and I need to drink a glucose solution within a 5 minute time frame - 1 big cup and wait till 10a.m and then come for the the 2nd round of blood test. In between I cannot vomit or the test cannot be done.

I am eating eveytime the test is done cos I MUST eat or else I vomit. I really dun know how to overcome this as the Doctor wants me to do test.

Mrs Chandran
same as me. today i went to KK for my check up. doctor says suspected high sugar level. cos of my urine test. but not sure is it because i ate macdonald's for breakfast in the morning and straight test my urine test. i was quite depress when i heard that i might not be able to have a smooth delivery cos worry my baby is too big if i have gestional diabetes. so im scheduled to do a GTT this coming thursday at 830am.

i get hungry very easily. especially even when i am sleeping in the night. i will have to wait up to get my stomach filled if not baby kerissa will start kicking till i can't sleep. but for the sake of making sure that she's safe, and i'm not having any diabetes due to my young age. and also a peace of mind. i will make sure i eat full before 12am on wednesday night. till the next morning.

i wonder if we will get the results on the same day? or we have to wait. cause of this. i cried almost half a day till my hubby assure me over and over again.

do you think its because i ate macdonalds' on both occasional when my urine sugar lvl is high? thats y affect the results?


I had Gestational Diabetes since 5th month. Didn't pass the urine test so had to go for OGTT. I was high risk due to family history, overweight and age, but I took my health for granted. Was hungry during 1st and 2nd trimester and ate too much carbo. Carbo is one of the reasons for high sugar level other than sugar intake.

Well, for the sake of my baby, I had to endure. Was put on a meal plan that restricted carbo and sugar intake. Went for daily walks. Managed to control sugar levels with diet and exercise without medication/insulin, till final month took oral medication to help control. I was also depressed upon knowing my condition and cried whenever my sugar levels could not go down...

If the gynae feels that it's necessary to test, better do it to play safe. I did my test at private hospital so results within a few hours. 8.30am draw blood and drink the glucose, 10.30am draw blood, 12.30pm see gynae to review results.

All the best and jia you!
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I'm also scheduled for a glucose tolerance test in my next app ... Cuz my urine test turns out to have a bit of sugar... N my family history gt diabeties e doc say I need to take the blood test. Before gg for the urine test tt morn I also eat mac breakfast!! Lol.. But so far the baby is fine the doc says... Think of the coming blood test so sianz...
My family got no history of diabetes , really hope is the msc breakfast that cause our sugar lvl to be high . Tmr my test . 12am must start fasting le.


Well-Known Member
my grandparent has diabetic though my parent has none but i am still scheduled for one cos BB is big and put quite fair bit of weight in one month... i passed all the urine test but on the safe side gynae still want me to take the test next month...hopefully the BB is big size due to gene not because of diabetic and hopefully can get the result witin hrs as i will be doing it at gynae clinic which is also in hospital

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
Hey gals, don't worry abt it....I had the GTT done too @ KKH and failed the test when I was pregnant two yrs ago and my gynae later scheduled me to go for a course where I can control my diet and as well as to monitor my glucose level

I think the course is a good thing tht happened at least it taught me to eat healthy even till now....certain foods which we might think is healthy but it is not is also taught

Stay positive, you also want to be healthy to take care of bb too........


What is this test for? Every visit to the gynae.. i got take a urine test.. my grandparents have diabetes too and i have already informed my gynae as well.. but so far she nvr ask me to do any GTT? When is this test supposed to be taken? 2nd trim or 3rd trim?


Well-Known Member
What is this test for? Every visit to the gynae.. i got take a urine test.. my grandparents have diabetes too and i have already informed my gynae as well.. but so far she never ask me to do any GTT? When is this test supposed to be taken? 2nd trim or 3rd trim?
this test is to see whether have we developed G.D ... the urine test which we did every visit is not detailed enuff. there is no fixed rule and it is not compulsory to take but as a precaution i notice most MTB did it in 2nd trim
for me as mentioned i need to do cos of grandparent history and my BB is big so no choice but to do it...


this test is to see whether have we developed G.D ... the urine test which we did every visit is not detailed enuff. there is no fixed rule and it is not compulsory to take but as a precaution i notice most MTB did it in 2nd trim
for me as mentioned i need to do cos of grandparent history and my baby is big so no choice but to do it...
i better ask my gynae during my next visit! how much is the test?


Dont worry... its a very common test, below $50 think....

Those who going for urine test, try dun eat anything first.... eating/ drinking sweet drinks tend to have "sugar" content...

For the diabetics test, u die die have to fast.... dun get depress, so many ppl can go through it, so can u, dun keep thinking abt it, the more u think u will vomit/ can't fast, the more u can't do it.... juz bear with it and get through it once and for all...

I wanted to vomit after drinking the water, i tell myself can't!!! vomit = redo another day, = waste time...

If u fail the test, u have to go to a course to teach u control diet.... and u are to report to them what u eat everyday, and have to go back to review, very very troublesome(tats why i think)... some have to inject insulin(rare case).... and u have to prick urself and test ur blood sugar(7 times a day, once a week)... this is then called depressing.... by the end of the day, ur fingers are pain.... But i always skip the test haha my hubby see me so depressing then ask me stop it... and i skip reviews too... (my sister in law nv went for the course, she refuse, as it cost few hundred $$ although can be deduct by medisave, she also end up ok, with a health baby)

I went for review 1 time only, and i nv went back, i feel waste of $$, need go see the nurtrutionist, $9 each time.... waste time and $.... control my diet,

but juz take note of what u eat will do... dun worry too much, walk more and ur sugar will "digest" faster...

SO end of story, dun worry, be happy, dun affect ur baby.... juz take note what u eat, and walk more, even if fail the test, its not end ofthe world.... so many of us also went through it, if we can, so can u....

be happy!


Wow.Thats alot of information in this forum..Enlightened.. Thanks. My test is on 070910. No gestational Diabetes for me BUT Doc want to do a Glucose tolerance test to be on the safe side...sigh.

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
I ate biscuits and drank a pkt of milk at 10plus and sleep. 5.5hrs to go ! How to survive ?? Hungry now already. Haisss

Even if you are hungry you have to tolerate it......cos' I am sure you don't want to retest again?

Tht time when I went for the test, I saw a lady after drinking the glucose water, she vomited, but she nv tell the nurse leh......then the nurse oso don't know.......


my colleague sis after drinking the glucose drink, she went to toilet FORCED vomit the glucose out.. so she can pass the test (she knows she will fail, due to family history)

but i dun think we should do so.... might as well test it, and if really fail, even if dun wan to go to the course, at least we know we have gestational diabetics, we will take note... if not end up who suffer? baby and mother....

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
my colleague sis after drinking the glucose drink, she went to toilet FORCED vomit the glucose out.. so she can pass the test (she knows she will fail, due to family history)

but i dont think we should do so.... might as well test it, and if really fail, even if dont want to go to the course, at least we know we have gestational diabetics, we will take note... if not end up who suffer? baby and mother....

Yea I agree with tht............:red:
I manage to fast till 11am. I tell u. When u are hungry and drink the glucose water. U sure feel like vomiting. And when after drinking u smell food u feel like vomiting more!! It's so sweet and thick. Thankfully they pour half glass of water After u finish the glucose!! If by next Friday no calls means good news for me!!